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综合实践活动课近年来在国家颁布《基础教育改革纲要》中明确规定为小学到高中的必修课程,是我国新一轮课程改革的一项重要举措,因为综合实践活动课是一门基于学生直接经验,密切联系学生自身生活和社会生活,体现对知识综合运用,强调学生通过实践增强探究和创新意识的能力和方法为宗旨所在的课程,而我有幸成为了这一学科的专职教师,同时也为我的教学生涯提出了新挑战。起初在教学中,很多学生认为综合实践活动课没有直接的学习成果,因此开展起来很困难。那么,如何焕发小学综合实践活动课的生机呢?我在几年的教学实践中有以下几点体会。  相似文献   

[目的]阐明病毒性肝炎及肝硬化患者胰岛β细胞功能及糖代谢状况.[方法]在基础状态下同时测定了血糖(GS)、胰岛素(INS)、C肽(CP)、皮质醇(F)、生长激素(GH)、生长抑素(SS)和胰岛素血糖素(GN),并分别作了静脉法糖耐量试验(ivGTT)和胰岛素、C肽释放试验(IRT、CPRT).血糖用葡萄糖氧化酶法检测,其他内分泌激素皆用放免法检测.[结果]75例中17例糖耐量减退,其中慢性肝炎(CH)组2例,代偿性肝炎肝硬变(HLC-I)组5例,失代偿性肝炎肝硬变(HLI-H)组10例,急性肝炎(AH)组无.凡糖耐量正常(NGT)者基础血糖、胰岛素、C肽均在正常范围,但其中大多数度患者胰岛素、C肽释放曲线低平,峰值低于对照组;糖耐量减退(IGT)者空腹血糖、胰岛素大多升高,C肽大多正常,但胰岛素、C肽释放曲线以及胰岛素释放指数比NGT组还要低.各族血浆皮质醇基本正常,仅少数病情较重的CH和失代偿性HLC患者稍高于正常水平.约1/4的患者血浆生长激素(GH)升高,3/4的患者血浆胰岛素(GN)升高.5例肝硬变患者服心得安以后血栓/胰岛素比值显著下降.[结论]糖耐量减退在慢性肝炎特别是肝硬变患者中相当常见.其发病机制与肝功能减退、胰岛β细胞受损、胰高血糖等生糖激素增加、周胰岛素抵抗等因素有关.心得安治疗可提高胰岛素的敏感性.  相似文献   

1 颈椎病的致病原因 长时间的伏案工作、操作电脑等,会造成供应脊髓、椎骨和相关肌肉氧气和养料的血管受到压迫,导致头部的血液、组织液代谢受阻,长时间保持紧张状态,也会损伤肌肉、肌腱及腱膜受损.  相似文献   

2006年11月23日,疾病管制局证实首例屈公热境外移入病例。该个案为13岁学生,2005年起在新加坡求学,2006年11月19日出现发热症状,11月20日在桃园机场入境时,过红外线测体温仪侦测有体温过高现象,经采血检验确定为屈公热。屈公热(chikungunya fever)是感染屈公病毒(chikungunyavi  相似文献   

买肉类怕有"疯牛病"和病死猪,买鸡鸭鱼类怕有"禽流感"和含激素,买果蔬担心"转基因"和农药残留,买米面怕用了抛光矿物油和掺有增白剂……媒体曝光的新闻几乎涉及人们需要吃的各种食物……  相似文献   

1996年夏秋季节,此起彼伏的食物中毒吓坏了东洋人。在短短两个多月的时间内,就有1万多人中毒,12人死亡。元凶是一种肠道病原菌,全名叫O157:H7肠出血性大肠杆菌,简称“O157”。病菌通过食物和饮水  相似文献   

清怡  Fish  肖岩 《家庭育儿》2007,(10):80-83
70%以上的准妈妈,孕期会遭遇痔疮的烦恼;几乎是所有的准妈妈在孕期前3个月或轻或重都会产生恶心呕吐的状况,严重的甚至会持续更长时间;一旦怀孕后,准妈妈常常有昏昏欲睡的感觉,很容易疲惫。痔疮、疲劳、孕吐,是准妈妈孕期非常棘手的三大问题,让孕妈妈想说轻松不容易。  相似文献   

