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Essex-Lopresti损伤   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
Essex-Lopresti损伤是指桡骨头骨折合并下尺桡关节脱位,是一种比较少见的前臂、腕及肘部同时受累的损伤。Curt等在1946年首先报告了1例急性桡骨头骨折合并下尺桡关节损伤、桡骨向近端移位的病例。这种损伤十分少见,Levin认为约占所有桡骨头骨折的1%,至今文献中的报道多为个案报告或仅有几例。Essex-Lopresti在1951年较  相似文献   

由下至上的纵向暴力极其容易引起桡骨头颈骨折、前臂骨间膜损伤和下尺桡关节脱位,此三联征称之为Essex-Lopresti损伤。笔者于2012年2月收治1例此类患者,现就该损伤的诊断与治疗作进一步阐述。1病例报告男性患者,44岁。因高处坠落伤致右腕、右肘疼痛、活动受限约2 h入院。查体:右肘关节外侧肿胀,桡骨头压痛阳性,可触及骨擦感及异常活动。右前臂旋转功能受限,右腕关节桡偏  相似文献   

[目的]初步探讨Essex-Lopresti损伤的治疗方法。[方法]从2002年6月~2010年5月,随访本院收治并进行切开复位内固定手术的Essex-Lopresti损伤患者,随访项目包括肘关节、腕关节体格检查,Broberg&Morrey肘关节评分、Cooney腕关节评分等,分析患者的功能恢复情况。[结果]术后随访24~46个月[(35.75±8.5)个月],全部患者肘关节活动度可,无肘关节不稳定和疼痛表现。术后Broberg&Morrey肘关节评分为76~96.5分[(87.3±7.9)分],其中优3例,良4例,可1例。7例患者腕关节活动度可,1例患者腕关节活动度差,所有患者腕关节均没有明显的疼痛。Cooney腕关节评分为75~95分[(84.4±8.2)分],其中优2例,良5例,可1例。[结论]对于Essex-Lopresti损伤,治疗原则是重建桡骨长度,同时复位并稳定下尺桡关节。尽可能早期对桡骨头骨折进行切开复位内固定术,或一期人工金属桡骨头假体置换,并重视对三角纤维软骨复合体的探查和修复。  相似文献   

EssexLopresti损伤包括桡骨头骨折、尺桡远侧关节分离和骨间膜撕裂,导致前臂活动障碍和纵向不稳定。Essex-Lopresti损伤发病率极低,容易漏诊而未予处置,使患肢功能受损;治疗不充分也会使前臂急性不稳定变成更为复杂的陈旧性纵向不稳定。及时诊断有赖于对此类损伤的充分了解和详尽的物理、超声及放射线检查。急性期损伤治疗旨在防止桡骨向近侧移位,需要正确处理桡骨头骨折,避免桡骨头切除,修复三角纤维软骨复合体,损伤的骨间膜重建与否尚有争议;陈旧性损伤处理的中心环节是重建完整的稳定结构,恢复尺桡远侧关节高度,最终恢复前臂尺桡骨之间的正常关系,消除纵向不稳定,方法包括人工桡骨头置换、尺骨截骨短缩、骨间膜中央束重建和三角纤维软骨复合体修复。  相似文献   

Essex-Lopresti损伤诊断与治疗   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高能量暴力作用于前臂引起的Essex-Lopresti损伤包括桡骨头骨折、三角纤维软骨复合体损伤及前臂骨间膜撕裂三联损伤,很容易漏诊.桡骨头骨折伴有下尺桡关节疼痛、前臂旋转受限时须考虑是否存在Essex-Lopresti损伤,详细体检、X线平片、超声、MRI及术中桡骨纵向牵拉试验可帮助诊断.治疗的关键在于维持前臂纵向稳定性,因此需要通过切开复位内固定或人工桡骨头置换来恢复桡骨的正常长度.近年研究提示前臂骨间膜和三角纤维软骨复合体对维持前臂纵向稳定性也相当重要.该文就该损伤的诊断与治疗研究进展作一综述.  相似文献   

Essex-Lopresti损伤的手术治疗方法浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Shen Y  Yu T  Sun K  Liu J  Qi C 《中国修复重建外科杂志》2011,25(11):1326-1329
目的总结切开复位内固定或人工桡骨头置换治疗Essex-Lopresti损伤的手术方法及疗效。方法2002年11月-2010年10月收治10例Essex-Lopresti损伤患者。男8例,女2例;年龄20~56岁,平均36岁。新鲜闭合骨折8例,受伤至手术时间1 h~2 d;桡骨头骨折按改良的Mason分型:Ⅱ型5例,Ⅲ型3例。余2例于外院行单纯桡骨头切除,因术后出现腕关节疼痛、前臂纵向不稳分别于伤后1个月和3个月入院。X线片示均有下尺桡关节脱位。桡骨头骨折采用切开复位微型钢板或可吸收螺钉内固定(5例)或人工桡骨头置换(5例)治疗,同时复位并固定下尺桡关节。结果患者术后切口均Ⅰ期愈合。10例均获随访,随访时间7~24个月,平均14.7个月。X线片示术后9~20周骨折均达临床愈合,平均16.3周;无桡骨近端移位,下尺桡关节稳定。术后6个月肘关节功能根据Morrey-Broberg功能评分系统评价获优5例,良3例,可2例;腕关节临床功能根据改良的腕关节临床评分系统评价获优7例,良2例,可1例。患者均无肘关节不稳,关节活动无严重受限;均恢复正常工作生活。结论早期诊断、尽早手术及术后早期功能锻炼对于Essex-Lopresti损伤的治疗尤为重要。  相似文献   

