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The human and murine CD21 gene products have been functionally linked to B cell activation by the co-ligation of the BCR and the CD21/CD19/CD81 complexes. Binding of low levels of antigen complexed to the complement ligand(s) for CD21 enhances B cell activation compared to the stimulation caused by antigen alone. Mice lacking functional CD21 predispose to autoimmune responses suggesting that this receptor may also play a negative role: thus in the presence of excess complement-bearing immune complexes, B cell antigen-specific activation may be inhibited. This possibility was investigated using intracellular calcium elicitation analyses to follow BCR-mediated activation. Ligation of the BCR and limiting quantities of the CD21 receptor demonstrated the expected enhanced cellular response compared to BCR ligation alone: CD21 ligation alone demonstrated no alteration in calcium flux. However, co-ligation of the BCR with excess CD21 binding resulted in the elimination of the calcium response, suggesting that CD21 ligation was down-modulating the BCR response. Immunoprecipitation of kinases associated with the BCR and CD21/CD19/CD81 complexes demonstrated that Lyn is preferentially depleted from the BCR complex following excess binding of CD21. Localization of other kinases integral for B cell activation is not altered. These data suggest that excess CD21 ligand binding can negatively impact B cell activation by sequestering Lyn kinase away from the BCR complex.  相似文献   

CD21/CR2的研究进展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
补体Ⅱ型受体CD21/CR2是B淋巴细胞膜表面C3d/iC3b受体,在免疫应答中起重要的作用。同时人CD21/CR2也是EB病毒膜表面糖蛋白gp350/gp220、HIV-1等的受体,CD21/CR2以不同的结构域与这些配体结合,表现出多种生物学特性。弄清CD21/CR2的结构和功能,可以指导基础免疫研究,也可明确临床许多疾病的发病机理和治疗方向。  相似文献   

By analysis with a panel of CD21 MoAbs it is shown that a large part of the soluble CD21 in human blood plasma is of the long isoform (CD21L), as judged by comparison with antigen produced by mouse L cells transfected with CD21L-cDNA and reactivity with the restricted CD21 MoAb R4/23. This is compatible with the hypothesis that soluble CD21 in the blood is mainly derived from follicular dendritic cells (FDC). Cells from a human keratinocyte cell line transfected with cDNA from the Burkitt lymphoma cell line Raji also produced soluble CD21L (sCD21L), whereas the short form of sCD21 (sCD21S) was the major component of sCD21 produced by the B lymphoblastoid cell line LICR-LON-HMy and the T cell line Jurkat. Confocal studies of FDC isolated from human tonsil revealed that CD21 was present in the cytoplasm. On gel filtration sCD21 from untreated serum has an apparent size considerably greater than the 130 kD found by SDS–PAGE analysis. This may be partly accounted for by the non-globular shape of the molecule, but may also indicate, as reported by others, that in its native state sCD21 is complexed with other proteins. However, no evidence of complexing with sCD23 or C3d could be found.  相似文献   

B cell fate is determined by the strength of signals from the antigen receptor and from co-receptors that adjust the activation threshold and tune the B cell to its environment. These co-receptors have been broadly classified into inhibitory and enhancing groups, yet some, such as CD22, may have dual effects. CD22 recruits a variety of signal enhancers at the same time as Lyn-dependent phosphorylation leads to the binding of the inhibitory phosphatase SHP-1. To assess the relative importance of Lyn- and CD22-dependent and -independent pathways, we generated Lyn and CD22 single-deficient mice and Lyn/CD22 double-deficient mice expressing the MD4 immunoglobulin transgene against hen egg lysozyme (IgHEL). This genetic approach has enabled us to compare the contributions of Lyn and CD22 to B cell development in vivo, independent of BCR specificity and in the presence and absence of self-antigen. Our results show that although the effects of Lyn are dominant in negative regulation of B cell hyperactivity, Lyn and CD22 have independent and additive effects on B cell survival. These findings emphasize the subtle nature of regulation at the BCR and the usefulness of genetic complementation to dissect common and parallel pathways.  相似文献   

