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The subclassification of alpha- and beta-adrenoceptors has resulted in many opportunities for drug discovery. Important adrenoceptor targets include beta(2)-agonists as bronchodilators, beta(1) or beta(1)/beta(2) antagonists as antihypertensives, centrally acting alpha(2)-agonists for a variety of applications and alpha(1)-antagonists for hypertension and benign prostatic hyperplasia. The pharmacology and nomenclature of 9 adrenoceptors is now established, with alpha(1), alpha(2) and beta-adrenoceptors being divided into three subtypes each. It is unlikely that additional discrete adrenoceptor sequences will be identified; however the presence of "affinity states" can give rise to tissue specific differences in pharmacology for a specific subtype. Polymorphisms and splice variants of adrenoceptors continue to be identified; in some cases these modifications can affect pharmacological characteristics and could influence the efficacy of adrenoceptor-targeted therapy. Selective antagonists are now available of all 9 adrenoceptor subtypes. Although these will not all have therapeutic application, the availability of improved pharmacologic tools could lead to the identification of new adrenoceptor targets.  相似文献   

1 Conditions under which transmission in rat isolated superior cervical ganglia may be affected by activation of presynaptic alpha- and beta-adrenoceptors have been investigated by means of an extracellular recording method. 2 Clonidine caused a small hyperpolarization of the ganglia (mean EC50 approximately 2 nM) in unstimulated preparations; with continuous preganglionic stimulation at 0.2 Hz, clonidine markedly decreased the height of the compound action potential (mean EC50 approximately 18 nM). 3 Phentolamine (0.1-3 microM) per se increased the height of the compound action potential by up to 15%, and antagonized the inhibitory effects of adrenaline and clonidine. 4 Using a higher frequency of stimulation (0.5 Hz), the effect of phentolamine (1 microM) was unchanged, whereas the inhibitory effectiveness of adrenaline on the height of the compound action potential was reduced. 5 (+/-)-Propranolol (0.1 microM) did not affect the height of the compound action potential, whereas the inhibitory effects of high concentrations of adrenaline were enhanced. 6 During an infusion of clonidine (1 microM), adrenaline (1-100 microM) and, less effectively, noradrenaline (10-100 microM) increased the height of the compound action potential by up to 14%; these effects were antagonized by propranolol (0.1 microM). 7 In the presence of noradrenaline (10 and 30 microM) adrenaline (100 microM) caused a small (up to 5%) enhancement of the height of the compound action potential. 8 The results obtained are consistent with the existence of presynaptic alpha- and beta-adrenoceptors on preganglionic terminals. The alpha-adrenoceptor may be part of a trans-synaptic inhibitory feedback. mechanism; however the functional role of the facilitatory beta-adrenoceptor is not clear.  相似文献   

1 Guinea-pig gall bladder strips were contracted by (-)-noradrenaline, 10(-5) M, and by field stimulation at 5 Hz (in the absence or presence of 10(-6) M atropine) and relaxed to 10(-5) M (-)-isoprenaline. (-)-Adrenaline, 10(-5) M, predominantly contracted, but sometimes relaxed, this preparation. 2 In the presence of 10(-6) M phentolamine, contractions to (-)-noradrenaline and to (-)-adrenaline were reversed to relaxations. The relaxations produced by (-)-isoprenaline were unaltered. In the presence of 10(-6) M propranolol, contractions to (-)-noradrenaline increased in magnitude, relaxations to (-)-adrenaline were reversed to contractions, and relaxations to (-)-isoprenaline were abolished. These results demonstrate the presence of postsynaptic alpha-adrenoceptors which mediate contractions, and postsynaptic beta-adrenoceptors which initiate relaxations, in the guinea-pig gall bladder. 3 The contractile responses to continuous field stimulation for 5 min at 5 Hz in Krebs solution alone were reduced in magnitude by propranolol, 10(-6) M. In the presence of 10(-6) M atropine (added to eliminate the cholinergic component of the response), propranolol, 10(-6) M, had no effect on responses to stimulation at 5 Hz. Thus propranolol reduced the response to cholinergic stimulation in this tissue; the basis of this effect is unclear. In the absence or presence of atropine (10(-6) M), the responses to 5 Hz were smaller in magnitude in the presence than absence of phentolamine, 10(-6) M. This suggests that the responses to field stimulation of the guinea-pig gall bladder may, in part, be due to the release of endogenous noradrenaline which acts at postsynaptic alpha-adrenoceptors.  相似文献   

