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手部肌腱吻合术后康复   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 作者自2000年初至2004年7月进行手部肌腱吻合120例,随访120例,手部肌腱吻合术后进行程序化的康复训练。方法 肌腱吻合法均采用3—0或4—0聚丙烯单针缝线、改良的Bunnell、Kessler和肌腱编制缝合法,患者肌腱均为Ⅰ期手术吻合,术后伤口Ⅰ/乙愈合105例、Ⅱ/乙15例,手部肌腱吻合术后均采用程序化的康复训练,结果 对手部肌腱吻合术后的患者进行程序化的康复训练,取得良好的效果。结论 本康复训练程序目前已逐渐形成我院的治疗常规,并逐步推广和普及。  相似文献   

目的通过Meta分析统计同种异体肌腱用于手部肌腱缺损移植修复优良率。方法检索1966年~2015年间异体肌腱用于手部肌腱缺损移植修复的相关文献,采用循证医学Meta分析对患者手部肌腱移植修复优良率进行综合分析。结果使用随机效应模型计算单组率的Meta分析,同种异体肌腱移植优良率75%(69%~82%)。进一步分层分析,8篇使用手指数为样本量单位的研究移植优良率为75%(66~83%),11篇以病例数为样本量单位的研究移植优良率为76%(68%~85%)。结论同种异体肌腱用于手部肌腱缺损移植的优良率约为75%。  相似文献   

背景:目前国内外针对手部肌腱损伤所开展的流行病学调查鲜有报道.在新疆范围内,屈伸指肌腱损伤的患者呈逐年上升趋势,但对其受伤、治疗乃至预后较完整的流行病学调查极为罕见.目的:分析手部肌腱损伤患者的流行趋势及预后分布特征,了解手部肌腱损伤患者的预后功能恢复,有针对性地开展人群干预,提高干预效果,探讨屈伸指肌腱损伤因素与预后...  相似文献   

在标本修整中发现一右侧足,胫骨后肌腱经内踝后面的沟内,单独穿过骨性纤维管至足底内侧缘。胫骨后肌腱中占三分之一略强的纤维与腓骨长肌腱在距其止点1cm处会合(见照片)。会合后共同至腓骨长肌腱的止点。其余胫骨后肌腱的腱纤维止点同正常人体。即一部分腱纤维止于舟骨粗隆,一部分腱纤维止于第一、二、三楔骨。腓骨长肌腱在足底经过骰骨跖侧面的腓骨长肌腱沟(该沟被跖长韧带所遮被),在跖长韧带的内侧缘,腓骨长肌腱与胫骨后肌部分腱纤维会合。会合后即开始有止点纤维附着于第一楔骨和第一跖骨基底部的跖侧面的外侧。1.第1跖骨粗隆2…  相似文献   

近年来,儿童手外伤的发生率有所增加,一旦临床医生急诊处理不当,可使患儿手功能发生严重障碍。本科自1998年10月至2004年5月共收治急诊手外伤患儿169例,由于将显微外科技术较好地应用于治疗过程,使手术取得满意的效果,现报道如下。  相似文献   

人发角蛋白人工腱修复手部肌腱缺损   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的观察和总结人发角蛋白(HHK)人工腱修复手部屈伸肌腱缺损的疗效。方法应用人发角蛋白人工腱采用编织缝合法修复手部屈伸肌腱缺损,合并创面缺损者应转移皮瓣一期修复创面,术后患肢固定4周,再行功能锻炼。结果本组11例手术全部成功,随访3个月~1年,患肢功能恢复优良率100%,术后无粘连,功能恢复好。结论人发角蛋白人工腱是一种理想的生物材料,在肌腱缺损的修复中是很好的代用品。  相似文献   

患者男,20岁,因“左手冲床压伤致严重畸形活动障碍2小时”(图1~3)急诊行左示中指近节指骨复位内固定,2~5指掌指关节囊修复,手内在肌部分切除,2~5指屈肌腱修复,游离左前臂浅静脉修复掌浅弓及第1、2、3指总动脉,手部神经探查吻合,手掌皮肤原位回植,石膏外固定术等。术后卧床制动,予抗感染、抗凝血、抗血管痉挛等治疗。术后1周左手各指成活,下床活动,并逐渐加强患侧肩、肘关节主动运动。术后2周伤口甲级愈合拆线。术后3周去除石膏外固定,左手运动和感觉障碍,开始行系统康复治疗。  相似文献   

