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郑名  李炙檬 《中国学校卫生》2005,26(10):852-853
目的 探讨离异家庭母亲教养方式与幼儿行为问题的相关关系,以便对幼儿的消极行为进行有效干预。方法 采用中文版EMBU父母养育方式评价量表和Rutter儿童行为问卷对兰州市226名幼儿及母亲进行调查,并对调查结果进行相关分析。结果 离异家庭幼儿行为检出率较高,其中男孩为32%,女孩为14%。离异家庭母亲教养方式与幼儿行为问题相关显著,同时正常家庭与离异家庭母亲的教养方式差异也存在显著性。结论 母亲的教养方式是影响幼儿行为发展的重要因素,积极的教养方式对离异家庭幼儿的健康成长起重要作用。  相似文献   

目的了解现代社会青少年健康危险行为的现状,为青少年健康教育提供依据。方法采取三阶段整群随机抽样方法,抽取4 739名大、中学生,用中国青少年健康危险行为调查问卷进行问卷调查。结果大、中学生中,偏食率为37.5%~57.4%;过去1周每天喝汽水饮料一次以上者有8.7%~17.5%,每天吃甜点1次以上者有13.2%~24.6%,每天吃早餐有42.3%~65.8%,每天喝牛奶有10.3%~22.4%;过去30d采取过减肥措施的有51.1%~67.4%;过去1周进行中等强度体育运动3d以上者有28.5%~43.5%。过去30d骑自行车违规发生率为62.5%~77.6%;过去30d受欺侮发生率为9.2%~11.9%,过去12个月里斗殴发生率为17.4%~28.5%,学习压力重报告率为14.3%~29.6%,抑郁报告率为14.5%~17.7%,严重受伤报告率为13.3%~15.4%;目前吸烟率为12.6%~22.0%,重度饮酒率为8.0%~31.4%,醉酒率为9.9%~39.2%;网络成瘾者有2.5%~4.9%,曾参加过赌博报告率为15.2%~23.6%;高中和大学生边缘性行为发生率分别为28.6%和43.7%。各种健康危险行为中,不同性别及不同学习阶段学生之间多数有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论现代社会青少年健康危险行为较为普遍,学校应开展健康教育。  相似文献   

青少年健康危险行为研究与干预现状   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
王超  马迎华 《中国健康教育》2005,21(11):867-869
当今,青少年的一些不良行为越来越引起人们的关注,如吸烟、酗酒、药物滥用、过早的不安全的性行为、不合理的膳食、缺乏体育锻炼以及各种导致意外伤害的行为。这些不良行为直接或潜在地威胁着青少年现在及将来的健康,被统称为“健康危险行为”。近年来青少年的健康危险行为有增加的趋势。因此,及早地、有针对性地对青少年进行健康教育是十分必要的。  相似文献   

上海市青少年危险行为聚集现象分析   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
目的 分析在校青少年危险行为聚集现象的分布特征。方法 用《2002上海市青少年危险行为监测调查表》对上海市初中、高中和中专职技校的学生进行问卷调查,获有效调查表9246份。选取具有代表性的9种危险行为研究其聚集现象。结果 发生危险行为聚集的学生占被调查学生的16.5%。不同性别的学生、各类学校的学生发生危险行为聚集的程度不同,各类学生发生聚集种类都有类型学校的健康所不同。结论 行为规范教育和健康教育还需要加强。在制订不同年龄段和不同教育大纲和教学计划时,要考虑到不同对象的特点,以便有针对性地开展工作。  相似文献   

目的探讨有暴力攻击行为的青少年的父母教养方式,为预防暴力伤害提供理论依据。方法采用病例对照研究的方法,运用父母教养方式评价量表对社区青少年的父母教养方式进行调查。共调查案例组81例,对照组304例。结果案例组的父亲FF1(情感温暖与理解)、FF2(惩罚、严厉)、FF5(拒绝否认)与对照组比较,差异有统计学意义(P0.01或P0.05),案例组的母亲MM2(过度干涉过度保护)、MM3(拒绝、否认)、MM4(惩罚、严厉)与对照组比较,差异有统计学意义(P0.01或P0.05)。父母共有的5个主因素的一致性比较,每一组父母在情感温暖与理解、惩罚严厉、过分干涉、拒绝否认等方面差异均有统计学意义(P值均0.01)。结论社区青少年的暴力攻击行为与父母教养方式存在关联。  相似文献   

