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原位肝移植术后胆道结石的临床研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 探讨原位肝移值术后胆道结石的诊治。方法 回顾性分析2000年1月至2003年1月完成的206例原位肝移值的临床资料,总结术后胆道结石的防治经验。结果11例病人术后并发胆道结石,发病率为5.3%。表现为颗粒样结石和胆泥两种形式。发生部位在胆总管者7例,在肝内胆道者1例。胆泥和颗粒样结石的首次诊断时间分别平均为138d和306d。胆道感染是胆道结石发作的主要症状。11例病例中有7例合并不同程度的胆道狭窄。主要依靠经“T”管照影或FRL、P(endoscopic reirograde cholangiopancreatography)术明确诊断。FRCP术是主要的非手术治疗手段,7例胆总管结石经1~3次ERCP术后痊愈。4例肝内胆道结石中合并弥漫性胆道狭窄者有3例,其中2例行再次肝移植术。结论 胆道狭窄是肝移植术后胆道结石的主要原因,胆道黏膜的缺血坏死合并胆道感染是胆泥形成的主要机制。ERCP术对胆总管绵石有良好疗效,对合并弥漫性胆道狭窄的肝内胆道结石病人肝脏再移值往往不可避免。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The optimal endoscopic treatment for anastomotic biliary strictures after deceased donor liver transplantation is undefined. Endoscopic therapy with conventional methods of biliary dilation and stent placement has been successful but often requires prolonged therapy. OBJECTIVE: To determine the outcomes of an aggressive endoscopic approach that uses endoscopic dilation followed by maximal stent placement. SETTING: Tertiary-care academic medical center. PATIENTS: Of 176 patients who underwent deceased donor liver transplantation between June 1999 and July 2004, 25 were diagnosed with anastomotic biliary strictures. INTERVENTIONS: Patients were treated endoscopically with a combined technique of balloon dilation and maximal stent placement. MAIN OUTCOME MEASUREMENTS: Treatment outcomes, including bileduct patency, a need for surgical intervention, morbidity, and mortality, were evaluated retrospectively. RESULTS: Endoscopic dilation followed by maximal stent placement was performed until resolution of strictures in 22 or 25 patients (88% immediate success on intent-to-treat analysis). Persistent resolution of strictures was achieved in 18 of these 22 patients. Re-treatment was successful in 2 of 4 patients with recurrent strictures. Overall, 20 or 22 patients who completed endoscopic therapy (91%) avoided surgical intervention. Medical duration of endoscopic treatment was 4.6 months. Patients with early onset strictures required a significantly shorter duration of endoscopic therapy (3 vs 9 months; P < .01). Multiple stent placement was not technically difficult, and no major complications were encountered. CONCLUSIONS: Aggressive endoscopic therapy with combined biliary dilation and maximal stent placement allows resolution of anastomotic biliary strictures after deceased donor liver transplantation in a relatively short period, with sustained success and minimal complications.  相似文献   

肝移植术后胆泥及胆结石形成原因分析   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
目的 探讨肝移植术后胆泥和胆结石形成的原因。方法 对13例肝移植术后发生胆泥和/或胆结石的临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果 13例发生胆泥和/或胆结石的时间为1.5-12个月(平均5.5个月),供肝热缺血时间平均为5.5min,冷缺血时间11.5h;UW液经门静脉灌注;胆道冲洗时间在热缺血后15-20min;11例供肝动脉与受者的肝动脉吻合,2例与结肠中动脉吻合。结论 肝移植术后发生胆泥及胆结石有多种原因,其中主要是缺血、灌注损伤及肝动脉供血不足。  相似文献   

