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Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
A bstract — CLINICAL AND ORAL MICROBIOLOGY, by Philip W. Ross and W. Peter Holbrook. Our copy by courtesy of Blackwell Scientific Book Distributors Pty. Ltd., Highett, Victoria .
SURGERY FOR DENTAL STUDENTS by Michael Woodruff and Hedley E. Berry. Our copy by courtesy of Blackwell Scientific Book Distributors Pty. Ltd. $44.95 .
THE STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION OF ORAL MUCOSA, by Julia Meyer, C.A. Squier, S. J. Gerson. Our copy by courtesy of the Publishers .
ORTHODONTICS: Current Principles and Techniques, by Thomas M. Graber and Brainerd F. Swain. Our copy by courtesy of CIG Medishield. $168.00 .  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Diagnosis and Surgical Management ok Diseases of the Temporomandibular Joint, by Bernard G. Sarnat and Daniel M. Laskin.
Dental Prosthetics—Complete Dentures, by Raymond J. Nagle and Victor H. Sears. St. Louis, The C. V. Mosby Co., 2nd ed.
Oral Surgery for Nurses, by F. G. Hardman. Bristol, John Wright & Sons Ltd.
The Year Book of Dentistry (1961–1962 Series). Chicago, Year Book Medical Pub Ushers Incorporated.
The Rights and Rewards of the Medical Witness, by Nils Nordstrom, Jr.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Drug Therapy for Dentists, by J. M. Dille.
Technique and Treatment with the Light-Wire Appliances, by J. R. Jarabak and J. A. Fizzell.
The Year Book of Dentistry—1963–1964 Series, edited by S. D. Tylman and others.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
W rought W ire T echnique for P artial D entures , by Rudolf Scheu. Bristol, John Wright & Sons Ltd.
D entistry for the P re -S chool C hild , by G. N. Davies and Richard M. King. Edinburgh, E. & S. Livingstone Ltd.
I ntroduction to O rthodontics , edited by Anders Lundström.
T he Y ear B ook of D entistry (1960–1961 Series).
B acteriology for D ental S tudents , by T. H. Melville and G. L. Slack.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Oral Diagnosis, by D. A. Kerr, M. Ash, Jr., and H. D. Millard.
The Epidemiology or Oral Health, by W. J. Pelton, J. B. Dunbar, R. S. McMillan, P. Moller and A. E. Wolff.
AN INTRODUCTION TO PERIODONTIA, by H. M. Goldman and D. W. Cohen.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
Bildgeschichte der Zahnheilkunde, by C. Proskauer and P. H. Witt. M. DuMont Schauberg, Köln, Germany. Our copy by courtesy of the publishers.
Complete Denture Prosthodontics, by John J. Sharry. New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company Inc., 1962. Our copy by courtesy of the publishers.
Dental Writing, by F. W. Craddock. Dunedin, University of Otago Press, 1962. Our copy by courtesy of the Editor.
Cleft Palate and Speech, by Muriel E. Morley. E. & S. Livingstone Ltd., Edinburgh and London, 5th ed., 1962. Our copy by courtesy of the publishers.
Principles of Dental Public Health, by James Morse Dunning. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1962. Our copy by courtesy of Oxford University Press, Melbourne.
Oral and Dental Diseases, by Hubert H. Stones. Edinburgh and London, E. & S. Livingstone Ltd., 4th ed., 1962. Our copy by courtesy of the publishers.
Operative Dental Surgery, by W. E. Herbert and W. A. Vale. Edward Arnold, 8th ed., London, 1962. Our copy by courtesy of the publishers.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
A pplied D ental M aterials , by John N. Anderson.
H andbook for D ental S urgery A ssistants and O ther A ncillary W orkers , by S. Gelbier and M. A. H. Copley.
F luorides and D ental C aries , edited by Ernest Newbrun.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
P rinciples of P athology for D ental S tudents . 2nd edition, by J. B. Walter, M. C. Hamilton and M. S. Israel. London, J. & A. Churchill
P artial D enture D esigning . 2nd edition, by John Farrell.
F acial P rostheses , by A. C. Roberts
G eneral A næsthetic and S edation T echniques for D entistry , by W. J. Pryor and A. D. Macalister. Bristol, John Wright & Sons
M odern P ractice in C rown and B ridge P ros-thodontics , 3rd edition, by J. F. Johnston, R. W. Phillips and R. W. Dykema.