The SH2 domain-containing transforming Shc protein has been implicated in mitogenic signaling via several surface receptors through p21ras. Following tyrosine phosphorylation by either receptor or non-receptor tyrosine kinases, Shc may interact with the adaptor protein Grb2, which is linked to Sos1, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for human ras. Ligation of the antigen receptor complex on B cells (BCR) is known to activate various intracellular signaling pathways, which may accumulate in mitogenic responses. With respect to the initial steps, the activation of BCR-associated non-receptor tyrosine kinases appears to be indispensible. In this report we show that Shc proteins become tyrosine phosphorylated after BCR ligation on both transformed and normal human B cells. This is accompanied by the association of Shc with Grb2 proteins and a yet unidentified 145-kDa tyrosine phosphorylated protein. Subcellular fractionation revealed that this activation-induced multimeric Shc complex rapidly translocates towards the plasma membrane. Co-ligation of the BCR with the CD19 molecule results in a marked increase of these events, whereas CD19 cross-linking alone does not induce Shc tyrosine phosphorylation or translocation. Thus, in B cells the Shc complex may represent a molecular junction between the BCR and the mitogenic p21ras cascade.  相似文献   

Co-ligation of antigen receptor and complement receptor 2 (CD21) in the B cell membrane is important in the immune response to T-dependent antigens. Four CD21 ligands have so far been identified, but only the activated products of the third component of complement (C3) are known to augment the immune response to specific antigens. The most recently discovered ligand for CD21 is CD23. We have generated a CD32+ CD23+ fibroblast cell line which presents a surrogate antigen (anti-IgM) to human tonsil B cells in vitro. Incubation with these cells causes a 10- to 100-fold reduction in the threshold concentration of anti-IgM required for B cell proliferation. Anti-CD19 further enhances the response to antigen and induces proliferation in the absence of anti-IgM. Addition of soluble CD21 totally inhibits the effect of CD23, suggesting that CD21 mediates synergistic signaling by CD23.  相似文献   

DEK is an abundant and ubiquitous chromatin protein that has only recently attracted attention. DEK preferentially binds to cruciform and superhelical DNA and induces positive supercoils into closed circular DNA. It is quite likely therefore that DEK performs an important architectural function in chromatin. However, it is not known how DEK is distributed in chromatin. As the first study of its kind, we investigate the distribution of DEK at the CD21/complement receptor 2 gene regulatory regions in two B lymphocyte lines, namely Ramos, which expresses the CD21 gene, and Nalm-6, which does not. We use a chromatin immunoprecipitation approach and show that DEK appears to be distributed over various regions of the expressed and silent genes, but occurs in 2- to 3-fold higher amounts at a promoter-proximal site of the expressed gene. Moreover, induction of CD21 expression in Nalm-6 cells leads to accumulation of DEK at this site. We propose that the accumulation of DEK is functionally linked to gene expression.  相似文献   

Colon cancer is among the leading causes of cancer death in North America. CD44, an adhesion and antiapoptotic molecule is overexpressed in colon cancer. Cofilin is involved in the directional motility of cells. In the present study, we looked at how CD44 might modulate cell migration in human colon cancer via cofilin. We used a human colon cancer cell line, HT29, which expresses CD44, HT29 where CD44 expression was knocked down by siRNA, SW620, a human colon cancer cell line which does not express CD44, stably transfected exons of CD44 in SW620 cells and the colon from CD44 knockout and wild-type mouse. Western blot analysis of siRNA CD44 lysates showed increased level of AKT phosphorylation and decreased level of cofilin expression. Similar results were also observed with SW620 cells and CD44 knockout mouse colon lysates. Experiments using the AKT phosphorylation inhibitor LY294002 indicate that AKT phosphorylation downregulates cofilin. Immunoprecipitation studies showed CD44 complex formation with Lyn, providing an essential link between CD44 and AKT phosphorylation. LY294002 also stabilized Lyn from phosphorylated AKT, suggesting an interaction between Lyn and AKT phosphorylation. Immunocytochemistry showed that cofilin and Lyn expression were downregulated in siRNA CD44 cells and CD44 knockout mouse colon. siRNA CD44 cells had significantly less migration compared to HT29 vector. Given the well-defined roles of CD44, phosphorylated AKT in apoptosis and cancer, these results indicate that CD44-induced cell migration is dependent on its complex formation with Lyn and its consequent regulation of AKT phosphorylation and cofilin expression.  相似文献   

