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Zusammenfassung Ergebnisse von 526 Bestimmungen der 17-Kst. nach Methode Zimmermann (1952) (gering modifiziert) bei 117 Jungen und 122 Mädchen mit Adiposogigantismus, verschiedenen endokrinen und nicht endokrinen Erkrankungen und Mißbildungen werden mitgeteilt und auf der Basis dieser Resultate ein Normbereich der 17-Kst.-Ausscheidung für den Altersbereich zwischen 5 und 16 Jahren ermittelt, wobei die Problematik der Verwendung von Ergebnissen bei kranken Kinder statt bei gesunden normalen Kindern für solche Normbereichsangaben erörtert wird. Als untere Normgrenze wird die Diskriminante der 17-Kst.-Werte der Adiposogiganten gegenüber denen von Kindern mit Minderwuchs, spätnormaler Reifung bzw. Retardierung, Minderwuchs und Zwergwuchs verschiedener Ätiologie, Pubertätsmagersucht und gewissen Systemanomalien gewählt. Alle ausgesprochen Spätreifenden liegen mit ihrer 17-Kst.-Ausscheidung unterhalb dieser unteren Normgrenze. Als obere Normgrenze wird die obere Grenze der bei Adiposogiganten und anderen nicht endokrinen Störungen und Erkrankungen gewonnenen Werte gewählt und dieses Vorgehen begründet.Die Korrelationen zwischen der 17-Kst.-Ausscheidung einerseits, der Körperoberfläche, dem Lebensalter und dem Körpergewicht andererseits liegen zwischen 0,467 und 0,635; alle diese Korrelationskoeffizienten sind statistisch signifikant, alle Unterschiede zwischen diesen Korrelationskoeffizienten statistisch nicht zu sichern.Herrn Professor Dr. B. de Rudder zum 65. Geburtstag  相似文献   

The Nutrition Committee of the German Pediatric Society has updated its recommendations for the nutrition of healthy infants. Five main topics (breastfeeding, breast milk substitutes, complementary feeding, family diet and general aspects) are addressed in the form of 35 key statements along with detailed comments on their practical application. Exclusive breastfeeding is recommended as the most suitable for almost all infants during the first 4–6 months, followed by partial breastfeeding along with complementary feeding; breastfeeding needs specific support particularly postnatal and routine supplementary feeding should be avoided. Non-breast-fed infants should receive infant formula, which should also accompany complementary feeding. In cases of increased risk for atopy, a formula based on hydrolyzed protein (HA) should be given until the start of complementary feeding. Follow-on formula may be given together with complementary feeding. Bottle feeds should be freshly prepared and given without delay. Complementary feeding should be introduced between the beginning of the fifth and the seventh month and at this time small amounts of gluten should also be introduced. Variation of complementary feeds is recommended. A vegetable-potato-meat or fish puree (highly bioavailable iron, omega-3 fatty acids) is well-suited to start complementary feeding, followed by (whole) cow’s milk cereal meal and a cereal–fruit meal, either homemade or as a commercial product. At the age of approximately 10 months infants can participate in a healthy family diet. A lactovegetarian type diet is possible; however a vegan diet if not supplemented cannot be acceptable for infants. Supplementation of 2 mg vitamin K orally 3 times (on day 1, between days 3 and 10, and between weeks 4–6 after birth) and of vitamin D (400–500 IU/day) starting from the 2nd week of life combined with fluoride (0.25 mg/day) in tablet form is recommended for all healthy infants.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Bericht über ein Neugeborenes, das im Alter von 13 Tagen an einer akuten hämolytischen Anämie erkrankte. Das Bild des Blutausstrichs mit starker Anisocytose, bizarrer Erythrocytenverformung und Fragmentation und der Befund von groben Heinzkörpern im Brillantkresylblau-Präparat sicherten die Diagnose einer akuten Innenkörperanämie. Im Plasma wurde neben Bilirubin Methämalbumin festgestellt, in den Erythrocyten lag 15% des Blutfarbstoffs als Methämoglobin vor. Als Ursache kam nur die Einwirkung von Naphthalindämpfen aus der Säuglingsbekleidung in Frage. Durch eine Austauschtransfusion wurde rasche und völlige Erholung erzielt.  相似文献   

