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Nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae (NTHI) is an important respiratory pathogen. NTHI initiates infection by adhering to the airway epithelium. Here, we report that NTHI interacts with intracellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) expressed by respiratory epithelial cells. A fourfold-higher number of NTHI bacteria adhered to Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells transfected with human ICAM-1 (CHO-ICAM-1) than to control CHO cells (P < or = 0.005). Blocking cell surface ICAM-1 with specific antibody reduced the adhesion of NTHI to A549 respiratory epithelial cells by 37% (P = 0.001) and to CHO-ICAM-1 cells by 69% (P = 0.005). Preincubating the bacteria with recombinant ICAM-1 reduced adhesion by 69% (P = 0.003). The adherence to CHO-ICAM-1 cells of NTHI strains deficient in the adhesins P5, P2, HMW1/2, and Hap or expressing a truncated lipooligosaccharide was compared to that of parental strains. Only strain 1128f-, which lacks the outer membrane protein (OMP) P5-homologous adhesin (P5 fimbriae), adhered less well than its parental strain. The numbers of NTHI cells adhering to CHO-ICAM-1 cells were reduced by 67% (P = 0.009) following preincubation with anti-P5 antisera. Furthermore, recombinant ICAM bound to an OMP preparation from strain 1128f+, which expresses P5, but not to that from its P5-deficient mutant, confirming a specific interaction between ICAM-1 and P5 fimbriae. Incubation of respiratory epithelial cells with NTHI increased ICAM-1 expression fourfold (P=0.001). Adhesion of NTHI to the respiratory epithelium, therefore, upregulates the expression of its own receptor. Blocking interactions between NTHI P5 fimbriae and ICAM-1 may reduce respiratory colonization by NTHI and limit the frequency and severity of NTHI infection.  相似文献   

In order to examine the regulatory effects of major Th1-derived cytokines, such as IL-12, and Th2 cytokines, IL-4 and IL-10, on the formation of neopterin and degradation of tryptophan, two metabolic pathways induced by interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) in human monocytes/macrophages, we investigated the human monocytic cell line THP-1, primary human macrophages, and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). Neopterin formation and tryptophan degradation were induced similarly by IFN-gamma in all three cell types investigated, but the effects of interleukins were different between THP-1, primary macrophages and PBMC. In PBMC, but not in THP-1 cells and primary macrophages, IL-12 was found to be additive to the effects of IFN-gamma to superinduce neopterin formation and tryptophan degradation. IL-4 and IL-10 reduced the effects of IFN-gamma on monocytic cells, and both cytokines were additively antagonistic to IFN-gamma in PBMC and THP-1 cells. Finally, on preincubation, but not on addition of IL-12, the effects of IL-4 and IL-10 on PBMC could be abrogated, whereas no such effect was seen in THP-1 cells. The results show that IL-12 up-regulates neopterin formation and tryptophan degradation by inducing additional IFN-gamma production by Th1 cells, while a direct effect of IL-12 on monocytes/macrophages appears to be absent. Similarly, IL-4 and IL-10 inhibit neopterin production and tryptophan degradation in PBMC by down-regulating Th1-type cytokine production and possibly also via direct deactivation of IFN-gamma effects towards monocytes/macrophages. The results clearly show how Th1 cell-mediated immunity may be up- or down-regulated by endogenous cytokine production.  相似文献   

Intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) has recently been identified as one of the ligands for lymphocyte function-associated antigen-1 (LFA-1). Immunohistochemical staining of frozen tissue sections using the ICAM-1 antibody RR1/1 demonstrated significant levels of ICAM-1 expression on human glioblastoma cells and on intratumoural vascular endothelial cells. ICAM-1 was weakly expressed or absent from low grade gliomas and absent from normal and fetal brain. ICAM-1 expression was similar to that of MHC class II. HLA-DR antigens. Glioblastoma cell lines constitutively expressed ICAM-1 to a minimal or moderate extent. Surface antigen expression of ICAM-1 and ICAM-1-specific mRNA could be significantly increased by incubating glioblastoma cells with interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta), tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha), and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma). IL-2, IL-4, IL-6 and transforming growth factor beta 2 (TGF-beta 2) had no significant effect on surface antigen expression. Significant enhancement of ICAM-1 expression was obtained using TNF-alpha and IL-1 beta at 1-10 U/ml and at 500 U/ml of IFN-gamma. Induction of ICAM-1 specific mRNA was observed 4 h after cytokine treatment and decreased by 24 h. Surface antigen expression of ICAM-1 increased for up to 48 h after treatment.  相似文献   

