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目的评价柔性牙龈赝复材料修复牙龈萎缩的临床效果。方法2004—2007年采用第四军医大学齿科器材厂生产的HR-I型柔性牙龈赝复材料对解放军第二零二医院收治的前牙区牙龈萎缩患者32例进行义龈修复,修复后3个月对患者自我评价、医生的专业评价(美观性、舒适性、稳固性)及修复前后的口腔健康状况进行分析。结果患者自我评价的美观性、舒适性、稳固性的满意率分别为93.8%、96.9%、100%;医生专业评价的美观性、舒适性、稳固性的满意率分别为96.9%、93.8%、93.8%;修复前后牙周龈沟出血指数(0.8±0.3对0.7±0.2)及菌班指数(1.0±0.2对1.1±0.2)的差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论柔性义龈赝复技术是一种有效的牙龈萎缩修复方法  相似文献   

?? Objective    To observe the osteogenesis of periodontal ligament cells ??PDLCs?? with human osteoprotegerin??hOPG?? transfection in vivo and vitro. Methods    Ad5-hOPG-EGFP was constructed in vitro and transfected into canine PDLCs. Von Kossa staining?? Real-Time PCR?? ELISA and experiment in nude mice vivo were used to assess the osteogenic indices of hOPG-hPDLCs. Results    Morphologic and histological study demonstrated that hOPG-hPDLCs formed much more and larger mineralized nodules?? and expressed higher level of alkaline phosphates??ALP????osteocalcin??OC?? and bone sialoprotein??BSP?? ??P < 0.05??. RANKL/OPG ratio declined most in hOPG-PDLCs. Transfected collagen membrane group also reflected the better osteogenic ability in nude mice vivo experiment. Conclusion    OPG gene transfection can promote osteogenic ability of PDLCs.  相似文献   

Current status of professionally applied topical fluorides   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract – The literature was reviewed to establish the current effectiveness of professionally applied topical fluorides in the prevention of dental caries and to determine the risk of chronic and acute fluoride ingestion from their use. Use of professionally applied topical fluorides by moderate to high risk children and adults is supported by existing research. Although many of the studies are dated, there is sufficient evidence to support their continued use. Professionally applied topical fluorides are not a risk factor for dental fluorosis. though they have been implicated in acute reactions. The precautions needed to minimize fluoride intake are discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: In Canada and the United States, professionally applied topical fluorides (PATF) are usually applied as a gel or foam. However, fluoride varnish has also been found to be effective for caries prevention and may be a preferred method because less time is required and fluoride exposure can be better controlled. The goal of this study was to compare the costs and patient acceptability of two methods of PATF (foam and varnish). METHODS: The study population was a convenience sample of high-risk children from the York Region and the city of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada, who had been identified as requiring fluoride therapy (n = 256). Children received from dental hygienists either fluoride foam applied in trays or fluoride varnish painted on tooth surfaces. An observer recorded the time to perform each procedure, adverse outcomes, and the satisfaction of children with treatment. RESULTS: The varnish technique took significantly less time compared to foam (5.81 vs 7.86 minutes; P < .0001). Significant differences between procedure times were found in all age groups, but the largest difference was for children aged 3-6 years (5.22 vs 8.61 minutes; P < .0001). Signs of gagging were observed in a lower proportion of participants who received varnish (3.8% vs 15.1%; P < .01), and this difference was largest for children aged 3-6 years (2.6% vs 29.7%; P < .01). The cost per varnish application, for children aged 3-6 years, was substantially less after labor costs were considered (dollar 3.43 vs dollar 4.43, CDN). CONCLUSIONS: Varnish applications were found to take less time and resulted in fewer signs of discomfort. These results support the use of fluoride varnish in caries prevention programs, especially for younger children.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study evaluates the association between use of professionally applied topical fluoride and use of interproximal restorations in primary and permanent teeth of children. METHODS: Insurance claims from 15,190 children, for treatment provided by 1,556 different dentists, were analyzed to look for associations between frequency of use of professionally applied topical fluoride and use of interproximal restorations. The average follow-up period for the children included in the analysis was 5.3 years, with the range from 3.0 to 7.9 years. RESULTS: Both tabular and regression results failed to demonstrate an association between frequency of use of professionally applied topical fluoride and use of interproximal restorations in either the primary or permanent dentition. The most powerful predictor of restorative care for these children was the overall propensity of the dentist to place restorations in children. CONCLUSIONS: In this group of insured children, we were unable to find an association between the frequency of use of professionally applied topical fluoride and restorative care. Further, despite numerous recommendations that professionally applied topical fluorides should be used only in moderate- and high-caries children, approximately two-thirds of these children received topical fluoride at every recall visit, nearly two times per year.  相似文献   