IL-10 production by CD19(+)CD5(+) B cells was investigated, by determining the expression levels of CD19, a classical B cell marker. Peripheral mononuclear cells were stained with fluorescence-conjugated anti-CD5, anti-CD19, anti-IL-10, and Annexin V. Interestingly, IL-10-producing B cells were found to be localised within the CD19(low)CD5(+) B cell subset. Apoptotic changes were also observed mainly in CD19(low) cells among B cells. Thus, CD5(+) B cells should be classified as CD19(high) and CD19(low) cells, and the immunological significance of CD19 for the IL-10 production by CD5(+) B cells requires further studies.  相似文献   

CD72 is a 45 kDa B cell-specific type II transmembrane protein of the C-type lectin superfamily. It was originally defined as a receptor-like molecule that regulates B cell activation and differentiation; however, its precise function remains unclear since more recent functional analyses, including a gene targeting study, suggest that CD72 may serve as a negative or a positive regulator of B cell signaling. In the present study, we analyzed the cell-autonomous function of CD72 in B cell receptor (BCR) signaling using CD72-deficient cells generated from mature BAL-17 cells. We found that BCR-mediated phosphorylation of CD19, Btk, Vav and phospholipase Cgamma2 and association of CD19 with phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase were impaired in CD72-deficient cells. Inositol trisphosphate synthesis was normally induced initially but ablated at 1 min of stimulation in CD72-deficient cells. In the event, Ca(2+) release from intracellular stores remained intact, though influx of extracellular Ca(2+) was severely impaired in CD72-deficient cells. Furthermore, BCR-evoked activation of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs), extracellular signal-regulated kinase and c-Jun NH(2)-terminal kinase, and growth inhibition in BAL-17 cells were blocked in the absence of CD72. Significantly, these effects were largely reversed by re-expression of CD72. Thus, CD72 appears to exert a positive effect on BCR signaling pathways leading to Ca(2+) influx and MAPK activation, which in turn may determine the fate of BAL-17 cells.  相似文献   

The fate of B lymphocytes is dependent on intrinsic and B cell antigen receptor (BCR)-induced signals. These signals are interpreted and modified by response regulators such as CD19 that govern mature B cell activation. The current understanding of how CD19 governs B lymphocyte signaling is outlined in this review. Primarily, CD 19 establishes a novel Src-family kinase amplification loop that regulates basal signal transduction thresholds in resting B cells. Moreover, CD19 amplifies Src-family kinase activation following BCR ligation. CD19 amplification of Lyn activity leads to processive phosphorylation of CD19 and downstream substrates including CD22. Phosphorylated CD19 recruits other effector molecules including Vav, Grb2, phosphoinositide 3-kinase, phospholipase C γ2, and c-Abl, which may contribute to CD19 regulation of B cell function. CD19/Lyn complex formation also regulates phosphorylation of CD22 and FcγRIIB, which inhibit B cell signal transduction through the recruitment of the SHP1 and SHIP phosphatases. These observations provide insight into how CD19 governs the molecular ordering and intensity of signals transduced in B cells, and how perturbations in CD19 expression or signaling function may contribute to autoimmunity.  相似文献   

B lymphocyte development and function depend upon the activity of intrinsic and B cell antigen receptor (BCR)-induced signals. These signals are interpreted, amplified, finetuned, or suppressed through the precise actions of specialized cell surface coreceptors, or “response regulators,” that inform B cells of their extracellular environment. Important cell surface response regulators include the CD19/CD21 complex, CD22, and CD72. CD19 establishes a novel Src-family protein tyrosine kinase (PTK) amplification loop that regulates basal signaling thresholds and intensifies Src-family PTK activation following BCR ligation. In turn, CD22 limits the intensity of CD19-dependent, BCR-generated signals through the recruitment of potent phosphotyrosine and phosphoinositide phosphatases. Herein we discuss our current understanding of how CD19/CD21 and CD22 govern the emergence and intensity of BCR-mediated signals, and how alterations in these tightly controlled regulatory activities contribute to autoimmunity in mice and humans.  相似文献   