Management of biliary tract complications following liver transplantation.   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
BACKGROUND: A review of biliary tract complications was performed in 32 patients who underwent liver transplantation by the Western Australian Liver Transplantation Service during a 2-year period. METHODS: A review was made of patient data collected prospectively, and confirmed by retrospective casenote review. RESULTS: A total of 30 patients (31 grafts) survived more than 2 days after transplantation, and of these 28 had an end-to-end biliary anastomosis. Analysis of these 28 patients found that eight of 17 patients with T-tubes had complications: three leaks at T-tube removal; two strictures and leaks; and three strictures. Six of 11 patients without a T-tube had complications: one leak; three strictures and leaks; and two strictures. Predisposing factors were present in eight of the 14 patients with biliary tract complications: hepatic artery stenosis in three; and one each with hepatic artery thrombosis; biliary calculi; donor-recipient bile duct mismatch; severe cellular rejection: and prolonged postoperative hypotension. Acute rejection, steroid-resistant rejection and cytomegalovirus infection were all significantly more common in those patients with biliary tract complications compared with those without. There was no difference in cold ischaemic time or donor age. Twelve of the 14 patients with biliary complications required endoscopic stenting with or without balloon dilation, and eight patients required radiological percutaneous drainage of bile collections. Only one patient required biliary reconstruction and two patients required re-transplantation. One patient died of uncontrolled infection. Of three patients who underwent choledochojejunostomy, biliary leak developed in two patients, both of whom required operative biliary and hepatic repair. One of the three patients died from disseminated Aspergillus infection. The median total hospital stay of patients with biliary complications was 61 days (range: 30-180 days) compared with 33.5 days (range: 22-70 days) for patients without. Of patients with end-to-end biliary anastomosis, 50% had biliary tract complications and more than half of these had predisposing factors. The majority of biliary complications were managed without the need for surgery. CONCLUSION: A total of 50% of patients with end-to-end biliary anastomosis had biliary tract complications. Biliary strictures presented later than leaks, and the majority of these complications were managed without the need for surgery.  相似文献   

We sought to estimate the effect of smoking on the biliary complication rate following orthotopic liver transplantation. We retrospectively evaluated the records of liver transplant recipients at our center from July 1, 1999 to October 26, 2007. Using Cox proportional hazards models, we estimated the time to the earliest biliary complication (leak or stricture) based on smoking exposure, as active, former, or lifetime nonsmoker, adjusting for other clinical factors. Overall, 409 liver transplant recipients were evaluated. The overall biliary complication rate was 37.7% (n = 154). Biliary complications included 66 anastomotic leaks, 60 anastomotic strictures, and 28 nonanastomotic lesions. ERCP was the primary diagnostic modality (n = 112). 18.1% of liver transplant recipients were active smokers (n = 74) and 42.8% were former smokers (n = 175). Active smokers were at greatest risk for biliary complications on unadjusted analysis (P = 0.022). After multivariable adjustment, active smokers had a 92% higher rate of biliary complication rates compared with lifetime nonsmokers (HR 1.92, 95% CI 1.07–3.43), but no difference was noted in the rate of complication resolution. Smoking clearly portends a significant risk of biliary complications following liver transplantation. Smoking status should be clearly defined when evaluating transplant candidacy and in counseling patients with cirrhosis.  相似文献   

