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The authors report the case of a patient in whom a contralateral extradural hematoma developed immediately after craniotomy for a traumatic intracranial lesion. Contrary to other reported cases but one, intraoperative brain bulging was not observed in this case. The pathophysiology of this complication is discussed. Immediate postoperative CT scan in patients who do not improve as expected is recommended for the early detection of this complication.  相似文献   

Computerized tomography (CT) scanning provides an objective assessment of the structural damage to the brain following traumatic brain injury (TBI). We aimed to describe and quantify the relationship between CT characteristics and 6-month outcome, assessed by the Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS). Individual patient data from the IMPACT database were available on CT classification (N = 5209), status of basal cisterns ( N = 3861), shift ( N = 4698), traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage (tSAH) ( N = 7407), and intracranial lesions ( N = 7613). We used binary logistic and proportional odds regression for prognostic analyses. The CT classification was strongly related to outcome, with worst outcome for patients with diffuse injuries in CT class III (swelling; OR 2.50; CI 2.09-3.0) or CT class IV (shift; OR 3.03; CI 2.12-4.35). The prognosis in patients with mass lesions was better for patients with an epidural hematoma (OR 0.64; CI 0.56-0.72) and poorer for an acute subdural hematoma (OR 2.14; CI 1.87-2.45). Partial obliteration of the basal cisterns (OR 2.45; CI 1.88-3.20), tSAH (OR 2.64; CI 2.42-2.89), or midline shift (1-5 mm-OR 1.36; CI 1.09-1.68); >5 mm-OR 2.20; CI 1.64-2.96) were strongly related to poorer outcome. Discrepancies were found between the scoring of basal cisterns/shift and the CT classification, indicating observer variation. These were less marked in studies that had used a central review process. Multivariable analysis indicated that individual CT characteristics added substantially to the prognostic value of the CT classification alone. We conclude that both the CT classification and individual CT characteristics are important predictors of outcome in TBI. For clinical trials, a central review process is advocated to minimize observer variability in CT assessment.  相似文献   

Recurrent hematomas following craniotomy for traumatic intracranial mass   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Of 850 patients who underwent craniotomy for evacuation of a traumatic intracranial mass, 59 (6.9%) developed a second hematoma at the operation site, which required a second operation. Compared to those who did not, patients who developed postcraniotomy hematoma (PCH) had a significantly higher incidence of evidence of alcohol intake and preoperative mannitol administration; a higher percentage had a bad outcome. Coagulopathy was frequent in PCH patients. Although three-quarters of the initial hematomas were intradural, 69% of the PCH's were predominantly extradural. The large potential space underlying a craniotomy bone flap may predispose to development of a PCH. Intracranial pressure (ICP) was monitored in 39 of the 59 PCH patients, which allowed earlier detection of the PCH in 22 (56%). In 17 patients, the ICP failed to rise despite clinical deterioration, and detection of the PCH was delayed, significantly worsening the outcome in this group.  相似文献   

A case is described in which computerized tomography scanning aided in a prompt diagnosis and assessment of an intravenous catheter-induced septic thrombus. Computerized tomography scanning detected gas bubbles within the thrombus, which extended from the right subclavian vein into the superior vena cava, and retrograde propagation of the thrombus into the right internal jugular vein. Computerized tomography scanning also helped in the assessment of the amount of deep tissue swelling present and the competence of the upper respiratory tract.  相似文献   

300 patients with traumatic frontobasal CSF-fistulae were treated neurosurgically from 1967 to 1989. CT was introduced in 1980, allowing a definitive detection of intracranial lesions including appraisal of cerebral edema, direct detection of fistulae (metrizamide-CT) and of brain hernias and far better imaging of osseous lesions, also of fine structures, such as a better apprasial of paranasal sinus pathology. Classical radiology is, however, still indispensable for imaging certain fracture types and localization of a pneumocranium. Computer Tomography allows an improvement of postoperative results, influencing indication, timing of operation, such as surgical approach.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Spinal subdural hematomas (SSH) are a rare cause of spinal cord compression. SSH following clipping of an aneurysm has only been reported once. We now report such a case and discuss the mechanism of SSH development after aneurysmal neck clipping. CASE DESCRIPTION: A 32-year-old man complained of lumbago 7 days after craniotomy for the clipping of an aneurysm. Neurologic examination revealed no abnormality, but magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) demonstrated a lumbosacral spinal subdural hematoma. He received conservative management and his lumbago showed improvement. An MRI taken 19 days after surgery revealed a residual hematoma. CONCLUSION: The downward movement of blood from the cranial subdural compartment under the influence of gravity is the most appropriate explanation for SSH following craniotomy.  相似文献   

