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目的:分析各地新型农村合作医疗对门诊特殊疾病的补偿政策,为国家制定相关政策提供依据。方法:通过抽样调查,选取全国349个县(市、区)2009年的统筹补偿方案进行定性分析和描述性统计分析。结果:总结归纳了样本地区门诊特殊疾病补偿政策在补偿范围和补偿办法方面的主要特点。结论:样本地区已经在门诊特殊疾病补偿方面开展了积极探索,但在补偿范围、补偿办法和配套制度建设方面仍存不足,建议省级以上卫生行政部门出台指导意见,提高门诊特殊疾病补偿水平,并探索开展供方支付方式改革。  相似文献   

今年上半年,全国有343641名重大疾病患者被纳入新型农村合作医疗农村居民重大疾病保障范围,并得到了相应补偿。补偿范围涵盖20种重大疾病。  相似文献   

提高农村居民重大疾病医疗保障水平策略探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
重大疾病因多需要在高级别医疗机构就医,医疗费用高昂,参合农民的自付经济负担仍较为沉重。该文借鉴国际重大疾病医疗保险的经验,结合新农合重大疾病医疗保障试点的现状,分析建立新农合重大疾病医疗保障的必要性,探讨建立新农合重大疾病追加补偿模式,省级统筹管理,科学筛选重大疾病病种,清晰界定重大疾病补偿范围,建立与重大公共卫生项目、大病救助等相关政策的有效衔接机制等,提高重大疾病医疗保障水平的策略。  相似文献   

慢性非传染疾病已逐渐成为影响健康的主要因素,目前我国对于慢性病医疗保障的相关政策还不够完善。本文从病种范围确定、筹资、补偿、支付方式等方面对部分国家慢性病医疗保障政策进行分析,探讨不同形式的优缺点,得出对我国慢性疾病医疗保障政策的启示:合理确定医疗保障范围内慢性病类型,建立合理的费用补偿机制等。  相似文献   

文章运用江苏省三个样本市数据,分析了城镇职工重大疾病实际补偿比适宜性.发现低收入和高医疗费用职工的医保实际补偿不足,高收入和低医疗费用职工的实际补偿偏高等问题,从明确重大疾病衡量标准、科学测定城镇职工重大疾病保障水平适宜范围、做好城镇职工重大疾病二次补偿工作等提出完善建议.  相似文献   

澳大利亚的职业卫生MayhewCandStaceyN澳大利亚的职业卫生与安全问题的范围相当广泛。据估计,澳大利亚每年因职业相关伤害和疾病而死亡的共约有2900人。每年约有17万个工作日作为伤病的补偿(伤病后可休息5天或5天以上)。但在澳大利亚仍有许多...  相似文献   

预防接种异常反应补偿机制态度调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探索中国预防接种异常反应(异常反应)补偿机制和补偿标准,为各省(自治区、直辖市,下同)制订异常反应补偿办法提供参考。方法依据经济水平分层随机抽取6个省免疫规划相关工作人员521名,采用问卷方式进行调查。结果32.8%被调查者选择省级卫生行政部门负责第一类疫苗异常反应的补偿事务,63.3%选择由第一类疫苗异常反应补偿管理机构负责对第二类疫苗异常反应的补偿;如果省、设区的市(地区、州)、县(区、市)异常反应诊断结论同时存在,84.3%认为应以上级结论作为补偿依据;67.0%认为使用其它预防用生物制品引起的异常反应亦应给予补偿,选择诱发或者加重原有疾病、不明原因反应给予补偿的分别占71.2%和46.6%;疑似异常反应"计算损害所致实际损失给予一次性补偿"选择率均明显高于"按伤残等级拟定标准给予一次性补偿",85.0%认为应以因果关联程度确定补偿的比例;77.0%认为对于《疫苗流通和预防接种管理条例》(《条例》)实施以前发生的未曾补偿或者补偿不足的异常反应案例,不可按新制定的补偿办法进行补偿或者追加补偿。结论由省级卫生行政部门统一管理一、二类疫苗的补偿事务;异常反应诊断小组结论经逐级审核后作为补偿依据;受种者在得到异常反应诊断或鉴定结果后12个月以内提出申请;根据异常反应损害所致实际损失测算补偿费用,并依据因果关联程度确定补偿比例;《条例》出台以前发生的异常反应案例不纳入新的补偿办法的补偿范围。  相似文献   

新型农村合作医疗制度对医疗服务分流的影响机制研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国基本医疗服务过多地集中于高层级医疗机构而不能向基层合理分流。新农合制度对引导患者合理就医流向起到了一定作用,但引导机制仍存在不足之处,如起付线和补偿比缺乏科学精算、分级补偿比与新农合"大病救治"原则相矛盾以及补偿范围还不完善等问题,因此,应在加强基层医疗机构服务能力建设的基础上,更科学地计算起付线和补偿比,以疾病的性质来区分不同级别医院的补偿比,完善补偿范围。  相似文献   

