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The cause of insulin resistance in lipodystrophic diabetes is unknown but has generally been ascribed to dysfunction at either the receptor or post receptor level. In a 14 year-old girl with total acquired lipodystrophy, subcutaneous and intravenous insulin requirements approximated 600 units daily. However, circulating total and free insulin levels were not increased, and during testing by the euglycemic clamp method, the glucose response to increasing free insulin concentrations was within the range found in eight subjects with insulin-dependent diabetes. Insulin clearance during the euglycemic clamp was 43, 98, 115, and 116 mL/kg/min at each of four insulin infusion rates compared to means of 13, 13, 12, and 11 in the control subjects with diabetes. No detectable degrading activity was present in serum, and serum inhibited insulin degradation normally. Binding of insulin to IgG, IgM, and IgE was not increased, insulin binding to monocytes and erythrocytes was not sufficiently abnormal to account for the insulin resistance, and insulin receptor blocking substances were not present. Therefore, in this patient, the etiology of insulin resistance appears to be related to increased insulin clearance or accelerated degradation of insulin by tissues.  相似文献   

Summary Insulin resistance was measured in 16 normal dogs by a method involving the continuous intravenous infusion of epinephrine, propranolol, glucose and insulin. With this approach, endogenous insulin secretion is inhibited, similar steady state levels of exogenous insulin are achieved in all dogs, and the resultant steady state plasma glucose level provides a direct estimate of the ability of insulin to dispose of the infused glucose load. Thus, the higher the steady state plasma glucose level, the more the insulin resistance. Different amounts of alloxan were then administered to these dogs in order to produce insulin deficiency of varying degrees. Insulin resistance was then measured again in each dog. The results indicated that insulin resistance did not develop in dogs with only a moderate degree of insulin deficiency (fasting plasma glucose levels < 150 mg/100 ml). On the other hand, a significant degree of insulin resistance developed in dogs with severe insulin deficiency (fasting plasma glucose > 150 mg/100 ml). Furthermore, the insulin resistance that developed in dogs with severe insulin deficiency could be returned to normal with insulin replacement for one week. These results indicate that insulin resistance can occur as a secondary manifestation of insulin deficiency.Dr. Reaven is a Medical Investigator, Veterans Administration  相似文献   

In order to establish whether a prolonged subnormal secretion of insulin may affect glucoregulation against hypoglycemic stimuli, the level of plasma glucose was decreased in alloxan-diabetic dogs by the infusion of either 50 micrograms/kg . min phlorizin (PHL), ie, reducing the concentration of plasma glucose without hyperinsulinemia; or with 7 mU/kg . min insulin (combined hyperinsulinemia and hypoglycemia). The concentration of glucose, immunoreactive glucagon (IRG), and insulin (IRI) and catecholamines were followed in the plasma. Hepatic glucose production (Ra) and the overall rate of glucose removal from the circulation were calculated by a tracer method. During a 200-minute infusion of PHL plasma glucose fell from 328 +/- 29 to 114 +/- 16 mg/dl, while IRG rose from a mean of 470 +/- 123 to 623 +/- 200 pg/mL, however this increase was significant only in 3 out of 6 dogs. There was no change in the plasma level of epinephrine. Plasma IRI decreased significantly, the IRI/IRG ratio remained low, and Ra did not increase. When the animals were treated with insulin for one week, plasma glucose was restored to normal, while plasma IRI and the IRI/IRG ratio were raised above the normal level. Under these circumstances the infusion of PHL increased plasma IRG significantly from 59 +/- 5 to 110 +/- 32 pg/mL, decreased IRI slightly, and increased Ra by an average of 50 +/- 16%. No measurable change in plasma glucose was observed indicating the restoration of nonhypoglycemic glucoregulation. In diabetic dogs during a 95-minute infusion of insulin, plasma glucose dropped from a mean of 338 +/- 5 to 74 +/- 24 mg/dL.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Summary Hepatic glucose production and peripheral glucose utilisation were measured in vivo with the euglycaemic-hyper-insulinaemic clamp technique in rats rendered severely diabetic with streptozotocin (45 mg/kg) and in control rats. The rats were studied in the post-absorptive state while anaesthetised. The basal glucose production and glucose utilisation were significantly higher (p<0.001) in diabetic rats 9 days after streptozotocin administration. During the clamp studies, suppression of glucose production by the liver induced by submaximal or maximal insulin levels was significantly less (p<0.01 and p<0.001 respectively) effective in diabetic rats as compared to control rats. Glucose utilisation was significantly lower following both submaximal (p<0.01) or maximal (p<0.001) hyperinsulinaemia as compared to control rats. Oral administration of vanadate (0.2mg/ml in drinking water) for a 20-day period in diabetic rats lowered their plasma glucose levels to normal near values within 4 days, normalised plasma insulin levels, and increased pancreatic insulin stores. The rate of glucose disappearance (K value) and in vivo glucose-induced insulin secretion as estimated during an i.v. glucose tolerance test were not significantly improved. In control rats, vanadate treatment did not significantly affect any of the above parameters. In vanadate treated diabetic rats, basal glucose production was normalised. Following submaximal or maximal hyperinsulinaemia, glucose production was suppressed normaly. Basal glucose utilisation was restored and returned to normal values during submaximal hyperinsulinaemia. However, during maximal hyperinsulinaemia, glucose utilisation still remained significantly lower (p<0.05) as compared to vanadate-treated control rats. Vanadate treatment in control rats did not affect significantly any of the above parameters. These results show an insulin-like effect of vanadate upon glucose metabolism in vivo in the liver and peripheral tissues of diabetic rats, leading to normalisation of glycaemia in the absence of any significant improvement of insulin secretion.  相似文献   

