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利用遥感技术对洪涝灾区县界定分级的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的 借助遥感技术,对洪涝灾区县界定分级指标和标准进行研究,为洪涝灾害救灾防病提供科学依据。方法 选择洪涝灾区县界定分级指标,依据1998年江西省洪涝灾害3次遥感淹没资料描述性分析的结果,确定洪涝灾区县界定分级标准。结果 依据遥感资料可以将洪涝灾区县划分成3大类:3次遥感资料中有1次遥感淹没面积超过6700hm^2的灾区县属于一类灾区县;3次遥感淹没面积均低于6700hm^2的灾区县属于二类灾区县;3次遥感资料均未显示有淹没存在的其它上报灾区县属于三类灾区县。结论 借助遥感、地理信息系统技术可以实现对洪涝灾区县及时、准确的界定分级,为洪涝灾害救灾防病疫情统计服务。  相似文献   

目的为了解《疫苗流通和预防接种管理条例》6月1日实施后对计划免疫工作的影响。方法于2005年5月对朔州市6县(区)现行计划免疫管理体制下县、乡镇计划免疫工作费用情况等进行了调查。对调查指标进行数理统计分析。结果调查显示计免收入占基层计免工作人员工作总收入57%以上,是基层计免工作人员工资待遇不足的主要补充;县(区)疾病预防控制机构经营疫苗收入补充计免工作费用所占比例38%以上,是县(区)疾病预防控制机构开展计免工作经费重要来源。结论计免收入和经营疫苗收入对汁免工作开展起到极大的补充作用。《疫苗流通和预防接种管理条例》实施后,二者收入将会大幅度下降,将会对计划免疫工作产生较大影响。  相似文献   

目的分析洪涝灾害对钩端螺旋体(钩体)病爆发性流行因素所产生的影响及规律。方法在安徽省沿江、沿淮易发生洪涝灾害地区设立监测点,通过不同时期对自然人群和宿主动物感染钩体情况的调查,在汛期前、洪涝灾害期间、灾后,对自然人群、宿主动物开展血清流行病学调查,采集主要宿主动物标本进行病原分离。结果沿江地区1998年洪涝灾害期间自然人群钩体感染率为13.49%,高于灾后的2.墙%,差异有统计学意义(X^2=22.78,P〈0.01)。沿淮地区2003年洪涝灾区与非灾区自然人群钩体平均感染率分别为248%和5.35%。结论洪涝灾害能够对灾区钩体病的发生产生影响,是否会导致该病流行,主要取决于传染源带菌率高低、洪涝灾害的规模、洪水持续时间、洪涝灾害发生时间与钩体病流行季节是否一致、易感人群免疫水平等因素。但传染源带菌率的高低是确定钩体病流行或大流行的关键因素。  相似文献   

利川市位于长江中上游的鄂西山区,是清江的发源地。1998年6~8月,境内出现了持续性的强降雨,遭受了严重的洪涝灾害。暴雨、洪水、洪涝灾害造成蚊蝇、鼠类及各种致病微生物对生产和生活环境的污染,加之灾民大量流动,居住拥挤,卫生条件差等,极易引起各种疫病的流行。免疫预防是救灾防病综合性防治措施的重要组成部分。为确保用疫苗可预防疾病在大灾之后无大疫发生,在恢复灾区计划免疫网络服务,加强疾病监测和疫情报告的同时,针对灾害各阶段有可能出现疫病暴发或流行的情况,组织制定了相应的免疫策略。1脊髓灰质炎(1)洪灾…  相似文献   

目的 了解玉林市县、乡、村三级计划免疫服务筹资现状,了解《疫苗流通和预防接种管理条例》的实施对我市计免工作的影响,为政府制定决策提供科学依据。方法 玉林市辖区范围内的县级疾病预防控制机构均作为调查对象,乡、村级采用分层随机抽样法,调查了解各级计划免疫经费来源及使用状况。结果 县、乡、村各级政府投人比例分别为53.55%、21.74%和23.49%,县、乡、村级经费来源均不能满足计划免疫工作开展的需要,县、乡、村资金缺口分别为518300元、1118686元和64480元。按人均计算,县、乡、村资金缺口比例为44.29%、77.91%和78.82%。各级财政投入主要是人员费用,业务费用严重匮乏,县级业务费用缺口为84.98%,乡业务费用缺口为99.41%,村级业务费用缺口100.0%。结论 应加大政府对计划免疫的投入力度.保证计划免疫正常运转。  相似文献   

