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广东省医院护理人力及教育现状研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的:描述广东省医院护理人力及教育现状。分析存在的问题并提出建议。方法:采用自行设计的调查表,对广东省166家二级、三级医院进行调查。结果:①三级、二级医院平均医护比分别为1:1.29、l:1.14,500张床位以上的医院平均床护比为1:0.52,低于卫生部颁布标准(P〈0.0).②护理人员起始学历中。研究生、本科、大专、中专和无专业学历者所占比例分别是:0.01%、1.94%、8.07%、88.52%、1.46%;相应的耳前学历分别是:0.10%、4。66%、29.96%。64.30%、0.98%。结论:①广东省医院临床一线护理人力不足。⑦护理人员学历有所提高。但仍以中专学历为主。建议5年内三级医院护理人员的学历结构逐步达到:中专占30%、大专及以上占70%,二级医院逐步达到:中专占50%、大专及以上占50%。  相似文献   

目的:了解社区老年护理人才现状及需求,为高校培养社区老年护理人才提供依据。方法自设问卷对浙江省284家社区卫生服务中心(站)进行调查。结果72.5%认为现有社区老年护理人才数量不能满足老年护理工作需求,67.6%认为专业素质不能满足工作需求;现有老年护理人才大专学历占44.5%,中专学历占39.8%,未来2年招聘以大专学历为主,达61.2%;社区老年护理人才需要老年护理和技术等12方面知识,社区老年护理人才应具备老年常见病和用药反应护理观察能力等9项核心能力。结论目前社区老年护理人才数量和专业素质不能满足老年护理需求,需以社区老年护理知识、核心能力需求为导向,通过专业设置、构建课程体系,改革教学及实践方式等进行培养,以适应人口老龄化需求。  相似文献   

目的调查不同年资、学历、职称临床护理人员执行相关护理项目的压力情况。方法采用文献检索和专家会议法,自行设计临床护理人员护理项目压力情况调查表,便利选取3所三级甲等综合性医院450名临床护理人员进行问卷调查。结果调查表的内部一致性Cronbach’s α系数为0.783,因子分析累计贡献率为60.91%;调查对象的学历以大专为主(占57%)、年资以≤5年为主(占63%)、职称以初级为主(占77%);护士对重大抢救的主观感受压力最大(占20.1%)、压力经常的护理项目为独立当班(占28.1%)、压力一般的为留置胃管(占34.0%)、压力偶尔的为健康教育(占13.7%)、从无压力的为更换液体(占35.8%);独立当班、留置胃管、重大抢救护理项目的压力在不同职称、年资和学历护士中均有统计学意义(P〈0.01),健康教育在不同年资护士中有统计学意义(P〈0.01),护理会诊在不同职称护士中有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论护理管理者应强化5年以内护士临床操作技术的专业化培训,并科学界定不同职级护理人员的护理项目权限,为合理构建临床护理人员能级体系提供科学方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨中山市计划生育技术服务机构护理人力资源配置现状及需求。方法对中山市计划生育技术服务机构1个地级市计生中心、24个乡镇计生服务所、156名医技人员进行问卷调查,了解其医护比例、床护比例以及护师的工作年限、学历、职称等情况,分析护理人力资源配置。结果中山市计划生育服务机构床护比为2.94∶1;医护比为2.53∶1,年龄≥40岁比例为23.53%,工作年限≥5年比例为67.65%,护师以上职称55.88%;编制为合同比例为41.18%,大专及以上学历比例为82.35%;管床数量(≥3)比例为29.41%。91.75%的人员希望增加护理人员数量,68.57%的人员希望减少床护比,53.02%的人员希望护理人员提高学历,24.76%的人员希望护理人员拓展业务。结论目前的中山市计划生育技术服务机构护理人力资源并不能很好地满足日常工作需求,应该提高护理人员数量尤其是乡镇偏远地区的护理人员数量,其次提高护理人员学历,以从事更专业的工作。  相似文献   

