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Functional linear models are developed in this paper for testing associations between quantitative traits and genetic variants, which can be rare variants or common variants or the combination of the two. By treating multiple genetic variants of an individual in a human population as a realization of a stochastic process, the genome of an individual in a chromosome region is a continuum of sequence data rather than discrete observations. The genome of an individual is viewed as a stochastic function that contains both linkage and linkage disequilibrium (LD) information of the genetic markers. By using techniques of functional data analysis, both fixed and mixed effect functional linear models are built to test the association between quantitative traits and genetic variants adjusting for covariates. After extensive simulation analysis, it is shown that the F‐distributed tests of the proposed fixed effect functional linear models have higher power than that of sequence kernel association test (SKAT) and its optimal unified test (SKAT‐O) for three scenarios in most cases: (1) the causal variants are all rare, (2) the causal variants are both rare and common, and (3) the causal variants are common. The superior performance of the fixed effect functional linear models is most likely due to its optimal utilization of both genetic linkage and LD information of multiple genetic variants in a genome and similarity among different individuals, while SKAT and SKAT‐O only model the similarities and pairwise LD but do not model linkage and higher order LD information sufficiently. In addition, the proposed fixed effect models generate accurate type I error rates in simulation studies. We also show that the functional kernel score tests of the proposed mixed effect functional linear models are preferable in candidate gene analysis and small sample problems. The methods are applied to analyze three biochemical traits in data from the Trinity Students Study.  相似文献   

In association studies of complex traits, fixed‐effect regression models are usually used to test for association between traits and major gene loci. In recent years, variance‐component tests based on mixed models were developed for region‐based genetic variant association tests. In the mixed models, the association is tested by a null hypothesis of zero variance via a sequence kernel association test (SKAT), its optimal unified test (SKAT‐O), and a combined sum test of rare and common variant effect (SKAT‐C). Although there are some comparison studies to evaluate the performance of mixed and fixed models, there is no systematic analysis to determine when the mixed models perform better and when the fixed models perform better. Here we evaluated, based on extensive simulations, the performance of the fixed and mixed model statistics, using genetic variants located in 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15 kb simulated regions. We compared the performance of three models: (i) mixed models that lead to SKAT, SKAT‐O, and SKAT‐C, (ii) traditional fixed‐effect additive models, and (iii) fixed‐effect functional regression models. To evaluate the type I error rates of the tests of fixed models, we generated genotype data by two methods: (i) using all variants, (ii) using only rare variants. We found that the fixed‐effect tests accurately control or have low false positive rates. We performed simulation analyses to compare power for two scenarios: (i) all causal variants are rare, (ii) some causal variants are rare and some are common. Either one or both of the fixed‐effect models performed better than or similar to the mixed models except when (1) the region sizes are 12 and 15 kb and (2) effect sizes are small. Therefore, the assumption of mixed models could be satisfied and SKAT/SKAT‐O/SKAT‐C could perform better if the number of causal variants is large and each causal variant contributes a small amount to the traits (i.e., polygenes). In major gene association studies, we argue that the fixed‐effect models perform better or similarly to mixed models in most cases because some variants should affect the traits relatively large. In practice, it makes sense to perform analysis by both the fixed and mixed effect models and to make a comparison, and this can be readily done using our R codes and the SKAT packages.  相似文献   

