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Head and neck tumorigenesis has been postulated to represent a multistep process driven by the accumulation of carcinogen-induced genetic changes throughout the exposed tissue field. To better explore this genetic instability process at the tissue level, 59 regions within 26 biopsy tissue specimens from individuals with oral leukoplakia have been subjected to chromosome 9 in situ hybridization analysis, and the degree of chromosome instability was related to known clinical/pathological parameters associated with tumor risk. Whereas chromosome indices were similar between high-risk lesion sites and low-risk lesion sites, high-risk lesions showed higher levels of chromosome polysomy than did low-risk sites [median PIs (polysomy indices), 2.1 versus 1.4, respectively]. Similarly, dysplastic regions showed significantly higher chromosome polysomy levels than hyperplastic regions (median PIs, 2.4 versus 1.5, respectively). Interestingly, however, hyperplastic regions in the same biopsy as dysplastic regions showed two-times higher polysomy levels than those in biopsies without dysplasia (median PIs, 2.6 versus 1.3, respectively), suggesting that chromosome polysomy determinations provide a field measurement for the degree of ongoing genetic insult. Finally, chromosome polysomy tended to persist or increase in the superficial epithelial layers in regions showing koilocytosis, whereas their frequency decreased in nonkoilocytotic regions, suggesting that epigenetic factors may serve to perpetuate the levels of genetically unstable cells in the epithelium. These results provide direct support for the field cancerization process and suggest that measurements of genetic instability might provide additional biological information beyond histology and lesion site characteristics in the assessment of head and neck cancer risk.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present retrospective study was to learn the long-term outcome of oral premalignant lesions, leukoplakia and erythroplakia, with or without surgical intervention and to relate the outcome to factors supposed to be significant for malignant development including clinical type, demarcation, size, site, presence of epithelial dysplasia, smoking and surgery. A total of 269 lesions in 236 patients were included. Ninety-four lesions were surgically removed, 39 lesions (41%) being homogenous and 46 (49%) non-homogenous leukoplakias whereas nine (5%) were erythroplakias. Seventy-three percent of the lesions were associated with tobacco habits. The mean size of the lesions was 486 mm(2), and 71% of the lesions showed a degree of epithelial dysplasia. After excision the defects were closed primarily by transposition of mucosal flaps or they were covered by free mucosal or skin grafts. A few defects were left for secondary healing. After surgical treatment the patients were followed (mean 6.8 yrs, range 1.5-18.6 yrs), and new biopsies taken in case of recurrences. One hundred and seventy five lesions had no surgical intervention, 149 lesions (85%) being homogenous and 20 (11%) non-homogenous leukoplakias, and 6 (3%) erythroplakias. Eighty-one percent of the lesions were associated with smoking. The mean size of the lesions was 503 mm(2) and 21 of the lesions (12%) exhibited epithelial dysplasia. Sixty-five lesions were not biopsied. These patients were also followed (mean 5.5 yrs, range 1.1-20.2 yrs), and biopsies taken in case of changes indicative of malignant development. All patients were encouraged to quit smoking and candidal infections were treated. The possible role of different variables for malignant development was estimated by means of logistic regression analysis. Following surgical treatment 11 lesions (12%) developed carcinoma after a mean follow-up period of 7.5 yrs. Non-homogenous leukoplakia accounted for the highest frequency of malignant development, i.e. 20%, whereas 3% of the homogenous leukoplakias developed carcinomas. Surgically treated lesions with slight, moderate, severe and no epithelial dysplasia developed carcinoma with similar frequencies, i.e. 9-11%. Without surgical intervention 16% of the 175 lesions disappeared whereas seven lesions (4%) developed carcinoma after a mean observation period of 6.6 yrs. The highest frequency of malignant development (15%) was seen for non-homogenous leukoplakias, this figure being 3% for homogenous leukoplakias. Fourteen percent of lesions with slight epithelial dysplasia developed malignancy and 2% of lesions with no dysplasia showed malignant transformation. Logistic regression analysis showed a seven times increased risk (OR = 7.0) of non-homogenous leukoplakia for malignant development as compared with homogenous leukoplakia and a 5.4 times increased risk for malignant development for lesions with a size exceeding 200 mm(2). No other examined variables including presence of any degree of epithelial dysplasia, site, demarcation, smoking and surgical intervention were statistically significant factors for malignant development.  相似文献   