了解虹口区青少年群体中各类健康危险行为的流行现状,为针对性地开展健康教育及行为干预提供科学依据.方法 采用分层多阶段整群抽样方法,抽取上海市虹口区3所初中、2所高中、1所职校共计1 413名在校学生,采用“上海市青少年健康相关行为调查问卷”(初、高中问卷)进行自填式匿名调查.结果 仅54.99%的学生每天喝牛奶,35.67%的学生吃油炸食品≥2次/周,20.03%的学生吃甜食≥1次/d.48.97%的学生存在不健康减肥行为.22.43%的学生有过自杀倾向,但仅有16.4%的学生寻求过帮助,其中53.85%的学生寻求同学帮助.结论 青少年健康危险行为不容忽视.应加强学生及家长相关健康知识宣教,共同关注青少年的健康与心理问题.  相似文献   

青少年健康危险行为   总被引:16,自引:8,他引:16  
1概念和分类凡是给青少年健康、完好状态乃至终生的生活质量造成直接或间接损害的行为,通称青少年健康危险行为(adolescent health risk behavior)[1]。我国学者参照国际惯例,针对国情,将其分为以下7类[2]:(1)导致各种非故意伤害(unintentionally injury)的行为,如车祸、溺水、跌坠、砸伤、爆裂伤、食物中毒等[3-4]。(2)导致各种故意伤害(intentionally injury)的行为,如打架、暴力、自杀、自伤、自残,精神抑郁、孤独、绝望等[5]。(3)物质成瘾行为,如吸烟、饮酒、滥用药物(精神活性药物或毒品)和吸入剂(汽油、油漆、涂改液或气雾罐)等[6-7]…  相似文献   

杨德英 《中国校医》2011,25(1):44-45
<正>青少年健康危险行为是指青少年个体或群体在偏离个人、家庭、学校、社会的期定方向上表现出的一类行为,这类行为可能给青少年乃至成年期健康和生活质量造成直接或间接损害。按国际通行标准,可分为7类:各种不良饮食行为、缺乏体力活动行为、非故意伤害行为、故意伤害行为、物质成瘾  相似文献   

目的了解北京市崇文区青少年减肥行为的流行现状,分析不同减肥方式与其他危险行为的关系。方法采用分层整群抽样方法,选取崇文区12所中学2 495名学生集体填写匿名问卷。结果减肥行为在青少年中普遍存在,男女生均以锻炼和节食为第一位和第二位的减肥方法,男生不采取任何减肥措施和只采取健康减肥方式的比例高于女生,而女生采取不健康减肥方式比例高于男生。采取不同减肥方式的青少年其吸烟、饮酒、吸食毒品、自杀意念、自杀计划、尝试自杀的报告率差异有统计学意义。结论不健康减肥行为严重危害青少年的健康,且与青少年的其他危险行为存在联系,应积极引导青少年采取健康的减肥方式,并据此发现其他危险行为的高危人群,为进一步制定干预措施提供依据。  相似文献   

探讨教养方式在隔代教养和幼儿行为问题之间的中介作用,为改善幼儿行为问题提供措施.方法 在湖州市抽取5所具有代表性的幼儿园,随机抽取300名幼儿的老师及其主要教养人,采用Conners儿童行为问卷(教师用)和幼儿教养人教养方式问卷进行调查.结果 信任民主教养方式中,男童隔代教养组(3.13±0.52)低于父母教养和共同教养组(3.68±0.44,3.56±0.48)(F=16.02,P<0.01),女童未见类似差异.溺爱放纵无论男童还是女童,均表现为隔代教养组最高,且男童得分(3.92±0.44)高于女童(3.58±0.55) (F=11.88,P<0.01).信任民主、溺爱放纵在隔代教养与幼儿品行问题关系之间起完全中介作用(β=-0.16,t=-3.25,P<0.01;β=0.48,t=9.37,P<0.01).溺爱放纵在隔代教养与幼儿多动行为间起部分中介作用(β=0.39,t=6.77,P<0.01).结论 教养方式在隔代教养和幼儿行为问题之间起到一定中介作用.  相似文献   

目的探讨父母养育方式与大学生性别角色现状及其相互关系,为提高大学生心理健康水平提供依据。方法采用修订的性别角色量表和父母养育方式量表,对689名在校大学生进行调查。结果父母养育方式在不同性别和生源地的学生之间存在差异;大学生的性别角色类型分布存在显著差异,双性化和未分化占多数;部分父母养育方式尤其是异性父母的养育方式进入大学生性别角色影响因素的回归方程。结论父母养育方式尤其是异性父母的养育方式影响子女性别角色的形成。  相似文献   

