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Creatine kinase (CK; EC plays an important role in energy metabolism in brain and muscle. Expression of CK isoenzymes is regulated during development and is tissue specific. To define the structures of canine CK isoenzymes and to elucidate the mechanism of regulation in their expression, CK cDNA clones from dog myocardium were isolated. Myocardial CK mRNA is predicted to encode a protein of 381 amino acids. The nontranslated regions of the mRNA comprise at least 38 bases at the 5' end and exactly 345 bases before the poly(A) tail. Partial protein sequences of dog muscle (M) CK and brain (B) CK subunits were determined and compared with the derived amino acid sequence of the myocardial enzyme and of M CK subunits of other species. The M CK subunits from different species share a very high degree (83-96%) of sequence identity. Dog M and B subunits share extensive sequence identity (74%), a degree of similarity not previously suspected. Southern blot analysis suggests that a CK gene family exists. These observations imply that evolutionary changes in the M CK subunit structure are constrained by the need for preservation of functional properties other than the kinase activity. This conservation is consistent with the possibility that the M subunit plays a structural role in cardiac and skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

A 1,350-base-pair-long cDNA clone, named p alpha-2, was isolated by hybridization to the previously characterized clone p alpha-1 and found to be specific for the alpha-subunit of the Torpedo marmorata acetylcholine receptor. The nucleotide sequences of both cDNA inserts were analyzed and the sequence of the complete coding region and part of the 5' and 3' untranslated regions of the alpha-chain mRNA was determined. The complete amino acid sequence of the alpha-chain precursor is presented and used to develop a model for the transmembrane organization of the polypeptide.  相似文献   

Subsynaptic membrane fragments prepared from Torpedo marmorata electric organ contain, in addition to the acetylcholine receptor polypeptides, a major protein band of apparent molecular mass 43,000 daltons. On two-dimensional gels, this band yields three spots referred to as v1, v2, and v3. Monoclonal antibodies against the 43,000-dalton proteins were developed in CBA mice. One of them reacted exclusively with the v1 polypeptide but not with v2 and v3. Staining by the "immunogold" reaction followed by observation by electron microscopy showed that this antibody exclusively labeled the innervated membrane of T. marmorata electroplaque on its cytoplasmic face. Electroblots of one-dimensional gels of membrane preparations from 80-mm embryo electric organ were prepared. After reaction with the anti-v1 monoclonal antibody, a strongly stained 43,000-dalton band was revealed.  相似文献   

Complete coding sequence of rat tyrosine hydroxylase mRNA.   总被引:48,自引:15,他引:33       下载免费PDF全文
Several clones specific for tyrosine hydroxylase [tyrosine 3-monooxygenase, L-tyrosine, tetrahydropteridine:oxygen oxidoreductase (3-hydroxylating), EC] have been identified from a rat PC12 library by using the previously characterized clone pTH-1. The most complete of these, pTH-51, is 1758 base pairs long and covers most of the length of the mRNA, including the entire coding and 3' untranslated region. The polypeptide has an estimated molecular weight of 55,903 and some of its characteristic features are discussed.  相似文献   

Acetylcholine receptor-enriched membranes from the electric organ of Torpedo californica show a major band at Mr 43,000 on NaDodSO4/polyacrylamide gels. This band is composed of three polypeptides: nu 1, nu 2, and nu 3. Polypeptide nu 1 has been found to be localized exclusively at the innervated face of the electrocyte and at the neuromuscular junction in rat muscle. We show here that monoclonal antibody to nu 1 precipitates a radioactive Mr 43,000 polypeptide from detergent-solubilized extracts of Torpedo membranes covalently labeled with periodate-oxidized [alpha-32P]ATP. The monoclonal antibody also precipitates protein kinase activity from neutralized pH 11 extracts of the acetylcholine receptor-rich membranes. These data suggest that nu 1 is a postsynaptic membrane protein kinase.  相似文献   

A mRNA fraction purified by preparative polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis from calf thymus polysomes codes for a polypeptide(s) having a mass of 16,000-17,000 daltons. This polypeptide contains amino acid sequences corresponding to residues 11-18 and 19-25 of thymosin alpha 1. The yield of the octapeptide indicates that the 16,000-dalton peptide is the major product formed in the cell-free synthesis system containing the purified mRNA.  相似文献   