The expression of MDM2 protein in betel and tobacco related oral malignancies in Indian population, its relationship to clinicopathological parameters and p53 protein expression was investigated. Sixty five oral squamous cell carcinomas (SCCs), 33 premalignant lesions (leukoplakia) and 30 normal oral tissues were assessed by immunohistochemical analysis. MDM2 protein was overexpressed in 51/65 (78%) oral SCCs and 17/33 (52%) premalignant lesions; 11/23 hyperplastic lesions and 6/10 dysplastic lesions. mdm2 gene amplification is an infrequent event in oral tumorigenesis. Elevation in the level of MDM2 protein not only in oral SCCs but also in premalignant lesions suggests that altered MDM2 expression is an early even in the pathogenesis of oral neoplasia. The hallmark of the study was the significant association of MDM2 expression with the p53 protein accumulation in 16/33 (49%) oral premalignant lesions (p = 0.001) and 39/65 (60%) malignant lesions (p = 0.021), suggesting an active role for MDM2 in binding and inactivating p53 in oral tumorigenesis. Further, significant association of MDM2/p53 co-expression was observed with advanced tumour stage (p = 0.0009), as well as lymph node metastasis (p = 0.0325) features associated with aggressive tumour behaviour and poor prognosis. Discordant MDM2+/p53-phenotype was observed in 12/65 (18%) oral SCCs suggesting a p53-independent role for MDM2 in the pathogenesis of a subset of oral carcinomas. In conclusion, alterations in MDM2 and p53 expression are early events likely to be involved in preinvasive stages in oral tumorigenesis and may be indicative of a 'gain of function' phenotype with more aggressive characteristics.  相似文献   

Premalignant lesions of the oral cavity present as visibly abnormal areas of mucosa and may be a source of significant anxiety for the patient and the clinician. Suspicious lesions should be biopsied to evaluate for dysplasia. The risk of malignant transformation may relate to patient characteristics, environmental risk factors and genetic alterations. Management of such lesions hinges on risk modification, surveillance, symptom management and directed biopsies. Excision or ablation of dysplastic lesions is indicated. We review the current evidence relating to management of premalignant lesions of the oral mucosa and make recommendations for practice patterns.  相似文献   

Mishra R 《Oral oncology》2012,48(7):578-584
Oral cancer is the sixth most common form of cancer worldwide, and the majority of cases occur in India and Southeast Asia. Its major risk factors in the western world include smoking and drinking alcohol, whereas in Asia, it is primarily caused by tobacco/areca nut/betel leaf chewing and/or human papillomavirus (HPV) infections. Little is known about this type of cancer despite recent advances in cancer biology. The generally asymptomatic nature of the early oral lesions causes them to remain undetected in many cases. Thus, the disease progresses substantially before the patients seek treatment and is a major contributing factor to the severity of this disease. Therefore, there is a great need to create awareness for its prevention and early diagnosis. The application of advanced molecular biological and biochemical methodologies to elucidate its biomarkers may aid in early detection; however, much more work must be done for this information to be effectively applied in the clinical setting. This review focuses on the need for systematic diagnoses in the early detection of oral cancer using molecular and biochemical approaches, thereby reducing the number of advanced cases in the chewing tobacco-dominated oral cancer population.  相似文献   

The role of microsatellite alterations other than loss of heterozygosity (LOH) in the progression of benign epithelium to head-and-neck squamous cell cancer (HNSCC) has not been previously described. As the severity of the dysplasia increases at the microscopic level, there is an increase in the prevalence of LOH as defined by microsatellite analysis. Other alterations have been detected in the form of microsatellite instability (MSI), represented by insertions or deletions of base pairs. It is unknown, however, whether the prevalence of these alterations likewise increases during these early stages of tumor progression. Using 6 selected markers that demonstrate a high rate of MSI and allelic imbalance in invasive head-and-neck cancer, we examined 111 lesions ranging from hyperplasia without atypia to invasive mucosal HNSCC. Two of 34 (5.9%) of the hyperplasias without atypia, 2/12 (16.7%) of the mild dysplasias, 2/21 (9.5%) of the moderate dysplasias, 7/26 (26.9%) of the high-grade dysplasias/carcinomas in situ and 6/18 (33%) of the HNSCCs demonstrated microsatellite base pair length alterations. Our findings indicate that MSI becomes increasingly more common as early dysplastic lesions progress to fully malignant HNSCC and confirm this as a supplemental detection method in microsatellite analysis.  相似文献   