BackgroundWith the dramatic increase in the amount of scientific information available about oral health, an evidence-based approach to oral health care and the practice of dentistry is necessary. There is a need to summarize, critique and disseminate scientific evidence and to translate the evidence into a practical format that is used easily by dentists The evidence-based clinical recommendations in this report were developed by an expert panel established by the American Dental Association Council on Scientific Affairs that evaluated the collective body of scientific evidence on the effectiveness of professionally applied topical fluoride for caries prevention. The recommendations are intended to assist dentists in clinical decision making.Types of Studies ReviewedMEDLINE and the Cochrane Library were searched for systematic reviews and clinical studies of professionally applied topical fluoride—including gel, foam and varnish—through October 2005.ResultsPanelists were selected on the basis of their expertise in the relevant subject matter. The recommendations are stratified by age groups and caries risk and indicate that periodic fluoride treatments should be considered for both children and adults who are at moderate or high risk of developing caries. Included in the clinical recommendations is a summary table that can be used as a chairside resource.Clinical ImplicationsThe dentist, knowing the patient's health history and vulnerability to oral disease, is in the best position to make treatment decisions in the interest of each patient. These clinical recommendations must be balanced with the practitioner's professional expertise and the individual patient's preferences.  相似文献   

With the dramatic increase in the amount of scientific information available about oral health, an evidence-based approach to oral health care and the practice of dentistry is necessary. There is a need to summarize, critique, and disseminate scientific evidence and to translate the evidence into a practical format that is used easily by dentists. The evidence-based clinical recommendations in this report were developed by an expert panel established by the American Dental Association Council on Scientific Affairs that evaluated the collective body of scientific evidence on the effectiveness of professionally applied topical fluoride for caries prevention. The recommendations are intended to assist dentists in clinical decision making. MEDLINE and the Cochrane Library were searched for systematic reviews and clinical studies of professionally applied topical fluoride-including gel, foam, and varnish-through October 2005. Panelists were selected on the basis of their expertise in the relevant subject matter. The recommendations are stratified by age groups and caries risk and indicate that periodic fluoride treatments should be considered for both children and adults who are at moderate or high risk of developing caries. Included in the clinical recommendations is a summary table that can be used as a chairside resource. The dentist, knowing the patient's health history and vulnerability to oral disease, is in the best position to make treatment decisions in the interest of each patient. These clinical recommendations must be balanced with the practitioner's professional expertise and the individual patient's preferences.  相似文献   

目的检测中国儿童氟化泡沫使用量、滞留量并与含氟凝胶比较。方法研究对象为成都市、小学1年级学生(年龄6~7岁)105人,55人使用氟化泡沫、50人使用含氟凝胶。将含氟凝胶或泡沫放置在已称重的托盘后再称总重,按常规操作程序应用于实验对象。使用后收集唾液、托盘及盘中剩余药物。取出托盘2min及10min后,用事前称重塑料试管继续收集唾液2min。实验室检测采用盲法,使用氟离子电极检测样本氟浓度并计算回收的总氟量。结果6~7岁儿童平均使用0.52±0.10g的氟化泡沫和2.61±0.43g含氟凝胶。滞留的氟量氟化泡沫为1.76±0.72mg,含氟凝胶为6.75±4.56mg。氟化泡沫的用量为含氟凝胶重量的19.92%,吸收量为含氟凝胶的26.07%。结论 氟化泡沫有明显减少病人氟使用量的优点。  相似文献   