产褥感染   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
产褥期是产妇体质恢复和新生儿开始独立生活的阶段。产妇分娩时经历了较大的精力和体力消耗,抵抗力有所减弱,加上妊娠期疾病和分娩损伤的影响,体质更差。这期间,产妇不仅要适应全身各系统所发生的明显变化,还要担负起哺育婴儿的重任,若不注意,容易发生产后并发症,影响正常康复,甚至危及生命。有资料显示,孕产妇死亡多数发生于产褥期。很多人重视妊娠期保健,却忽视产褥期保健。其实,虽然分娩已经结束了妊娠期,但是随之而来的产褥期仍是妇女保健的重要一环。本刊特组织产褥期常见问题的专题笔谈,以飨读者。  相似文献   

宜以清为补:夏季气温高,人体喜凉,应以清补为宜,进食寒凉食物为主,如大麦、小麦、绿豆、百合、黄瓜、菠菜、白菜、豆芽菜、芹菜、水萝卜、竹笋、茄子、荸荠、兔肉、鸭肉、羊肝、牛乳、鸡蛋及新鲜水果;多吃凉拌菜、成鸭蛋、成鸡蛋、松花蛋、豆制品、芝麻酱等.  相似文献   

Objective:To evaluate the supplementation effects of vitamin E,vitamin C,superoxide dismutase(SOD),and catalase to diluents on bull cryopreserved epididymal sperm.Methods:Sperm were retrieved from 20 bull testes and were then supplemented with 0.1 mM vitamin E,5.0 mM vitamin C,100.0 IU/mL SOD,and 100.0μg/mL catalase alone,or in a combination.The control treatment contained no addition.After supplementation,samples were frozen and stored in liquid nitrogen.The sperm parameters including motility,progressive motility,viability,acrosome integrity,plasma membrane integrity,kinematics and DNA damage were evaluated following the thawing process.Results:Vitamin E alone significantly increased the parameters of acrosome and membrane integrity compared to the control treatment(P<0.05).While compared to the control treatment,vitamin C had no improvement effect on sperm characteristics except for membrane integrity.Treatment of vitamin E+vitamin C had a significant improvement in total motility,progressive motility,viability,membrane and acrosome integrity compared to the control and other treatments(P<0.05).Compared to the control treatment,addition of SOD or catalase alone significantly improved the percentages of total motility,progressive motility,viability,membrane and acrosome integrity(P<0.05).Furthermore,SOD+catalase significantly increased total motility,progressive motility,viability,acrosome and membrane integrity characteristics compared to the catalase treatment(P<0.05).Vitamin E alone,vitamin E+vitamin C,and SOD in diluents decreased DNA damages and thereby improved the rate of intact sperm heads.Conclusions:Addition of 100.0 IU/mL SOD alone and 0.1 mM vitamin E+5.0 mM vitamin C,and also 5.0 mM vitamin C+100μg/mL catalase in a combination improves the quality of cryopreserved bull epididymal sperm and could be used for cryopreservation.  相似文献   

深圳市一般妇女生殖道感染状况及其影响因素分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
周立晓  张云珍 《中国妇幼保健》2005,20(13):1644-1647
目的:了解深圳市妇女生殖道感染(RTI)流行情况,分析其中全市一般人群(一般人群)与罗湖区受检人群(罗湖区人群)RTI流行情况及其影响因素,寻求普通人群RTI的防治办法。方法:通过问卷调查生物学特征及其他相关情况;妇科检查阴道、宫颈情况,取相应分泌物及抽取静脉血分别进行相关病原体实验室检查;用SPSS10.0软件进行统计描述和判断。结果:①深圳市一般人群RTI感染率(25.5%)与我国其他地区研究结果一致,而罗湖区人群RTI感染率(17.6%)则明显低于全市水平;②宫颈感染的危险因素为年龄≤25岁、未婚、近3个月有新性伴及没有使用避孕套,阴道感染中滴虫感染的危险因素为年龄≤25岁、初次性生活年龄<18岁、未婚,高中以上文化程度者患细菌性阴道病和念珠菌性阴道炎的可能性较小;③罗湖区人群对部分RTI症状的认知程度明显高于一般人群。结论:加强对RTI、AIDS防治的健康教育工作,在各个不同层面开展多种形式的RTI、AIDS防治知识教育是提高一般人群对RTI、AIDS认识,减少疾病发生和传播的重要因素;积极开展生殖健康普查、普治工作,尽早发现无症状RTI病人并进行规范治疗,是阻断疾病发展、传播,减少并发症发生和HIV感染机会的重要环节。  相似文献   

