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Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) was used to compare the topographic fine structure of urothelium from normal, neoplastic and inflamed human bladders. The three groups of patients show different patterns. The normal bladder lining is characterized by regularly arranged large superficial cells with ridged surfaces. By contrast, the surface cells of a transitional cell carcinoma are rounded up and covered with microvilli. In some patients with cystitis or post inflammatory hyperplasia SEM appearances intermediate between normal and neoplastic patterns are encountered. However, except in extremely severe cystitis it is possible on SEM to differentiate between inflamed and neoplastic urothelium. Surface microvilli provide a useful malignant marker for transitional cell carcinoma. However, severe inflammation of the bladder, when diagnosed on cystoscopic examination, can and must be excluded by light microscopy before this marker is considered diagnostic for neoplasia.  相似文献   

Summary Three cases of inverted papilloma of the urinary bladder were studied by transmission electron microscopy. Scanning electron microscopic observation was made in one of these. The surfaces of the outermost tumour cells were covered with short stubby microvilli. Multiple bud like proliferations of the tumour cells were compatible with a trabecular type of inverted papilloma. The tumour cells of the trabeculum mimicked the intermediate and basal cells of the epithelium which covered the surface. Microcysts are believed to be formed by epithelial migration into pits, creating an epithelial inversion, and do not represent central necrosis. Ultrastructure suggests that inverted papilloma is a very well differentiated tumour.  相似文献   

The appearance of neoplastic human urothelium viewed by low-temperature scanning electron microscopy (LTSEM) and conventional scanning electron microscopy (CSEM) was compared. Fixed, dehydrated neoplastic cells viewed by CSEM had well-defined, often raised cell junctions; no intercellular gaps; and varying degrees of pleomorphic surface microvilli. The frozen hydrated material viewed by LTSEM, however, was quite different. The cells had a flat or dimpled surface, but no microvilli. There were labyrinthine lateral processes which interdigitated with those of adjacent cells and outlined large intercellular gaps. The process of fixation and dehydration will inevitably distort cell contours and on theoretical grounds, the images of frozen hydrated material should more closely resemble the in vivo appearance.  相似文献   

Summary A reliable method is described for processing substrate-dependent cells raised on culture-grade plastic for both scanning (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). This technique allows collection of specimens for TEM and SEM from the same culture dish or flask. In this way it is possible to study the surface morphology (SEM) and thin section ultrastructure of cells from contiguous regions of a culture. Specific regions of a culture can be selected and processed so that specimens retain orientation throughout mounting or embedment and sectioning. The method is applicable both to confluent cultures as well as isolated colonies.  相似文献   

We describe a method of observing human sperm metaphases bysequential transmission and scanning electron microscopy. Thispermits the analysis of ultrastructural aspects of sperm chromosomesand allows the relationship between ultrastnicture, heterochromatincondensation, and the behaviour and staining properties of spermchromosomes and heterochromatic regions to be determined.  相似文献   

AIMS: To analyse and characterize the ultrastructural morphology of normal tissue mast cells (MC) and neoplastic bone marrow MC. METHODS: We have examined the ultrastructure and cytomorphological features of MC derived from cord blood cells, neoplastic bone marrow MC in patients with systemic mastocytosis (SM, n = 4), myelomastocytic leukaemia (MML, n = 2), mast cell leukaemia (MCL, n = 2) and tryptase-positive acute myeloid leukaemia (AML, n = 4). RESULTS: Based on their ultrastructure and morphology, four distinct cell types could be delineated: (i) mature well-granulated tissue MC exhibiting a round central nucleus; (ii) atypical MC type I with oval nuclei, hypogranulated cytoplasm, and prominent surface projections; (iii) immature atypical MC with bi- or polylobed nuclei (atypical MC type II = promastocytes); and (iv) metachromatic blasts. Type I atypical MC were detected in a patient with indolent SM, whereas type II MC and metachromatic blasts were primarily found in MML, MCL and tryptase-positive AML. In all samples examined, the identity of MC could be reconfirmed by immunoelectron microscopy, irrespective of the stage of cell maturation or the disease variant, all types of MC contained tryptase in their cytoplasmic granules. CONCLUSION: Immunoelectron microscopy may be a helpful approach in confirming the identity of neoplastic MC in myeloid neoplasms.  相似文献   