目的:分析3种基本医疗保障制度参保者疾病经济风险及经济负担。方法:采取多阶段整群分层随机抽样方法抽取研究样本,进行了家庭入户调查。运用疾病家庭经济风险、疾病经济负担等方法,比较3种医疗保障制度参保者疾病经济风险及经济负担。结果:3种基本医疗保障制度的疾病经济风险差别较大,新农合参保者的疾病经济风险是城镇职工的2倍;3种医疗保障制度中城镇居民医保和新农合参保者的疾病经济负担较高。结论:增加居民特别是新农合居民收入、提高基本医疗保障制度筹资水平、扩大补偿范围和比例,可以增强抵御疾病经济风险的能力,降低疾病经济负担。  相似文献   

美国雇员补偿制度是以商业保险为主要运作模式的社会保险制度,各州通过立法的形式保证其强制性和福利待遇水平,同时建立全国统筹的职业病危害补偿制度。美国雇员补偿保险基金保障范围分为经济保障和服务保障两大类,支付工伤期间工资和伤后残疾补偿,提供职业康复和再就业等服务保障。美国雇员补偿制度设计展现了社会保险制度运作模式的多样性,反映了重返就业是雇员补偿制度的核心目标,全国统筹的职业病危害保障制度设计,在一定程度上补充了商业保险运作的不足,这种制度设计适应了市场要求,又维护了工伤人员的权益。  相似文献   

The workers' compensation system in the United States, comprised of independent state based and national programs for federal workers, covers approximately 127 million workers and has evolved and grown since its inception in 1911. Coverage has significantly broadened in scope to allow for the inclusion of most occupational injuries and illnesses. The cost of workers' compensation care has also increased. Some of the cost drivers have been identified,and various approaches have been taken to address medical cost containment. There is a need to balance cost control with ensuring benefit adequacy and quality of medical care. It is likely that managing workers' compensation costs will continue to be a challenge in the foreseeable future. The cost of workers' compensation care affects all stakeholders including workers, employers,providers, state workers' compensation regulators, legislatures,and insurers. A continued commitment to quality, accessibility to care, and cost containment, and being alert to emerging issues that can affect these elements, will help ensure that workers are afforded accessible, high quality, and cost-effective care.  相似文献   

Victoria M. Trasko (1907-1979), a relatively unknown figure to many currently practicing occupational health specialists, was a pioneer in state-based surveillance of occupational diseases in the United States. To highlight her accomplishments during her career with the United States Public Health Service from 1937 to 1971, this report briefly reviews her publications on occupational disease surveillance. Her span of work includes guidelines for state industrial hygiene programs, numbers of workers in state occupational health programs, compilation of state and local laws related to industrial hygiene, proposals for standardized reporting of occupational disease, and analysis of trends in workers' compensation and mortality statistics for occupational diseases. She pilot tested the first state-based model system for occupational disease reporting in the United States. She documented the great difficulty experienced by states in getting physicians to report cases of occupational diseases, and pointed out that surveillance of other existing data sources was worthwhile, at least for some occupational diseases. She was the first to report on the distribution of silicosis cases in the United States by state, industry, and job title. She was the first to comment on mortality trends for the pneumoconioses and to document problems in comparability between different International Classification of Disease (ICD) periods.  相似文献   

This paper outlines the development of a universal incident management system across all of government in the United States of America called the National Incident Management System. The system has been incorporated into the National Response Plan and the procedures of United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) agencies, using the United States Forest Service's National Interagency Incident Management System as a model. This model has enhanced USDA's effectiveness in a wide range of emergencies that might affect American agriculture, including natural disasters (e.g. earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, pest and disease outbreaks, and wilderness and other types of fires), nuclear and conventional events, or the accidental or deliberate introduction of a biological, chemical or radiological agent threatening the United States food supply, critical infrastructure or economy.  相似文献   

Workers' compensation law in the United States is derived from European models of social insurance introduced in Germany and in England. These two concepts of workers' compensation are found today in the federal and state workers' compensation programs in the United States. All reform proposals in the United States are influenced by the European experience with workers' compensation. In 2006, a reform proposal termed the Public Health Model was made that would abolish the workers' compensation system, and in its place adopt a national disability insurance system for all injuries and illnesses. In the public health model, health and safety professionals would work primarily in public health agencies. The public health model eliminates the physician from any role other than that of privately consulting with the patient and offering advice solely to the patient. The Public Health Model is strongly influenced by the European success with physician consultation with industry and labor.  相似文献   

In the mid 1980s the problem of occupational overuse injuries, particularly among keyboard operators, gained widespread recognition in Australia. The country appeared to be experiencing an epidemic, the like of which was unknown elsewhere in the world. Three explanations are canvassed in the paper: first, the psychiatric theory that it was a case of 'epidemic hysteria'; second the hypothesis that there really were more such injuries in Australia than elsewhere; and third, the hypothesis that the institutions of Australian society facilitated recognition of the problem, while those of other countries repress awareness of it. The paper focuses on this last hypothesis and seeks to demonstrate it by means of a comparison between Australia and the United States. It shows how, in particular, the system of workers' compensation in the Australian public service facilitated recognition of the problem, while the compensation system in the United States makes it very difficult for sufferers to have their disability acknowledged. Since workers' compensation is virtually the only source of injury statistics, this has led to the visibility of the problem in Australia and its invisibility in the United States.  相似文献   

