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目的 了解8~16月龄儿童各类词汇理解的发育特点, 探索婴幼儿中文词汇理解的早期发展规律。方法 使用《汉语沟通发展量表》, 采用父母报告方式, 对沈阳城区620名8~16月龄儿童的词汇理解发展情况进行了研究。结果 8~16月龄是儿童词汇理解能力增长的高速期, 8月龄婴儿平均理解词汇53个, 其中名词23个, 动词16个, 形容词3个;16月龄儿童平均理解词汇310个, 包括名词153个, 动词69个, 形容词31个。名词和动词总共稳定占有理解总量的70%以上, 其中名词所占比例逐渐增高, 动词比例逐渐下降, 形容词与名词理解的发展趋势相关度最高。结论 8~16月龄段是儿童词汇理解的快速发展期, 婴幼儿8月龄时理解的词汇数平均达50个, 16月龄时达300个。各类词汇发展进程不同, 能理解的名词和动词数量达到50个的时间分别是10月龄和13月龄, 16月龄时形容词理解量达到30个。  相似文献   

张妍  蒋泓 《中国公共卫生》2018,12(4):532-536
  目的   编制适用于4~6岁儿童家长的健康素养量表,并评价该量表的信度、效度。  方法   研究对象为上海市4~6岁儿童家长。以2013年世界卫生组织欧洲区办事处(EU WHO)提出的健康素养整合模型为理论框架,通过文献评阅、专家组讨论和Delphi专家咨询法,初步拟定量表条目,通过预调查修改完善量表。使用修订后的量表进一步评价信度和效度。  结果   本次研究通过临界比值、条目–量表总分的相关系数、Cronbach's α 系数进行条目筛选,最终形成35个条目的4~6岁儿童家长健康素养量表。根据理论框架,分为医疗服务、疾病预防、健康促进3个分量表,每个分量表包含获取、理解、评价、应用4个维度结构。通过验证性因子分析显示,模型拟合良好(医疗服务:χ2/df = 1.138,RMSEA = 0.036,GFI = 0.919,AGFI = 0.870;疾病预防:χ2/df = 1.136,RMSEA = 0.036,GFI = 0.892,AGFI = 0.845;健康促进:χ2/df = 0.525,RMSEA = 0.000,GFI = 0.988,AGFI = 0.961)。总量表、医疗服务、疾病预防、健康促进的Cronbach's α 系数分别为0.823、0.661、0.717、0.641,分半信度分别为0.834、0.677、0.729、0.642;重测信度分别为0.726、0.696、0.718、0.666。  结论  4~6岁儿童家长健康素养量表具有良好的信度和效度,可用于筛查4~6岁儿童家长的健康素养水平。  相似文献   

There is concern from government in each of the sample sites over the role fathers play in supporting their children through school. Fathers have become a more ‘visible parent’ and a focus for policy‐makers in education. Family literacy programmes are used in this article as an example of an educational programme where fathers are often absent. The article draws on interviews conducted with mothers in England, Ireland and Malta, regularly attending family literacy programmes and a small number of fathers who were not attending regularly, if at all, for a range of cultural and structural reasons. It explores why fathers did not attend and what might encourage them to do so. The authors argue that being absent from formal sessions does not necessarily mean that fathers are disinterested in their child’s education or that they do not contribute to the learning process.  相似文献   

Spirituality is a highly contested concept. Within the nursing literature, there are a huge range and diversity of definitions, some of which appear coherent whereas others seem quite disparate and unconnected. This vagueness within the nursing literature has led some to suggest that spirituality is so diverse as to be meaningless. Are the critics correct in asserting that the vagueness that surrounds spirituality invalidates it as a significant aspect of care? We think not. It is in fact the vagueness of the concept that is its strength and value. In this paper, we offer a critique of the general apologetic that surrounds the use of the language of spirituality in nursing. With the critics, we agree that the term ‘spirituality’ is used in endlessly different and loose ways. Similarly, we agree that these varied definitions may not refer to constant essences or objects within people or in the world. However, we fundamentally disagree that this makes spirituality irrelevant or of little practical utility. Quite the opposite; properly understood, the vagueness and lack of clarity around the term spirituality is actually a strength that has powerful political, social, and clinical implications. We develop an understanding of spirituality as a way of naming absences and recognizing gaps in healthcare provision as well as a prophetic challenge to some of the ways in which we practise health care within a secular and sometimes secularizing context such as the National Health Service.  相似文献   

Summary This paper reports data relating to the development of a screening test for language impairment in 2½-year-oId children. The screening test itself has previously been described. The results of a pilot study and a larger community study are reported. In all, 34 children were included in the pilot study and 1015 in the community study. The reference test selected was the Reynell Developmental Language Scales and the cutoff adopted 1·5 standard deviations below the mean for either the expressive or the receptive scale of the test concerned. The pass mark on the screening test was ascertained using receiver operating characteristics (ROC). The validity is reported given the cut-off identified. The specificity, sensitivity and both positive and negative predictive abilities are reported for both the pilot and the subsequent study. The application of the test is discussed in the context of the current debate about early identification.  相似文献   

