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目的了解不同分娩方式和盆底肌肉训练对产后早期盆底功能障碍的影响。方法选取内蒙古医科大学附属医院2015年4月至2017年4月期间收治的1 928例初产妇为研究对象,根据分娩方式分为顺产组832例;选择性剖宫产组1 096例。所有初产妇在产后第6周进行盆底肌力和妇科检查,接受1个盆底肌肉训练疗程(产后第9周时)后,进行盆底肌力和肌电指数测定,记录相应结果。结果顺产组阴道前、后壁脱垂Ⅰ、Ⅱ度的发生率分别为55.29%、13.46%和32.69%、6.49%,显著高于选择性剖宫产组的32.11%、2.74%和12.77%、1.28%(均P <0.05);顺产组盆底肌力为0~0+级的初产妇占82.69%,显著高于选择性剖宫产组的75.00%(P <0.05);顺产组盆底肌力为Ⅰ~Ⅰ+级的初产妇占16.35%,显著低于选择性剖宫产组的22.99%(P <0.05)。两组急迫型产妇治疗后的基线值为(2.673±1.394)、(2.847±1.593),显著低于治疗前的(5.495±1.637)、(5.934±1.784),差异有统计学意义(均P <0.05)。顺产组、选择性剖宫产组的压力型产妇治疗后的耐受、持续收缩值,以及快速收缩最大值较治疗前有显著改善,具有统计学意义(均P <0.05)。结论选择性剖宫产可降低产后早期阴道脱垂的发生率,不能避免压力性尿失禁、子宫脱垂的风险;产妇早期盆底肌力功能障碍,可以通过康复治疗进行改善。  相似文献   

盆底肌肉训练对产后女性盆底肌功能重建的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:评价盆底肌肉训练对盆底肌肉张力的影响及对盆底功能的作用。方法:选取2011年4月至2011年11月在我院进行复查的产后40~70天的妇女。经测定盆底肌力小于Ⅲ级者,分为训练组(30例)和对照组(30例),训练组采用盆底肌肉训练(每周两次,10次为一疗程),产后对照组进行健康教育及产后操锻炼。两组患者治疗前后进行盆底肌力测定。结果训练组和对照组的治疗后盆底肌力的比较差异有统计学意义(0.01〈P〈0.05).结论盆底肌肉训练能有效提高肌肉张力,产后42天后开始治疗效果更好。  相似文献   

生物反馈盆底肌肉训练治疗女性压力性尿失禁   总被引:32,自引:1,他引:32  
目的:通过生物反馈盆底肌肉训练治疗女性压力性尿失禁6例分析,探讨生物反馈盆底肌肉训练治疗女性压力性尿失禁的效果,以期寻找女性压力性尿失禁较好的非手术治疗方法。方法:我院2003年9月~2004.年1月共有6例女性尿失禁患者接受了生物反馈盆底肌肉训练,平均年龄44岁(31~61岁),治疗前通过病史问卷、查体诊断尿失禁,其中5例压力性尿失禁,1例压力性尿失禁与急迫性尿失禁合并存在。压力性尿失禁的分度2例中度,4例为轻度。治疗采用Femiscan生物反馈治疗仪,可反馈测量患者盆底肌肉肌电,治疗疗程8~12周,每周2次,4例患者结束治疗疗程,2例正在治疗疗程之中。通过盆底肌肉肌电测量值及病史问卷评价其效果。结果:4例已完成治疗的患者盆底肌电测量值,治疗前平均肌电值为9.7μV(3.33~15.48μV),治疗后42.9μV(25.0~72.6μV),平均提高4.42倍,3例患者的症状改善,均为小于40岁患者,症状改善在治疗的第4~6周出现,1例61岁患者效果不明显。正在进行治疗的2例患者治疗4周,目前症状未见改善。治疗未见副作用。结论:生物反馈盆底肌肉训练是一种安全、有效治疗女性压力性尿失禁的方法,尤其是对于年轻、尿失禁程度较轻的患者效果更佳。  相似文献   

目的:探讨产后盆底功能障碍性疾病(PFD)与盆底肌收缩力的关系及其相关因素。方法:选择产后42~60天有产后尿失禁(UI)或盆腔器官脱垂(POP)的妇女为研究组(102例),其中UI患者66例(UI组),POP患者36例(POP组);另选择同期产后复查的正常产妇100例为对照组。对研究组和对照组的一般情况进行问卷调查,并采用肌电图描记法对UI组、POP组和对照组的盆底肌力进行评估。结果:1研究组的年龄、分娩前体重指数(BMI)、新生儿体重、阴道分娩率及有腹压增高史率明显高于对照组(P0.05;P0.01)。2研究组肌电图持续收缩值和快速收缩值均明显低于对照组(P0.01)。3研究组中UI组的快速收缩值明显低于POP组和对照组(P0.01),研究组中POP组的持续收缩值明显低于UI组和对照组(P0.01)。结论:产后PFD的发生可能与年龄、分娩前BMI、新生儿体重、阴道分娩等因素有关;产后PFD与盆底肌收缩力下降有关,其中POP可能与Ⅰ类肌力下降有关,而UI可能与Ⅱ类肌力下降有关。  相似文献   