The prevalence of overweight and obesity among children and adolescents in Germany has doubled in less than two decades. In addition to familial risk factors and children’s lifestyle, prenatal and postnatal factors modulate the long-term risk of obesity. The imprinting effects of metabolic variables during limited, sensitive time periods of prenatal and postnatal development on long-term health and disease risk is called early metabolic programming of long term health. The role of infant nutrition is supported by a reduced obesity risk in previously breastfed compared to formula fed subjects, documented in numerous studies and three meta-analyses. Breastfeeding might protect against later obesity by inducing lesser weight gain in infancy due to the lower protein content of human milk compared to infant formulas (the early protein hypothesis). We tested this hypothesis in the European Childhood Obesity Study, a double-blind randomized clinical trial enrolling 1,678 infants in 5 countries (Belgium, Germany, Italy, Poland and Spain). Reduced protein intake in infancy normalized growth achieved at 2 years of age relative to breastfed infants and the current WHO growth standard. The difference in weight gain up to 2 years old could reduce the prevalence of obesity in adolescence by some 13%. We conclude that infant feeding practice has a high potential for long-term health effects. The results obtained should stimulate the review of current recommendations and policies for infant formula composition.  相似文献   

The early nutrition from conception to early childhood has imprinting or programming effects on later health and disease risks. Rapid weight gain in fetal life and early childhood increases the risk of later obesity, diabetes and other non-communicable diseases (NCD). In observational cohort studies rapid weight gain from birth to 2 years old was associated with an increased risk of obesity up to adulthood. Breastfeeding is associated with less rapid weight gain in infancy than conventional infant formula nutrition. Several meta-analyses of observational studies found that breastfeeding was associated with an approximately 12–24?% reduction in the risk of obesity in later life. We investigated the early protein hypothesis, which proposes that a high protein intake in infancy leads to increased concentrations of insulinogenic amino acids, the growth factors insulin and insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) as well as greater weight gain and later obesity. The hypothesis was tested in a double blind randomized clinical trial involving 1678 term infants who received conventional infant and follow-on formulae with higher protein content or with reduced protein content during the first year of life. The reduced protein diet led to significantly reduced body weight, weight-for-length and body mass index (BMI) up to the age of 2 years and to a 2.4–2.9-fold reduction of obesity at 6 years old compared to conventional bottle feeding formulae. We concluded that infant feeding has powerful long-term programming effects, with very large effect sizes on obesity in early school age. Breastfeeding should be actively promoted, protected and supported. Infants not exclusively breastfed should receive infant formulae with reduced protein content. Unmodified cows’ milk contains three times as much protein as human milk and should be avoided as a drink in infancy.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wird über eine Nachuntersuchung von 175 Kindern berichtet, welche im Säuglingsalter an schwerer Gastroenteritis mit Intoxikation gelitten und sich erholt hatten. Als Kontrollmaterial dienten 171 Kinder, die zur gleichen Zeit wegen einer leichteren oder mittelschweren Form dieser Krankheit behandelt wurden. Das Alter der Kinder wechselte von 4 bis 12 Jahren. Die erhaltenen Ergebnisse stützen sich auf Fragebogen.Antworten wurden in 88,7% der Fälle, erhalten. Unter den schwer Erkrankten waren 8 später gestorben, 6 geistig zurückgeblieben, und 13 weitere Kinder hatten Krämpfe gehabt. Die entsprechenden Zahlen in der Kontrollgruppe waren: Todesfälle 4, geistig Zurückgebliebene 3 und an Krämpfen Leidende 8.Obgleich das Intoxikationssyndrom öfters nur durch reversible funktionelle Störungen des zentralen Nervensystems verursacht ist, besteht die Möglichkeit, daß es bisweilen auch Dauerschäden hervorrufen kann.Herrn Professor H. Kleinschmidt zum 70. Geburtstage gewidment.  相似文献   