外伤性颅内血肿手术后并发迟发性血肿分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的分析外伤性颅内血肿手术后并发迟发性颅内血肿,探讨其与诸多因素的关系。方法回顾性调查1994年1月至2002年12月期,间本院收住的764例外伤性颅内血肿手术病人熏术后并发迟发性颅内血肿共98例,对其年龄、受伤机制、血肿厚度与中线移位的关系、血肿量、血肿部位、脑挫裂伤、手术时机以及术后骨窗的压力与发生迟发性血肿的关系,进行研究分析。结果诸多因素与并发迟发性血肿之间的存在相关关系。结论迟发性颅内血肿是颅脑外伤手术后较常见和严重的并发症,对其的发生应有足够的预见性,早期诊治是降低其死亡率和致残率的关键。  相似文献   

During four year period from April, 1977 to March, 1981, 53 cases with acute traumatic epidural hematoma had been encountered out of 430 acute head injured patients examined by computerized tomography (CT) within 24 hours after incurring the trauma at the Department of Neurosurgery and Critical Care Medicine of Nippon Medical School, Sendagi, Tokyo, Japan. Besides the initial CT, the authors performed contrast enhanced CT (41 cases) and serial CT scanning (31 cases). There were 49 cases of epidural hematoma existing in the supratentorial region, Two cases infratentorial region and 2 cases in the both regions. Two cases of vertex epidural hematoma had been encountered, one of them required vertical scan technique. In 22 (41%) of the 53 patients, the initial CT showed evidence of other cerebral lesions. The most frequent lesion was pneumocephalus (11 cases), 3 cases of them existed in the epidural hematoma. There were also intracerebral hematoma (6 cases), subdural hematoma (4 cases), cerebral contusion (2 cases), intraventricular hemorrhage (2 cases) and 2 cases of them demonstrated "diffuse traumatic cerebral injury" (Zimmerman, 1979). During contrast enhanced CT, 11 cases out of 41 cases indicated several enhancement pattern. There were total enhancement of epidural hematoma (2 cases), partial enhancement of hematoma (2 cases) and enhancement of internal margin of hematoma (2 cases). Serial CT scans was performed in 36 out of the 53 patients. Common findings on the serial CT scans were decreased density collection in the subdural space such as subdural effusions or chronic subdural hematomas (8 cases) and enlargement of small epidural hematomas (3 cases).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

We report 4 cases of bladder cancer that was overstaged by computerized tomography. In 2 patients the scans were performed after cystoscopy and bladder biopsy, and overstaging occurred secondary to artifacts produced at the time of biopsy. In the other 2 patients the scans were done before biopsy. In these patients perivesical and periprostatic infiltration interpreted on computerized tomography scans was not found in the surgical pathological specimens.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of chronic subdural hematoma, especially the reason why it becomes chronic is still under discussion. A series of 80 patients older than 60 years (47% older than 75 years) were studied clinically and by CT. As compared with angiography, CT allows the subdural hematoma to be detected earlier. In some cases the subdural hematoma might have been missed without CT. The indication for surgery remains unchanged and surgical techniques too. In 80% of the patients good results from the clinical point of view could be achieved. There was no correlation between clinical signs and the findings obtained by CT. Postoperatively it usually took 60 to 70 days for CT findings to disappear. The prognosis of subdural hematoma in the elderly remains guarded. The mortality rate in our series was 11% possibly as a consequence of age.  相似文献   

Metrizamide cisternography, combined with hypocycloidal tomography, has been performed in 12 patients with possible posterior fossa or parasellar mass lesions with finely detailed images of the basal cisterns resulting. Computed tomography was performed in nine of these patients and produced exceptional images of the cisternal anatomy. The technique of cerebrospinal fluid enhancement may be efficacious in identifying small basal masses not shown with conventional computed tomography, and thus may form an important complement to enhancement by intravenous injection of contrast medium.  相似文献   