CD19 is a B cell-surface molecule that participates as an important regulatory signaling complex for antigen bound at the surface by Ig. Triggering of CD19 through its linkage with CD21 amplifies signals transduced through the Src family kinases and modulates B cell differentiation in response to antigen. This study examines the kinetics of antigen uptake and processing of antigen directly targeted to the CD19 protein on purified B cells. We have demonstrated that the antigen internalized within minutes through CD19 forms a cap at the B cell surface and can be found within lysosomes in the cytoplasm in 90 min. B cells acquiring antigen via CD19 express elevated levels of B7-1 and B7-2 co-stimulatory molecules. Moreover, antigen-anti-CD19 complexes administered intravenously bind B cells in vivo and activate antigen-specific T cells more efficiently than non-specific uptake and in a manner similar to antigen taken up through surface IgM on B cells. This work illustrates an important and previously unrecognized mechanism for targeting proteins to B lymphocytes for antigen presentation and activation of CD4 T cells.  相似文献   

The intracellular signaling pathways activated upon ligation of the co-stimulatory receptor CD28 remain relatively ill-defined, although CD28 ligation does result in the strong association with, and activation of, phosphatidylinositol (PI) 3-kinase. The downstream effector targets of the CD28-activated PI 3-kinase-dependent signaling pathway remain poorly defined, but recent evidence from other systems has shown that Akt/protein kinase B (PKB) is a major target of PI 3-kinase and have indicated that a major function of PKB is the regulation of cell survival events. Given the strong coupling of CD28 to PI 3-kinase and the known protective effects of both CD28 and PI 3-kinase against apoptosis in different cell models, we investigated the effects of CD28 on PKB activation. We demonstrate that ligation of CD28 by either anti-CD28 monoclonal antibodies or the natural ligand B7.1, results in the marked activation of PKB in both the leukemic T cell line Jurkat and freshly isolated human peripheral blood-derived normal T lymphocytes. Our data suggest therefore, that PKB may be an important intracellular signal involved in CD28 signal transduction and demonstrate CD28 coupling to downstream elements of a signaling cascade known to promote cell survival.  相似文献   

CD40 plays critical roles in B cell proliferation and differentiation in response to T cell-dependent antigenic stimulation. It has been suggested that CD40-mediated biological activities are transduced by a CD40 receptor-associated factor, CRAF1 and probably by protein tyrosine kinase Lyn and its substrates, phospholipase Cγ (PLCγ) and phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase (PI-3 kinase). Here, we describe the novel finding that a mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK)/extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase (ERK) cascade is involved in CD40 signaling in mouse B cells. Analysis of ERK activities in the B cell lymphoma cell line WEHI 231, which shows an increase in DNA synthesis or arrest of the cell cycle by cross-linking of CD40 or surface IgM (sIgM) cross-linking, respectively, indicated that one of the ERK isoforms, ERK2, was preferentially and rapidly activated after CD40 cross-linking. The CD40-mediated ERK2 activation was comparable to that after sIgM stimulation, although the activity was reduced toward the basal level within several minutes after stimulation. In contrast, ERK1 and ERK2 were activated to a similar extent by sIgM cross-linking, and the activities remained stable for at least 10 min. Furthermore, similar features of differential activation of ERK isoforms were observed in normal resting B cells in CD40 and sIgM signaling. These results suggest divergent regulatory pathways for ERK1 and ERK2 activation, and they support the notion that CD40 signaling may utilize a limited set of elements in the ERK cascade. Co-stimulation of WEHI 231 cells with anti-CD40 mAb rescues the cells from anti-IgM-mediated apoptosis, whereas this co-stimulation resulted in activation of ERK isoforms comparable to that in sIgM stimulation, without a synergistic effect. This result indicates the dominance of ERK activation in sIgM signaling over that of CD40, and it suggests that ERK activation may not be linked to the biological effect that CD40 stimulation in this cell line.  相似文献   