N-ethylmaleimide which is known to react irreversibly with free -SH groups of protein when incubated with rabbit aorta (alpha-adrenoreceptor) or atria (beta-adrenoreceptor) markedly depressed the dose-response curves of norepinephrine isomers in the aorta but not in atria. Dithiothreitol, a reagent which reduces S-S linkages caused a parallel shift of the dose-response curves of both isomers to an equal degree in aorta. However, in atria the reagent drastically and selectively reduced the maximal effects of (+)-norepinephrine and dopamine. This selective alteration of the (+)-isomer by the reagent probably reflects the conformational changes at the beta-adrenoreceptor. The concentrations of N-ethylmaleimide and dithiothreitol required to alter the activity of norepinephrine isomers was higher for atria than for aorta. It may be that alpha-adrenoreceptors are more susceptible than the beta-adrenoreceptors on the -SH group selective reagents. In the highest concentration tested, two other reagents 2,4-dimethoxybenzylamine and N-acetylimidazole, did not influence the activity of the steroisomers on aorta. In the presence of dithiothreitol, the pharmacologic effects of a nonadrenoreceptor stimulant drug, histamine was potentiated on aorta (H1) and not on atria (H2). Results are discussed in the light of similarity and dissimilarity of adrenoreceptors as reflected by the group selective reagents and the stereoisomers.  相似文献   

Two studies were performed each in six normal volunteers in order to find evidence of either a physiological or pharmacological role of presynaptic alpha- and presynaptic beta-adrenoceptors in man. In Study 1 subjects received a 60 min infusion of guanfacine 3 mg (alpha 2-adrenoceptor agonist) preceded by either idazoxan (alpha 2-adrenoceptor antagonist) or vehicle. Guanfacine reduced plasma noradrenaline concentration by approximately 30% and this fall was not antagonised by the alpha 2-receptor antagonist. The 30-fold increase in plasma growth hormone, measured as a marker of the central action of guanfacine, was almost completely blocked by idazoxan. A comparison of the drug concentrations of idazoxan and guanfacine, together with their relative affinities for alpha 2-adrenoceptors, suggested that the idazoxan could not block the peripheral actions of guanfacine and that these were responsible for the fall in plasma noradrenaline concentration. In Study 2 adrenaline 0.05 micrograms kg-1 min-1 was infused for 80 min preceded by either idazoxan or vehicle. After vehicle, adrenaline caused no change in plasma noradrenaline concentration whereas it rose approximately 25% after administration of idazoxan. This was probably due to unmasking of presynaptic beta-adrenoceptor stimulation by adrenaline when the opposing inhibitory autoreceptor was blocked.  相似文献   

1 Labetalol (AH 5158A) inhibited the adrenaline-stimulated adenylate cyclase activity of rat liver and heart. This drug had no effect on basal or guanosine triphosphate (GTP)-activated adenylate cyclase activities. 2 Labetalol displaced the binding of the specific ligands [3H]-dihydroergocryptine and (-)-[3H]-dihydroalprenolol from their respective alpha and beta-adrenoceptors in rat heart and liver. The affinity of labetalol was 10 fold higher for the beta- than for the alpha-adrenoceptor. It appeared to be 10 to 100 times less potent than phentolamine in blocking alpha-adrenoceptors and 5 to 10 times less potent than propranolol in blocking beta-receptors. 3 It is concluded that labetalol exerts its dual alpha- and beta-antagonism by acting directly on the plasma membranes, where it binds competitively to alpha- and beta-adrenoceptors.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of isoprenaline, Ca2+ and phenylephrine (in the presence of propranolol) on force of contraction were studied in isolated electrically driven papillary muscles of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and age-matched (14–18 weeks) Wistar Kyoto control rats (WK). Cardiac alpha- and beta-adrenoceptors were characterized by radioligand binding studies. The positive inotropic effect of isoprenaline in SHR was less effective than in control rats. The EC50 values did not differ in both groups. In SHR, isoprenaline was less effective than Ca2+ to increase force of contraction whereas in WK it had the same effectiveness as Ca2+. The positive inotropic effect of phenylephrine in the presence of propranolol was similar in SHR and WK. In SHR, both the densities of cardiac alpha- and betaadrenoceptors were reduced. In beta-adrenoceptor binding experiments, the nonhydrolysable GTP analog Gpp(NH)p caused a rightward shift of agonist competition curves of isoprenaline. Biphasic competition curves revealed a similar percentage of low and high affinity sites in SHR and WK, respectively. In alpha-adrenoceptor binding experiments, Gpp(NH)p caused no detectable shift of agonist competition curves with norepinephrine. It is suggested that cardiac beta-adrenoceptor down-regulation is involved in the reduced positive inotropic effect of isoprenaline in SHR. Functional uncoupling of beta-adrenoceptors does not appear to be involved in the reduced beta-adrenoceptor-mediated positive inotropism in SHR. Binding studies do not show evidence for a large number of alpha-adrenoceptors coupling to a guanine-nucleotide binding protein in the rat heart. Finally, in ventricular myocardium of SHR, cardiac alpha-adrenoceptors do not serve as a reserve mechanism during impaired beta-adrenergic stimulation. Instead, it is assumed that in SHR not only beta- but also alpha-adrenoceptors are subject to receptor down-regulation.Send of fprint requests to M. Böhm at the above address  相似文献   