We have examined the effect of chronic (4 weeks) phlorizin treatment (osmotic minipumps) on tissue sensitivity to insulin in adult female rats with non-insulin-dependent diabetes (NIDD) induced by streptozotocin (STZ) (80 mg/kg) administered 5 days after birth. Insulin sensitivity was assessed with the euglycemic-hyperinsulinemic clamp technique in anesthetized animals. In the untreated diabetic rats, the basal glucose production (GP) and glucose utilization (GU) were increased (P less than .001), and both the liver and peripheral tissues showed insulin resistance. In the phlorizin-treated diabetic rats, postabsorptive plasma glucose levels were decreased and remained stable during the last 3 weeks of the treatment (142 +/- 3 mg/dL as compared with 308 +/- 19 in the untreated diabetic rats and 119 +/- 3 in the phlorizin-control rats); their percent glycosylated hemoglobin values returned to normal (3.2 +/- 0.2 as compared with 5.8 +/- 0.4 in the untreated diabetic rats); their basal plasma insulin levels (55 +/- 5 microU/mL as compared with 52 +/- 3 in the untreated diabetic rats and 130 +/- 10 in the phlorizin-control rats), their in vivo glucose-induced insulin secretion, and their pancreatic insulin content were kept unchanged. In the phlorizin-treated diabetic rats, the basal GP and GU were normalized. Following a submaximal or maximal hyperinsulinemia, GP was normally suppressed and GU normally enhanced. Phlorizin treatment in the control rats did not affect any of the above parameters. These data demonstrate that correction of hyperglycemia with phlorizin normalizes insulin action on glucose metabolism by the liver and peripheral tissues in this diabetic model. This is in line with the proposal that hyperglycemia per se can lead to the development of insulin resistance.  相似文献   

Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) is often linked with disorders that are clearly associated with insulin resistance (IR): obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, and hypertriglyceridemia. We tested the hypotheses that (1) IR is an essential requirement for the development of NASH and (2) a high association between IR and liver disease is relatively specific for NASH. We measured body mass index (BMI), waist/hip ratio, and fasting serum lipid, insulin, C-peptide, and glucose levels in 66 patients with NASH (21 with advanced fibrosis and 45 with mild fibrosis). IR was determined by the homeostasis model assessment (HOMA). We also determined the strength of the association of NASH with insulin resistance syndrome (IRS) as defined by World Health Organization criteria. To assess whether the finding of IR was relatively specific to NASH rather than simply to obesity or liver disease, we compared the results of a subset of 36 patients with less-severe NASH with 36 age- and sex-matched patients with chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) of comparable fibrotic severity. IR was confirmed in 65 patients (98%) with NASH, and 55 (87%) fulfilled minimum criteria for IRS. IR was found in lean as well as in overweight and obese patients. The IR values and the prevalence of IRS (75% vs. 8.3%) were significantly higher in those with NASH than in comparable cases of HCV. Hyperinsulinemia was attributable to increased insulin secretion rather than decreased hepatic extraction. In conclusion, most patients with NASH have IRS, and there is a near-universal association between NASH and IR irrespective of obesity. IR is present in mild as well as advanced cases of NASH but is unusual in chronic HCV of similar fibrotic severity.  相似文献   