Background: Intraoral lesions clinically suspicious for cancer/precancer should be biopsied and diagnosed histopathologically. We evaluated whether the frequency of oral cancer (OC) cases diagnosed in Puerto Rico (PR) is disproportionately high relative to the frequency of persons with histopathologic diagnoses that would have appeared clinically suspicious for OC/precancer at biopsy. Methods: All pathology reports for oral (ICD-O-3 C01-C06) soft tissue biopsies generated during 1/2004–5/2005 by seven PR and two New York City (NYC) pathology laboratories were reviewed. The analysis was restricted to persons diagnosed with invasive oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC), epithelial dysplasia, or hyperkeratosis/epithelial hyperplasia (HK/EH), i.e., diagnoses associated with lesions clinically suspicious for OC/precancer. The OC relative frequency measured the percentage of persons diagnosed with OSCC among persons with OSCC, dysplasia, or HK/EH. OC relative frequencies for PR and NYC laboratories were compared. Results: Overall, the OC relative frequency was 67% in PR and 40% and 4% in the NYC general and oral pathology laboratories, respectively (each p < 0.001). In PR, the OC relative frequency was highest for males (80%). When OC relative frequencies were stratified by pathology laboratory type (general/oral) and compared across PR and NYC, age/gender-specific OC relative frequencies were always higher in PR; however, differences were consistently statistically significant for males only. Conclusion: A disparity in the OC relative frequency exists in PR vs. NYC indicating a shortfall in biopsying potentially precancerous oral lesions in PR. PR residents with intraoral lesions suspicious for oral cancer/precancer are most likely to be biopsied only after developing an invasive OC.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2)-specific inhibition suppresses carcinogenesis in preclinical models and is a promising strategy for preventing oral cancer. In this pilot randomized phase II study, we evaluated the efficacy and safety of the COX-2 inhibitor celecoxib in patients with oral premalignant lesions (OPL). EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Patients were randomly assigned to placebo (n=18), celecoxib 100 mg twice daily (n=17), or celecoxib 200 mg twice daily (n=15) for 12 weeks. Six additional patients received celecoxib (400 mg twice daily) in an unblinded extension of the study. Biopsies were obtained at baseline and week 12. All patients entering the study were required to have at least one histologically confirmed early (atypical hyperplasia, atypical hyperkeratosis, or mild dysplasia) or advanced (moderate to severe dysplasia) OPL. RESULTS: Forty-nine patients (46 of 50 randomized and 3 of 6 open label) were evaluable for efficacy analyses. There were no statistically significant differences between the response rates of the randomly assigned arms: placebo, 33.3% (6 of 18); celecoxib 100 mg twice daily, 41.2% (7 of 17); and celecoxib 200 mg twice daily, 20.0% (3 of 15). Two patients responded on celecoxib 400 mg twice daily. Celecoxib was generally well tolerated. Patients with higher baseline COX-2 mRNA levels had an increased risk of disease progression within 3 months. CONCLUSIONS: Celecoxib at 100 or 200 mg twice daily was ineffective in controlling OPLs in this randomized controlled trial. This result and cardiovascular toxicity results of other (large scale) randomized controlled trials of selective COX-2 inhibitors have discouraged the continued investigation of these agents in oral cancer chemoprevention. Better methods for identifying high-risk patients and more active interventions are needed for future oral cancer chemoprevention trials.  相似文献   