The effect of inflammatory mediators on the expression of several surface adhesion molecules on the human mast-cell line (HMC)-1 was studied. By flow cytometry, it could be shown that among several surface adhesion molecules (ICAM-UCDS4, VLA-4/CD49d, Mac-UCD11b, LFA-1/CD11a, LFA-2/CD2, LFA-3/CDS8, VCAM-1), only the constitutively expressed immunoglobulin family member intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) is modulated by proinflammatory cytokines on HMC-1 mast cells. Stimulation with tumor necrosis factor-a (TNF-α) and interferon-γ (IFN-γ) resulted, in addition to interleukin-(lL-)4, in selective upregulation of ICAM-1 expression. Costimulation of either IL-4 or IFN-γ with TNF-α further increased the ICAM-1 expression as compared to the stimuli alone. In contrast, stem-cell factor (SCF), granulocyte/macrophage colonystimulating factor (GM-CSF), IL-10, IL-8, monocyte chemotactic and activating factor (MCAF), and the complement split product C5a failed to modulate the expression of any adhesion molecule examined. The levels of cytoplasmic free calcium in HMC-1 mast cells were not altered by cross-linking surface ICAM-1, suggesting linkage of other intracellular signaling pathways. This cytokine-induced upregulation of ICAM-1 expression might reveal a putative regulatory mechanism of mast-cell interaction with effector cells bearing the counterparts of ICAM-1 (CD54), the molecules Mac-1 (CD11b/CD18) and leukosialin (CD43), and the principal ligand LFA-1 (CD11a/CD18).  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies have been used to demonstrate the induction of intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) on chondrocytes in human articular cartilage. ICAM-1 was found not to be constitutively expressed but could be induced by exogenous interleukin 1 alpha(IL1- alpha) at concentrations ranging from 0.01 to 20 ng/ml during in vitro culture. Maximum expression was observed with 2-5ng/ml. In time-course experiments ICAM-1 was not expressed after 4h in culture with IL1 alpha. Expression was induced by 16h and was sustained for a minimum of 6 days in the continued presence of the cytokine. The endothelial leukocyte adhesion molecule (ELAM-1) was not expressed on chondrocytes and was not induced by IL1-alpha.  相似文献   

During the acute inflammatory response in periodontitis, gingival epithelial cells are considered to play important roles in the recruitment of inflammatory cells to the site of infection through the secretion of chemokines. However, little is known about the expression of molecules that are involved in the interaction between the epithelium and neutrophils following bacterial attachment. Earlier work reported that periodontopathogenic Eikenella corrodens strain 1,073 up-regulated the expression and secretion of chemokines such as interleukin-8 (IL-8) from KB cells (a human oral epithelial cell line derived from a human oral epidermoid carcinoma). To elucidate the mechanism of the transmigration of neutrophils through the epithelium, the present study investigated the expression of adhesion molecules on KB cells in response to E. corrodens attachment. Adhesion molecule gene expression was assessed by RT-PCR and adhesion proteins expressed on KB cell surfaces were determined by cell-based ELISA and FACS. In RT-PCR, ICAM-1 mRNA levels were significantly increased within 1 h in response to exposure to E. corrodens and continued to increase over the 12-h period of study. In ELISA, increased surface ICAM-1 expression was paralleled by increased ICAM-1 mRNA levels. Furthermore, the increases in ICAM-1 expression on epithelial cells infected with E. corrodens were observed to be due to the N-acetyl-D-galactosamine (GalNAc) specific bacterial lectin-like substance of E. corrodens (EcLS), which was one of the adhesins of E. corrodens. This is the first study to report that a bacterial lectin-like substance increased the expression of ICAM-1 on gingival epithelial cells.  相似文献   