The German network“Healthy Start – Young Families’ Network” (Gesund ins Leben – Netzwerk Junge Familie), was set up to form a basis for an effective, nationwide communication network between actors, institutions and media wishing to accompany and support parents through pregnancy and birth. The recommendations of various relevant professional organisations and institutions have been compiled, discussed among the members of the scientific advisory board and formulated into standardized key messages (recommendations for action). These recommendations will be passed on to young families on the one hand in the form of application-oriented messages for everyday life, and on the other as an integral part of disseminator training in the form of background information. They include key messages on breastfeeding, infant formula, baby foods, drinks (complementary fluids intake), nutritional supplements, nutrition for breastfeeding mothers, stimulants while breastfeeding, medication and food supplements while breastfeeding, as well as advice on non-nutrition- and non-smoking-related allergies in children.  相似文献   



The network Healthy Start – Young Family Network is a project from IN FORM – German national initiative to promote healthy diets and physical activity. In this nationwide network medical and scientific societies, professional organizations, and professionally oriented institutions combined together to accompany and support parents through pregnancy and birth by providing information on nutrition and allergy prevention.


The recommendations of various relevant professional organizations and institutions were compiled, discussed among the members of scientific advisory board of the network and formulated into standardized key messages (recommendations for actions). These recommendations were distributed to young families in the form of application-oriented messages for everyday life and as an integral part of disseminator training in the form of background information. They include key messages on breastfeeding, infant formula, baby foods, drinks (complementary fluids intake), nutritional supplements, nutrition for breastfeeding mothers, stimulants while breastfeeding, medication and food supplements while breastfeeding as well as advice on non-nutrition and non-smoking related allergies in children.  相似文献   