We describe a DNA-specific staining procedure, using a blue platinum organic dye, which allows DNA imaging of chromosomes by detection of back-scattered electrons in the scanning electron microscope. DNA distribution is visualized within chromosomal details of the centromeric and satellite regions, or in interphase chromatin, with high-resolution (10–15 nm) for comparison with the corresponding secondary electron image representing DNA plus protein.  相似文献   

Conidiobolus coronatus is a major insect pathogen belonging to the fungal order Entomophthorales, causing a rare subcutaneous infection of the nasofacial region, resulting in swelling of predominantly the nose, mouth, and perinasal tissue. Later in the course of the infection firm, painless, subcutaneous nodules develop that are attached to the underlying tissues but not to the skin. No morphological studies are available in the literature on the morphology of C. coronatus in vivo and all morphological studies have been conducted on in vitro cultures. Here the authors report on the ultrastructural pathology as seen with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) of villous conidia of C. coronatus, detected in a 37-year-old woman who presented to the casualty department at Pretoria Academic Hospital, South Africa with left-sided facial pain and headache. The diagnosis of C. coronatus was confirmed by LightCycler real-time flourescence PCR technique. Research shows that typically diagnosis of the pathogen is established only on histological examination, and in over 85% of cases cultures for the causative organism is negative. This pathogen has not previously been found in a blood sample and the authors present for the first time the morphology of C. coronatus in blood using the SEM.  相似文献   

The morphological classification used in this essay has been based on the most recent World Health Organization (WHO) classification of tumours of the urinary system (i.e. 2004 WHO classification). It includes epithelial abnormalities and metaplasias as well as dysplasias and carcinomas in situ. The lesions are broadly subdivided into two major groups: benign, preneoplastic and non-invasive neoplastic lesions of the urothelium; and benign, preneoplastic and non-invasive neoplastic bladder lesions other than urothelial. Each of these lesions is defined with strict morphological criteria to provide more accurate information to urologists and oncologists in managing patients. There is still debate in the literature as to whether the 2004 WHO system should be the only one to be used and whether the 1973 WHO system should be abandoned.  相似文献   

The surface of the ovary has two types of epithelial cells. We have called these A and B cells and they are found in their own respective zones (A and B). To assess the scanning electron microscopic features of these cell types, 65 ovarian samples were collected from biopsies taken from 35 women with normal ovaries. Biopsies included developing follicles, corpora lutea and ovarian capsules. Type A cells were cuboidal and sometimes tall, with a mean diameter of 6.49 microns, and a mean density of microvilli of 6.48/microns 2. Type B cells, on the other hand, were flat squamous cells with broader and flat apices with mean diameters and microvillus density of 11.71 microns and 3.88/microns 2 respectively. The A and B zones were common to all surfaces including the distending follicle. Type A cells overlying the distended surface of a follicle had a mean diameter of 7.03 microns compared to a mean of 6.05 microns for the capsular surface. Type B cell diameters and the microvillus density of both types were more variable and did not differ significantly over any of the surfaces. We suggest that previous human studies which identified flattening of cells over the distending follicle were probably observing B cells. The relationship of the B zones to papillae and surface bridges on the ovarian surface, and the association of these with ovulation sites, suggests that B cells are probably metaplastic cells derived in response to chronic surface injury with ovulation.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional architecture of the autonomic nerve terminals in the rat exocrine pancreas was investigated by scanning electron microscopy using the HCl-digestion method as well as by transmission electron microscopy. Unmyelinated nerves presumed to be autonomic in nature were found in networks covering the outer layers of arterioles and their capillary extensions, with nerve fibers often leaving the capillaries to surround acini in the interacinar spaces. Schwann cells formed scaffolds for axons of the networks. No other distinct type of cells such as the so-called interstitial cells of Cajal were found to be associated with the formation of the networks. Although nerve fibers of the networks were locally in close association with the walls of the blood vessels or with the bases of acinar cells, no specialized axonal contacts with these tissues were found. However, local swellings, presumably varicosities, were observed by scanning electron microscopy on the surface of nerves. These findings suggest that the networks of unmyelinated nerves represent terminal apparatuses of the autonomic nerves in the pancreas. Schwann cells in the terminal networks were characterized by an unusual abundance of cell organelles. These "terminal Schwann cells" well correspond in location and reticular extension to the "interstitial cells of Cajal" as demonstrated by silver impregnation and vital methylene blue staining. The occurrence of well developed Golgi apparatuses, rough endoplasmic reticulum, and numerous ribosomes suggests that the cells are specialized Schwann cells which most likely require high levels of cellular activity in order to maintain their elaborate cytoplasmic processes extending along the terminal networks, and also to sustain the specific functions of axon terminals.  相似文献   