Human rhinoviruses (HRV) are a major cause of upper respiratory tract infections in man, and can exacerbate existing pulmonary disease. The major group of HRV attach to ICAM-1, which is expressed on nasal and bronchial epithelial cells. To study the influence of biological mediators on ICAM-1 expression, and consequently HRV attachment and infection, we compared the effects of various cytokines, alone and in combination, on ICAM-1 expression by an uninfected and HRV-infected bronchial epithelial cell line H292. Cytokines known to be released soon after viral infection, such as tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), IL-1β and the chemokine IL-8 increase ICAM-1 expression on uninfected cells. Epithelial cells infected with live HRV-14 displayed marked up-regulation of ICAM-1 compared with baseline. TNF-α further enhanced the HRV-induced increase in ICAM-1 expression on epithelial cells, peaking at day 4 after infection, whilst IL-8 exhibited a steady increase in ICAM-1 expression over 14 days. In contrast, IFN-γ, a known Th1 antiviral lymphokine, whilst increasing the level of ICAM-1 on uninfected cells, induced a significant persistent down-regulation of ICAM-1 expression on HRV-infected epithelial cells. With combinations of TNF-α and IFN-γ, ICAM-1 expression on HRV-infected cells was reduced to basal levels. The effects of IFN-γ were paralleled by a reduction in viral titres. Our in vitro model has provided useful insights into the early pathogenic events of HRV infection at the level of the host cell–v irus interaction. Our data confirm that biological mediators play a crucial role in the pathogenesis as well as the course of HRV infection which is modulated by the types, and time kinetics of inflammatory cytokines in the immediate microenvironment.  相似文献   

Autoimmune vasculitis is characterized by the presence of autoantibodies, particularly anti-neutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies (ANCA) and anti-nuclear antibodies (ANA), in patient sera. These autoantibodies have an incompletely understood role in development of vascular injury. The expression or up-regulation of cell adhesion molecules is an early phase in the development of an inflammatory vascular lesion. Autoantibody-positive sera from patients with vasculitis were assessed for their ability to modulate adhesion molecule expression by human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC). Autoantibody-positive serum samples from 11 out of 21 patients with primary vasculitis produced substantial up-regulation of ICAM-1 on HUVEC. Autoantibody-negative samples did not produce adhesion molecule up-regulation. Up-regulation of adhesion molecules on HUVEC was observed with samples positive for ANA, a phenomenon not previously reported. Preincubation of the sera with purified antigens recognized by ANCA failed to block this activation. In addition, MoAbs to ANCA antigens were ineffective at inducing ICAM-1 up-regulation, suggesting that activation is independent of the molecular specificity of the antibody. This capacity of ANCA- and ANA-positive sera to up-regulate adhesion molecules on endothelial cells may be a factor in the vessel wall inflammation seen in ANCA-associated vasculitis.  相似文献   

目的 研究人癌胚抗原相关细胞黏附因子1(hCEACAM1)在淋病奈瑟菌黏附宿主细胞过程中的作用.方法 将hCEACAM1 cDNA置于hCD46启动子和兔β-球蛋白第2内含子之后,构建重组真核表达载体pCDPGICEA1.转染COS-1细胞,G418筛选和流式细胞术分选稳定表达hCEACAM1的基因转染细胞.细菌黏附实验检测淋病奈瑟菌对基因转染COS-1细胞的黏附.结果 在hCD46启动子和兔β-球蛋白第2内含子的作用下,hCEACAM1 cDNA在COS-1细胞获得高效表达,淋病奈瑟菌可以黏附表达hCEACAM1的COS-1细胞.结论 hCEACAM1可以介导淋病奈瑟菌对动物细胞的黏附,可能是淋病奈瑟菌特异性感染人体的一种重要受体,可用来制备淋病奈瑟菌感染的相应转基因动物模型.  相似文献   