原位肝移植术后胆道并发症治疗经验   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
目的总结原位肝移植术后胆道并发症的治疗经验。方法1999年2月至2004年2月,我中心采用胆总管-胆总管端端吻合术施行原位肝移植236例,96例采用置“T”管引流的胆管间断吻合;39例采用未置“T”管的胆管间断吻合技术;101例采用未置“T”管、前壁间断后壁连续的胆管吻合。结果全组术后32例(13·3%)发生胆道并发症,其中胆管狭窄24例(10·0%),胆漏6例(2·5%),胆管结石2例(0·8%)。3组胆道并发症发生率分别为17·7%、15·4%和7·9%,其中肝门部/肝内胆管狭窄发生率分别为8·3%,2·6%和1·0%。第3组胆道并发症发生率和胆管狭窄发生率显著降低(P<0·05)。20例胆管狭窄患者接受放射和/或内镜介入治疗,其中单纯吻合口狭窄治愈率90%,肝门部/肝内胆管狭窄治愈率60%。结论弃用“T”管的胆管前壁间断后壁连续的吻合方式能显著减少胆道并发症;非缺血相关性胆管吻合口狭窄和单纯肝门部胆管狭窄应首选介入治疗。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Biliary complications remain a major cause of morbidity and mortality in patients following liver transplantation. We sought to identify possible risk factors predisposing to biliary complications after OLT using duct-to-duct biliary reconstruction. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed 5 years of prospectively collected donor and recipient data between April 1999 and April 2004. We evaluated the presence of biliary complications, donor and recipient age, cold ischemia time, hepatic artery thrombosis, non-heart-beating donor (NHBD), and graft steatosis (>30%). The results were compared with a control group of OLT patients without biliary complications. RESULTS: Among 173 OLT recipients, biliary complications occurred in 28 patients (16.2%), of whom 12 were leaks, 15 strictures, and 1 a nonanastomotic intrahepatic stricture. The mortality following biliary complications was 11%, compared to 6% in the control group. CONCLUSION: Biliary complications remain a persistent problem in OLT. Analysis of risk factors identified hepatic artery thrombosis and steatosis as predisposing factors. With greater experience, NHBD livers may also prove to be at greater risk of biliary complications.  相似文献   

Biliary complications following liver transplantation are a cause of significant morbidity and mortality. During the period 1988–1993 ten cases of biliary complications occurred after 98 transplantations in 78 children. The complications were four bile leaks, three intrahepatic biliary strictures (one with recurrent cholangitis), two anastomotic biliary strictures (one with recurrent cholangitis) and one recurrent cholangitis. All leaks occurred within 6 weeks of transplantation whereas all strictures and cholangitic episodes occurred after 3 months. Two biliary complications (20%) — one intrahepatic and one anastomotic stricture — developed secondary to hepatic artery thrombosis. The incidence of biliary complications was 13.2% with whole liver grafts as compared to 6.7% with partial liver grafts and it was 4.3% with duct-to-duct anastomosis as compared to 12.0% with Roux-en-Y hepatico-jejunostomy. Seven children required intervention for management of biliary complications and three were managed conservatively. There were no deaths related to the biliary complications.  相似文献   

肝移植胆系并发症的防治   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
目的 探讨原位肝移植胆系并发症的预防及治疗。方法 回顾性分析1999年2月至2002年12月完成的95例次原位肝移植。门静脉、下腔静脉转流下原位肝移植12例,背驮式肝移植78例,活体部分肝移植5例。胆道重建:胆管对端吻合91例,放置胆道外引流55例,36例未放置胆道引流。胆管空肠Roux-en-Y吻合4例。胆管吻合及胆肠吻合应用5旬或6-0 Vicryl缝线或PDS缝线间断或连续缝合。术后以血清学检查、超声、胆道造影等手段随访。结果 共发生胆系并发症7例,发生率7.3%。2例术后7、10d吻合口胆漏,致胆汁性腹膜炎,再次手术引流。1例术后1个月胆管吻合口狭窄,内窥镜下支架内支撑治愈。2例拔除T管时胆漏,1例保守治愈,1例腹腔镜下缝合窦道、腹腔引流治愈。1例术后5个月因胆管消融、胆管炎死亡。1例术后10d因肝动脉血栓形成继发胆管坏死后死亡。74例随访1-42个月(平均11.4个月),胆道造影及(或)超声检查未见肝内外胆管狭窄,无胆泥、胆石形成,血清学检查提示肝功能状态良好。结论供肝切取时保护胆管黏膜及肝外胆管动脉供给,实现精细胆管黏膜对黏膜无张力对端吻合是预防胆系并发症的关键。内窥镜下狭窄段胆管扩张、内支撑是治疗肝移植肝外胆管狭窄的有效手段。  相似文献   