Creatine kinase (ATP creatine N-phosphotransferase, EC is important in the maintenance of ATP levels in high energy-requiring tissues such as muscle and brain. A complete understanding of its function requires knowledge of its amino acid sequence. To obtain cDNA clones encoding creatine kinase sequences, a cDNA bank was constructed using mRNA from the electric organ of Torpedo californica and was screened by comparing differential colony hybridization of electric organ and liver-derived 32P-labeled cDNAs. Cloned DNAs have been isolated that can arrest the abundant synthesis of Mr 40,000-43,000 material seen after in vitro translation of electric organ mRNA. One of the clones, CK52g8, was sequenced by the dideoxy M13 method and was found to encode a Mr 42,941 protein, which is 68% homologous to a known partial sequence of rabbit muscle creatine kinase and which has a composition similar to creatine kinases from chicken and rabbit tissues. By contrast, no significant homology was found with the known sequences of kinases that use other substrates. RNA blot hybridization analysis indicated that CK52g8 is complementary to a 1600-base-pair mRNA. Primer extension analysis indicated that CK52g8 is only 5 nucleotides short of a full-length cDNA, implying that it encodes a complete protein sequence. The availability of this complete sequence should be useful in further studies of creatine kinase structure and function using techniques such as site-specific mutagenesis.  相似文献   

Recombinant cDNA plasmids have been constructed from chicken spleen poly(A)-containing RNA. Two clones have been selected and provide the sequence determination of a chicken lambda immunoglobulin light chain: they include the complete variable, constant, and 3' untranslated regions of the chicken lambda light chain mRNA and part of the leader sequence. Comparison of the chicken light chain constant region with both human and mouse lambda constant sequences indicates 61% homology at the amino acid level. Unexpectedly, the chicken variable sequence is 53-63% homologous to human variable sequences when it is compared to the various lambda subgroups and only 42% homologous to the mouse V lambda 1 sequence. The degree of homology between the variable regions of these three species does not easily correlate with their phylogenetic relationship.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequences of the gene and the mRNA coding for a specific phaseolin type French bean major storage protein have been determined. Comparison of these sequences reveals a phaseolin gene structure consisting of 80 base pairs (bp) of 5′ untranslated DNA, 1,263 bp of protein-encoding DNA which is interrupted by five intervening sequences (IVS1, 72 bp; IVS2, 88 bp; IVS3, 124 bp; IVS4, 128 bp; and IVS5, 103 bp), and 135 bp of 3′ untranslated DNA. Sequences characteristic of eukaryotic promoters “CCAAT” and “TATA” are present in the 5′ flanking DNA, and the eukaryotic poly(A) addition signal A-A-T-A-A-A occurs 16 bp before the first nucleotide of poly(A). The derived amino acid sequence yields an amino acid composition and a molecular weight compatible with those found for the β-type phaseolin protein. Two regions that probably serve as carbohydrate-peptide linkage recognition sites have been identified. A region of highly hydrophobic amino acids at the NH2 terminus of the protein suggests the presence of a signal peptide in the newly synthesized phaseolin protein.  相似文献   

We have cloned and identified a DNA sequence complementary to the mRNA of creatine kinase (CK) isozyme M, although the mRNA is a minor species of the total mRNA in developing myoblasts. Poly(A)+RNA from breast and thigh muscle of 5-week-old chicks was enriched for CK mRNA by a novel procedure of sucrose gradient centrifugation in the presence of methylmercuric hydroxide. DNA complementary to this mRNA was inserted into pBR322, and colonies containing the recombinant plasmids were screened for the ability of the plasmid DNA to hybridize with and rescue CK mRNA from total muscle mRNA. Three plasmids, pCS195, pCS192, and pM35-4, could specifically rescue CK-M mRNA. CK-M mRNA was detected by in vitro translation and specific immunoprecipitation. The identity of the in vitro translation product was further confirmed by its migration in two-dimensional gels at the isoelectric point and molecular weight of CK-M. The heterogeneity of CK-M observed in vivo also was found upon translation of the CK-M mRNA which hybridizes to the plasmid.  相似文献   