目的调查不同护理项目及其比重在不同年资、学历、职称护理人员中的分布。方法采用文献检索和专家会议法自行设计临床护理人员工作项目及其比重情况调查表,随机抽取3所三级甲等综合性医院450名临床护理人员实施问卷调查。结果调查表的内部一致性信度Cronbach's α系数为0.783,因子分析累计贡献率为60.91%;不同年资、学历、职称护理人员均从事所有护理项目,其中以大专学历、护士职称所占比例最高;中专及大专学历、护士职称均侧重执行治疗、等级护理和生活照护,本科学历、护师以上职称侧重危重病患者护理、健康教育、临床教学,不同学历、不同职称护理人员所从事的护理项目有统计学差异(P均〈0.01);工作项目比重从大到小依次为等级护理、执行治疗、生活照护、健康教育、危重病患者护理、病区管理、临床教学、临床科研。结论护理人力资源不足和服务利用低效率现象并存,提示护理管理者应加大对临床护理研究工作的组织与管理,重视临床型科研人才的持续培养,推进护理科研水平的不断提高;并根据不同岗位的专业技术要求配备相应能力的护理人员,实现人力资源的优化管理。  相似文献   

7省市14所三级医院868名护理人员的现状分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:为提供对医院护理管理和护理教育决策的依据。方法:对7省市14所三级医院的868名护士以问卷调查方式进行现状调查。结果:年龄结构<30岁有462人(53.2%)。中专学历占57.4%,大专学历占40.1%。大专学历凭获得方式以自学考试为主(占58%)。职业需求方面<30岁的(低)年龄组对提高待遇较关心,对提高学历的需求程度较强烈;低、中、高三个年龄组对外出进修需求程度不太强烈,无差异(P>0.05)。中、高年龄组对晋升职称的需求程度较强烈,与低年龄组相比差异有极显意义(P<0.01)。结论:要从护士的各种需求出发,采取切实可行的措施,关心护士,爱护护士,促进护理人才的建设。  相似文献   

基层医院护理人员技能操作考核的结果分析及管理对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何銮珍 《当代护士》2008,(7):107-108
目的了解基层医院不同层次护理人员护理技能操作掌握情况。方法通过对208名县级医院护理人员进行10项常用护理技能操作考核,共2080人次考核结果。结果考核合格人次为1728人次(83%),不合者人次为352人次(17%)。不同层次及不同学历护理人员的技能操作考核均存在差异,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。护师以上职称和大专以上学历护士的技能操作考核成绩优于护士职称和中专学历的护士,差异有统计学意义。结论护理技能操作培训应结合护理人员的实际操作能力,有针对地进行培训,进一步完善评价内容、注重病人的舒适度,提高病人对护理操作满意度。  相似文献   

目的调查某二级甲等医院外科临床护理人员关怀能力现状,为培养护理人员关怀能力提供参考依据。方法采用关怀能力评价量表对该医院的119名护理人员进行问卷调查。结果外科护理人员关怀能力总分为(177.95±15.95)分,低于某三级医院及Nkonghon常模(P〈0.01或P〈0.05);学历、年龄、职称与关怀能力呈正相关,护龄与之呈负相关(P〈0.01)。结论该医院外科护理人员关怀能力较低,护理管理者应加强对护理人员关怀能力的教育,以提高其关怀能力。  相似文献   

目的 了解北京市三级医院护士招聘及对护理人才的需求情况.方法 采用自设护士招聘及人才需求问卷对北京市53家三级医院护理部主任进行调查.结果 各医院近3年招聘的护士学历以大专为主,占64.30%,本科学历护士已经达到20.36%;各医院招聘的本科、专科护士有医院正式编制的不足30.00%.各医院未来5年计划招聘护士数量逐年增多,同时呈现专科生逐年减少、本科生及研究生逐年增加的趋势.各医院计划招聘男护士的数量逐年递增,约占总计划招聘人数的7.00%~8.00%.有76.09%的调查对象认为目前护理本科毕业生处于供不应求状态.调查对象认为本科护士需要具有足够的护理学专业知识和人文社会学知识,具有团队协作能力、沟通交流能力、护理技术操作能力及解决问题能力.结论 北京市三级医院对护理人才的需求逐年增加,高学历护理人才供不应求,各高等护理院校应采取措施培养更多高质量护理人才以适应市场需求.  相似文献   