251 9-12-yr-old children completed a 3-yr, double-blind, clinical trial of two caries preventive fluoride programs. Caries increments and progression patterns were compared in two groups of children who rinsed every fortnight with a 0.2% NaF solution or received biannual topical applications with a fluoride varnish (Fluor-Protector). Clinically recorded mean DFS increments were 3.3 +/- 0.2 (SE) in the rinse group and 3.5 +/- 0.2 in the varnish group. In both groups nearly half of these increments were recorded in the occlusal surfaces of second molars. The mean incremental DFS recorded radiographically on approximal surfaces of posterior teeth were 1.1 +/- 0.2 and 1.5 +/- 0.2 in the rinse and varnish group, respectively. None of the inter-group differences were statistically significant (P greater than 0.05). Detailed analyses of the radiographic scores revealed a similar and extremely slow caries progression in the two study groups and they strengthened the conclusion of equal clinical efficacy of the two treatments. None of the fluoride programs had been able to change preestablished patterns of caries development among the children.  相似文献   

杨彬  陈曦  冯希平 《口腔医学》2016,(7):637-640
目的比较含氟涂料和含氟泡沫对儿童乳牙龋病的预防效果,为在我国开展乳牙龋病防治工作提供理论依据。方法随机整群抽样的方法抽取2所幼儿园的3~4岁儿童共220名,进行口腔检查,记录患龋情况。随机将这些儿童分为含氟泡沫组和含氟涂料组,分别用氟泡沫和氟保护漆进行龋齿预防,每半年1次,2年共干预4次,每年进行口腔检查,比较2组基线后1年和2年的乳牙新生龋均、新生龋面均及龋齿发病率。结果含氟泡沫组干预1年及2年后新生龋面均分别为2.58±4.36、3.85±5.15;含氟涂料组干预1年及2年后新生龋面均分别为0.95±2.28、1.94±3.32,均显著低于含氟泡沫组(P<0.01)。结论含氟涂料对儿童龋病的预防效果优于含氟泡沫。  相似文献   

Seventy-one individuals with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) were examined and compared with 52 individuals without history or symptoms of joint disease (C group) with regard to disorders of the stomatognathic system. Laboratory findings and articular and functional rheumatologic indices were compared. The clinical dysfunction index of Helkimo for the stomatognathic system was positively correlated to both the articular Ritchie index and the functional Lee index. The concentration of C-reactive protein (CRP) and the Ritchie index were positively correlated to temporomandibular joint (TMJ) pain. Vertical overbite was negatively correlated to the Ritchie index. In addition, there were positive correlations among TMJ crepitus, anterior open bite, sagittal distance between retruded position and intercuspal position, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). The concentration of CRP, the ESR, and the Ritchie and Lee indices were highest in the individuals with bilateral current TMJ symptoms and lowest in those with previous but not current TMJ symptoms. It was concluded that the severity of TMJ involvement in RA is correlated to concentration of serum acute-phase reactants and to rheumatologic indices. □ Inflammation; laboratory tests; Lee index; Ritchie index; temporomandibular joint disease  相似文献   

目的评价氟化泡沫与氟保护漆治疗龈下刮治及根面平整术后敏感的效果。方法选取2009年9月至2011年3月北京大学口腔医院门诊部牙周科行龈下刮治及根面平整术后1周有1颗以上的切牙中等程度敏感的患者209例(患牙503颗),根据患者的年龄、性别、牙齿数目分层,随机分为对照组(采用生理盐水涂檫根面)、氟保护漆组(采用氟保护漆脱敏治疗)、氟化泡沫组(采用氟化泡沫脱敏治疗)。用视觉模拟评分(VAS)法对牙齿敏感程度进行评估,分别于脱敏前以及脱敏后即刻、1周、1个月记录VAS值,并记录各组临床操作时间。结果脱敏前各组VAS值相近,差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);脱敏后各时间点对照组与其余两组差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05);氟保护漆组在脱敏后1周和1个月时VAS值均低于氟化泡沫组,但差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。氟保护漆组每颗牙的平均{临床操作时间与其余两组差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论氟化泡沫和氟保护漆均可减轻龈下刮治和根面平整术后敏感的程度,氟化泡沫操作更简单,更适合临床推广使用。  相似文献   

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