MicroRNAs (miRNAs) have been reported to play a key role in oncogenesis and, recently, studies have examined the role miRNAs might play in the risk of premalignant lesions. To our knowledge, no study has investigated the association between miRNA polymorphisms and risk of oral premalignant lesions (OPLs). We genotyped 31 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) among 21 miRNA‐related genes in a case–control study including 136 OPL patients and 136 matched controls. Patients with at least one variant allele of mir26a‐1:rs7372209 had a significantly increased risk of OPL (OR, 2.09; 95% CI, 1.23–3.56). Likewise, patients with at least one variant allele of DICER:rs3742330 had a significantly increased risk of OPL (OR, 2.09; 95% CI, 1.03–4.24). To assess the cumulative effects, we performed a combined unfavorable genotype analysis that included all SNPs showing at least a borderline statistical significance. A significant trend of increased risk of OPL with increasing number of unfavorable genotypes was observed (P for trend <0.0001). This study presents the first epidemiologic evidence supporting that individual as well as combined genotypes of miRNA‐related variants may be used to predict the risk of OPL, and may be useful for identifying patients with OPL at high risk for progression to oral cancer. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Routine histologic examination cannot predict whether premalignant laryngeal lesions will progress toward invasive growth. The acquisition of changes in chromosome constitution has been suggested to be essential for driving tumor progression by enhancing mutagenic mechanisms. The aim of the present study was to determine whether chromosomal changes occur in the subsequent stages of early laryngeal carcinogenesis and, if so, whether these changes can be of prognostic value. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Numerical aberrations for chromosomes 1 and 7 were detected in tissue sections from archival material using an improved in situ hybridization protocol. In total, eight benign laryngeal lesions, 37 premalignant laryngeal lesions, and 16 specimens containing histologically normal epithelia adjacent to laryngeal squamous cell carcinomas were studied. Both the histologic and the cytogenetic classifications were correlated with progression to laryngeal cancer. RESULTS: No evidence for chromosome alterations was obtained in the control group, nor in histologically normal epithelia adjacent to laryngeal squamous cell carcinomas, nor in all but one hyperplastic lesion (n = 11). In contrast, 14 of 15 dysplastic lesions and nine of 11 carcinomas-in-situ contained numerical chromosomal aberrations. Tetrasomy was present in the majority of the dysplastic lesions. An unstable chromosome content (indicated by the presence of chromosome imbalances and/or polyploidization) in the premalignant lesion strongly predicted its malignant progression. CONCLUSION: Our results show that laryngeal tumor development involves chromosome tetraploidization. The further change from a stable to an unstable chromosome constitution is of importance for malignant progression.  相似文献   

Gorsky M  Epstein JB 《Cancer》2002,95(6):1258-1264
BACKGROUND: Retinoids have been studied as chemopreventive treatment for patients with oropharyngeal carcinoma. Vitamin A modulates growth and differentiation of cells, and its deficiency enhances susceptibility to carcinogenesis. The chemopreventive mechanism of action of vitamin A is discussed, and a review of clinical results and side effects of the systemic use of vitamin A is included. The objective of the current report was to review the possible role of topical vitamin A and vitamin A derivatives in the management of patients with oral lesions with a risk of transformation to carcinoma. METHODS: A Medline search was conducted and references identified within the identified papers were also reviewed. RESULTS: Only four studies using topical vitamin A for patients with oral leukoplakia have been reported. A complete response was achieved in 10-27% of patients, and a partial response was achieved in 54-90% of patients; however, recurrence of leukoplakia was reported after withdrawing the medication in approximately 50% of patients. The side effects of the topical use were minimal. CONCLUSIONS: Although the direct application of higher concentrations of retinoic acid results in suppression of oral leukoplakias only, its use in the treatment of patients with recurrent and persistent lesions may be justified for controlling lesions that otherwise may progress. Further controlled clinical studies are needed.  相似文献   