T he M edical A ssessment of I njuries for L egal P urposes , 2nd edition, by Arnold Mann.
T he U niversal A ppliance , by A. E. Stoller. St. Louis
R estorative D ental M aterials , edited by F. A. Peyton and R. G. Craig, 4th edition. St. Louis
T oward a S ociology of D entistry , A Milbank Memorial Fund Quarterly Volume 49, Number 3, July 1971. Editors: R. M. O'Shea and Lois K. Cohen.
D iseases of the O ral C avity and S alivary G lands , by G. Boering.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviews in this article:
Mechanisms of Localized Bone Loss , eds. John E. Horton, Thomas M. Tarpley & William F. Davis.
The Cranium of the Newborn Infant: An Atlas of Tomography and Anatomical Sections , by Robert H. Pierce, Michael W. Mainen & James F. Bosma.
Clinical Outline of Oral Pathology: Diagnosis and Treatment , by Lewis R. Eversole.
1978 Year Book of Dentistry , eds. M. L. Hale, S. P. Hazen, R. E. Moyers, D. F. Redig, H.B. G. Robinson & S. I. Silverman.
Gingivitis , 2nd edn., by W. G. Cross.
Sweeteners and Dental Caries , eds. James H. Shaw & Gerassimos G. Roussos.
Methods of Caries Prediction , eds. Basil G. Bibby & Roald J. Shern.
Self Assessment Manual # 1. Oral Surgery and Pathology , Bertram Cohen, David Mason & David Poswillo.
Skin Manifestations in Visceral Cancer , Vladimir C. Andreev.
Application of the International Classification of Diseases to Dentistry and Stomatology (ICD-DA) .
Preventive Dentistry , Leon M. Silverstone.
Color Atlas of Periodontology , J. Dermot Strahan & Ian M. Waite.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
S ynopsis of O ral H istology , by S. N. Bhaskar.
T echnique and T reatment with the E dgewise A ppliance , by R. C. Thurow.
P artial D enture D esigning , by John H. Farrell.
C linical P edodontics , by S. B. Finn.
O ral M icrobiology and I nfectious D isease , by George W. Burnett and H. W. Scherp.
P rinciples of B one R emodelling , by Donald H. Enlow.
P hysiology of O cclusion and R ehabilitation , by Ulf Posselt.
C linical A pplication of the T win -W ire M echanism , by Paul Geoffrion.
A n I ntroduction to P eriodontia , by H. M. Goldman.
T he Y ear B ook of D entistry (1962–1963 S eries ).  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
W orld D irectory of D ental S chools .
P recision W ork for P artial D entures . A T echnical M anual for O ffice and L aboratory , by Alfred E. Steiger and Raoul H. Boitel.
A pplied D ental M aterials , by John N. Anderson.
S ir J ohn T omes , by Zachary Cope.
T he D ay H ospital , M ovement in G reat B ritain , by James Farndale.
D ental P harmacology and T herapeutics , by L. E. Francis and D. R. Wood.
O ral S urgery , by W. Harry Archer.
O rthodontia in E veryday P ractice , by Rudolf Hotz.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
O ral M icrobiology and I nfectious D isease , by G. W. Burnett and H. W. Scherp.
A ccepted D ental R emedies 1959, 24th edn. Council on Dental Therapeutics
O ral H istopathology , by Martin A. Rushton and Brian E. Cooke.
O ral R oentogenographic D iagnosis , by Edward C. Stafne.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
E ssentials of R emovable P artial D enture P rosthesis , by Oliver C. Applegate.
M odern P ractice in C rown and B ridge P rosthodontics , by John F. Johnston, Ralph W. Phillips, and Roland W. Dykema.
C aries S ymposium Z urich , edited by H. R. Mühlemann and K. G. König.
D ental R adiology , by A. H. Wuehrmann and L. R. Manson-Hing.
O rthodontic D iagnosis , by J. S. Beresford.
C aries -R esistant T eeth , edited by G. E. W. Wolstenholme and Maeve O'Connor.
O rganization of D ental P ublic H ealth S ervices .