Stable transfection of Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) nuclear antigen 2 (EBNA2) expressed as a fusion protein with the hormone-binding domain of the estrogen receptor was used to study expression of CD21 and other surface markers in different cell lines. Special emphasis was placed on cell lines with a normally low expression of CD21, especially on T cell lines. After induction of EBNA2, a substantial increase in CD21 mRNA was observed, as well as increased production of membrane CD21. This was found not only in cell lines of B cell origin, but also in the T cell line Jurkat. The amount of CD21 was quantitated by means of a fluorescence immunoassay, and found to correlate with the presence of EBNA2 protein. A decrease in EBNA2 abundance was associated with complete loss of cell-associated CD21. As we could also detect large amounts of soluble CD21 (sCD21) in the supernatant of the transfected cell lines, which exceeded the total amount contained in the respective cell lysates, this indicates considerable shedding of the newly synthesized receptor molecules induced by EBNA2, comparable to the situation described for CD23. It further provides an explanation of the recent findings of increased sCD21 levels in sera of patients with EBV-associated disease, and suggests a possible additional function of EBNA2 in vivo.  相似文献   

B cell development is a highly regulated process that initiates in the bone marrow (BM) of adult mice. After reaching the IgM+ immature stage in the BM, these B cells migrate to the spleen to complete maturation and incorporation into the long-lived peripheral lymphocyte pool. Studies have identified these splenic immature B cells, and have further attempted to delineate the sequence whereby they transition into mature B cells. As such, these immature splenic populations are termed transitional B cells and have been the focus of intense study. The review summarizes the phenotype and currently known functions of the four putative transitional B cell subsets identified to date. Although most appear to represent short-lived transitional B cells, the CD21hi T2 B cell population exhibits a number of qualities that question its label as a transitional B cell subset.  相似文献   

The immune profile of a parvovirus B19-infected patient (male, 8 years old) was studied on day 0 (initial presentation) and on days 14 and 210 post symptom presentation (psp). Before infection, the patient was skin test positive to various allergens, including ragweed and tree and grass pollens, and had a serum IgE level of 150 IU/mL. On day 0, the patient was diagnosed as parvovirus B19 infected, as judged by the presence of IgG anti-parvovirus Abs in serum (EIA) and presentation of "slap cheek" rash. The patient's serum IgE level increased from 150 IU/mL before infection to 256 IU/mL on day 0, was 233 IU/mL on day 14, and returned to preinfection levels on day 210. In contrast, there was little change in the levels of serum IgM, IgG, or IgA (nephelometry). IgE anti-parvovirus B19 protein (VP-N) was detected in serum (Western blot) on days 0, 14, and 210, despite the decrease in total IgE on day 210. Although there was no increase in total numbers of blood CD23+ B cells on day 0, by day 14 the numbers of these cells increased dramatically (93%), remaining high on day 210. In contrast, there were virtually no changes in total numbers of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells or CD16/56+ NK precursor cells on days 0-210. On day 0, when IgG and IgE anti-parvovirus were detected in serum, patient's peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) expressed mRNA for the Th2 cytokines IL-4 and IL-10, but not for the Th1 cytokines IFN-gamma or IL-2. However, by day 14 psp, PBMC expressed mRNA for the Th1 cytokines IFN-gamma and IL-2, as well as for IL-4 and IL-10. This is the first demonstration of the existence of IgE anti-parvovirus B19 Ab. The presence of IgE anti-parvovirus B19 Ab in serum on day 0 and its persistence in serum 7 months psp suggests that IgE anti-parvovirus may be useful in prognosis of parvovirus B19 infection. Our results reinforce the idea that IgE, in general, may play a major role in anti-viral immunity, perhaps in conjunction with CD23+ cells. The results further suggest that clearance of this infection is accompanied by a switch to Th1 cytokines.  相似文献   

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