曲树新  邱德山 《职业与健康》2008,24(17):1750-1754
目的了解潍坊市常规免疫接种率监测现状,促进接种工作的改善。方法利用2006年的监测资料,采用差值(D)评价和比值(R)评价方法进行比较分析。结果该市12个县(市、区)级报告的及时率为91.07%,完整率、准确率均为100%,数据完整率为92.86%。卡介苗、口服脊髓灰质炎疫苗、百白破混合制剂、麻疹疫苗、乙肝疫苗的常规免疫报告接种率为97.51%-100%,估算接种率为86.52%~128.87%,与报告接种率之间还有差距。D值显示,5个县的资料为可信,6个县可疑,1个县为不可信。结论计划免疫工作各县间发展不平衡,主要与流动儿童的计划免疫管理不完善和部分市工作薄弱有关。  相似文献   

洪涝灾害对灾民腹泻影响因素的Logistic回归分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1996年8月3日至4日,河北省8个市91个县1517万人口遭受洪涝灾害,对其中20个县40个乡80个自然村2080户,7908名灾民进行腹泻调查,发现腹泻939例,人群罹患率为11.87%。对全部调查对象进行腹泻影响因素调查,并对共用Logistic回归分析,结果发现灾区为平原、村进水或被水围、水源不以自来水为主、洪水时未组织有效地井水消毒和户内饮水消毒以及消毒不及时,当时降雨量、家庭有腹泻病人  相似文献   

扬州市乡级计划免疫状况扬州市卫生防疫站杨冬梅李峰为了解我市各乡镇计划免疫工作情况,于1997年6月对全市7个县(市)、区的18个乡(镇或街道)进行了调查摸底。调查对象为广陵、郊区、邗江各抽查2个乡(镇或街道),其它各县(市)随机抽查2个乡镇和县城所在...  相似文献   

<正> 1998年7月末以来,白城市五个县(市、区)遭受了百年不遇的洪涝灾害。洪涝灾害发生后,为了制定切实有效的卫生防疫措施,确保大灾之后不发生大疫,遵照吉卫监水字[1998]2号文件要求精神,市卫生局公共卫生监督所于1998年9月16日下发了《白城市洪涝灾区饮用水卫生监测工作方案的通知》。全市(县、区)6个卫生防疫站分别对所辖地区洪涝灾区居民生活饮用水水质开展系统监测调查工作。历时一年时间,现就有关工作的开展情况及监测的结果报告如下:  相似文献   

梁山县县乡村3级计划免疫人力资源及冷链设备现况   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解梁山县县、乡、村3级计划免疫人力资源、冷链设备现况及经费情况,对全县所有从事计划免疫工作的单位和人员进行了调查,现将调查结果报告如下。  相似文献   

BackgroundSatellite observations following flooding coupled with electronic health data collected through syndromic surveillance systems (SyS) may be useful in efficiently characterizing and responding to health risks associated with flooding.ResultsThere was a 10% (95% Confidence Interval (CI): 1%–19%) increase in asthma related ED visits and 22% (95% CI: 5%–41%) increase in insect bite related ED visits in the flooded ZCTAs compared to non-flooded ZCTAs during the flood period. One month following the floods, diarrhea related ED visits were increased by 15% (95% CI: 4%–27%) for flooded ZCTAs and children and adolescents from flooded ZCTAs had elevated risk for dehydration related ED visits. During the protracted period (2–3 months after the flood period), the risk for asthma, insect bite, and diarrhea related ED visits were elevated among the flooded ZCTAs. Effect modification by reported age, ethnicity and race was observed.ConclusionCombining satellite observations with SyS data can be helpful in characterizing the location and timing of environmentally mediated adverse health outcomes, which may be useful for refining disaster resilience measures to mitigate health outcomes following flooding.  相似文献   