T he R allying P oint , by Eric Campbell.
A dvances in F luoride R esearch and D ental C aries P revention , Vol. 3, edited by J. L. Hardwick
T ooth E namel : I ts C omposition , P roperties and F undamental S tructure , edited by M. V. Stack and R. W. Fearnhead.
S ilver A malgam in C linical P ractice , by I. D. Gainsford
G ingivitis , by W. G. Cross, A Dental Practitioner Handbook, No. 2, Bristol, John Wright & Sons Limited  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
L ocal A nalgesia in D entistry , by D. H. Roberts and J. H. Sowray
PARTIAL DENTURE CONSTRUCTION (A L aboratory M anual ), by John P. Bates
TIIE M anagement OF T raumatised ) A nterior T eeth OF C hildren , by J. A. Hargreaves and J. W. Craig
THE C lassification and T reatment OF I njuries TO THE T eeth OF C hildern , by R. G. Ellis and K. W. Davey
D iet AND THE P eriodontal P atient , by J. W. Clark, E. Cheraskin, W. M. Ringsdorff, Charles C. Thomas  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
M anual of O ral S urgery , by W. Harry Archer
T he P hysiological F oundation of D ental P ractice , by L. L. Langley and E. Cheraskin
C linical O perative D entistry , by William John Simon
C omplete M outh R ehabilitation T hrough C rown and B ridge P rosthodontics by Harry Kazis and Albert J. Kazis.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article
Introduction to Oral Medicine , Derrick M. Chisholm, Martin M. Ferguson, J. Harold Jones & David K. Mason. 290 pages. London, Philadelphia, Toronto: W. B. Saunders Company, 1978. U.S. $15.50.
Cariology , Ernest Newbrun, D.M.D., Ph.D. 289 pages with illustrations. Index. Baltimore, MD: The Williams and Wilkins Company, 1978. U.S. $23.00.
Diagnostic Electron Microscopy , vol. I and vol. II, eds. Trump, B.F. & Jones, R.T. New York: John Wiley & Sons, vol. I 1978 U.S. $34.00, vol. II 1979 U.S. $35.00
Mechanisms of Immunopathology , eds. Cohen, S., Ward, P.A. & McCluskey, R. T. Hardbound, 358 pages. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1979, U.S. $26.50.  相似文献   

Book reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
C linical A pplications of H ypnosis in D entistry , by S. Irwin Shaw.
C left P alate and S peech , by Muriel E. Morley.
T he Y ear B ook of D entistry (1957–1958 Series).
A M anual of D ental A nesthesia , by W. Harry Archer.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
A R eview of S terilization and D isinfection , by Sydney D. Rubbo and Joan F. Gardner.
T heory and P ractice of C rown and B ridge P rosthodontics , by S. D. Tylman.
E lements of D ental M aterials —F or D ental H ygienists and A ssistants , by R. W. Phillips and E. W. Skinner.
E ndodontic C ourse for the G eneral P ractitioner , by Angelo Sargenti.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
I mmediate and R eplacement D entures , by J. N. Anderson and R. Storer.
M inor O ral S urgery , by G. L. Howe. Bristol, John Wright and Sons.
O ral S urgery , by W. H. Archer.
C linical E ndodotics , by R. F. Sommer, F. D. Ostrander, and Mary C. Crowley.
D ental R adiography . An introduction for dental hygienists and assistants, by R. C. O'Brien.
P artial D entures , by Fritz Singer and Fritz Schön.
E ndodontics , by J. M. Mumford.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
Book reviewed in this article:
O rthodontics for D ental S tudents , by T. C. White, J. H. Gardiner and B. C. Leighton.
D ental R oentgenology , by LeRoy M. Ennis, H. M. Berry, Jnr., and J. E. Phillips.
S tructural and C hemical O rganization of T eeth. Vol. 1, 2. Edited by A. E. W. Miles.
W orld W orkshop in P eriodontics , 1966. Editorial Committee: Ramfjord, S. P., Kerr, D. A., and Ash, M. M. Ann Arbor.
P robe , 1967, the official publication of the Dental Students' Society of the University of Adelaide.
T he S cience of D ental M aterials , by E. W. Skinner and R. W. Phillips.
W orld D irectory of D ental S chools.  相似文献   

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