Abstract: Background: Strictures and concrements are the most common biliary complications following liver transplantation. Endoscopic treatment might not lead to a definitive cure in all patients, especially in strictures involving the biliary bifurcation. The aim of this study was to determine the efficacy and the long‐term outcome of hepaticojejunostomy (HJS) for post‐transplant biliary tract obstruction. Material and methods: Thirty‐seven patients were retrospectively studied for resolving of cholestasis and the incidence of recurring biliary obstruction. Results: Surgery was performed because of anastomotic strictures in 11, ischemic strictures at the donor common bile duct in seven, strictures involving the bile duct bifurcation in 10, hepatolithiasis without strictures in one and biliary cast formation diagnosed by endoscopic retrograde cholangiography or T‐tube cholangiography in eight patients. Cholestasis instantly improved in 82% of the patients. After a long‐term follow‐up of median 33 months (range 3–149), 28 of the patients (76%) required no further intervention for recurring biliary obstruction following HJS. Anastomotic strictures were observed in six (16%), recurring biliary concrements in two patients (5%). Conclusion: HJS did prevent recurrent biliary obstruction in the majority of the patients. We therefore recommend early HJS for complicated post‐transplant biliary tract obstruction not treatable by a limited number of endoscopic interventions.  相似文献   

肝脏移植术后胆道并发症的防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨原位肝移植术后胆道并发症的防治方法。方法回顾性分析我院2002年6月至2006年9月完成的160例肝移植资料,其中行胆管-空肠Roux-en-Y吻合术10例、胆管-胆管端端吻合术150例。术后超声、CT、MRI、胆道造影和血清学检查了解移植肝形态、血流动力学及肝功能。98例随访2~48个月。结果发生胆道并发症24例(18%),其中因肝动脉狭窄或栓塞引起的胆漏、胆道狭窄和肝内局限性坏死7例(5例经溶栓及内支架介入治疗后恢复、2例因肝功能衰竭并感染死亡);胆道狭窄8例(6例经再次手术和ERCP及PTCD胆道内、外支撑等介入治疗恢复、2例胆管消融并发胆管炎死亡);胆漏7例(6例经再次手术或超声引导下穿刺置管引流治愈、1例保守治愈);胆道铸型2例(均经再次手术治愈)。结论供肝的质量和完整的动脉采集及胆道黏膜的保护,精细的动脉和胆管吻合是预防肝移植术后胆道并发症的关键。肝动脉溶栓、ERCP及PTCD胆道内支撑等是治疗胆道并发症的有效手段。  相似文献   

肝移植术后胆道并发症的防治   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 探讨原位肝移植术后胆道并发症的预防与治疗.方法 对1995年5月至2006年12月中国医科大学附属第一医院183例肝移植患者术后胆道并发症的发生情况进行回顾性分析.结果 共发生胆道并发症15例,发生率为8.2%,其中近期并发症占6.0%(11例),远期并发症占2.2%(4例),未发生与肝动脉血栓形成有关的胆道并发症.15例中13例治愈,其中4例行经皮肝穿胆道造影(PTC)并留置支架管,8例行内镜逆行胰胆管造影(ERCP)并进行胆道冲洗及留置支架管,1例吻合口狭窄患者在外院行ERCP未成功而改行胆管空肠吻合术,均获治愈.2例因近期发生胆汁漏而行胆管-空肠Roux-en-Y吻合者最后均死于真菌感染,胆道并发症相关死亡率为1.1%.结论 采用腹腔器官联合快速切取技术可缩短供肝冷、热缺血时间,防止变异胆管和血管损伤,降低胆道并发症.肝移植术中注意保护胆总管的血运是减少胆道并发症的关键.PTC和ERCP结合留置支架管是非缺血型胆道并发症的主要治疗手段.  相似文献   