In this paper, extensive simulations are performed to compare two statistical methods to analyze multiple correlated quantitative phenotypes: (1) approximate F‐distributed tests of multivariate functional linear models (MFLM) and additive models of multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA), and (2) Gene Association with Multiple Traits (GAMuT) for association testing of high‐dimensional genotype data. It is shown that approximate F‐distributed tests of MFLM and MANOVA have higher power and are more appropriate for major gene association analysis (i.e., scenarios in which some genetic variants have relatively large effects on the phenotypes); GAMuT has higher power and is more appropriate for analyzing polygenic effects (i.e., effects from a large number of genetic variants each of which contributes a small amount to the phenotypes). MFLM and MANOVA are very flexible and can be used to perform association analysis for (i) rare variants, (ii) common variants, and (iii) a combination of rare and common variants. Although GAMuT was designed to analyze rare variants, it can be applied to analyze a combination of rare and common variants and it performs well when (1) the number of genetic variants is large and (2) each variant contributes a small amount to the phenotypes (i.e., polygenes). MFLM and MANOVA are fixed effect models that perform well for major gene association analysis. GAMuT can be viewed as an extension of sequence kernel association tests (SKAT). Both GAMuT and SKAT are more appropriate for analyzing polygenic effects and they perform well not only in the rare variant case, but also in the case of a combination of rare and common variants. Data analyses of European cohorts and the Trinity Students Study are presented to compare the performance of the two methods.  相似文献   

Genetic studies of survival outcomes have been proposed and conducted recently, but statistical methods for identifying genetic variants that affect disease progression are rarely developed. Motivated by our ongoing real studies, here we develop Cox proportional hazard models using functional regression (FR) to perform gene‐based association analysis of survival traits while adjusting for covariates. The proposed Cox models are fixed effect models where the genetic effects of multiple genetic variants are assumed to be fixed. We introduce likelihood ratio test (LRT) statistics to test for associations between the survival traits and multiple genetic variants in a genetic region. Extensive simulation studies demonstrate that the proposed Cox RF LRT statistics have well‐controlled type I error rates. To evaluate power, we compare the Cox FR LRT with the previously developed burden test (BT) in a Cox model and sequence kernel association test (SKAT), which is based on mixed effect Cox models. The Cox FR LRT statistics have higher power than or similar power as Cox SKAT LRT except when 50%/50% causal variants had negative/positive effects and all causal variants are rare. In addition, the Cox FR LRT statistics have higher power than Cox BT LRT. The models and related test statistics can be useful in the whole genome and whole exome association studies. An age‐related macular degeneration dataset was analyzed as an example.  相似文献   

Longitudinal genetic studies provide a valuable resource for exploring key genetic and environmental factors that affect complex traits over time. Genetic analysis of longitudinal data that incorporate temporal variations is important for understanding genetic architecture and biological variations of common complex diseases. Although they are important, there is a paucity of statistical methods to analyze longitudinal human genetic data. In this article, longitudinal methods are developed for temporal association mapping to analyze population longitudinal data. Both parametric and nonparametric models are proposed. The models can be applied to multiple diallelic genetic markers such as single‐nucleotide polymorphisms and multiallelic markers such as microsatellites. By analytical formulae, we show that the models take both the linkage disequilibrium and temporal trends into account simultaneously. Variance‐covariance structure is constructed to model the single measurement variation and multiple measurement correlations of an individual based on the theory of stochastic processes. Novel penalized spline models are used to estimate the time‐dependent mean functions and regression coefficients. The methods were applied to analyze Framingham Heart Study data of Genetic Analysis Workshop (GAW) 13 and GAW 16. The temporal trends and genetic effects of the systolic blood pressure are successfully detected by the proposed approaches. Simulation studies were performed to find out that the nonparametric penalized linear model is the best choice in fitting real data. The research sheds light on the important area of longitudinal genetic analysis, and it provides a basis for future methodological investigations and practical applications.  相似文献   

