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从<中国现代针灸信息数据库(1970~2002年)收录的40398条信息进行分析,收集93篇针灸治疗胃炎论文,涉及5325例病例中分析,总有效率为94.4%.常采用针刺,灸法,埋藏疗法,水针.常用穴为足三里,中脘,胃俞,脾俞,内关,肝俞,三阴交等,胃痛甚者加梁丘和公孙;腹胀加天枢和气海;腹泻加天枢和上巨虚;呕吐加上脘和太冲.  相似文献   

为推动针灸临床的发展,根据《中国现代针灸信息数据库》数据,采用计量分析方法,回顾1949-2004年针灸治疗白细胞减少的状况。从1981年起针灸治疗白细胞减少的文献报道逐年增加,呈平稳增长趋势,临床治疗以水针、针刺、灸法为主,临床选穴多取足太阳膀胱经穴和督脉穴。针灸治疗白细胞减少有较好的疗效。  相似文献   

综合应用项丛刺,骶丛刺和体针方法,治疗34例男性不育症患者.结果临床痊愈25例,好转6例,无效3例,其中22例其妻已孕.总有效率达91.2%.治疗后精子密度、活动率、前向运动率、运动速度、平均直线性比值、平均纵线性比值、精子头平均摆动频率均有显著性差异(P<0.05).  相似文献   

Infantile cerebral palsy (cerebral palsy) refers to the syndrome of the motor and posture developing disturbance, caused by non-progressive injury in the developing fetus or infant. Acupuncture therapy can be used to improve various clinical manifestations of the infants with cerebral palsy, and in the treatment of the functional disturbance and accompanying symptoms of cerebral palsy; the satisfactory therapeutic results have been achieved. In this article, the literature on the treatment of cerebral palsy by scalp acupuncture in the recent years has been surveyed and assessed.  相似文献   

取大椎、肺俞、曲池、合谷、血海和三阴交为主穴进行针刺,配合辨证论治把银屑病分为血热和血燥两型分别给予清热凉血解毒和养血润肤中药治疗银屑病患者80例,5个疗程后有效率为91.3%.  相似文献   

The aim of this systematic review is to compile and critically evaluate the evidence from randomized clinical trials (RCTs) for the effectiveness of acupuncture using constitutional medicine compared to standard acupuncture. Ten databases were searched through to December 2008 without language restrictions. We also hand-searched nine Korean journals of oriental medicine. We included prospective RCTs of any form of acupuncture with or without electrical stimulation. The included trials had to investigate constitutional medicine. There were no restrictions on population characteristics. Forty-one relevant studies were identified, and three RCTs were included. The methodological quality of the trials was variable.  相似文献   

运用计算机对93种古医籍中用针灸治疗失眠的内容进行统计,统计结果显示,古代治疗本证共涉及穴位65个,总计108穴次.常用穴位为公孙、胆俞、隐白、气海、天府、三阴交、阴陵泉、肺俞、液门、关元、阴交等.常用经络为膀胱经、脾经、任脉、胃经等.  相似文献   

主穴取中脘,双侧足三里和内关,寒湿过盛型加脾俞和三阴交,肝气犯胃型加阴陵泉和太冲,脾胃虚弱型加脾俞和胃俞.针刺治疗46例糖尿病患者出现胃功能紊乱者,结果显效30例,好转16例,总有效率为100%.  相似文献   

Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted diseases caused by bacteria called Neisseria gonorrhoeae. The bacteria can be passed from one person to another through sexual intercourse, and one can also catch gonorrhea from the infected clothing, bed-sheet and quilt cover. It often can be treated with antibiotics in modern medicine and drugs of clearing away heat and toxic material in Chinese medicine. The authors adopted acupuncture and moxibustion combined with oral administration of western medicine Ciprofloxacin and Chinese herbs Longdan Xiegan Wan (Pill of Gentiana for purging the liver fire) to cure a case of gonorrhea, now it is reported as follows.  相似文献   

综合应用耳针,针刺合或灌疗法治疗21例脑血管意外引起的呃逆患者,经3~10次治疗后,全部治愈.  相似文献   

运用电脑对93种古医籍中用针灸治疗瘾疹的内容进行统计.治疗本证共涉及文献29条,穴位25个,计55穴次.常用穴位为曲池,肩髃,天井等.常用经络为大肠经,心包经,三焦经和胆经.常用部位为臂阳,手背,腿阳,臂阴和手掌.对文献及其统计结果进行分析,可知古代针灸治疗本证多取大肠经、心包经和三焦经穴,多取关节部、上部、阳面和末部穴位.  相似文献   

This paper reviews the treatment of depression syndrome by acupuncture in the recent years. Author: LI Gui-Ping (1976-), female, master Translator: XIAO Yuan-chun  相似文献   

Related to treatment of senile dementia, 53 articles conformed the statistical demand were analyzed, finding commonly used methods are acupuncture, moxibustion, acupoint-injection, electro-acupuncture, ocular-acupuncture, scalp-acupuncture, digital-acupuncture and acupuncture plus other therapies, key treatment principle is opening orifice and invigorating brain, frequent selected acupoints are Baihui (GV 20), Zusanli (ST 36), Fengchi (GB 20), Fenglong (ST 40), Neiguan (PC 6), Shuigou (GV 26), etc; and the total effective rate is 89.62%. Author: HUANG Qin-feng (1951-), female, associate professor  相似文献   

分析了符合统计要求的62篇关于肥胖的论文,发现常用治疗方法有针刺、针灸、电针、耳穴贴压、耳针、(耳穴)埋针、穴位敷贴、穴位埋藏及针灸配合其他疗法等;常用耳穴为胃、内分泌、神门、肺、脾、饥点和三焦;临床总有效率为75.8%.  相似文献   

复习90年代后期以来的有关文献,从毫针、艾灸、穴位注射、针推结合、针牵结合等方面总结了针灸治疗颈性眩晕的研究概况.认为针灸具有扩张血管、降低血管阻力,增加血流量的作用,对改善微循环及大脑供氧有较好的疗效.  相似文献   

Constipation is the most common chronic clinical symptom of the digestive tract, which may trigger or aggravate other diseases. In Western medicine, symptomatic treatments such as purgatives are often adopted; however, these treatments have somewhat side effects and obstinate diarrhea-dependent constipation can develop after long-time use of purgatives. Acupuncture is safe, effective and less harmful in the treatment of constipation. Now the treatment of constipation by acupuncture is reviewed as follows.  相似文献   

综述了各种临床常用的针灸疗法,如针刺治疗,艾灸疗法,耳针治疗,穴位注射,电针疗法,穴位敷贴疗法,以及各种疗法的综合应用,在治疗糖尿病中的应用.并从针灸对血糖,胰岛素,血脂,血液流变学,抗过氧化物,cAMP和cGMP含量和Na -K /ATPase活性的影响等方面探讨了针灸治疗糖尿病的可能机制.  相似文献   

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