In the present study the effects of the antihypertensive drug urapidil on cardiac adrenoceptors in various regions of the heart were analyzed. On the isolated rabbit papillary muscle urapidil was found to produce a competitive antagonism against the alpha 1-agonist phenylephrine with a pA2-value of 6.4 in the presence of the beta-antagonist sotalol (5 X 10(-5) mol/l). In the same preparation urapidil also antagonized the positive inotropic effects evoked by the beta-adrenoceptor agonist isoprenaline yielding a pA2-value of 5.9. An antagonism against the positive inotropic effect of isoprenaline with the same pA2-value could also be demonstrated in guinea pig left atria. For further characterization of urapidil its effect against the beta 2-adrenoceptor agonist fenoterol on the carbachol contracted tracheal chain of the guinea pig was investigated. A weak antagonism with a pA2-value of 4.9 was observed. Thus the beta 1-adrenolytic potency of urapidil was found to be about 10 times higher than the beta 2-adrenolytic one. On the isolated perfused rabbit heart urapidil inhibited the electrically evoked increase in heart rate by 27 and 63% in a concentration of 10(-6) and 10(-5) mol/l, respectively, whereas the stimulation induced noradrenaline release was increased by 25 and 51%. This rise in noradrenaline release by urapidil was antagonized by clonidine 10(-7) and 10(-6) mol/l. From these results it can be concluded that urapidil acts not only as an antagonist at cardiac alpha 1- and beta-adrenoceptors, but also on alpha 2-adrenoceptors located presynaptically. The antagonism at these receptors against endogenous noradrenaline leads to an enhanced transmitter release.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Cumulative dose-response curves were constructed for the effect of norepinephrine (NE) and isoproterenol (ISO) on the contractions of uterine strips from proestrous, estrous and metestrous rats. Both adrenergic agonists inhibited uterine spontaneous contractions in all three stages of the cycle. However strips isolated from estrous rats were more sensitive to the inhibitory action of NE or ISO than preparations obtained from proestrous or metestrous animals. It was also observed that PGF-like material released by uterine horns was significantly higher during estrus than during proestrus or metestrus, whereas PGE-like material was significantly higher in metestrus than in estrus or proestrus. The EC50 of NE and ISO and the amount of PGF-like material generated by uterine horns correlated significantly during the three stages of the sex cycle. No correlation was found between the β-adrenergic inhibitory action of catecholamines and the PGE-like material released in the medium. A sub-threshold dose of PGF (10?10 M) shifted to the left the dose-response curves to NE of strips isolated from metestrous rats. When the tissue was pretreated with indomethacin and propranolol the dose-response curve to NE showed a clear shift to the left. On the other hand, the combination of indomethacin and propranolol shifted the NE dose-response curve to the right in the presence of sub-threshold doses of PGF. Dose-response curves to methoxamine were constructed in the presence or absence of several PGs using uterine strips isolated from estrous rats. With indomethacin, a threshold dose of PGE1 (10?8 M) and PGE2 (10?8 M) shifted to the left the control curve of methoxamine, whereas PGF (10?8 M) shifted the curve to the right. The interaction between sex hormones, PGs and catecholamines acting on α- and β-adrenoceptors in the isolated rat uterus is discussed.  相似文献   