背景:国内在手部支具的研究方面与国外相比明显落后,难以获得广泛推广。伸指肌腱Ⅱ区结构较为复杂,损伤后治疗恢复效果较差,目前国内外对伸指肌腱Ⅱ区损伤主要通过石膏托、夹板以及高分子材料等固定,还没有一种针对这一区域损伤修复术后较为理想的固定锻炼支具。 目的:评价自制手部多功能外固定牵引康复支具对伸指肌腱Ⅱ区损伤的修复作用。 方法:将筛选出的76例伸指肌腱Ⅱ区损伤患者随机分成试验组和对照组,每组38例。试验组在常规伸指肌腱Ⅱ区损伤手术治疗的基础之上,给予适宜的康复教育加自制多功能外固定牵引康复支具牵引治疗;对照组给予手外科常规治疗加指导功能训练。治疗后1,2,3 个月评价两组患者的指伸肌腱总主动活动度;治疗后2,3个月评价两组患者的手灵巧度及手的精细运动情况。 结果与结论:两组患者治疗后1,2,3个月时的肌腱总主动活动度相比差异有显著性意义(P < 0.05);两组患者治疗后2,3个月时明尼苏达手灵巧度及普渡手精细运动情况相比,差异均有显著性意义(P < 0.05)。成本-效果分析结果得出两组的总花费差异无显著性意义(P > 0.05);而在以上3个功能评分上的比较,无论哪个功能评分每改善1分试验组的花费都较对照组少(P < 0.05),实现了低成本高效果的治疗。提示该支具在伸指肌腱Ⅱ区损伤修复术后的辅助锻炼治疗中起到了预防粘连及防止关节僵硬的发生的作用,同时也有助于改善手在关节活动度、灵活性及精细动作方面的能力,并且具有较高的治疗性价比。 中国组织工程研究杂志出版内容重点:组织构建;骨细胞;软骨细胞;细胞培养;成纤维细胞;血管内皮细胞;骨质疏松;组织工程全文链接:  相似文献   

目的为带膝降动脉大收肌腱复合组织瓣修复手部肌腱伴皮肤(骨)缺损新术式提供应用解剖学基础.方法在30侧经动脉灌注红色乳胶成人尸体下肢标本上对膝降动脉的起始、走行、分支和分布及大收肌腱的形态特点和血管分布进行了解剖观测.结果①膝降动脉的主干长(1.22±0.48)cm,起点外径为(1.85±0.64)mm,主要分支有股内侧肌支、关节支、隐支.②关节支的主干长(5.2±1.12)cm;起点外径为(1.16±0.31)mm,分支营养大收肌腱和股骨内侧髁,并参与形成膝关节动脉网.③隐动脉起点外径(1.14±0.29)mm,分支营养缝匠肌下部、膝内侧上部皮肤,并参与膝关节动脉网形成.④大收肌肌腱质部长(9.4±2.1)cm,宽(12.2±0.28)mm,厚(1.92±0.64)mm.大收肌腱移行部长(4.5±0.71)cm,宽(20.0±2.7)mm,厚(5.8±2.1)mm.结论以膝降动脉血管为蒂带其分支可形成大收肌腱骨肌皮复合组织瓣,吻合血管移植可修复不同类型的手部肌腱伴皮肌(骨)缺损,术式设计具有可行性,供区损伤小.  相似文献   

目的 探讨康复治疗对锚钉内固定修复指伸肌腱止点损伤术后功能恢复的影响。 方法 通过回顾总结67例患者早期进行正确的康复治疗干预及护理,分析康复治疗在锚钉修复手指伸肌术后的应用效果。 结果 本组67病例包括伸肌腱损伤导致的锤状指畸形和钮孔畸形,所有病例均未发生术后感染,肌腱未见明显粘连。指功能恢复满意。根据Dargan功能评定法,术后康复效果优52例,良10例,中5例,差0例,优良率92.5%,疗效满意。 结论 术后早期进行正确的康复治疗与护理对手部指伸指肌腱损伤术后功能恢复的影响非常关键。能有效防止或减少术后肌腱粘连及关节僵硬,以达到手指的最佳康复效果。  相似文献   