腹部CT在外伤性腹膜后血肿诊治中的价值   总被引:27,自引:1,他引:27  
目的 探讨急诊腹部CT检查在闭合性腹部伤腹膜后血肿诊治中的价值。方法 回顾性分析腹膜后血肿的临床资料。结果 急诊腹部CT对腹部闭合伤腹膜后血肿的诊断率达100%,结论 急诊腹部CT在腹部闭合伤腹膜后血肿的诊断及指导手术方面有极有重要的价值。  相似文献   

Prognostic value of computerized EEG analysis during carotid endarterectomy   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A single-channel EEG, analyzed in real time to produce a density spectral array (DSA) display was recorded during 111 carotid endarterectomies. A simple protocol that emphasized loss of high frequency activity was used to identify serious ischemic EEG events. In 70 patients (78 operations) with no preoperative neurologic deficits, new postoperative neurologic deficits appeared only in the seven patients who had ischemic EEG events that lasted 10 min or longer. The EEG was not predictive in the 31 patients (33 operations) who had preoperative neurologic deficits: one patient with no intraoperative change in EEG developed a new postoperative deficit, and one patient with EEG changes lasting 13 min had no demonstrable new deficit postoperatively. This EEG monitoring technique was simple and convenient to use, and appears to be predictive of gross neurologic outcome following carotid endarterectomy in patients without preoperative neurologic deficits.  相似文献   

目的研究外伤性蛛网膜下腔出血是否影响颅脑损伤患者Marshall CT分级的预后。方法收集本院2008年2月至2008年12月间共66例重型颅脑损伤患者,按照Marshall CT分级分为弥漫性损伤组和局灶性损伤组,分析外伤性蛛网膜下腔出血的发生率及对其预后的影响。结果66例重型颅脑损伤的患者中,合并外伤性蛛网膜下腔出血的发生率高达77.27%,并且预后较差。根据Marshall CT分级,弥漫性损伤组中,伤后6个月GOS评分合并蛛网膜下腔出血者平均为3.00,不合并者为4.25;局灶性损伤组中,伤后6个月GOS评分合并蛛网膜下腔出血者平均为1.91,不合并者为3.00,鼹者有统计学差异(P〈0.05)。结论外伤性蛛网膜下腔出血在重型颅脑损伤患者中极为常见,并且影响Marshall CT分级的预后。  相似文献   

Sclerosing peritonitis (SP) has come to be recognized as a serious complication of peritoneal dialysis (PD). However, diagnosis is often established at a late stage of the disease and at laparotomy. The use of computerized tomography (CT) of the abdomen in 2 patients, clinically suspected of suffering from SP, revealed loculated ascites, adherent bowel loops, bowel lumenal narrowing, and thickening of the peritoneal membrane. Such radiological changes in patients on PD seem highly consistent with a diagnosis of SP. We feel that CT of the abdomen may help in attaining an early, correct, and noninvasive diagnosis of SP. We recommend that CT of the abdomen be performed in any patient on chronic PD who has clinical manifestations suggestive of SP. Early diagnosis of SP can lead to early cessation of PD and hopeful recovery of the peritoneal membranes and space.  相似文献   

Computed tomography (CT) creates cross sectional images with the benefit of high density and contrast resolution. In a retrospective study we have assessed the value of CT investigation of 23 patients with chronic osteomyelitis of the lower limb by comparing the findings with the plain radiographs, the surgical records and the histology of specific areas. We were able to establish that CT provides an excellent assessment of the bone and soft tissue structures as well as providing a precise localisation of the process. Sequestra, periosteal and endosteal bone proliferation, sinus, scar tissue and abscesses can be clearly identified. A rough evaluation of the bone vitality can also be made. In cases of chronic osteomyelitis without metal implants CT studies, together with clinical records and plain radiographs are able to establish the better operative approach and so optimise the indication for operation.  相似文献   

To determine the usefulness of computerized tomography scanning in the preoperative localization of the impalpable undescended testis 5 patients with 8 impalpable testes were studied. In 2 patients the scan correctly outlined 3 impalpable testes inside the internal inguinal ring, in 2 patients the scan correctly localized 4 impalpable testes at or just inside the external inguinal ring and in 1 patient the scan failed to demonstrate a testis, a finding corroborated at an operation. These results suggest that computerized tomography scanning appears to be an effective, simple and less hazardous method to localize impalpable undescended testes than other currently available techniques.  相似文献   

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