The autonomic receptors in the rat kidney were characterized using the radioligands [3H]prazosin, [3H]clonidine, [3H]dihydroalprenolol (DHA) and [3H]quinuclidinyl benzilate (QNB). The specific binding of [3H]prazosin, [3H]clonidine, [3H]DHA and [3H]QNB to rat kidney membranes was saturable and of high affinity, and showed a pharmacological specificity as well as stereospecificity which characterized renal alpha 1-, alpha 2- and beta-adrenoceptors and muscarinic cholinoceptors, respectively. There was a relatively greater density of alpha-adrenoceptors than beta-adrenoceptors or muscarinic cholinoceptors in the rat kidney. Chemical sympathectomy of rats with 6-hydroxydopamine X HBr (6-OHDA, 50 X 2 mg/kg i.v., 24 h interval) caused a significant increase (21-56%) in the Bmax values for renal [3H]prazosin, [3H]clonidine and [3H]DHA binding at 1 and 2 weeks following the treatment, without a change in the Kd values. 6-OHDA treatment had no significant effect on the Kd and Bmax values for [3H]QNB binding at 1-3 weeks after the treatment. The norepinephrine (NE) concentration was reduced (68-76%) in the 6-OHDA-treated rat kidney. In conclusion, the present study provides biochemical evidence for the possible localization of postsynaptic alpha 1-, alpha 2- and beta-adrenoceptors and muscarinic cholinoceptors in the rat kidney and also for the regulation of these adrenoceptors by the sympathetic nervous system.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to examine the selectivity of 3H-CGP-12177 (4-(3-t-butylamino-2-hydroxypropoxy)-[5,7-3H]benzimidazole-2-one hydrochloride) for beta 1- and beta 2-adrenergic receptors by the Scatchard and the displacement analysis. The plots of specific binding obtained from the Scatchard analysis using 3H-CGP12177 for the rat myocardium membrane were uniphasic when the non-specific binding was determined by the use of 10 microM I-propranolol, and the Kd and Bmax values were 408.53 +/- 67.20 pM and 12.27 +/- 0.83 fmoles/mg protein, respectively. On the other hand, two binding sites were observed in the displacement curve when I-metoprolol was used as a competitor. The existence of these two binding sites implied the selectivity of 3H-CGP12177 to beta-adrenoceptors because 3H-CGP12177 was 1.8-fold more selective towards beta 1-adrenoceptors than beta 2-adrenoceptors. In addition, these two binding sites could be regarded as beta 1- and beta 2-adrenergic receptors from the evaluation of the binding characteristics beta-adrenoceptors by the displacement analysis using beta-selective antagonists. Thus, 3H-CGP12177, a hydrophilic radioligand, was useful for the binding assay of beta-adrenoceptors in rat myocardial membranes.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to delineate the distribution of beta-adrenoceptor density in the cat heart, with an emphasis on areas within the left ventricle. beta-Adrenoceptor densities, determined for hearts obtained from five cats, were not significantly different in the left and rights atria, i.e. 47.6 +/- 7.2 and 32.8 +/- 7.5 fmol/mg protein, respectively. beta-Adrenoceptor densities for the septum and right ventricle were 105.4 +/- 15.0 and 65.0 +/- 14.0 fmol/mg protein, respectively. The beta-adrenoceptor density for the proximal distribution of the left anterior descending artery LV1, distal distribution of the left anterior descending artery LV2 and posterior wall of the left ventricle LV3 were: 81.3 +/- 11.5, 145.1 +/- 20.8 and 165.4 +/- 35.8 fmol/mg protein, respectively. Thus, the distribution of the beta-adrenoceptor densities was greatest in the apex of the left ventricle. The data suggest that there are regional differences in the beta-adrenoceptor densities among the areas of the heart and within the left ventricle. These differences may be related to functional differences.  相似文献   