Antibiotics represent one of the most important drug groups used in the management of bacterial infections in humans and animals. Due to the increasing problem of antibiotic resistance, assurance of the antibacterial effectiveness of these substances has moved into the focus of public health. The reduction in antibiotic residues in wastewater and the environment may play a decisive role in the development of increasing rates of antibiotic resistance. The present study examines the wastewater of 31 patient rooms of various German clinics for possible residues of antibiotics, as well as the wastewater of five private households as a reference.To the best of our knowledge, this study shows for the first time that in hospitals with high antibiotic consumption rates, residues of these drugs can be regularly detected in toilets, sink siphons and shower drains at concentrations ranging from 0.02?μg·L?1 to a maximum of 79?mg·L?1. After complete flushing of the wastewater siphons, antibiotics are no longer detectable, but after temporal stagnation, the concentration of the active substances in the water phases of respective siphons increases again, suggesting that antibiotics persist through the washing process in biofilms. This study demonstrates that clinical wastewater systems offer further possibilities for the optimization of antibiotic resistance surveillance.  相似文献   

Occupational physicians on occasion will have to respond toinquiries from the print and broadcast media, particularly insituations involving the health or death of workers. They mustbe prepared concerning the issue at hand, be factual, be cooperative,and be careful of questions that are ‘just off the record’.As representatives of organizations at times of corporate stress,they must be truthful in the presentation of explanations concerningthe causes of mishaps and the means of averting future repetitionsof comparable hazardous episodes. A set of principles is offeredwhich will aid physicians in their discussion of serious healthand safety issues at the worksite.  相似文献   


The hazards associated with breeding livestock were well documented in some of the earliest annals of literature. With the exception of horses, bulls have probably caused more livestock- related deaths and injuries to human beings throughout recorded history than any other domesticated animal. A review of the literature might suggest that attacks by bulls were more of a problem in the past than today. However, a bull-related injury surveillance project conducted by the authors documented that bulls continue to contribute to an unacceptable number of serious injuries and deaths. In 2006, following an increase in the number of bull-attack cases identified during ongoing surveillance of agricultural work-related injuries, a search of agricultural injury data was initiated to gain a better perspective of the bull-incidence problem. Approximately 3 years of data, gathered from daily reviews of online sources plus a review of more than 12,000 prior injury reports, were combined, coded, and summarized. A total of 287 cases primarily from the United States were documented and analyzed. Where reported, contributing factors were identified, including age of victim, type of bull, type and condition of handling facility, experience of handler, and time of year. Analysis of the literature and data indicates that (1) the risk of injury associated with hours of exposure to bulls is higher than that of working around cows; (2) the risk of a bull-related fatality, based upon the hours of exposure, appears to be higher than other known hazards, such as tractor operation; (3) victims generally appeared to have had considerable experience with handling bulls; (4) bulls raised from calves on-site appeared more aggressive; and (5) most of the incidents involved the victim being inside the bull holding area. Recommendations are presented for reducing the potential of bull attacks on humans.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Colophony (rosin) is a natural product derived from the resin of coniferous trees with many industrial applications including soldering fluxes. Exposure to colophony fume through soldering is one of the leading causes of occupational asthma in the UK. AIMS: To assess occupational exposure to colophony from solder fume at selected workplaces in the UK and to investigate the use of dehydroabietic acid (DHA) as a biomarker of exposure. METHODS: Six companies in the UK electronics industry were visited and occupational hygiene assessments of extent and control of exposure to rosin-based solder flux fume were undertaken. Urine samples were analysed for one of the main constituents of rosin, DHA. RESULTS: There was a positive linear relationship between airborne exposure to solder fume and urinary DHA level. The levels of urinary DHA measured in UK workers were significantly lower than those previously measured in African workers because of the use of appropriate exposure control measures, for example, local exhaust ventilation with fixed ducting and flexible hose, tip extraction, etc. It is suggested that good occupational hygiene practice would result in urinary DHA levels of <3 micromol/mol creatinine in a post-shift urine sample. CONCLUSIONS: Urinary DHA is a valid biomarker of exposure to colophony in solder fume. Further work on the excretion kinetics of urinary DHA, the possibility of skin absorption and further occupational hygiene surveys would be beneficial.  相似文献   