目的探讨社区卫生服务机构护士稳定情况,分析其影响因素,以促进社区护理队伍的稳定。方法采用自制问卷对180名不同性质社区卫生服务中心(站)的社区护理人员进行问卷调查。结果政府公办社区卫生服务机构有58.14%护士存在调离社区护理岗位的意愿,股份制机构有46.67%的护士存在调离意愿,私营机构有83.67%的护士存在调离意愿;不同性质社区卫生服务机构护士离岗意愿比较,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.01)。结论私营社区卫生服务机构护士的离岗意愿最高,政府公办的次之,股份制最低。  相似文献   

目的:了解我省山区及沿海一级及以上医院护理人力资源的现状及需求,为培养适应我省各地需求的护理人才提供依据。方法:随机抽取福建省一级及以上医院58所,以每个医院的护理部主任或副主任为调查对象,进行问卷调查。结果:沿海医院床护比为1∶0.53,山区医院床护比为1∶0.57;沿海、山区医院护理人员学历结构比较有显著性差异(P<0.05)。沿海、山区医院未来一年内预计需求护理专业毕业生数量、学历构成比较有显著性差异(P<0.05)。结论:应适当增加护理人员配备,按学历对护理人员分层管理,根据地区差别培养护理人才,重视护生综合素质的培养。  相似文献   

目的:了解重庆市122家公立医院护理人力资源现状,为卫生行政部门制定政策提供依据。方法:采取自制调查表对122家公立医院以无记名的方式进行调查。结果:护士占卫生技术人员的52.12%,其中非护理岗位占4.76%,两者相减未达到卫生部颁布标准(50%);平均床护比为1:0.55,未达到卫生部颁布标准(1:0.60)。护士结构中学历以大专及其以上为主(占75.69%),职称以初级为主(占81.88%),工作年限以5年以内为主(占50.79%),年龄以20~29岁为主(占60.47%),编制外护士占64.26%;护士长以中级职称、大专及其以上学历、年龄30~49岁占多数;护理部主任以本科学历占多数,中、高级职称几乎各占一半,平均年龄42.52岁。护士流失率在5%以内的医院有66家(占54.10%),流失率在6%~10%的有40家(占32.79%)。结论:122家公立医院护士平均配置数量未达标,护士队伍以女性、大专及其以上学历、低职称、低年龄、编制外护士占多数为主要特征,应加以改善和提高。  相似文献   

Cost containment and the nurse shortage have impacted rural hospitals and their nursing staffs. This impact did not appreciably affect burnout levels among the rural nurses, but did evidence itself in the reports of the directors of nursing and their nurses. Cost containment brought with it layoffs of colleagues in the work setting who were neighbors or relatives. This occurred while the rural areas were already filled with the unemployed and underemployed. Unfamiliar recordkeeping increased two- and three-fold, and the 23-hour admit caused unequal work flow. Downsizing, elimination of some services and reports of rural hospital closings were threatening to the nurses, who were often the sole support of their families. The rural nurse shortage was seen to be different from the national nurse shortage in significant ways. Except for the few study hospitals that were close to population centers, nurses could not be recruited from outside the geographic area. Suggestions from the Secretary's Commission on Nursing are not all appropriate for the rural hospital nurse shortage. Rural hospitals changed in the face of cost containment, and nursing personnel also worked to contain costs. However the nurses have worked within cost and salary constraints for so long that they predict loyalty to their community hospitals can be coming to an end. The nurse shortage is being approached by minor alterations in staffing and mode of care delivery. Federal support is desperately needed by the rural hospitals to permit equitable salaries, and to support financial aid to permanent residents of the rural areas for entrance into or advancement in nursing education.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

目的:调查各级医院护士长的职业价值观现状,找出相关影响因素,提出改进对策,为培养优秀护士长提供借鉴。方法:采用自制的护士长职业价值观量表和护士长职业价值观影响因素问卷对252名护士长进行调查,并对结果进行统计学分析。结果:医院级别、工作年限、任职年限、学历、职称对护士长工作价值观有显著影响。结论:护士长工作价值观受诸多因素的影响,医院应从职业素质、业务能力、管理能力、沟通协调能力等方面进行培养,采用有效的激励机制,提高护士长的工作能力及积极性。  相似文献   