Interactions between leukocytes and epithelial cells may play a key role in Helicobacter pylori-associated gastric mucosal inflammation. This process is mediated by various cell adhesion molecules. The present study examined the molecular mechanisms leading to H. pylori-induced epithelial cell intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1; also called CD54) expression. Coculture of epithelial cells with cytotoxin-associated gene pathogenicity island-positive (cag PAI(+)) H. pylori strains, but not with a cag PAI(-) strain or H. pylori culture supernatants, resulted in upregulation of steady-state mRNA levels and cell surface expression of ICAM-1. Coculture with H. pylori induced an increase in luciferase activity in cells which were transfected with a luciferase reporter gene linked to the 5'-flanking region of the ICAM-1 gene. H. pylori activated the ICAM-1 promoter via the NF-kappaB binding site. An inducible nuclear protein complex bound to the ICAM-1 NF-kappaB site and was identified as the NF-kappaB p50-p65 heterodimer. H. pylori induced the degradation of IkappaB-alpha, a major cytoplasmic inhibitor of NF-kappaB, and stimulated the expression of IkappaB-alpha mRNA. Pretreatment of epithelial cells with pyrrolidine dithiocarbamate, which blocks NF-kappaB activation, inhibited H. pylori-induced ICAM-1 expression. THP-1 macrophagic cells, peripheral blood mononuclear cells, and purified neutrophils adhered to H. pylori-infected epithelial cells to a greater extent than to uninfected cells. These results show that H. pylori directly induces expression of ICAM-1 on gastric epithelial cells in an NF-kappaB-dependent manner that may support leukocyte attachment during inflammation.  相似文献   

Expression of 15-lipoxygenase (15-LO) is induced over 100-fold in early fatty streak lesions. 15-LO activity leads to the production of specific lipid hydroperoxides, which can have major effects on the expression of proinflammatory genes involved in atherogenesis. We have used retrovirus-mediated gene transfer to achieve stable high expression of 15-LO in human endothelial ECV304 cells. These cells were used to study the effects of 15-LO on the expression of vascular cell adhesion molecule 1 (VCAM-1) and intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1), activation of nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappaB), and T-cell adhesion on endothelial cells. NF-kappaB activation was greatly potentiated by increased 15-LO activity in the stably transduced cells, and both VCAM-1 and ICAM-1 were significantly induced in these cells in response to tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) and phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA) stimulation, as studied by flow cytometry. The induction of ICAM-1 was sensitive to antioxidants in a dose-dependent manner. The adherence of Jurkat T cells on the 15-LO-expressing endothelial cells was markedly induced after PMA stimulation. These results indicate that 15-LO activity may be involved in the early pathogenesis of atherosclerosis by inducing VCAM-1 and ICAM-1 expression and by increasing T-cell adhesion on the endothelium.  相似文献   

Tamai R  Asai Y  Ogawa T 《Infection and immunity》2005,73(10):6290-6298
Porphyromonas gingivalis, a periodontopathic bacterium, is known to invade oral epithelial cells in periodontal lesions, although the mechanism is unclear. In the present study, goat polyclonal anti-intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (anti-ICAM-1) antibody inhibited the invasion of P. gingivalis into KB cells (human oral epithelial cells). Further, the P. gingivalis fimbria, a pathogenic adhesion molecule, bound to recombinant human ICAM-1, as shown by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. P. gingivalis was also found to colocalize with ICAM-1 on KB cells, as seen with an immunofluorescence microscope, and the knockdown of ICAM-1 in KB cells resulted in the inhibition of P. gingivalis invasion by RNA interference. In addition, methyl-beta-cyclodextrin, a cholesterol-binding agent, inhibited the colocalization of P. gingivalis with ICAM-1 and invasion by the microorganism. The colocalization of caveolin-1, a caveolar marker protein, on KB cells with P. gingivalis was also shown, and the knockdown of caveolin-1 in KB cells caused a reduced level of P. gingivalis invasion. These results suggest that ICAM-1 and caveolae are required for the invasion of P. gingivalis into human oral epithelial cells, and these molecules appear to be associated with the primary stages of the development and progression of chronic periodontitis.  相似文献   