In the perioperative management of children and adolescents multiple interfaces occur between anesthesia and pediatrics; nevertheless, both disciplines often know very little concerning the mindset of the other with respect to the shared patient. This article predominantly deals with anesthesiological aspects, including the not yet clearly answered problem of the neurotoxicity of anesthetic drugs. An increased risk in narcosis, which is manifested in children mainly as respiratory complications, can make it necessary to postpone a planned intervention. The possible impact of narcosis on a vaccination is discussed. In the anesthesiological management of children suffering from symptomatic diseases, there are particular potential risks that must be paid attention to. An almost classical topic in pediatric anesthesiology is the disposition to development of malignant hyperthermia. Attempts to avoid this often result in the use of propofol as an intravenous anesthetic, which in turn is associated with the danger of developing propofol infusion syndrome (PRIS) as well as it should be avoided in patients with mitochondrial diseases. As a special subdiscipline of pediatrics, neonatology requires medical treatment bordering on the capability for survival. Cooperation across traditional borders between pediatrician, anaesthesiologist and pediatric surgeon has proved useful. In the postoperative setting the treatment of pain and side effects of a particular anesthetic procedure are ultimately decisive as to whether the intervention and hospital stay are perceived by the patient as traumatic. Here as well a tight cooperation between Anaesthesiology and Pediatrics is crucial.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden zunächst die heutigen Ansichten über Kälteagglutinine und monothermische Kältehämolysine dargelegt und dann eine, bei einem 2 Monate alten Säugling beobachtete Kälteagglutininkrankheit beschrieben. Nach eingehender Besprechung von Anamnese, Krankheitsverlauf, Untersuchungsmethoden und-ergebnissen wird in der Diskussion auf die Frage einer diaplacentaren Übertragung von Immunglobulinen eingegangen, die Grenzen der Wärmeamplitude festgelegt, an Hand einer Vergleichstabelle das vorliegende Krankheitsbild der akuten Verlaufsform der Kälteagglutininkrankheit zugeordnet sowie deren Prognose, Therapie und Genese kurz erwähnt.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wird über die Beobachtung eines Hypocuprämiesyndroms, verbunden mit Hypoferrämie, Hypoproteinämie und den cytohämatologischen Kriterien einer mikrocytären, hypochromen Anämie bei fünf über 1/2Jahr alten Säuglingen, die alle wegen einer recht erheblichen Dystrophie zur stationären Aufnahme kamen, berichtet. Die papierelektrophoretische Fraktionierung der Serumproteine ließ eine Verminderung der Albumine, der 2 und der -Globuline erkennen. Der Kupfergehalt der Erythrocyten war bei diesen Kindern anfangs ebenfalls deutlich vermindert, aber nicht in dem Maße wie der Serumkupfergehalt oder das Coeruloplasmin.Nach einer initialen Bluttransfusion und anschließender peroraler Eisenmedikation besserte sich die hypochrome Anämie prompt. In dem Maße, wie die Dystrophie beherrscht werden konnte, stiegen auch die Serumproteine an, wobei der Anstieg der Albumine dem der 2 und -Globuline vorausging. Der Serumkupfergehalt und das Coeruloplasmin stiegen erst nach 2 Monaten allmählich an. Dieser Befund wird so gedeutet, daß bei diesen Säuglingen die Hypocuprämie weder auf einem mangelhaften Kupferangebot mit der Nahrung noch auf einer unzureichenden Resorption des Kupfers im Darmkanal beruht, sondern daß vorübergehend die Synthese des Apoenzyms des Coeruloplasmins unzureichend ist.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Untersuchungen zur Definition der Dysbiose im Säuglingsalter führten zu eindrucksvollen Zusammenhängen zwischen dem gesundheitlichen Status eines Säuglings und seiner Fäkalflora. Mit Hilfe kultureller, quantitativer Selektivierungsmethoden konnte in den Faeces von rekonvaleszenten, von schlecht gedeihenden oder unter banalen Infekten stehenden Säuglingen ein Verschwinden oder Zurücktreten der Bifidusgruppe und ein Vorherrschen aerob wachsender Keime (Streptokokken, Lactobazillen) beobachtet werden. Putride Keime, Coli, Staphylokokken, Pilze und Proteus sowie die makroskopische Beschaffenheit der Faeces waren von der Dysbiose nicht oder nicht wesentlich betroffen.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wurde über ein gehäuftes Vorkommen von angeborenen Herzfehlern in zwei Familien berichtet. Im ersten Fall starben drei Kinder phänotypisch gesunder Eltern an komplizierten Herzgefäßfehlbildungen im Säuglings- und Kleinkindesalter. Alle wiesen bei der Obduktion einen hochsitzenden Ventrikelseptumdefekt und einen persistierenden Ductus arteriosus auf. In der zweiten Familie litten zwei von fünf Geschwistern an einem Vorhofseptumdefekt Typ secundum, der inzwischen operativ verschlossen wurde. Außerdem hatte der Großvater väterlicherseits wahrscheinlich einen Herzfehler, so daß bei Fehlen von Vitien in den Seitenlinien zumindest für diese Familie ein dominanter Erbgang angenommen wird.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wird über den Fall eines hämatogen entstandenen, solitären Aspergillusgranuloms des Gehirns bei einem neunjährigen, primär gesunden Knaben berichtet. Nach Anamnese und klinischen Befunden wurde zunächst eine tuberkulöse Meningitis angenommen. In den letzten Tagen des einwöchigen Klinikaufenthaltes traten mit Halbseitensymptomatik zunehmend Zeichen eines intrakraniellen, raumfordernden Prozesses in den Vordergrund. Die Diagnose einer Aspergillose konnte erst bei der Autopsie gestellt werden. Als Infektionsweg ist eine hämatogene Streuung von einer über den Darm erfolgten Leberinfektion anzunehmen, in der noch ein Pilzherd gefunden wurde. Nach einer Besprechung der pathologisch-anatomischen und klinischen Befunde bei Gehirnaspergillosen, insbesondere beim mitgeteilten Fall, wird auf Probleme der Diagnostik und Therapie eingegangen.  相似文献   



While in the Anglo-American countries the ketogenic diet (KD) has shown to be efficient in the treatment of refractory epilepsy, an attempt of evaluation in Germany (Workshop 2000 in Essen) showed an unfavorable result (0% seizure-free, seizure reduction >50% in only 16%).