Background: Research on adolescent cigarette smoking has attempted to measure the role of parents in preventing smoking experimentation and uptake. However, aspects of parental influence have often been limited to parental smoking behavior or antismoking socialization. Only a limited number of studies considered the hypothesis that the influence of parenting on adolescent current cigarette smoking may extend beyond parental behavior and antismoking socialization to consider broader measures of the parent–child relationship, such as parenting style. Methods: The sample was nationally representative and included 17,287 high school students nationwide. Data were used to categorize the parenting style—authoritative, permissive, autocratic, and unengaged—experienced by each respondent. Logistic regression analysis was used to assess the association between parenting style and adolescent current cigarette smoking. Results: Authoritative parenting was associated with a reduction in the odds of adolescent current cigarette smoking (OR: 0.74, 99% CI: 0.58, 0.95). When authoritative parenting is simultaneously considered with believing parents’ opinions about smoking are important, authoritative parenting was no longer a significant correlate of adolescent current cigarette smoking, while believing parents’ opinions about smoking are important was associated with a 45% (99% CI: 0.48, 0.64) reduction in the odds of adolescent current cigarette smoking. Authoritative parenting was associated with a more than three-fold increase (OR: 3.65, 99% CI: 2.87, 4.66) in the odds of believing parents’ opinions about smoking are important. Discussion: Interventions may want to educate parents about authoritative parenting, which includes the importance of having appropriate and routine conversations with their children, requiring chores, and implementing general rules and boundaries.  相似文献   

PurposeCurrent research indicates that specific parenting styles are associated with adolescent overweight, dietary intake, and physical activity; but most of the research has been cross-sectional, making it difficult to determine the temporal order of these associations. The current study adds to the previous research by examining 5-year longitudinal associations between parenting style and adolescent weight and weight-related behaviors.MethodsData from Project EAT, a population-based study with adolescents from diverse ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds, were used. Adolescents (N = 2,516) from 31 Minnesota schools completed in-class assessments in 1999 (Time 1) and mailed surveys in 2004 (Time 2). Multiple linear regression models were used to predict mean levels of adolescent outcomes at Time 2 from parenting style at Time 1.ResultsTime 1 maternal authoritative parenting style predicted lower body mass index in adolescent sons and daughters at Time 2. Time 1 paternal permissive parenting style predicted more fruits and vegetables intake in daughters at Time 2. Significant associations were not found between parenting style and adolescent physical activity.ConclusionsFindings suggest that authoritative parenting style may play a protective role related to adolescent overweight and that the dimension of warmth and/or caring in the parent–adolescent relationship may be important in relation to female adolescent healthy dietary intake. Further exploration of opposite sex parent–adolescent dyad patterns related to parenting style and adolescent weight and weight-related behaviors is warranted.  相似文献   

目的探讨双相情感障碍青少年患者母亲教养方式和孤独感特点以及两者关系,为制定预防干预措施提供依据。方法随机选取入住某精神专科医院的双相情感障碍青少年患者46例为研究组,随机选取某中学无精神病史学生54例作为对照组。调查两组对象的人口学信息、母亲教养方式情况和孤独感情况。结果研究组母亲情感温暖得分显著低于对照组,惩罚严厉得分和孤独感得分均显著高于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。双变量相关分析表明,研究组患者的孤独感与母亲拒绝否认、惩罚严厉教养相关性更强。结论双相情感障碍青少年患者的孤独感与母亲不良教养方式有关,对于孤独感较强的患儿,建议评估其母亲教养方式,采取措施干预不良教养方式。  相似文献   

CONTEXT: There is a need for community-based, culturally sensitive, cognitive-behavioral interventions to reduce sexual risk behavior among minority adolescents. Studies of adolescent risk and protective behaviors have focused on identifying modifiable psychosocial variables that predict differential outcomes for subsequent intervention efforts. Research has been scarce in studies of rural minority adolescent women. PURPOSE: To examine the protective and risk behaviors of these rural Mexican-American adolescent women and their relationship to physical or sexual abuse. METHODS: Mexican-American adolescent women aged 14-19 years were recruited through a rural health clinic and administered a self-report assessment for protective and risk behavior and sexual, physical, and psychological abuse. FINDINGS: Rural minority adolescent women endured high levels of psychological distress and many risk behaviors yet experienced few protective behaviors. Barriers to health care included access and confidentiality. Physically or sexually abused adolescents endured relatively greater risk and fewer protective behaviors than nonabused. CONCLUSIONS: Rural Mexican-American adolescent women may benefit from confidential identification and assessment of abuse history and risk and protective behaviors so that appropriate psychological treatment can accompany accessible medical treatment. The prevalence of risk behaviors and abuse among these women presents a need for development of behavioral interventions for risk reduction and promotion of health protective behaviors.  相似文献   