Insulin resistance and insulin receptors in hepatic cirrhosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To explore the influence of extrahepatic factors in the pathogenesis of insulin resistance in hepatic cirrhosis, we studied 125I-insulin binding to erythrocytes and monocytes of 14 clinically stable cirrhotic individuals and compared the results with a normal control group. All patients had fasting normoglycemia at the time of the study but abnormal glucose tolerance was detected in 7 of 9 cirrhotic patients after an oral glucose load. Seven patients (group N) had normal fasting serum insulin levels, and 7 patients (group H) manifested fasting hyperinsulinemia. However, all patients had elevated insulin levels after oral glucose. Insulin binding to erythrocytes was significantly decreased in both cirrhotic subgroups; monocyte studies in 5 hyperinsulinemic patients revealed a similar decrease in binding. Scatchard analysis in monocytes suggests that this decreased binding is secondary to a decrease in the receptor number per cell. No correlation between insulin binding and fasting plasma insulin, glucagon, or growth hormone levels was seen. Sera from 4 patients were examined for the presence of a non-specific inhibitor of insulin binding, but no evidence for such a factor was found. We conclude that the decrease in insulin binding is mediated in the monocyte by a reduction of receptor concentration; in the erythrocyte the mechanism for decreased binding could not be clearly delineated. The insulin resistance seen in cirrhosis may result in part from decreased binding of insulin to target tissues; an additional postreceptor defect cannot be excluded in hyperinsulinemic individuals.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Studies in normal humans and in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus have demonstrated a close inverse relationship between peripheral insulin sensitivity and the frequency of short-term insulin secretory pulses in the systemic circulation. Our objective was to study this relationship in essential hypertension. DESIGN: Study of insulin sensitivity and insulin pulse characteristics in hypertensive subjects and normotensive controls using well-established techniques. METHODS: Twelve subjects with essential hypertension and 12 age- and sex-matched normotensive controls were recruited. Insulin action was measured using the glucose clamp technique combined with isotope dilution methodology. Insulin pulsatility in the peripheral circulation was assessed by sampling every 2 min for 90 min after an overnight fast Pulses were identified using the computer program Pulsar. RESULTS: Insulin sensitivity index (glucose infusion rate/ serum insulin) was lower in the hypertensive patients (P= 0.01) and fasting insulin was increased (P= 0.008) compared to controls. The frequency and amplitude of insulin pulses were similar in the two groups. Insulin pulse frequency and insulin sensitivity were inversely related in the normotensive group (r= -0.68, P= 0.015), but not in the hypertensive group (r= -0.23, P= 0.48). Insulin clearance was reduced in the hypertensive group (P= 0.03), and was inversely related to insulin pulse frequency in the two groups combined (r = -0.51, P= 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Insulin action was not related to insulin pulse frequency in essential hypertension, in contrast to the situation in normal man.  相似文献   

Ninety-five nonobese, nonketotic subjects were divided into five groups (one normal and four with varying degrees of glucose intolerance) according to their plasma glucose responses during an oral glucose tolerance test. These five groups were then compared on the basis of their insulin response during the oral glucose tolerance test and on the ability of exogenously infused insulin to limit hyperglycemia during a continuous infusion of glucose and insulin, while endogenous insulin was inhibited by the infusion of epinephrine and propranolol. The mean plasma insulin response of patients with either borderline abnormalities of glucose tolerance or chemical diabetes was equal to or greater than that of normal subjects at all points during the glucose tolerance test. Thus, the glucose intolerance of these two patient groups cannot be attributed to a lack of insulin. On the other hand, the mean insulin response of patients with moderate fasting hyperglycemia (plasma glucose of 110 to 150 mg/100 ml) was somewhat attenuated, and patients with severe fasting hyperglycemia (plasma glucose > 150 mg/100 ml) had unequivocal insulin deficiency. In contrast, all four patient groups with abnormal carbohydrate metabolism were more resistant than normal subjects to the action of insulin. These results indicate that there is a very complex relationship between insulin deficiency and insulin resistance in patients currently classified as having nonketotic diabetes. Patients with either borderline abnormal glucose tolerance or chemical diabetes are more resistant to insulin than normal subjects, and are not insulin deficient. In these patients it seems reasonable to assume that their glucose intolerance is a direct function of their insulin resistance. Patients with severe fasting hyperglycemia are suffering from both insulin deficiency and insulin resistance, and the relationship between these two variables in the genesis of hyperglycemia in these subjects remains obscure. It seems apparent from these studies that nonketotic diabetes mellitus can no longer be considered to be a simple function of insulin lack, and that in order to understand this syndrome we will need to increase our knowledge of the relationship between insulin deficiency and insulin resistance in these patients.  相似文献   