目的:探讨盆底肌肉训练(生物反馈、电刺激、康复器锻炼)对产后早期女性盆底功能障碍的效果分析。方法:选择郑州大学第二附属医院妇产科2010年12月—2011年6月在我院住院分娩产后42 d有不同程度的压力性尿失禁(SUI)或合并盆腔脏器脱垂(S+P)的产妇236例,随机分为3组,治疗组78例于产后42 d进行生物反馈、电刺激、阴道康复器锻炼,哑铃组78例于产后42 d进行阴道康复器(阴道哑铃)锻炼,对照组80例进行产后一般健康教育。3组均于产后3个月和6个月进行盆底肌力测定、流行病学问卷调查、国际尿失禁咨询委员会尿失禁问卷表简表 (ICIQ-SF)调查和POP-Q分度。评价盆底功能障碍的恢复效果。结果:治疗组盆底肌力的恢复优于哑铃组,哑铃组盆底肌力的恢复优于对照组。产后3个月治疗组盆底Ⅰ类、Ⅱ类肌纤维疲劳度比对照组低,而盆底Ⅰ类、Ⅱ类肌纤维肌电压比对照组高,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);产后3个月和6个月时治疗组和哑铃组SUI的发生率均低于对照组,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05);产后3个月时3组S+P的发生率无统计学意义(P>0.05),而产后6个月时治疗组S+P的发生率低于哑铃组和对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:产后进行盆底肌肉康复训练是提高盆底肌力的一种有效方法,能有效降低SUI和POP的发生率。  相似文献   

目的探讨绝经前、后盆底功能障碍性疾病患者阴道壁雌激素受体(ER)与其发生的关系。方法采用免疫组化方法分别测定绝经前、后压力性尿失禁(SUI)患者(SUI组)、盆腔器官脱垂(POP)患者(POP组)、SUI+POP患者(SUI+POP组)阴道壁中ER阳性率,并选择同期绝经前、后各15例因妇科良性疾病而行手术的患者作为对照(对照组)。结果绝经前SUI组、POP组、SUI+POP组和对照组阴道壁组织中ER阳性率分别为44.53%、42.00%、40.53%和66.40%;绝经后SUI组、POP组、SUI+POP组与对照组阴道壁组织中ER阳性表达率分别为29.60%、26.93%、25.60%和47.07%。绝经前和绝经后3组病例组与对照组的ER阳性表达率比较,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),3组间两两阳性率比较,差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论绝经前后SUI、POP患者阴道壁组织中ER含量明显减少,提示雌激素受体减少可能参与SUI、POP的发生发展。  相似文献   

盆腔器官脱垂患者术后复发率与手术方式、手术操作技巧及网片材料的选择密切相关.盆腔器官脱垂术后复发的处理方法多种,可采用阴道骶骨固定术、骶棘韧带固定等手术治疗或使用子宫托治疗.如发生网片排异,需修剪及清除小面积裸露的网片,严重者需选择组织再生材料如SIS网片修补缺损阴道黏膜.压力性尿失禁无论是传统手术失败还是第一次吊带手...  相似文献   

产后早期尿失禁及盆底肌训练   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
尿失禁是老年人常见的一种疾病,由于其造成的社会、卫生和经济问题,越来越引起人们的关注。在各种类型的尿失禁中,压力性尿失禁(SUI)是最常见的一种,其发病率为15%~52%。文献报道妊娠和阴道分娩所造成的盆底损伤是SUI发病的重要因素.因此有必要对产后早期进行盆底训练(PFE)在预防和治疗SUI中的作用进行探讨。本文对产后盆底损伤、尿失禁的流行病学情况及早期盆底肌训练加以综述.  相似文献   

目的 探讨在压力性尿失禁(SUI)中对患者进行盆底肌电刺激的应用效果。方法 选取100例SUI患者作为本研究的研究对象,并以随机数字表法分为对照组和研究组,各50例。对照组予以盆底肌训练,研究组在对照组基础上联合盆底肌电刺激,均治疗3个月,随访12个月。对比两组治疗后治疗效果,治疗前、治疗后3~12个月盆腔肌力评分、1 h尿垫试验结果。结果 治疗后,研究组总有效率为96.00%,高于对照组的80.00%;与治疗前比,治疗后3~12月,两组1 h尿垫试验量均逐渐降低,且研究组均低于对照组,两组盆腔肌力评分则均逐渐升高,且研究组均高于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 盆底肌电刺激可有效减少SUI患者漏尿量,提高其盆腔肌力,且疗效显著。  相似文献   