湖南省洞庭湖洪灾区居民住院费用的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
目的 研究湖南省洞庭湖洪灾区居民1998年住院费用及其影响因素。方法 采用描述性流行病学方法,选择洞庭湖区55个乡镇的居民为研究单位,对该区1998年居民住院费用的影响因素进行单因素和对数线性回归的多因素分析。结果 1998年洞庭湖洪灾区抽样调查居民的年住院率为4.59%,次均住院费用为667.42元。与未受灾区居民相比,灾区居民年住院率、次均住院费用均高于非灾区居民,且有统计学意义;居民的次均住院费用与受灾情况、家庭收入、性别、年龄、文化程度、职业、出院结局、就诊单位有一定关系。结论 洪涝灾害对湖南省洞庭湖区居民的疾病负担产生一定的影响;影响当地居民次均住院费用的因素众多,提示在灾害的疾病预防控制中应采用综合性措施。  相似文献   

We evaluated the health status of residents and the environmental risk factors of housing after flooding. Questionnaires were distributed to 595 selected households (one adult resident per household) in six areas in Japan which were severely flooded between 2004 and 2010. A total of 379 responses were obtained. Indoor dampness and visible mold growth significantly increased in homes with greater flood damage. The incidence of respiratory, dermal, ocular, and nasal symptoms one week after flooding was significantly higher in flooded homes compared with non-flooded homes, the incidence of psychological disorders was significantly high for six months after flooding, and the incidence of post-traumatic stress disorder was significantly high six months after flooding. Significant risk factors for respiratory and nasal symptoms included proximity to industrial and waste incineration plants. Our results suggest that rapid action should be taken after flooding to ensure adequate public health and environmental hygiene in the water-damaged homes.  相似文献   

Thousands of confined animal feeding operations (CAFOs) have been constructed in eastern North Carolina. The fecal waste pit and spray field waste management systems used by these operations are susceptible to flooding in this low-lying region. To investigate the potential that flood events can lead to environmental dispersion of animal wastes containing numerous biologic and chemical hazards, we compared the geographic coordinates of 2,287 CAFOs permitted by the North Carolina Division of Water Quality (DWQ) with estimates of flooding derived from digital satellite images of eastern North Carolina taken approximately 1 week after Hurricane Floyd dropped as much as 15-20 inches of rain in September 1999. Three cattle, one poultry, and 237 swine operations had geographic coordinates within the satellite-based flooded area. DWQ confirmed 46 operations with breached or flooded fecal waste pits in the same area. Only 20 of these 46 CAFOs were within the satellite-based estimate of the inundated area. CAFOs within the satellite-based flood area were located in 132 census block groups with a population of 171,498 persons in the 2000 census. African Americans were more likely than whites to live in areas with flooded CAFOs according to satellite estimates, but not according to DWQ reports. These areas have high poverty rates and dependence on wells for drinking water. Our analysis suggests that flood events have a significant potential to degrade environmental health because of dispersion of wastes from industrial animal operations in areas with vulnerable populations.  相似文献   

洪灾后腹泻病流行因素分析及预防对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1998年夏季,中国部分地区发生了历史罕见的特大洪涝灾害。通过对某灾区41户232人的调查发现,灾区已具备了造成腹泻病流行的传染源,传播途径,易感人群,腹泻病现患率为39.66%。针对实际情况实施了干预措施,有效控制了该地区腹泻病的发生。  相似文献   