The effects of insulin on glucose utilization, lipolysis, and potassium and phosphate metabolism were studied during short-term fasting in six lean subjects using a sequential euglycemic glucose clamp technique (two additional subjects were used in 70 mU/m2/min clamp studies). The subjects were infused with insulin for four hours at four rates ranging from 6 to 442 mU/m2/min before and after a 48-hour fast. Insulin was infused for one hour at each rate in all experiments. Fasting markedly reduced glucose utilization at all insulin infusion rates. On the other hand, the decline in levels of free fatty acids that occurred at insulin concentrations of 30 microU/ml was virtually identical before and after fasting. After insulin was infused for four hours, serum phosphate had decreased in all subjects (P less than 0.001) and strongly correlated with glucose disposal rates (r = 0.76, P less than 0.005). The plasma potassium level also declined in all subjects but did not relate to fasting or glucose disposal. These studies demonstrate that starvation produces selective insulin resistance. The biologic effect of insulin on glucose utilization and plasma phosphate shifts is clearly diminished. Free fatty acid and potassium metabolism are unaffected by starvation.  相似文献   

Insulin action and insulin resistance in human skeletal muscle   总被引:27,自引:8,他引:19  

Origin of peripheral venous hypersomatostatinemia in alloxan-diabetic dogs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Basal and postprandial somatostatin-like immunoreactivity (SLI) is elevated in the peripheral venous plasma of chronic alloxan-diabetic dogs. To determine if this hypersomatostatinemia was the consequence of increased somatostatin release from the pancreas, stomach, or both, plasma SLI was measured in the pancreaticoduodenal, antral, and fundic veins and in the inferior vena cava in response to stimulation by a gastric liver test meal, followed by an intragastric HCl load. Basal and postprandial inferior vena caval plasma SLI levels were significantly higher than the control level (P less than 0.05-0.001), confirming earlier findings. Basal pancreatic venous SLI was 780 +/- 45 pg/ml in the diabetic dogs and 493 +/- 65 pg/ml in the controls (P less than 0.02). In response to the liver meal at pH 7, the incremental pancreatic venous SLI level in the diabetic dogs was 1630 +/- 95 pg/ml, and after HCl it rose to 9479 +/- 384 pg/ml compared to 938 +/- 80 and 4677 +/- 192 pg/ml, respectively, in the controls (P less than 0.02 and P less than 0.005). However, antral and fundic venous SLI levels in the diabetic dogs did not differ from the controls in either basal or stimulated states. The present data demonstrate that the pancreas and not the stomach is the probable source of the peripheral hypersomatostatinemia of alloxan-diabetic dogs.  相似文献   

Summary Insulin mediators (inositol phosphoglycans) have been shown to mimic insulin action in vitro and in intact mammals, but it is not known which mediator is involved in insulin action under physiological conditions, nor is it known whether insulin resistance alters the mediator profile under such conditions. We therefore investigated the effects of glucose ingestion on changes in the bioactivity of serum inositol phosphoglycan-like substances (IPG) in healthy men and insulin resistant (obese, non-insulin-dependent diabetic) men. Two classes of mediators were partially purified from serum before and after glucose ingestion. The first was eluted from an anion exchange resin with HCl pH 2.0, and bioactivity was determined by activation of pyruvate dehydrogenase in vitro. The second was eluted with HCl pH 1.3, and bioactivity was determined by inhibition of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase. In healthy men, the bioactivity of the pH 1.3 IPG was not altered by glucose ingestion, whereas bioactivity of the pH 2.0 IPG increased to approximately 120 % of the pre-glucose ingestion value at 60–240 min post-glucose ingestion (p < 0.05 vs pre-glucose). There was no change in either IPG after glucose ingestion in the insulin-resistant group. These data suggest that the pH 2.0 IPG plays an important role in mediating insulin's effect on peripheral glucose utilization in man under physiological conditions. The data further show, for the first time, a defective change in the bioactivity of an insulin mediator isolated from insulin-resistant humans after hyperinsulinaemia, suggesting that inadequate generation/release of IPGs is associated with insulin resistance. [Diabetologia (1997) 40: 557–563] Received: 4 October 1996 and in revised form: 2 January 1997  相似文献   

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