A group of physicians, nurses, and administrators at all 11 hospitals in the District of Columbia were interviewed to elucidate each hospital emergency department's (ED) system for patient and public health notification of the diagnosis of legally reportable communicable diseases. The hospitals' reporting systems were divided into two groups. Three hospitals (27%) had reporting systems that were centered in the emergency department (EDS). Eight hospitals (73%) had disease reporting systems that depended primarily on extradepartmental personnel (HBS) for disease reporting. The EDS outperformed the HBS in several key areas of system performance. Greater attention needs to be paid by ED directors to assuring that their hospital's system is as accurate as possible and fulfills their jurisdiction's legal requirements for communicable disease reporting.  相似文献   

Aim This study was aimed at describing nursing leadership in an academic hospital in Gauteng, South Africa. Background Nurse managers’ leadership styles affect nurses’ attitudes, behaviour and work performance. However, little is known about how nurses experience nurse leadership and what leadership styles are found in academic hospitals in Gauteng. Methods The study was based on Maxwell’s framework of leadership (relationships, equipping, leadership and attitude). A qualitative design was used in order to describe the experiences of registered nurses and nurse managers. The population of the study was all registered nurses and nurse managers of the hospital in which the study was conducted. In phase one of the study, a discussion group with 35 registered nurses using the nominal group technique was held to respond to the following statement: ‘Please explain how you have experienced leadership by nurse managers in this hospital’. In phase two of the study, five nurse managers were interviewed individually, using a semi-structured interview guide. Results Some nurse managers were practising autocratic leadership in this hospital. Implications for nursing management The nurse managers need to be taught about contemporary leadership styles such as transformational leadership and visionary leadership and also about supervision, role modelling and caring.  相似文献   

Master's degrees, especially in the form of coursework master's programmes are becoming the main conduit for continuing professional education to the professions. However, there is a paucity of literature on the academic or professional destination of nurses following the completion of master's degrees in nursing. A cross-sectional postal survey of 322 graduates from masters in nursing programmes in Ireland was undertaken. Former students were surveyed regarding their professional and academic destinations subsequent to graduation. The majority of graduates were employed in clinical nursing followed by a substantial number working in the area of nurse education, mainly at the grade of college lecturer. The vast majority of graduates had achieved promotional grades following the master's degree. A minority of graduates indicated a desire to undertake further study at degree level. Those that did were following or intended to follow PhD level studies. However, the majority of graduates did not view the degree as a pathway to a PhD but as an integral part of their continuing professional education and related to clinical practice. There is a reversal of the trend seen in Ireland and the UK in the mid to late 1990s in which the majority of graduates followed career pathways in nurse education. Although there has been an increase in the number of nurses completing master's level education over the last five years unemployment of underemployment of graduates is not yet an issue.  相似文献   

护士长科室轮岗态度与需求的调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:寻找激发护士长竞争力,提高护士长管理水平的新方法。方法:对辽宁省鞍山市、海城市11家医院301名护士长、护理部主任进行问卷调查,并对13位护理部主任进行访谈调查。结果:病房、专科门诊、重症监护室护士长适合进行定期科系内轮岗及短期跨科系轮训,不适合跨科系长期定期轮岗。结论:对护士长进行不同程度的科系内、跨科系轮岗作为一种培养、使用护理管理者的途径,值得推广。  相似文献   

Nurses deliver most of Israel's healthcare services, yet its nurse per population ratio is only 5.9 per 1000, one of the lowest in the developed world. For several years, the managers of the profession have been pushing to upgrade nursing and to move it into the academic sphere. The semiskilled qualification of the practical nurse has been eliminated and training programs for registered nurses are being transformed from diploma training to academic degree programs. A midwifery license is accessible only to registered nurses who take a further 1 year of advanced training and sit the State Midwifery Licensing Examination. Most deliveries in Israel are carried out by midwives. Alongside the Western-standard hospital system there operates both a well-developed community nursing network and a strong mother-and-child clinic system. The acute shortage of nurses in Israel is now coinciding with a rising number of academic job-seekers, which has encouraged the Ministry of Health to offer university graduates a career-change program. Special scholarships are on offer in return for a 4 year commitment to work in nursing after completing an accelerated training curriculum (2.5 years instead of the usual 3 years), plus a starting monthly wage that is higher than the national average wage.  相似文献   

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