In this review article, the clinical and histopathological characteristics of oral premalignant lesions, and primarily oral leukoplakia, are noted and the risk factors for malignant transformation of oral leukoplakia are discussed. Malignant transformation rates of oral leukoplakia range from 0.13 to 17.5%. The risk factors of malignant transformation in the buccal mucosa and labial commissure are male gender with chewing tobacco or smoking in some countries such as India, or older age and/or being a non-smoking female in other countries. Some authors have reported that leukoplakia on the tongue or the floor of the mouth showed a high risk of malignant transformation, although others have found no oral subsites at high risk. In concurrence with some authors, the authors of this review view epithelial dysplasia as an important risk factor in malignant transformation; however, there are conflicting reports in the literature. Many authors believe that nonhomogeneous leukoplakia is a high risk factor without exception, although different terms have been used to describe those conditions. The large size of lesions and widespread leukoplakia are also reported risk factors. According to some studies, surgical treatment decreased the rate of malignant transformation; however, many review articles state that no definitive treatment including surgery can decrease the malignant transformation rate of oral leukoplakia because of the lack of randomized control trials of treatment. Tobacco chewing and smoking may be causative agents for cancerization of oral leukoplakia in some groups, and evidence for a role of human papilloma virus in the malignant transformation of oral leukoplakia is inconsistent. Further research to clarify its role in malignant transformation is warranted.  相似文献   

Huang M  Spitz MR  Gu J  Lee JJ  Lin J  Lippman SM  Wu X 《Carcinogenesis》2006,27(10):2034-2037
BACKGROUND: Deregulation of cell cycle plays an important role in tumorigenesis. Cyclin D1 gene (CCND1) is a key regulator of the G(1) phase of the cell cycle. METHODS: In this case-control study of 115 oral premalignant lesion (OPL) patients and 230 controls, we genotyped the CCND1 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) at the exon 4 splice site (G870A) and determined the association of this SNP with the risk of developing OPLs. RESULTS: We found significant associations between the heterozygous variant allele (GA), the homozygous variant allele (AA) and OPL risk, with adjusted odds ratios (ORs) of 1.91 [95% confidence interval (CI), 1.05-3.48] and 2.38 (95% CI, 1.16-4.87), respectively. The OR for individuals with at least one variant allele was 2.04 (95% CI, 1.15-3.60). When further stratified analyses were performed, the increased risk was more evident in younger individuals (OR = 2.82; 95% CI, 1.32-6.02), in men (OR = 2.97; 95%CI, 1.31-6.71) and in never smokers (OR = 2.92; 95% CI, 1.09-7.82). Finally, we found joint effects between the variant alleles and the smoking status. Using never smokers with the wild-type (GG) genotypes as the reference group, the ORs for never smokers with the variant genotypes (G/A + A/A), smokers with the G/G genotype and smokers with the G/A + A/A genotypes were 2.92 (1.09-7.82), 3.95 (1.36-11.5) and 7.01 (2.68-18.4), respectively. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest that the CCND1 G870A SNP may contribute to genetic susceptibility to OPLs and involve in oral cancer development.  相似文献   

The importance of early diagnosis in improving mortality and morbidity rates of oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) has long been recognized. However, a major challenge for early diagnosis is our limited ability to differentiate oral premalignant lesions (OPL) at high risk of progressing into invasive SCC from those at low risk. We investigated the potential of quantitative tissue phenotype (QTP), measured by high-resolution image analysis, to identify severe dysplasia/carcinoma in situ (CIS; known to have an increased risk of progression) and to predict progression to cancer within hyperplasia or mild/moderate dysplasia. We generated a nuclear phenotype score (NPS), a combination of five nuclear morphometric features that best discriminate 4,027 "normal" nuclei (selected from 29 normal oral biopsies) from 4,298 "abnormal" nuclei (selected from 30 SCC biopsies). This NPS was then determined for a set of 69 OPLs. Severe dysplasia/CIS showed a significant increase in NPS compared with hyperplasia or mild/moderate dysplasia. However, within the latter group, elevated NPS was strongly associated with the presence of high-risk loss of heterozygosity (LOH) patterns. There was a statistical difference between NPS of hyperplasia or mild/moderate dysplasia that progressed to cancer and those that did not. Individuals with a high NPS had a 10-fold increase in relative risk of progression. In the multivariate Cox model, LOH and NPS together were the strongest predictors for cancer development. These data suggest that QTP could be used to identify lesions that require molecular evaluation and should be integrated with such approaches to facilitate the identification of hyperplasia or mild/moderate dysplasia OPLs at high risk of progression.  相似文献   

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