Summary The anatomy of the human aortic valve was studied by SEM in 36 subjects without cardiac pathology who had died of various accidental causes. Villous and lamellar tissue excrescences were observed at the node of Arantius and at the limit between the lunules and the load-bearing portion of the leaflets. The morphology of these structures suggests that they represent areas in which valve tissue becomes detached into the bloodstream. Fenestrations were present in the lunules of 14 specimens, with a higher incidence in specimens from subjects who were middle-aged or older. Our observations suggest that fenestrations appear initially as small perforations which then coalesce to form larger apertures.Two main types of endothelial cells, elongated and polygonal were detected on the endothelial surface of the leaflets. Both types of cells display a constant mode of arrangement on the different segments of the leaflets (lunules, node of Arantius and load-bearing portion of the leaflet). The possible relationships between endothelial cell morphology and the pattern of mechanical stress to which the leaflets are subjected is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The morphogenetic events that occur in the development of villi in human foetal colon have been observed by light microscopy and scanning and transmission electron microscopy.At nine weeks, the colon is a simple tube composed of pseudostratified columnar epithelium and mesenchyme. By ten weeks, up to eight longitudinal ridges have formed by an elongation of individual epithelial cells. Even as the ridges are forming, the bases of some of the ridges become indented with mesenchyme thus forming longitudinal mucosal folds. By eleven and a half weeks, these have folded in a concertina fashion forming a longitudinal zig-zag pattern.From ten and a half weeks, small lumina develop within the epithelium near to its base. At this stage, they are not in continuity with the main lumen. Extension of these lumina to the main luminal surface and exfoliation of redundant cells result in division of the zig-zag folds into broad primary villi.Division of the primary villi occurs when cyst-like structures which develop within the pseudostratified columnar epithelium of the primary villi enlarge and extend to the lumen. Together with upgrowth of mesenchyme this results in small secondary villi with simple columnar epithelium.  相似文献   

Urinary bladders of rats were denervated by bilateral excision of the pelvic ganglion and removed 10 days after the operation. They were filled with 0.75 ml saline and a longitudinal muscle strip was marked out, measured and dissected out. Strips from normal bladders filled with the same volume were used as controls. Denervated bladders were 4–5 times heavier than control bladders. Muscle strips from denervated bladders showed, in contrast to controls, marked phasic spontaneous contractions which were unaffected by tetrodotoxin, indicating a myogenic origin. Active tension in response to AC stimulation was measured at different lengths. In relation to the in situ length (Lin situ) at 0.75 ml the denervated strips had to be stretched to much greater extent than controls in order to reach optimum length (L0) for force development. Furthermore, the denervated strips shortened less in relation to Lin situ than the controls. If active length-tension relations were expressed in relation to Lo, the difference between denervated and control strips was abolished. Maximal active force was the same for denervated and control strips. Water content increased significantly in denervated bladders. The results suggest a remodelling of the smooth muscle structure in denervated bladders; the characteristics of the contractile machinery seem, however, to be unaltered.  相似文献   

The mass of adenovirus type 5 was determined by means of computer-assisted scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM). Arithmetic mean of 157 +/- 10(SD) X 10(6) daltons and mode between 160 and 170 X 10(6) daltons compare favourably with previously reported data. The advantages of the STEM-procedure over the physical and chemical techniques are: low amounts of purified virus particles are needed; visual control of the physical state of virus particles; no need to know the chemical composition or protein concentration of the virus sample.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: This study was conducted on human cervical mucus using light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The objective was the morphological characterization of the different mucus types, with samples taken from the lumen of the cervix and from the different secretory zones of the cervical mucosa. METHODS: A total of 230 samples from 195 women were spread out on slides and air dried. The phenomenon of 'ferning' was observed and assessed in these samples using both LM and SEM. Further samples from the lumen of the cervix and the different secretory crypts were spread out on cover slips and fixed with glutaraldehyde (2.5%) to be studied by SEM. RESULTS: The results show the presence of four different morphological mucus types, namely L, S, P and G, in both types of sample using dried and fixed techniques. CONCLUSIONS: Mucus from the lumen of the cervix appears to be a morphologically heterogeneous entity. It contains different types of secretions, the proportions of which vary throughout the menstrual cycle. The different mucosal types show different types of crystallization, different patterns of ultrastructure (probably related to the arrangement of the glycoprotein network) and are produced in different secretory zones of the crypts in the cervix.  相似文献   

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