桡尺骨分离损伤   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 桡尺骨分离是较少见的特殊损伤,探讨其发生机理、临床诊断和治疗。方法1990~1998年,收治4例同侧上、下尺桡关节损伤(桡尺骨分离伤)患者、其中3例早期确诊,手术治疗2例,手法复位1例。1例诊断延迟2个月,二次手术治疗.结果 随访16个月~8年,平均46个月。肘关节和腕关节功能评定参照Trousdale引用的百分法,优4例。结论 桡尺骨分离伤临床少见,损伤机制较特殊,早期确诊治疗效果好。  相似文献   

<正>肘关节分离脱位是一种尺骨近端、桡骨近端和肱骨远端同时存在分离移位的肘关节脱位类型。这种少见的类型由于上、下传导暴力集中于肘关节,前臂呈过度旋前位,环状韧带和尺桡骨近侧骨间膜被劈裂,引起桡骨小头、尺骨近端和肱骨远端的空间关系发生分离。肘关节分离脱位通常见于儿童和青少年中,成  相似文献   

桡尺远侧关节损伤类型及诊治近况   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
桡尺远侧关节损伤类型及诊治近况谭忠奎综述陈庄洪审校桡尺远侧关节损伤在日常生活中并非少见,然而,如果对此认识不足,往往会导致诊断及治疗上的错误,势必造成桡尺远侧关节功能障碍和产生其它并发症。近年来,随着人们对该关节认识的增加,提高了桡尺远侧关节损伤的诊...  相似文献   

笔者于2008年3月,收治1例Essex-Lopresti损伤合并Barton骨折,报告如下. 1 病例报告  相似文献   

The Essex-Lopresti lesion represents a severe injury of the forearm unit. In the 1940s, it’s pathology and consequences have already been mentioned by several authors. Over the course of time, the pathophysiology of the lesion was displayed in more detail. Therefore, an intensive analysis of the involved anatomic structures was done. The interosseous membrane was shown to play a major role in stabilising the forearm unit, in the situation of a fractured radial head, which is the primary stabiliser of the longitudinal forearm stability. Moreover, biomechanical analyses showed a relevant attribution of the distal radio-ulnar joint to the forearm stability. If, in the case of a full-blown Essex-Lopresti lesion, the radial head, the interosseous membrane and the distal radio-ulnar joint are injured, proximalisation of the radius will take place and will come along with secondary symptoms at the elbow joint and the wrist. According to actual studies, the lesion seems to occur more often than realised up to now. Thus, to avoid missing the complex injury, subtle clinical diagnosis combined with adequate imaging has to be undertaken. If the lesion is confirmed, several operative treatment options are available, yet not proofed to be sufficient.  相似文献   

The elbow, forearm and wrist act as a unified structure to provide a stable, strong and highly mobile strut for positioning the hand in space and for conducting load-bearing tasks. An understanding of the relevant anatomy and biomechanics is important for the surgeon assessing and treating disorders of forearm function. This paper is concerned with illuminating the principles and concepts governing forearm rotation and load-bearing functions.  相似文献   

目的 研究急性桡骨头骨折合并桡尺远侧关节脱位(Essex-Lopresti损伤)的诊断和治疗特点.方法 自2002年至2009年,我科共诊治了3例Essex-Lopresti损伤的患者.对桡骨头骨折进行固定修复或假体置换,对桡尺远侧关节损伤进行复位和内固定.对3例患者都进行了随访和疗效评估.结果 经过15~48个月的随访,肘关节和腕关节评分系统评定显示术后所有患者的前臂功能恢复效果满意.结论 急性Essex-Lopresti损伤的治疗原则是修复或假体置换桡骨头骨折,同时复位、固定桡尺远侧关节.如桡骨头骨折粉碎严重不能进行内固定,不可以行切除术,否则将导致严重后果.
Objective To study the methods of diagnose and treatment of acute radial head fracture accompanied by distal radioulnar joint dislocation (Essex-Lopresti injury). Methods From 2002 to 2009,3 patients with acute Essex-Lopresti injury were diagnosed and treated in our department. Radial head fractures were treated with fixation repair or radial head prosthesis replacement. Distal radioulnar joint dislocations were treated with reduction and fixation. All three patients were followed-up and the effects were assessed. Results Total time of follow-up ranged from 15 to 48 months. According to the elbow joint and wrist joint scoring systems,results of postoperative functions were satisfactory. Conclusion Acute Essex-Lopresti injuries should be treated with radial head fracture fixation or replacement,and simultaneous reduction and fixation of the dislocated distal radioulnar joint. When fracture of the radial head is too comminuted to be repaired,simple resection of the radial head is not an option since it will result in failure.  相似文献   

As the scope of plastic surgical practice expands to include disorders of the carpus and wrist, it has become increasingly important for plastic surgeons to understand pathoanatomy that has not traditionally been considered an integral component of training. The Essex-Lopresti injury consists of a radial head fracture with associated injury to the forearm interosseus membrane and longitudinal instability of the distal radioulnar joint. Early recognition of this disorder usually results in a predictable and satisfactory outcome. However, when this disorder is unrecognized, late reconstruction is challenging and unpredictable, and treatment may be misdirected to the wrist alone if the forearm and elbow are not considered as a component of this injury. The present report describes the importance of examining the elbow in all cases of wrist pain. As well, the literature is reviewed regarding the differences in treatment of acute and chronic Essex-Lopresti injuries. As plastic surgeons become more involved in the treatment of wrist injuries, the conscientious practitioner should be aware of more complicated pathology that may present as a seemingly straightforward wrist problem.  相似文献   

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