By using functional data analysis techniques, we developed generalized functional linear models for testing association between a dichotomous trait and multiple genetic variants in a genetic region while adjusting for covariates. Both fixed and mixed effect models are developed and compared. Extensive simulations show that Rao's efficient score tests of the fixed effect models are very conservative since they generate lower type I errors than nominal levels, and global tests of the mixed effect models generate accurate type I errors. Furthermore, we found that the Rao's efficient score test statistics of the fixed effect models have higher power than the sequence kernel association test (SKAT) and its optimal unified version (SKAT‐O) in most cases when the causal variants are both rare and common. When the causal variants are all rare (i.e., minor allele frequencies less than 0.03), the Rao's efficient score test statistics and the global tests have similar or slightly lower power than SKAT and SKAT‐O. In practice, it is not known whether rare variants or common variants in a gene region are disease related. All we can assume is that a combination of rare and common variants influences disease susceptibility. Thus, the improved performance of our models when the causal variants are both rare and common shows that the proposed models can be very useful in dissecting complex traits. We compare the performance of our methods with SKAT and SKAT‐O on real neural tube defects and Hirschsprung's disease datasets. The Rao's efficient score test statistics and the global tests are more sensitive than SKAT and SKAT‐O in the real data analysis. Our methods can be used in either gene‐disease genome‐wide/exome‐wide association studies or candidate gene analyses.  相似文献   

Recent technological advances equipped researchers with capabilities that go beyond traditional genotyping of loci known to be polymorphic in a general population. Genetic sequences of study participants can now be assessed directly. This capability removed technology‐driven bias toward scoring predominantly common polymorphisms and let researchers reveal a wealth of rare and sample‐specific variants. Although the relative contributions of rare and common polymorphisms to trait variation are being debated, researchers are faced with the need for new statistical tools for simultaneous evaluation of all variants within a region. Several research groups demonstrated flexibility and good statistical power of the functional linear model approach. In this work we extend previous developments to allow inclusion of multiple traits and adjustment for additional covariates. Our functional approach is unique in that it provides a nuanced depiction of effects and interactions for the variables in the model by representing them as curves varying over a genetic region. We demonstrate flexibility and competitive power of our approach by contrasting its performance with commonly used statistical tools and illustrate its potential for discovery and characterization of genetic architecture of complex traits using sequencing data from the Dallas Heart Study.  相似文献   

We develop linear mixed models (LMMs) and functional linear mixed models (FLMMs) for gene-based tests of association between a quantitative trait and genetic variants on pedigrees. The effects of a major gene are modeled as a fixed effect, the contributions of polygenes are modeled as a random effect, and the correlations of pedigree members are modeled via inbreeding/kinship coefficients. -statistics and χ 2 likelihood ratio test (LRT) statistics based on the LMMs and FLMMs are constructed to test for association. We show empirically that the -distributed statistics provide a good control of the type I error rate. The -test statistics of the LMMs have similar or higher power than the FLMMs, kernel-based famSKAT (family-based sequence kernel association test), and burden test famBT (family-based burden test). The -statistics of the FLMMs perform well when analyzing a combination of rare and common variants. For small samples, the LRT statistics of the FLMMs control the type I error rate well at the nominal levels and . For moderate/large samples, the LRT statistics of the FLMMs control the type I error rates well. The LRT statistics of the LMMs can lead to inflated type I error rates. The proposed models are useful in whole genome and whole exome association studies of complex traits.  相似文献   

Genetic association studies often collect data on multiple traits that are correlated. Discovery of genetic variants influencing multiple traits can lead to better understanding of the etiology of complex human diseases. Conventional univariate association tests may miss variants that have weak or moderate effects on individual traits. We propose several multivariate test statistics to complement univariate tests. Our framework covers both studies of unrelated individuals and family studies and allows any type/mixture of traits. We relate the marginal distributions of multivariate traits to genetic variants and covariates through generalized linear models without modeling the dependence among the traits or family members. We construct score‐type statistics, which are computationally fast and numerically stable even in the presence of covariates and which can be combined efficiently across studies with different designs and arbitrary patterns of missing data. We compare the power of the test statistics both theoretically and empirically. We provide a strategy to determine genome‐wide significance that properly accounts for the linkage disequilibrium (LD) of genetic variants. The application of the new methods to the meta‐analysis of five major cardiovascular cohort studies identifies a new locus (HSCB) that is pleiotropic for the four traits analyzed.  相似文献   