Stress urinary incontinence (SUI) is common among women of all ages and can have a negative impact on quality of life (QoL). Often, women refrain from seeking treatment due to the fear that surgery might be the only option, or that no other treatments exist. SUI symptoms can often be treated with simple measures such as pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT), weight loss, devices, etc. However, PFMT has low compliance rates, and few continue long term. More recently, another treatment option has been introduced, i.e. the relatively balanced serotonin and noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) duloxetine. PFMT and/or SNRI are recommended as a first-line therapy for the initial management of SUI in women in the guidelines of the third International Consultation on Incontinence. SNRI have received a grade A recommendation. As PFMT and duloxetine target different areas (i.e. pelvic floor muscle and distal urethral sphincter/rhabdosphincter, respectively), combined therapy might provide additional benefit. A recent study comparing the effect of combined treatment with no active treatment found that combination therapy was significantly better for all outcomes, including frequency of SUI episodes, pad use, improvements in QoL and global impression of improvement scores. The data suggest that combination therapy might provide another treatment option for SUI symptoms in women.  相似文献   

Objective  To determine the long-term effectiveness of antenatal pelvic floor muscle training (PFMT) on stress urinary incontinence (SUI).
Design  Eight-year follow up of a randomised controlled trial (RCT).
Setting  Acute NHS Teaching Trust.
Population  Participants in an RCT of antenatal PFMT 8 years previously.
Method  Participants were asked about the presence of SUI, impact on quality of life, frequency of performance of PFMT and details of subsequent deliveries.
Main outcome measure  The prevalence of SUI at 8 years.
Results  One hundred and sixty-four (71%) of the original 230 women responded. The significant improvement in postnatal SUI originally shown in the PFMT group compared with controls (19.2 versus 32.7%, P = 0.02) at 3 months was not evident 8 years later (35.4 versus 38.8%, P = 0.7). On direct questioning, 68.4% of the study group claimed that they still performed PFMT as taught during the study, with 38.0% of them performing this twice or more per week. There was no difference in outcome between those who performed PFMT twice or more per week compared with those performing PFMT less frequently. There were no differences in quality-of-life domains between the study and the control groups at 8 years.
Conclusion  The initially beneficial effect of supervised antenatal PFMT on SUI did not continue for a long term despite the majority claiming to still perform PFMT. These findings are in keeping with those of other studies and raise concerns about the long-term efficacy of PFMT. Strategies to improve compliance with PFMT are required.  相似文献   

Sexual function and pelvic floor disorders   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Sexual wellbeing is an important aspect of women's health. Female sexual dysfunction is multifactorial and involves physical, social and psychological dimensions. Dysfunction may result from lack of sexual desire, sexual pain or arousal, and orgasmic problems. Sexual dysfunction is common and increases with age and pelvic floor disorders such as urinary incontinence and pelvic organ prolapse. Surgical treatment of pelvic floor disorders has been poorly studied but has the potential to improve sexual satisfaction or to cause sexual difficulties. New instruments such as condition-specific sexual questionnaires have recently been developed and will help us to better evaluate the results of incontinence and prolapse surgery on sexual function.  相似文献   

Pelvic floor dysfunction (PFD), although seems to be simple, is a complex process that develops secondary to multifactorial factors. The incidence of PFD is increasing with increasing life expectancy. PFD is a term that refers to a broad range of clinical scenarios, including lower urinary tract excretory and defecation disorders, such as urinary and anal incontinence, overactive bladder, and pelvic organ prolapse, as well as sexual disorders. It is a financial burden on the health care system and disrupts women's quality of life. Strategies applied to decrease PFD are focused on the course of pregnancy, mode and management of delivery, and pelvic exercise methods. Many studies in the literature define traumatic birth, usage of forceps, length of the second stage of delivery, and sphincter damage as modifiable risk factors for PFD. Maternal age, fetal position, and fetal head circumference are nonmodifiable risk factors. Although numerous studies show that vaginal delivery affects pelvic floor structures and their functions in a negative way, there is not enough scientific evidence to recommend elective cesarean delivery in order to prevent development of PFD. PFD is a heterogeneous pathological condition, and the effects of pregnancy, vaginal delivery, cesarean delivery, and possible risk factors of PFD may be different from each other. Observational studies have identified certain obstetrical exposures as risk factors for pelvic floor disorders. These factors often coexist; therefore, the isolated effects of these variables on the pelvic floor are difficult to study. The routine use of episiotomy for many years in order to prevent PFD is not recommended anymore; episiotomy should be used in selected cases, and the mediolateral procedures should be used if needed.  相似文献   

There is growing interest in causal factors for pelvic floor disorders. These conditions include pelvic organ prolapse and urinary and fecal incontinence and are affected by a myriad of factors that increase occurrence of symptomatic disease. Unraveling the complex causal network of genetic factors, birth-induced injury, connective tissue aging, lifestyle and comorbid factors is challenging. We describe a graphical tool to integrate the factors affecting pelvic floor disorders. It plots pelvic floor function in 3 major life phases: (1) development of functional reserve during an individual's growth, (2) variations in the amount of injury and potential recovery that occur during and after vaginal birth, and (3) deterioration that occurs with advancing age. This graphical tool accounts for changes in different phases to be integrated to form a disease model to help assess the overlap of different causal factors.  相似文献   

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