The possible existence of atypical beta-adrenoceptors in vascular smooth muscle of rat isolated thoracic aorta was investigated. Isoprenaline (10(-8)-10(-4) M) produced concentration-dependent relaxation of phenylephrine (10(-5) M) precontracted rings of endothelium-denuded rat aorta in vitro. Isoprenaline-induced relaxation was resistant to blockade by atenolol (10(-6) M). But, propranolol (2 x 10(-7) M) caused a non-competitive inhibition and SR 59230A (6.6 x 10(-6) M), a beta3-adrenoceptor selective antagonist, failed to produce additional antagonism in presence of propranolol. BRL 37344 (10(-8)-10(-4) M), a beta3-selective agonist, did not relax ring segments precontracted with phenylephrine (10(-5) M) in the absence of endothelium. The non-conventional partial agonist (-)-cyanopindolol (5 x 10(-6)-10(-4) M) induced a marked relaxation in phenylephrine (10(-5)M) precontracted aortic rings without endothelium. This vasodilation was resistant to blockade by propranolol (2 x 10(-7) M) and SR 59230A (10(-5) M). Salbutamol (10(-8)-10(-4) M) produced concentration-dependent relaxation in isolated endothelium-denuded aortic rings precontracted with phenylephrine (10(-5) M). Propranolol (2 x 10(-7) M), but not atenolol (10(-6) M), inhibited this relaxant response. It is concluded that in endothelium-denuded thoracic aorta, salbutamol acts through beta2-adrenoceptors whereas isoprenaline seems to activate both beta2-adrenoceptors and an atypical beta-adrenergic receptor. This atypical beta-adrenoceptor is distinct from putative beta3-adrenoceptor and maybe resembles the reported fourth cardiac beta-adrenoceptor.  相似文献   

1. Homogenate binding studies and receptor autoradiography have been used to examine the binding characteristics and localization of propranolol-resistant (-)-[125I]-cyanopindolol (CYP) binding sites in rat ileum. 2. Saturation studies with (-)-[125I]-CYP and homogenates of rat ileum identified a site with pKD 8.89 +/- 0.08 and Bmax = 50.3 +/- 4.1 fmol mg-1 protein (n = 6). Both beta 1- and beta 2-adrenoceptors (AR) were not detected in these preparations. 3. (-)-Isoprenaline infusion (400 micrograms kg-1 h-1) for 14 days caused no significant change in the density of (-)-[125I]-CYP binding which was 48.9 +/- 12.8 and 40.6 +/- 12.3 fmol mg-1 protein in control and isoprenaline-treated animals respectively (n = 6) (P = 0.97). 4. Competition for (-)-[125I]-CYP binding in the presence of 0.1 microM (-)-propranolol gave affinity values for CYP, tertatolol, alprenolol, ICI 118551 and CGP 20712A that correspond to known affinities at atypical beta-ARs. Stereoselectivity ratios for tertatolol and alprenolol were low. 5. Autoradiographic localization of propranolol resistant (-)-[125I]-CYP binding showed sites associated with the mucosa and to a lesser extent to the muscularis. A small population of beta 2-ARs were detected located predominantly in the longitudinal and circular smooth muscle layers. 6. This study identifies an (-)-[125I]-CYP binding site in rat ileum that is resistant to blockade by propranolol (0.1 microM), is located predominantly in the mucosa, shows resistance to downregulation by isoprenaline and has binding characteristics of the atypical beta-AR.  相似文献   

The affinity and functional effects of isoxsuprine enantiomers were investigated to determine the enantiospecificity of the beta-agonistic and alpha-blocking effects. Functional assays on isolated smooth muscle preparations from equine common digital artery were performed to determine the apparent affinity (pD(2)) and intrinsic activity (alpha(E)) of (-)erythro-isoxsuprine (alphaS, betaR, gammaR) and (+)erythro-isoxsuprine (alphaR, betaS, gammaS). The affinity of two enantiomers for the different adrenoceptor types was studied by radioligand binding assays on membrane preparations from the same tissue, using (-)[(3)H]CGP12177 and [(3)H]prazosin. On noradrenaline-precontracted artery preparations (-)isoxsuprine was markedly more potent than (+)isoxsuprine in dilating preparations, indicating that the laevorotatory enantiomer has a very high apparent affinity for alpha-adrenoceptors. Binding studies confirmed that (-)isoxsuprine has a higher affinity than (+)isoxsuprine for alpha-adrenoceptors, while the (+) isomer competes for beta-adrenoceptors with an affinity similar to that of propranolol. As described for other beta-phenylethylamines, the two isoxsuprine enantiomers studied have different efficacies for alpha- and beta-adrenoceptors and the effects of the commercially available mixture of stereoisomers therefore depend on the density and functional importance of the adrenoceptor types present in the tissue studied. 1999 Academic Press.  相似文献   