《Ticks and Tick》2020,11(6):101540
Powassan virus (POWV) is a tickborne flavivirus discovered in Ontario, Canada in 1958 that causes long-term neurological sequelae in about half the reported cases and death in a little more than 10 % of cases. The incidence of POWV disease is rising in the United States but there is limited understanding of the scope and causes of recent changes in POWV epidemiology. We focus on quantifying the increase in human POWV disease incidence and infection prevalence in the United States. We also examine differences in the frequency of symptomatic cases and asymptomatic or mildly symptomatic cases, as well as limitations in national and state surveillance for POWV infection. We searched SCOPUS for all articles containing original POWV prevalence research, case studies, or literature reviews published in English. Case studies were supplemented by Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report POWV data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and surveillance information from state health department websites. An increase in the number of POWV cases has been reported in the United States over the past 50 yr, and the geographic range of human POWV cases has expanded. The age distribution of symptomatic POWV cases has shifted, with significantly more individuals over 40 yr old being diagnosed after 1998. The emergence of POWV is due in large part to: (i) a change in transmission of POWV from a vector that rarely bites people (Ixodes cookei) to a new vector that often bites people (Ixodes scapularis) and has expanded its geographic range, (ii) enhanced surveillance efforts for arboviruses, and (iii) a greater awareness of POWV infection.  相似文献   

The concept of health transitions assumes that health status improves with the introduction of western medicine. In this paper I demonstrate that the health of the people of Rongelap, Marshall Islands, has undergone serious damage as a result of nuclear testing, and that women in particular have suffered unduly. Exposure to nuclear radiation over a period of almost fifty years has been recognised by US authorities as a major contributory cause to the high rates of cancers and birth defects suffered by the Rongelap people. Women's reproduction has been severely affected, as evidenced by the many stillbirths and small stature of children born alive. Two generations have been exposed to both background radiation and to radiation ingested with the local foods on which they rely in the absence of other food sources. Clean up has commenced only after this and other communities sought compensation from the United States. The Rongelap people will live with the effects of radiation for generations to come. This transition to ongoing health problems is thus a negative outcome of modern health transition.  相似文献   

Although home care has expanded in scope and intensity in the United States in the past decade, infection surveillance, prevention, and control efforts have lagged behind. Valid and reliable definitions and methods for surveillance are needed. Prevention and control efforts are largely based upon acute-care practices, many of which may be unnecessary, impractical, and expensive in a home setting. Infectious disease control principles should form the basis of training home- care providers to assess infection risk and develop prevention strategies.  相似文献   

K Purse 《Int J Health Serv》2000,30(4):849-871
In Australia, as in Canada and to a lesser extent the United States, the vocational rehabilitation of injured workers is an integral part of workers' compensation arrangements. An essential feature of the return-to-work process is the provision of suitable employment by employers for workers able to resume work following a work-related injury. This article highlights the importance of employment security measures within workers' compensation legislation for injured workers and of scheme management. The author examines the major approaches adopted by the various Australian jurisdictions, critically reviews the issue of compliance with employment security legislation, and suggests a number of proposals for reform. Given the number of similarities between Australian and North American workers' compensation schemes, policy lessons drawn from the Australian experiences may be relevant to the labor movement and legislators in Canada and the United States.  相似文献   

Alzheimer's disease as a cause of death in the United States   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
OBJECTIVE: To describe the scope of mortality from and trends in Alzheimer's disease, to show how Alzheimer's disease ranks as a leading cause of death, to describe a methodological change regarding ranking, and to discuss issues related to the reporting of Alzheimer's disease on death certificates. METHODS: The authors analyzed mortality data from the National Vital Statistics System. RESULTS: Alzheimer's disease has increasingly been reported as a cause of death on death certificates in the United States; however, this increase may represent a variety of factors including improved diagnosis and awareness of the disease or changes in the perception of Alzheimer's disease as a cause of death. In 1995, Alzheimer's disease was identified as the underlying cause of 20,606 deaths. Overall, Alzheimer's disease was the 14th leading cause of death in 1995; for people 65 years of age or older, it was the 8th leading cause of death. Both death rates and cause-of-death ranking differed by selected demographic variables. CONCLUSIONS: In recognition of the importance of the condition as a major public health problem, Alzheimer's disease was added to the list of causes eligible to be ranked as leading causes of death in the United States beginning with mortality data for 1994. Several issues need to be kept in mind in interpreting mortality data on Alzheimer's disease, including how diagnoses are made, how the condition is classified, and the purpose of death certificates.  相似文献   

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