Khalaf H, Alawi K, Alsuhaibani H, Hegab B, Kamel Y, Azzam A, Albahili H, Alsofayan M, Al Sebayel M. Surgical management of biliary complications following living donor liver transplantation.
Clin Transplant 2011: 25: 504–510. © 2010 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Abstract: Background: Biliary complications (BC) account for much of the morbidities seen after living donor liver transplantation (LDLT). Surgical reconstruction might be necessary after the failure of endoscopic or percutaneous procedures. Methods: Between November 2002 and December 2009, a total of 76 LDLTs were performed. Six patients were excluded from statistical analysis because of early graft or patient loss. Results: Of 70, 26 (37.1%) developed BC; 12 (46.2%) were successfully managed by non‐surgical procedures, three (11.5%) died from BC‐related sepsis, one (3.8%) died from BC‐unrelated causes, and 10 (38.5%) underwent surgical reconstruction. Of those 10, four patients had single duct reconstruction, five patients had double ducts reconstruction, and reconstruction was abandoned in one patient because of hepatic artery thrombosis. After a median follow‐up period of 4.5 yr (0.1–6), seven (70%) remained well with no recurrent biliary problems, and three (30%) had recurrent BCs that were managed either conservatively or by retransplantation. Patients who underwent surgical reconstruction had significantly fewer hospital admissions, less need for invasive procedures, and shorter cumulative hospital stay (p < 0.05). Conclusions: In our experience, BCs after LDLT were frequently resistant to non‐surgical procedures. Surgical reconstruction is associated with fewer hospital admissions and less need for invasive procedures leading to reduced resources utilization.  相似文献   

肝移植术后胆道并发症的防治   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
目的:探讨肝移植术后胆道并发症的防治。方法:对7例终末期肝病(包括3例原发性肝癌)患者行原位肝移植,供肝除1例仅经门静脉灌注外,其余均经动脉及门静脉双重灌注。胆道重建采用胆道端端吻合6例,胆肠吻合1例。结果:3例出现胆道并发症,术后2w,发现1例T管周围胆漏,经放开T管后治愈;术后12d,1例出现胆漏,再次手术发现胆管从吻合口穿出,第2次术后腹腔感染一度控制,术后49d再次高热,术后52d死亡,尸检发现胆管坏死,胆漏,1例术后3d发生胆漏,昆充分引流治愈,术后4个月发现有胆泥,经口服溶石药等治疗,症状消失。结论:对供者动脉充分灌注,胆道充分冲洗,尽量减少对供者胆管血供的损害是预防胆道并发症的关键,而术后胆道并发症多经非手术或微创手术治愈。  相似文献   

目的:探讨肝移植术后胆漏的诊断及治疗方法。方法:回顾分析我院6例肝移植并发胆漏病人(男4例,女2例)的诊断及治疗。胆管重建方式为胆总管端端吻合术。1例为肝脏移植术后第3天T管脱落.1例术后3个月拔除T管后出现胆漏,4例为吻合121漏,其中2例合并胆管狭窄。5例非手术治疗,1例手术治疗。结果:6例胆漏中5例治愈,1例并发感染死亡。结论:术后及时诊断并阻止胆漏.感染恶性循环是治疗胆漏的关键。胆漏多可经非手术治愈。经非手术治疗失败者,应予积极手术治疗。  相似文献   

肝移植术后胆道结石及胆泥形成原因与诊治   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的探讨肝移植术后胆道结石及胆泥形成的原因及诊治方法。方法回顾性分析我院3例肝移植病人术后发生胆道结石及胆泥的临床资料。结果3例病人发生胆道结石或胆泥间隔时间为3~6个月。诊断主要通过T管造影以及ERCP或MRCP检查发现。1例采取内窥镜介入治疗,1例采取外科手术取石、胆道重建,还有1例则采取再次肝移植。2例成功取石,分别存活1年、2年,1例再次肝移植病人术后死于严重感染。结论肝移植术后发生胆道结石及胆泥主要与缺血一再灌注损伤、胆道冲洗不充分以及胆道供血不足等有关,胆道造影检查有利于及时诊断,放射介入治疗以及外科手术治疗是常用的治疗方法。  相似文献   