Highly purified cholinergic postsynaptic membranes from Torpedo electric tissue contain, in addition to the acetylcholine receptor (AcChoR), major proteins of Mr 43,000 and Mr approximately 90,000 and minor proteins that can be removed from the membranes by alkaline treatment. We have prepared an antiserum to these alkaline-extractable proteins that reacts with the Mr 43,000 protein but not with any of the other major membrane proteins, including the AcChoR subunits. Immunofluorescent staining of sections of Torpedo electric tissue shows that this antiserum binds to the innervated but not the uninnervated surface of the electrocytes. In rat diaphragm muscle, the antigens recognized by this antiserum are highly concentrated at the synapse. Synaptic staining of muscle is eliminated by prior incubation of the antiserum with the Mr 43,000 protein but not by incubation with affinity-purified AcChoR. This antiserum stains end plates of muscles denervated for 7 days. Antiserum to AcChoR binds to the subsynaptic membranes of electrocytes and muscle but does not react with the Mr 43,000 protein. Purified AcChoR blocks staining of synapses by anti-AcChoR but the Mr 43,000 protein does not. These results indicate that the Mr 43,000 protein is located in the innervated membrane of Torpedo electrocytes and that an immunologically similar component is highly concentrated in the postsynaptic membrane of mammalian muscle.  相似文献   

Hyperthermia, hypoxia, and other conditions induce the appearance of heat shock or stress proteins in cells. We have previously shown that in the ischemic dog myocardium the level of a messenger RNA (mRNA) coding for a protein with migration characteristics similar to heat shock/stress protein 71 increases. Using a human heat-shock protein (hHSP) 70 genomic clone and anti-HSP70 antibodies as probes, we demonstrate in this report that heart stress protein (SP) 71 mRNA and its translational products (71 kDa polypeptides) are members of the stress protein family. In rabbit hearts, the ischemia-induced mRNAs translate into three isoforms with different isoelectric points (6.0, 6.1, and 6.15), in contrast to dog heart mRNA that translates into a protein with a pI of 5.8. The levels of SP71 mRNA in the dog and rabbit ischemic myocardium increased by sixfold and 18-fold, respectively. In the same samples, the levels of creatine kinase M mRNA decreased by about 40%, whereas those of myosin heavy chain mRNA remain unaltered. Our comparative analysis of three different mRNAs indicates that ischemia manifests its effects by differentially changing the levels of specific mRNAs coding for proteins with separate and distinct roles in the cell.  相似文献   

We have cloned in Escherichia coli a DNA copy of mRNA coding for bovine preproparathyroid hormone. Double-stranded DNA was inserted into the Pst I site in plasmid pBR322 by using the poly(dG)-poly(dC) homopolymer extension technique to join the DNA molecules. Recombinant plasmids coding for preproparathyroid hormone were identified by the plasmid's ability to arrest specifically the translation of preproparathyroid hormone mRNA. The nucleotide sequence of the largest recombinant was determined by using both chemical and enzymatic techniques. The parathyroid insert contains 470 nucleotides--102 nucleotides from the 5' noncoding region of the mRNA, 345 nucleotides representing the entire coding region, and 23 nucleotides from the 3' noncoding region. The coding sequence clarifies the hormone's amino acid sequence, which has been disputed. Codon usage is discussed.  相似文献   

We have cloned via recombinant DNA technology the mRNA sequence for rat pancreatic preprokallikrein. Four cloned overlapping double-stranded cDNAs gave a continuous mRNA sequence of 867 nucleotides beginning within the 5'-noncoding region and extending to the poly(A) tail. The mRNA sequence reveals that pancreatic kallikrein is synthesized as a prezymogen of 265 amino acids, including a proposed secretory prepeptide of 17 amino acids and a proposed activation peptide of 11 amino acids. The activation peptide, although similar in length, is distinct from those of the other classes of pancreatic serine proteases. The amino acid sequence of the predicted active form of the enzyme is closely related to the partial sequences obtained for other kallikrein-like serine proteases including rat submaxillary gland kallikrein, pig pancreatic and submaxillary gland kallikreins, the gamma subunit of mouse nerve growth factor, and rat tonin. Key amino acid residues thought to be involved in the substrate-cleavage specificity of kallikreins are retained. Hybridization analysis showed relatively high levels of kallikrein mRNA in the rat pancreas, submaxillary and parotid glands, spleen, and kidney, indicating the active synthesis of kallikrein in these tissues.  相似文献   