Flooding is the most common natural disaster worldwide, and is the leading cause of weather-related deaths in the United States. Tropical storm Allison hit landfall near Galveston, Texas on June 5, 2001, causing the most severe flood-related damage ever recorded in the Houston metropolitan area. This devastating storm dumped 37 in of rain in 24h on parts of the city, killing 22 people and causing more than $5 billion in damage. The main goal of the public health response to tropical storm Allison was to rapidly evaluate the immediate health needs of the community. Geographical information system (GIS) technology was instrumental to the timeliness of this effort. We conducted a rapid needs assessment in the areas most affected by flooding using modified cluster sampling facilitated by GIS methodology. Of the 420 households participating in the survey, we found a significant increase in illness (OR, 5.1; 95% CI, 2.7-9.4), injuries (OR, 4.8; 95% CI, 1.9-12.8), and immediate health needs (OR, 3.3; 95% CI, 1.7-6.1) among persons living in flooded homes compared to non-flooded homes. There were 60 households reporting serious damage, 24 of which were outside the 500-year flood plain. We also obtained reliable estimates of the extent of damage and household needs to help guide relief efforts. These findings underscore the usefulness of rapid needs assessment as a tool to identify actual health threats and to facilitate delivery of resources to those with the greatest and most immediate need. Our ability to swiftly plan and implement a rapid needs assessment over a large geographical region within 1 week following the damage would not have been possible without the utilization of GIS methodology and the availability of skilled personnel and timely data resources.  相似文献   

[目的 ] 观察水灾后腹泻病控制效果。 [方法 ] 将灾区人群列为观察组 ,非灾区人群作为对照组。在实施救灾防病措施期间 (1999年 7月 1日~ 9月 30日 ) ,从两类地区医院肠道门诊腹泻病人登记数、腹泻病人监测数、腹泻病入户调查病例数观察灾后腹泻病控制效果。收集两地传报的甲肝、细菌性痢疾、伤寒副伤寒新发病例进行肠道传染病的发病比较。 [结果 ] 灾区人群腹泻病罹患率 2 87.78/10万 ,明显低于对照组罹患率 6 0 8.48/10万。腹泻病发病动态监测和居民家庭腹泻病发病入户调查结果灾区低于非灾区。肠道传染病发病比较差异不明显。 [结论 ] 灾后采取紧急救灾防病措施对控制腹泻病发病是有效的  相似文献   

目的研究洪涝灾区肾综合征出血热(HFRS,简称“出血热”)流行特征,为洪涝灾区出血热防制工作提供科学依据。方法通过对灾区、非灾区的人间、鼠间疫情的监测,预测洪涝灾区HFRS的流行趋势,并有针对地实施控制措施。结果洪涝灾害期间灾区室内、野外的鼠密度分别为9.07%(64/706)、12.05%(54/448),明显高于同期非灾区的鼠密度(P<0.01);整个灾区检鼠肺118份,带病毒率2.54%,带病毒鼠指数0.05,其中阜南县灾区监测点指数为0.112;非灾区检鼠肺28份,均阴性。在灾区采取防制措施后,恢复期、灾后的鼠密度分为2.22%(39/1758)、1.52%(23/1 517),均低于非灾区同期的鼠密度(P恢复期<0.01,P灾后<0.05)。灾前1年、灾后1年灾区的HFRS发病率分别为1.01/10万(26例)、0.33/10万(9例);同期全市HFRS的发病率分别为0.81/10万、0.76/10万。结论洪涝灾害会引起灾区局部鼠密度增加,易引起出血热流行。当鼠密度指数≥0.1时,采取以灭鼠、防鼠为主的综合性防制措施,可有效控制出血热流行。  相似文献   

J O Chikwem  J Erb 《Public health》1992,106(1):53-61
This review was carried out to evaluate the impact of the revised Expanded Programme on Immunisation (EPI) against measles in the six north-western states of Nigeria through the sentinel surveillance system. The revised EPI was launched in all states by 1985, with a strategy of phased acceleration to reach all local government areas by 1987, and to achieve 80% vaccine coverage of children under two years, with 50% reduction in EPI disease morbidity by 1990. Results of the review showed a dramatic decrease in measles cases in each state: 70% overall from 1985 to 1988. Of 918 cases with known measles vaccination status, 90.6% were unvaccinated and 9.4% had documented immunisation. One concern is that 19% of cases occur in unimmunised infants under nine months. Although a suitable vaccine for children under nine months is available, it is not yet in use in Nigeria and these cases are therefore not preventable. At present, our best strategy is to increase coverage through a vigorous EPI campaign, concentrating on underserviced and hard-to-reach areas, and to strengthen surveillance so that measles outbreaks are identified early and action taken.  相似文献   

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