The biliary complications in patients undergoing biliary reconstruction by duct-to-duct (D-D) anastomosis or with a Roux-en-Y loop (RL) at the time of liver transplantation for primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC, 16 D-D, 10 RL) or primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC, 31 D-D, 1 RL) were reviewed and compared. Patients were followed up for a mean period of 32 months. Extrahepatic biliary strictures occurred in 18.7%, 10% and 9.7% of DD-PSC, RL-PSC and DD-PBC patients, respectively, leaks in 6.2%, 20% and 6.4% DD-PSC, RL-PSC and DD-PBC patients, respectively (P=NS). Four intrahepatic biliary abnormalities developed in the PSC group. Duct-to-duct anastomosis did not significantly increase the risk of stricture formation or bile leaks in PSC patients compared to PBC patients. We conclude that duct-to-duct biliary reconstruction following liver transplantation for PSC is satisfactory unless the distal common bile duct is strictured.  相似文献   

Biliary complications are one of the most important problems in liver transplantation. Regardless of various improvements of surgical technique, liver transplantation is associated with significant biliary problems. In this article, we have described a biliary anastomosis method with a continuous suture (CS) technique in the posterior wall and interrupted suture (IS) technique for the anterior wall. We performed this biliary reconstruction in 28 adult patients between September 2003 and August 2007. Prior to that time our procedure was a CS anastomosis for both the anterior and posterior walls. A 5-Fr catheter is inserted into the biliary system. The current biliary complication was 3 cases (13.0%) of stenosis at the anastomosis, which is lower than that for a CS anastomosis. This anastomosis reduced biliary complications and is simple.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection is known to cause ulceration and mucosal hemorrhage in the gastrointestinal tract. Gastroduodenal and biliary complications were prospectively evaluated in 100 consecutive liver transplant patients in whom CMV was monitored during the first posttransplant year. METHOD: Gastroduodenal biopsy specimens were taken from 36 patients by endoscopies and in 28 patients by endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography, and bile duct specimens were taken from three patients who underwent surgical reconstruction because of biliary complication. CMV was demonstrated from blood by the pp65 antigenemia test and from frozen sections of tissue specimens by immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization. RESULTS: Symptomatic CMV infection, treated with ganciclovir, developed in 49 recipients: 13 (100%) of CMV seropositive donor (D+) seronegative recipient (R-) cases, 29 (45%) D+/R+ cases, and 7 (32%) D-/R+ cases. Duodenal ulcer developed in three and hemorrhagic gastritis in three recipients. CMV antigens were found from the gastroduodenal mucosa in 37 (69%) of the 54 studied recipients. The biliary complication rate was 24%. Preceding or concomitant CMV antigenemia was demonstrated in 75% of patients with a biliary complication (68% in CMV D+/R+ or D-/R+ and 100% in D+/R- recipients). The biliary complication rate was higher among recipients with CMV antigenemia, compared with recipients without (P<0.05). CMV antigenemia, CMV infection, or both in the duodenal mucosa was found in 96% of patients with a biliary complication. In two patients who underwent surgical reconstruction, CMV antigens and DNA were demonstrated in the bile ducts. CONCLUSIONS: Liver transplant patients are at risk of developing biliary complications after CMV infection, especially those with primary CMV infection.  相似文献   

Surgery for living related-donor liver transplantation(LRDLT) is difficult compared with orthotopic whole-liver transplantation. It is necessary to find methods both to prevent and treat vascular and biliary complications. Interventional radiological procedures have been increasingly used in recent years for the diagnosis and nonsurgical treatment of these complications, with encouraging results. Vascular complications include technical device of stricture, obstruction, and thrombosis. Hepatic arterial reconstruction requires great skill in LRDLT, although in the author's experience a surgical loupe may suffice for reconstruction in adult LRDLT if the surgeon has sufficient experience in microvascular surgery. Early postoperative life-threatening vascular complications must be treated urgently, including further surgery. Recently duct-to-duct (D-D) biliary reconstruction has been performed in addition to hepatico-jejunostomy in LRDLT. D-D anastomosis has the advantages of simple operative technique shorter duration of surgery, simple postoperative management, normal physiologic route, and elimination of reflux cholangitis.  相似文献   

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