The importance to integrate survival analysis into genetics and genomics is widely recognized, but only a small number of statisticians have produced relevant work toward this study direction. For unrelated population data, functional regression (FR) models have been developed to test for association between a quantitative/dichotomous/survival trait and genetic variants in a gene region. In major gene association analysis, these models have higher power than sequence kernel association tests. In this paper, we extend this approach to analyze censored traits for family data or related samples using FR based mixed effect Cox models (FamCoxME). The FamCoxME model effect of major gene as fixed mean via functional data analysis techniques, the local gene or polygene variations or both as random, and the correlation of pedigree members by kinship coefficients or genetic relationship matrix or both. The association between the censored trait and the major gene is tested by likelihood ratio tests (FamCoxME FR LRT). Simulation results indicate that the LRT control the type I error rates accurately/conservatively and have good power levels when both local gene or polygene variations are modeled. The proposed methods were applied to analyze a breast cancer data set from the Consortium of Investigators of Modifiers of BRCA1 and BRCA2 (CIMBA). The FamCoxME provides a new tool for gene-based analysis of family-based studies or related samples.  相似文献   

Family‐based designs have been repeatedly shown to be powerful in detecting the significant rare variants associated with human diseases. Furthermore, human diseases are often defined by the outcomes of multiple phenotypes, and thus we expect multivariate family‐based analyses may be very efficient in detecting associations with rare variants. However, few statistical methods implementing this strategy have been developed for family‐based designs. In this report, we describe one such implementation: the multivariate family‐based rare variant association tool (mFARVAT). mFARVAT is a quasi‐likelihood‐based score test for rare variant association analysis with multiple phenotypes, and tests both homogeneous and heterogeneous effects of each variant on multiple phenotypes. Simulation results show that the proposed method is generally robust and efficient for various disease models, and we identify some promising candidate genes associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The software of mFARVAT is freely available at http://healthstat.snu.ac.kr/software/mfarvat/ , implemented in C++ and supported on Linux and MS Windows.  相似文献   

Recent advances in next-generation sequencing technologies facilitate the detection of rare variants, making it possible to uncover the roles of rare variants in complex diseases. As any single rare variants contain little variation, association analysis of rare variants requires statistical methods that can effectively combine the information across variants and estimate their overall effect. In this study, we propose a novel Bayesian generalized linear model for analyzing multiple rare variants within a gene or genomic region in genetic association studies. Our model can deal with complicated situations that have not been fully addressed by existing methods, including issues of disparate effects and nonfunctional variants. Our method jointly models the overall effect and the weights of multiple rare variants and estimates them from the data. This approach produces different weights to different variants based on their contributions to the phenotype, yielding an effective summary of the information across variants. We evaluate the proposed method and compare its performance to existing methods on extensive simulated data. The results show that the proposed method performs well under all situations and is more powerful than existing approaches.  相似文献   

There is a tremendous current interest in measuring multiple types of omics features (e.g., DNA sequences, RNA expressions, methylation profiles, metabolic profiles, protein expressions) on a large number of subjects. Although genotypes are typically available for all study subjects, other data types may be measured only on a subset of subjects due to cost or other constraints. In addition, quantitative omics measurements, such as metabolite levels and protein expressions, are subject to detection limits in that the measurements below (or above) certain thresholds are not detectable. In this article, we propose a rigorous and powerful approach to handle missing values and detection limits in integrative analysis of multiomics data. We relate quantitative omics variables to genetic variants and other variables through linear regression models and relate phenotypes to quantitative omics variables and other variables through generalized linear models. We derive the joint-likelihood for the two sets of models by allowing arbitrary patterns of missing values and detection limits for quantitative omics variables. We carry out maximum-likelihood estimation through computationally fast and stable algorithms. The resulting estimators are approximately unbiased and statistically efficient. An application to a major study on chronic obstructive lung disease yielded new biological insights.  相似文献   

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