Summary An anatomical study on the blood sources and vascularity of the flexor digital tendon was conducted in the upper extremities of fresh cadavers by means of arterial injection and meticulous dissection of the transparent tendon under the microscope. According to whether or not synovial membrane surrounded the tendon, the flexor digital tendon can be divided into 2 regions: non-synovial and synovial. The major intrinsic blood supply of the digital tendon was in the form of longitudinal vascular bundles, while the transverse anastomotic branches were short and sparse. The non-synovial region of the tendon was covered by paratenon and the vascular distribution of this region was uniform. In the synovial sheath, the blood vessels distributed only on the dorsal side, while the volar side was devoid of vessels. The profundus and superficialis tendons had an avascular zone at the proximal interphalangeal and metacarpophalangeal joints respectively. It was considered that the difference of the vascular architecture might be related to the mechanical force to which the tendon was subjected. The nutrition of tendon was discussed and the selection of tendon graft at operation was suggested.
Vascularisation des tendons fléchisseurs des doigts au niveau de la main : signification clinique
Résumé Une étude anatomique des pédicules et de la vascularisation des tendons fléchisseurs des doigts a été réalisée sur cadavres frais, au moyen d'injections artérielles d'encre de chine, et d'une dissection méticuleuse sous microscope du tendon diaphanisé. Selon que la membrane synoviale entoure ou non le tendon, ce dernier peut être divisé en deux parties: partie non synoviale et partie synoviale. La vascularisation intrinsèque du tendon fléchisseur digital est essentiellement constituée par des éléments vasculaires longitudinaux, tandis que les anastomoses transversales sont courtes et éparses. La partie non synoviale du tendon est enveloppée par le paratendon et la distribution vasculaire dans cette région est uniforme; dans la gaine synoviale les vaisseaux sanguins se distribuent seulement du côté dorsal, tandis que le côté palmaire est dépourvu de vaisseaux. Les tendons fléchisseurs superficiels et profonds présentent une zone avasculaire au niveau des articulations interphalangienne et métacarpophalangienne. On peut penser que la différence d'architecture vasculaire peut être en relation avec les forces mécaniques auxquelles le tendon est soumis. Le mode de nutrition du tendon est discuté et le choix d'une greffe tendineuse en per-opératoire est suggéré.

目的:观察显微手外科术后静脉镇痛对血管吻合成活率的影响。方法:50例显微手外科患者随机分成观察组(A组n=25)和对照组(B组n=25),A组术后给予舒芬太尼静脉镇痛,B组术后给予肌注杜冷丁镇痛,比较两组镇痛疗效和血管吻合成活率。结果:舒芬太尼静脉镇痛组镇痛疗效和血管吻合成活率明显高于肌注杜冷丁镇痛组。结论:舒芬太尼静脉镇痛可以明显提高显微手外科术后血管吻合成活率。  相似文献   

The juncturae tendinum (JT) may coordinate the extension of hand, force redistribution and the stabilization of the metacarpophalangeal joint. The JT were studied for their gross appearance, shape, thickness, location and histological examination with the dorsum of the hand in 54 cadavers. The JT were identified into three groups according to their anatomo-histological features. The type 1 was observed in 57.4% of the cases in the second IMC and in 16.7% of the cases in the third IMC. The type 2 was detected in 3.7% of the cases in the second IMC and in 59.3% of the cases in the third IMC space. The type of 3Y was accounted for 14.8% JT in the third IMC space and 53.7% JT in the fourth space. The type of 3r was found in 5.55% of the cases in the third IMC and in 37% of the cases in the fourth IMC space. In the histologic examination, the fibers of types 1 and 2 JTs were straight. Type 3 JTs were composed of regularly oriented parallel and crosswise bundles of tendineous tissue. This study is important in terms of giving accurate knowledge on the anatomo-histological analysis of the JTs and their relations to the extensor tendons to the dorsum of the hand. An understanding of the structures of the JTs and the interactions between the tendons of the fingers is of utmost importance in hand assessment, during the reconstructive procedures such as considering the tendons to be transferred.  相似文献   

Evaluation of surgical effects is often done using simple cadaver experimentation. This study uses a robotic testbed to estimate the best-case clinical outcomes of flexor tendon shortening during repair surgery on cadaver hands. Nine fresh-frozen cadaver subjects were connected to an extrinsic index finger robotic muscle testbed and measurement system. The flexor digitorum profundus tendons were severed and surgically repaired at different shortening levels. The index finger's extrinsic tendons were robotically actuated using Hill-type muscle models to emulate the muscle force-length relationships. Extensor muscles were then activated to estimate the active range of motion (ROM) of the all-finger joints after surgery. The effects of metacarpophalangeal (MCP) joint extension limits and extensor muscle activation were also investigated. The resulting interphalangeal joint ROM was clinically graded. Active ROM of the finger decreases as tendon shortening increases (), like passive ROM. This results in a clinical reduction of functionality grade from excellent to good at 10 mm of shortening. Blocking MCP joint ROM and extensor activation also showed significant effects on recovered ROM ( and 0.86). Significant two-way interactions were also observed between shortening and MCP joint blocking () and between shortening and extensor activation (). Results support clinical recommendations of limiting shortening to 10 mm. While this article provides additional experimental evidence for current surgical recommendations, it also validates a new robotic-cadaver methodology for predicting active hand recovery in terms of clinical measurements.  相似文献   

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