As the evaluation in Germany (Workshop 2000 in Essen) did not include the results of our patients, we present the retrospective evaluation of the efficacy of the KD in our patients with refractory epilepsy.

Patients and Methods.

We report 24 patients with refractory epilepsy who have been treated with the KD between February 1997 and January 2002. When the KD was started median (range) of age was 6.0 years (0.8–13.2), number of antiepileptic drugs used previously was 7 (3–13), time since onset of epilepsy 53 months (5–159) and seizure frequency 140/week (250 myoclonic seizures/day up to 1 status epilepticus/month). 13 patients had symptomatic, 8 patients cryptogenic and 3 patients idiopathic epilepsy.


In 2 patients the KD was stopped during initiation due to side effects (vomiting, sleepiness). Reduction of seizures >50% was achieved in 59% of the patients, 2/22 (9%) have become seizure-free for 22 months respectively 3.8 years. Seizure reduction >90% was achieved in further 5/22 patients (23%) and seizure reduction between 50–90% in further 6/22 patients (27%). At the time of evaluation the responders with seizure reduction >50% have been on the KD for 116 weeks (13–221). There was no significant difference between responders and nonresponders regarding the number of antiepileptic drugs used before the KD, the age and time since onset of epilepsy when the KD was started nor the types of seizures.


The Ketogenic diet is efficient in reducing seizure frequency in children with refractory epilepsy.  相似文献   

Case report. This case-report presents the clinical course in a 7 year old boy with hereditary pancreatitis who was suffering from melaena requiring frequent transfusions and severe abdominal pain correlated with slightly elevated serum lipase and amylase. The diagnosis hereditary pancreatitis was established by detection of the mutation R122H in the cationic trypsinogen gene. Later on, the family history could be completed and revealed a pancreatic carcinoma in a grand uncle of the patient. Although identification of the source of the gastrointestinal bleeding was inconclusive various signs and one occasion with observable bleeding from the pancreatic duct during duodenoscopy lead to the assumption of pancreatic bleeding. Following a period of continued seriousness in the patients condition over half-a-year a decision to carry out a longitudinal pancreaticojejunostomy was pre-empted by spontaneous remission with a complete absence of clinical symptoms. Conclusion. Hereditary pancreatitis may have a hemorrhagic course with gastrointestinal blood losses. Owing to the incomplete penetrance of the illness the differential diagnosis hereditary pancreatitis cannot be discounted even in a patient with a negative family history.  相似文献   



Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a rare congenital disease of the cilia which is mostly manifested in the respiratory system.


When there is a clinical suspicion of the presence of PCD and/or a positive screening result with reduced nasal nitrogen oxide (NO) values, further diagnostic measures should be initiated as soon as possible. In centers where high-frequency video microscopy analyses (HVMA) of beating of cilia are available, an initial nasal NO measurement for screening must not necessarily be carried out. As the first diagnostic measure for confirmation or exclusion of PCD, HVMA should be carried out. If the findings are conspicuous transmission electron microscopic analysis (TEM) of the ciliary structure and high-resolution immunofluorescence (IF) microscopic analysis of the cilia should follow. Mandatory for diagnosis are at least two congruent pathological findings from HVMA, TEM or IF. When a PCD variant with no evidence of ultrastructural defects is present, an identical pathological beating of cilia must be demonstrated with HVMA on three independent occasions. Following that a targeted genetic clarification should be attempted based on the findings for HVMA, TEM and IF. A clear genetic result can also confirm the diagnosis.


When PCD is suspected contact with a diagnostic center should be made. A reference center for PCD diagnostics will evaluate uncertain findings.  相似文献   

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