Most public health research is devoted to the measurement of disease burdens and of the costs and effectiveness of control measures. The history of immunization provides many colourful examples of various ways in which such measurements are made, of how they have influenced policies, and of the importance of public perception of the magnitudes of the various burdens, benefits and risks. Improving the public's ability to evaluate evidence is itself an important aspect of public health.  相似文献   

Ageing and the nutrition knew two great evolutions recently. First of all, progress of the genetics of ageing which showed the genetic control of longevity. In addition, the important corpus of knowledge accumulated in the field of the food restriction, one of the rare interventions not-genetics known to increase the longevity of the mammals. This type of food mode being associated with a reduction in pathologies related to the age. The conjunction of these two targets of research made it possible to discover at animal models, mainly invertebrate, the subjacent genetic mechanisms binding the level of food and longevity. The comprehension of these genetic mechanisms will make it possible to open therapeutic new prospects connected to the processes of ageing. From yeast to mammals, a certain number of homologous genetic ways were shown. This rise of knowledge brings a beam, always growing, of data showing that the nervous system power station plays a part crucial in the perception of the requirements out of food also in the invertebrates.  相似文献   

The media coverage given to occupational health studies in the field of ionizing radiation has, on occasion, been the cause of very real distress to radiation workers and their families. In response to this situation the Chief Medical Officers of the major UK nuclear companies developed an ethical policy for future involvement in research, based on the duty of care which researchers owe to a key customer of such studies: the worker. The policy consists of four principal elements: medical confidentiality; worker information; worker consent and the guarantee of the availability to the workers of pre-publication knowledge of the results. The policy issued in 1991/92 has achieved growing acceptance among researchers and medical journals, though the medical officers involved have been aware of some scepticism, particularly in relation to the practicalities of the dissemination of pre-publication information. The Record Linkage Study published in November 1997 marked a major piece of research work involving data from 120,000 radiation workers that had been carried out since the development of the policy. This paper reports on the successful compliance arrangements to meet the ethical requirements of that study within a single UK nuclear company, and is published to demonstrate that with commitment from researchers, the journal and occupational health staff such ethical requirements, and particularly the need for pre-publication information can be met in full.  相似文献   

A Response to Nordenfelt's “The Varieties of Dignity”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
I respond to Lennart Nordenfelt's analysis of dignity by questioning his attempt to establish an objective standard by which dignity can be determined. I approach this by considering the way in which claims to dignity may be contested and defended. This leads, in the cases of dignity of merit and dignity of moral status, to an apparent relativism. This relativism is checked by further consideration of dignity of identity, and in particular by consideration of the nature of the processes that serve to humiliate people. It is suggested that acts of humiliation attack certain competences that human beings develop as embodied, social beings. Menschenwürde may then be articulated as an account of human nature, in terms of the human potential to develop a series of core competences. This account of human nature aspires to universality, and as such offers an objective ground to dignity. This paper is a product of the research project on Dignity and Older Europeans (Fifth Framework (Quality of Life) Programme, Contract No QLG6, 2001, 00888).  相似文献   

Advising about the employment of those who have had manic depressive episodes requires Occupational Health Physicians to obtain, with consent, an objective account of previous episodes and to appreciate the enormous range of manic and depressive manifestations. Familiarity is needed with the likely effects of treatment of episodes and the benefits and problems of prophylaxis--not just in general but in individual cases, for example, where driving is required. This article summarizes research into the effects of lithium preparations on the course of the illness, thyroid and renal function and the risk of suicide. The author found that changing from treatment of episodes to continuous prophylaxis benefited employment and personal relationships without causing body weight problems. Many patients do well in life if supported by an experienced professional team, with 61% requiring no further admissions once on lithium, and with an 86% reduction in admissions achieved in our local clinic.  相似文献   

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