Neisseria gonorrhoeae cells (gonococci [GC]), the etiological agents for gonorrhea, can cause repeated infections. During and after gonococcal infection, local and systemic antigonococcal antibody levels are low. These clinical data indicate the possibility that GC may suppress immune responses during infection. Carcinoembryonic antigen-related cellular adhesion molecule 1 (CEACAM1 or CD66a), a receptor for GC opacity (Opa) proteins, was shown to mediate inhibitory signals. In the present study, human B cells were activated by interleukin-2 to express CEACAM1 and then stimulated to secrete antibodies and simultaneously coincubated with Opa- and OpaI GC of strain MS11. Our results show that this OpaI GC has the ability to inhibit antibody production. The interaction of GC and CEACAM1 with human peripheral B cells also results in induction of cell death. The same findings were observed in DT40 B cells. This CEACAM1-promoted cell death pathway does not involve the inhibitory signals or the tyrosine phosphatases SHP-1 and SHP-2 but depends on Bruton's tyrosine kinase in DT40 cells. Our results suggest that Neisseria gonorrhoeae possesses the ability to suppress antibody production by killing CEACAM1-expressing B cells.  相似文献   

In order to improve long-term patency of vascular grafts, the promising concept of endothelial cell seeding is actually under investigation. Our laboratory tested a polyester coated with albumin and chitosan which permits a rapid colonization by human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) and it seems relevant to test in vitro the expression of adhesive molecules expressed by cells with regard to the inflammatory process. We studied intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1) expression and focused our work on the determination of ICAM-1 sites expressed per adherent cell lining the biomaterial, thus in situ, in comparison to control HUVEC on plastic wells: the results obtained by binding experiments were correlated to flow cytometry analyses and showed that the polyester does not induce a proinflammatory state and that HUVEC covering the structure are able to respond to a stimulus.  相似文献   

The expression of intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1) was studied on freshly isolated rat thymic macrophages (TMF) and after their cultivation in serum-free medium using monoclonal antibody (mAb) 1A 29 and a streptavidin-biotin immunoperoxidase technique. ICAM-1 was expressed on about 80% of freshly isolated TMF. Upon cultivation, the percentage of ICAM-1+ TMF decreased to about 30-40% in 12-day-old culture. Using double immunofluorescence staining it was found that ICAM-1 was expressed both on cortical (R-MC 40+) and CMZ/medullary (R-MC 43+) macrophage subsets. ICAM-1 was up-regulated on TMF in culture by recombinant IFN-gamma, IL1 and TNF-alpha and was down-regulated by dexamethasone. Syngeneic thymocytes bound to cultivated TMF in a rosette form at both 37 degrees C and 4 degrees C. IFN-gamma treatment did not increase the binding formation. The binding between thymocytes and IFN-gamma-stimulated TMF at 37 degrees C was inhibited by pretreatment of TMF with anti-ICAM-1 mAb or pretreatment of thymocytes with anti-LFA-1 mAb, indicating that ICAM-1 on TMF is one of the ligands involved in TMF/thymocyte adhesion and subsequent direct cell-cell communication.  相似文献   

Glomerular epithelial cells are involved in extracapillary inflammation (crescents) but the mechanisms of this extracapillary accumulation of macrophages, epithelial cells and occasional lymphocytes are unknown. Human glomerular parietal epithelial cells express ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 on immunohistological stains of renal biopsies. We studied the expression of these cell adhesion molecules on cultured human glomerular epithelial cells (HGEC), their regulation by pro-inflammatory cytokines, and their role in mediating the adhesion of concanavalin A (Con A)-activated peripheral blood mononuclear cells. Human glomerular epithelial cells in culture constitutively express ICAM-1 and VCAM-1. The expression of ICAM-1 was not significantly altered by tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) (P = 0.32), IL-1 beta (P = 0.24), interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) (P = 0.66) or IL-4 (P = 0.85). VCAM-1 expression was increased by all four cytokines, but only significantly so by IL-4 (P = 0.0001). Con A-stimulated, monocyte-depleted peripheral blood lymphocytes bound to human glomerular epithelial cells, median 28.9% (range 14.5-37.9%). This adherence was significantly inhibited by anti-ICAM-1 (P = 0.03) and anti-LFA-1 (P = 0.02), but not by anti-VCAM-1 (P = 0.13) or by antibody to von Willebrand factor (P = NS). The interaction between ICAM-1 on HGEC and LFA-1 on mononuclear cells may be important in the pathogenesis of extracapillary inflammation in glomerulonephritis.  相似文献   

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