Identifying the predictors of problem behavior is essential both for understanding the causes of such behavior and for preventing it. Although a great deal of research has sought to identify the factors predictive of problem behavior, much of the research to date has been correlational and tells us little about causality. This study attempts to improve on the correlational research by applying meta-analytic techniques to existing experimental and quasi-experimental studies of school-based prevention. The following 3 risk factors were examined: academic performance, bonding to school, and social competency skills. The most convincing evidence of a relationship between risk and problem behavior was found for bonding to school. Positive changes in attachment and commitment to school resulting from the preventive interventions were consistently accompanied by positive changes in problem behavior. Preventive interventions that produced improvements in academic performance produced moderate improvements in problem behavior. With regard to social competence, the association depended in large part on the type of measure used to assess social competency skills. Changes in self-report measures of social competency were unrelated to changes in problem behavior, whereas a strong positive correlation was observed between changes in ratings and observations of social competency by others and improvements in problem behavior.  相似文献   

PurposeThe goal of the study was to assess individual differences among adolescents regarding risk-taking behavior in the laboratory. The second aim was to evaluate whether the laboratory-based risk-taking behavior is associated with other behavioral and psychological measures associated with risk-taking behavior.MethodsA total of 82 adolescents with no personal history of psychiatric disorder completed a computerized decision-making task, the Wheel of Fortune. On the basis of the choices made between clearly defined probabilities and real monetary outcomes, this task assesses risk preferences when participants are confronted with potential rewards and losses. The participants also completed a variety of behavioral and psychological measures associated with risk-taking behavior.ResultsPerformance on the task varied on the basis of probability and anticipated outcomes. In the winning sub-task, participants selected low-probability–high-magnitude reward (high-risk choice) less frequently than high-probability–low-magnitude reward (low-risk choice). In the losing sub-task, participants selected low-probability–high-magnitude loss more often than high-probability–low-magnitude loss. On average, the selection of probabilistic rewards was optimal and similar to performance in adults. There were, however, individual differences in performance, and one-third of the adolescents made high-risk choice more frequently than low-risk choice while selecting a reward. After controlling for sociodemographic and psychological variables, high-risk choice on the winning task predicted “real-world” risk-taking behavior and substance-related problems.ConclusionsThese findings highlight individual differences in risk-taking behavior. Regarding validity of the Wheel of Fortune task, the preliminary data suggest that it might be a valuable laboratory tool for studying behavioral and neurobiological processes associated with risk-taking behavior in adolescents.  相似文献   

Previous research has provided considerable support for idea that increased parental support and control are strong determinants of lower prevalence levels of adolescent risk behavior. Much less is known on the association between specific parenting practices, such as concrete rules with respect to smoking and drinking and adolescent risk behavior. The present paper examined whether such concrete parental rules (1) have an effect on the targeted behaviors and (2) predict other, frequently co-occurring, risk behaviors (i.e., cannabis use and early sexual intercourse). These hypotheses were tested in a nationally representative sample of 12- to 16-year-old adolescents in the Netherlands. We found that both types of rules were associated with a lower prevalence of the targeted behaviors (i.e., smoking and drinking). In addition, independent of adolescent smoking and drinking behaviors, parental rules on smoking predicted a lower prevalence of cannabis use and early sexual intercourse, and parental rules on alcohol use also predicted a lower prevalence of early sexual intercourse. This study showed that concrete parental rule setting is more strongly related to lower levels of risk behaviors in adolescents compared to the more general parenting practices (i.e., support and control). Additionally, the effects of such rules do not only apply to the targeted behavior but extend to related behaviors as well. These findings are relevant to the public health domain and suggest that a single intervention program that addresses a limited number of concrete parenting practices, in combination with traditional support and control practices, may be effective in reducing risk behaviors in adolescence.  相似文献   

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