The introduction of plastids into different heterotrophic protists created lineages of algae that diversified explosively, proliferated in marine and freshwater environments, and radically altered the biosphere. The origins of these secondary plastids are usually inferred from the presence of additional plastid membranes. However, two examples provide unique snapshots of secondary-endosymbiosis-in-action, because they retain a vestige of the endosymbiont nucleus known as the nucleomorph. These are chlorarachniophytes and cryptomonads, which acquired their plastids from a green and red alga respectively. To allow comparisons between them, we have sequenced the nucleomorph genome from the chlorarachniophyte Bigelowiella natans: at a mere 373,000 bp and with only 331 genes, the smallest nuclear genome known and a model for extreme reduction. The genome is eukaryotic in nature, with three linear chromosomes containing densely packed genes with numerous overlaps. The genome is replete with 852 introns, but these are the smallest introns known, being only 18, 19, 20, or 21 nt in length. These pygmy introns are shown to be miniaturized versions of normal-sized introns present in the endosymbiont at the time of capture. Seventeen nucleomorph genes encode proteins that function in the plastid. The other nucleomorph genes are housekeeping entities, presumably underpinning maintenance and expression of these plastid proteins. Chlorarachniophyte plastids are thus serviced by three different genomes (plastid, nucleomorph, and host nucleus) requiring remarkable coordination and targeting. Although originating by two independent endosymbioses, chlorarachniophyte and cryptomonad nucleomorph genomes have converged upon remarkably similar architectures but differ in many molecular details that reflect two distinct trajectories to hypercompaction and reduction.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of the neuraminidase gene of influenza virus B/Lee/40 was derived from a cloned cDNA copy of virion RNA segment 6 and its corresponding mRNA. The RNA segment contains 1,557 virus-specific nucleotides, and the protein encoded by the longest open reading frame has a total of 466 amino acids with a molecular weight of 51,721. As is the case with the influenza A virus neuraminidases, the deduced amino acid sequence of the influenza B protein includes a single hydrophobic region near the amino terminus which would be capable of spanning the lipid bilayer of the viral or cell membrane. There are four potential glycosylation sites in the protein, two of which are near the amino-terminal hydrophobic region. Comparisons of the nucleotide and amino acid sequences with those of influenza A virus neuraminidases revealed seven regions of extensive homology within the central portion of the molecules, including 12 conserved cysteine residues. Five other cysteine residues in the terminal portions were also conserved.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the gene for human protein C.   总被引:26,自引:11,他引:26  
A human genomic DNA library was screened for the gene for protein C by using a cDNA probe coding for the human protein. Three different overlapping lambda Charon 4A phage were isolated that contain inserts for the gene for protein C. The complete sequence of the gene was determined by the dideoxy method and shown to span about 11 kilobases of DNA. The coding and 3' noncoding portion of the gene consists of eight exons and seven introns. The eight exons code for a preproleader sequence of 42 amino acids, a light chain of 155 amino acids, a connecting dipeptide of Lys-Arg, and a heavy chain of 262 amino acids. The preproleader sequence and the connecting dipeptide are removed during processing, resulting in the mature protein composed of a heavy and a light chain held together by a disulfide bond. The heavy chain also contains the catalytic region for the serine protease. Two Alu sequences and two homologous repeats of about 160 nucleotides were found in intron E. The seven introns in the gene for protein C are located in essentially the same positions in the amino acid sequence as the seven introns in the gene for human factor IX, while the first three introns in protein C are located in the same positions as the first three in the gene for human prothrombin.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the mRNA coding for the fusion glycoprotein (F) of the paramyxovirus, simian virus 5, has been obtained. There is a single large open reading frame on the mRNA that encodes a protein of 529 amino acids with a molecular weight of 56,531. The proteolytic cleavage/activation site of F, to yield F2 and F1, contains five arginine residues. Six potential glycosylation sites were identified in the protein, two on F2 and four on F1. The deduced amino acid sequence indicates that F is extensively hydrophobic over the length of the polypeptide chain. Three regions are very hydrophobic and could interact directly with membranes: these are the NH2-terminal putative signal peptide, the COOH-terminal putative membrane anchorage domain, and the NH2-terminal region of F1.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of the genome of the type 1 poliovirus vaccine strain (LSc,2ab) was determined by using molecular cloning and rapid sequence analysis techniques. The restriction fragments of double-stranded cDNA synthesized from the vaccine strain RNA were inserted into the adequate sites of cloning vector pBR322. Sequence analysis of the cloned DNAs revealed that the virion RNA molecule was 7,441 nucleotides long and polyadenylylated at the 3' terminus. When the nucleotide sequence was compared with that of the genome of the virulent parental strain (Mahoney), 57 base substitutions were observed to be scattered all over the genome. Of these, 21 resulted in amino acid changes in a number of viral proteins. A cluster of amino acid changes is located in the viral coat proteins, especially in the NH2-terminal half of the viral capsid protein VP1. These results may imply that the mutations in the VP1 coding region contribute to attenuation.  相似文献   

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