Preschool language intervention has come increasingly to the fore with the development of community-focused interventions including Sure Start in the UK. Successful intervention methods may well be incorporated into mainstream service delivery, especially in areas of disadvantage. The question of whether such interventions will work and of their impact on children's language development has focused attention on measures of language. This paper distinguishes two reasons for measuring language development: (1) surveying language; and (2) screening language. It goes on to suggest a set of criteria for selecting instruments for these applications. The review includes a wide range of language assessment instruments for preschool children and examines those most likely to be suitable. It suggests a role for paraprofessionals in survey and screening and argues that this may be advantageous in terms of reaching families and thereby achieving high levels of coverage of a population group. Finally, there is a discussion of the implications of such measures in community-focused preschool interventions.  相似文献   

The relationship between maternal parenting stress and infant/toddler behavioural development was examined in a longitudinal pilot study. Fifty mothers reported parenting stress via the Parenting Stress Index – Short Form when their infants were eight months old. Parents subsequently rated their children's emotional and behavioural problems with the Child Behaviour Checklist at both 18 and 36 months of age. Preliminary results suggest that mothers reporting higher stress levels in their infant's first eight months also reported greater emotional and behavioural problems in their children at 18-and 36-month follow-up assessment. Parent report of children's total and externalising problematic behaviours decreased over time, regardless of the maternal stress level. In contrast, parent report of internalising problem behaviours remained stable over time; however, at both 18-and 36-month follow-up assessments, high-stress mothers reported higher levels of internalising problems in their children than did low-stress mothers.  相似文献   

Background Assessment of (early signs of) parenting and developmental problems in young children by preventive child health care (CHC) workers is recommended, but no validated instruments exist. The aim of this project was to develop and test an instrument for early detection and assessment of problems in toddlers, using the perspectives and experience of both the parent and the professional. Methods Using an iterative process, we adapted and expanded a structured interview on need for parenting support into the Structured Problem Analysis of Raising Kids (SPARK). The SPARK consists of 16 subject areas, ranging from somatic health to family issues. The SPARK was tested in daily practice for feasibility and discriminative capacity. The sample consisted of all toddlers aged 18 months living in Zeeland, a province of the Netherlands, during the study period (n= 1140). Results The response rate was 97.8%. Although the median level of support needed according to the SPARK was low, 4.5% of the toddlers and their parents required intensive help or immediate action. The risk assessment showed 2.9% high, 16.5% increased and 80.6% low risk for parenting and developmental problems. The risk assessment of the CHC professional was associated with known risk factors for child maltreatment. Conclusions This study shows that a structured interview, named the SPARK, is feasible in daily practice and clarifies risks and care needs for parenting and developmental problems in toddlers.  相似文献   

With many studies on children and advertising presenting universal models of how children are socialized, develop and behave as consumers, this study tested whether such assumptions are appropriate by looking at differences between children and families in two of the countries where research on children and advertising is among the most robust – the Netherlands and United States. A total of 954 mothers of children between the ages of 5–12 from the United States and 437 from the Netherlands participated in the study. The results suggest that there are considerable differences in how children in these two countries are socialized as consumers and what parents report concerning their child’s consumer development and consumer behavior. These differences may be attributable to the differences in the consumer culture between the two countries.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVESMost child and adolescent food literacy measurement tools focus on nutrition and food safety. However, the importance of aspects related to the food system such as food distribution and food waste and their effects on environmental sustainability is growing. We therefore developed and validated a two-dimensional tool for children (8–12 years old) and adolescents (13–18 years old) that can comprehensively measure food literacy. The association of food literacy with diet quality and self-reported health was assessed.SUBJECTS/METHODSFirst, we developed a food literacy conceptual framework that contains food system and literacy dimensions through a literature review, focus group interviews, and expert review. After a face validity study, we conducted the main survey (n = 200) to validate the questionnaire. Construct validity and reliability were assessed using exploratory factor analysis (EFA), confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), and Cronbach''s alpha.RESULTSAs a result of the Delphi study, content validity was confirmed for the remaining 30 items after two items were excluded (content validity ratio = 0.86). Eleven items were excluded from the EFA results, while the CFA results indicated appropriate fit indices for the proposed model (comparative fit index = 0.904, root mean square error of approximation = 0.068). The final food literacy questionnaire consisted of 19 questions and comprised 5 factors: production, distribution, selection, preparation and cooking, and intake. Food literacy was positively associated with diet quality, as assessed by the Nutrition Quotient score, in both children and adolescents and with self-reported health in adolescents.CONCLUSIONSBased on this integrated conceptual framework, a two-dimensional 19-item food literacy measurement tool was developed and verified for practical use to improve the diet quality and food-related environmental sustainability awareness of children and adolescents.  相似文献   

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