1. The possible existence of atypical beta-adrenoceptors in vascular smooth muscle of the rat common carotid artery was examined in this study. 2. Isoprenaline produced concentration-dependent relaxation of noradrenaline (10(-7) M) precontracted ring segments of the carotid artery. The relaxation was not affected by endothelial denudation. 3. Propranolol (10(-8) M-3 x 10(-7) M) shifted the isoprenaline curve to the right without suppressing the maximum response. However, the slope (0.74) of the Schild plot was significantly (P < 0.05) less than 1. 4. Salbutamol (beta 2), CGP 12177 and BRL 37344 (beta 3) also concentration-dependently relaxed noradrenaline precontracted artery segments. These relaxations were not affected by propranolol (10(-7) M). Pretreatment of the artery segments with BRL 37344 did not desensitize the tissue to the relaxant effect of isoprenaline, CGP 12177 and salbutamol. 5. It is concluded that atypical beta-adrenoceptors exist in vascular smooth muscle of the common carotid artery.  相似文献   

Noradrenaline as well as the indirectly acting amines tyramine and phenethylamine either enhance or inhibit the twitch response of the transmurally stimulated, isolated guine-pig vas deferens, thus partly confirming previous reports. In both cases enhancement is annulled by alpha-adrenoceptor blockers. The twitch inhibition caused by noradrenaline is abolished by alpha- + beta2-adrenoceptor blockers, but not by either blocker alone. The inhibition caused by the indirectly acting amines is largely abolished by alpha-adrenoceptor blockers. Clonidine strongly inhibits the twitch. This effect if promptly removed by phentolamine. After blockade of the neurally induced twitch by tetrodotoxin, noradrenaline and the indirectly acting amines have no effect or slightly enhance the twitch elicited by transmural stimulation of the smooth muscle. It is concluded that exogenous noradrenaline acts on postjunctional stimulatory alpha-adrenoceptors and on inhibitory alpha- and beta2-adrenoceptors, which are presumably prejunctional. In the unstimulated preparation contracted by acetylcholine, noradrenaline causes further contraction which is changed into relaxation after phentolamine. This relaxation is abolished by butoxamine, suggesting that noradrenaline may also act on inhibitory postjunctional beta2-adrenoceptors. The twitch-inhibiting effect of endogenous noradrenaline, released by nerve stimulation or by indirectly acting amines, appears to be primarily mediated by prejunctional alpha-adrenoceptors.  相似文献   

The effects of altered thyroid state on catecholamine levels, adrenoceptor agonist potencies, and adenylate cyclase activity have been investigated using rat atria in an attempt to determine any correlation between thyroid-induced changes in these parameters. Hypothyroidism was associated with decreased growth rate, heart rate and weight, and hypertrophy of the thyroid gland; norepinephrine concentration in combined atria was also reduced. Hyperthyroid rats displayed tachycardia and marked cardiac hypertrophy, but unchanged atrial norepinephrine concentration. Measurements of inotropic potencies of phenylephrine, norepinephrine, and isoproterenol using paced left atria from hypothyroid rats indicated a possible increase in number, but not in affinity, of alpha-adrenoceptors relative to beta-adrenoceptors. The reverse was observed in hyperthyroidism. However, similar changes were not obtained when chronotropic responses to the three amines were examined using spontaneously beating right atrial preparations. Our results suggest that only in the hypothyroid state do alpha-adrenoceptors contribute significantly to the positive inotropic response to catecholamines. Adenylate cyclase activation by isoproterenol and fluoride ion was reduced in atrial membrane preparations from hypothyroid rats. Taken together, these results suggest that thyroid state modifies both pre- and post-junctional adrenergic mechanisms in rat atria.  相似文献   

A number of β-adrenoceptor blocking agents were tested for isoprenaline antogonism on rat adipose cells. The pA2 values were compared to pA2 values determined previously on guinea-pig atrial and tracheal preparations. Discrepancies between the results obtained and the hypothesis of Lands et al. (Nature, 214 (1967) 597) concenring the existence of two types of β-receptors are discussed. The classification of the lipolytic β-receptors as a β1-receptor is questioned and another hypothesis is put forward.  相似文献   

1 The antagonism by the beta-adrenoceptor blocking drugs, propranolol (non-selective) and practolol (beta-selective), of the cardiovascular actions of isoprenaline has been investigated in the rat. 2 All doses of practolol (0.1, 1 and 3 mg/kg) blocked the cardio-accelerator action of isoprenaline but only the largest dose blocked the vasodilator effect. 3 All doses of propranolol (0.01, 0.03 and 0.1 mg/kg) blocked the vasodilator effect of isoprenaline but only the largest dose diminished the tachycardia. 4 It is concluded that in the rat, as in other species, beta-adrenoceptors may be subdivided into beta 1 (cardiac) and beta 2 (peripheral vascular) types.  相似文献   

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