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在1 kHz~100 MHz范围内,采用Agilent 4294A精密阻抗分析仪,测量人肺鳞癌SK MES 1细胞悬浮液的电阻抗,通过电阻抗频谱图和Nyquist图的分析,提取肺癌细胞电阻抗频谱的特征参数,并与人正常肺上皮BEAS 2B细胞进行比较。结果显示:肺癌细胞与正常人肺细胞悬浮液的电阻抗谱存在着较显著的差异;肺鳞癌细胞的电阻抗实部增量最大值(ΔZmax)和电阻抗虚部峰值(Z″P)与细胞体积分数(Φ)呈线性关系;肺鳞癌细胞悬浮液阻抗谱的特征频率(fc)低于正常人肺细胞的54.72%(P<0.001),并且不受细胞体积分数的影响。这表明,细胞悬浮液阻抗谱特征频率可以用于区分肺鳞癌细胞和正常人肺细胞,可为肺鳞癌细胞的鉴定与分型提供电生理指标。 相似文献
267例纤支镜活检诊断肺癌的病理研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
911例次经纤支镜活检材料,诊断为肺癌的267例,检出阳性率为30%。267例肺癌皆属中央型;其中鳞癌最为多见,占143例,余依次为腺癌,小细胞癌和大细胞癌,有2例不能分类。911例次活检材料中26例分别误诊为假阳性和假阴性,总的误诊率为2.85%。文中分析了影响纤支镜检出阳性率的各种因素,对纤支镜活检材料的形态特征作了较充分的描述。 相似文献
肺神经内分泌癌的免疫组化与免疫电镜研究 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
本文应用免疫组化与免疫电镜技术对20例肺神经内分泌癌进行了研究,另6例非神经内分泌癌作为对照。结果表明:嗜铬颗粒蛋白A免疫组化染色19/20例阳性,免疫电镜能够比较特异地标记神经分泌颗粒,具有确诊意义;神经特异性烯醇化酶染色20/20例阳性,非神经内分泌癌3/6例阳性,免疫电镜下无特异性分布,适宜作为诊断的筛选指标;S-100蛋白和5-HT亦可作为诊断之参考。 相似文献
自由基(O2^-等)与肺癌的关系一直是近年来人们关注的重要领域,国内外已有学者研究发现肺癌病人血清中的Cu,Zn-SOD水平有显著变化,推测可能与肺癌组织内产生的SOD量有关。本实验运用Cu,Zn-SODMcAb对肺癌组织进行免疫组化定位定量检测,探讨SOD与肺癌的关系。结果观察到阳性染色的肺癌细胞浆内可见粗大、团块状强染色颗粒、以鳞癌细胞最为明显,腺癌细胞相对细小、分布均匀,部分颗粒在细胞膜上可 相似文献
Koichi Tomoda Hiroshi Kimura Shigeyoshi Osaki 《Anatomical record (Hoboken, N.J. : 2007)》2013,296(5):846-850
Collagen fiber, a major component of the extracellular matrix in the human lung, is crucial in maintaining the lung structure mechanically. It is necessary to study the collagen fiber orientation which the mechanical function is closely related to. In the present study the collagen fiber orientation in the lung was quantitatively measured by Osaki's microwave method. We succeeded in preparing sheet samples cut in a coronal direction from the lung for the measurements. It was found that the collagen fibers were, on average, orientated parallel to the longitudinal axis of the spine. The void spaces in the lung sample observed using an optical microscope was not circular but ellipsoidal. The direction of the long axes of ellipsoidal voids coincided with that of the collagen fiber orientation. The results suggested that collagen fiber orientation is closely related to the respiratory movement of the human lung. Anat Rec, 296:846–850, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. 相似文献
Azza M. A. Ibrahim A. A. Ragab M. M. Hewedi C. J. Smith 《Food and Agricultural Immunology》1995,7(1):3-8
Human milk samples (80) collected from 10 different cities in Egypt were tested for aldrin/dieldrin using an indirect enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Pesticides were detected in 73 of the 80 samples (91.25%) at levels ranging from 0.005 to 28 μg ml‐1. These results present evidence for the persistence (or continued use) of these pesticides in Egyptian agriculture and their transmission through the food chain. More significantly the levels of pesticide in maternal milk (0.006–28 ppm) represent an unacceptably high level for infant intake; the maximum average daily intake is 0.0001 mg kg‐1 body weight (WHO, 1972). 相似文献
MMP 2、MMP 9在非小细胞肺癌中的表达及其与临床病理特征的关系 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的 探讨MMP2、MMP9在非小细胞肺癌组织中的表达及其与临床病理特征的关系方法用链菌素生物素蛋白-过氧化物酶免疫组织化学法(SP法)检测83例手术切除,的NSCLC组织及其交界区组织和24例正常肺组织中MMP2、MMP9的表达,分析二者在肿瘤组织中的过表达与NSCLC的临床病理特征的关系,结果 MMP2、MMP9主要表达于肿瘤细胞的胞浆,在癌旁交界区组织也有表达,肿瘤组织的过表达率显著高于交界区(P〈0.005),在正常组织中无过表达;二者的过表达与肿瘤类型、病理分级、性别、年龄、吸烟史无明显关系;MMP2在肿瘤组织的过表达率与淋巴结转移状态及临床分期有关(P〈0.05).结论 MMP2、MMP9都参与了NSCLC发生发展过程,并且可能对肿瘤的发生发展有促进作用,MMP2与淋巴结转移和临床分期密切相关。 相似文献
Britt Nakstad Cand Scient Tbrstein Lyberg Fredrik Skjorten Nils Petter Boye 《Ultrastructural pathology》1989,13(1):1-13
Lung alveolar macrophages (LAM), obtained by bronchoalveolar lavage of healthy donors, were separated into four subfractions on discontinuous gradients of Percoll and subjected to light micro-scopic, transmission (TEM) and scanning electron microscopic (SEM) studies. Alveolar macrophage morphometric analysis was performed on cytocen-trifuged preparations. TEM of subpopulations revealed considerable morphologic heterogeneity. By SEM, cells of the most dense (D) subtraction were small, round, and, typically, the surface was highly ruffled with small membrane pseudopods. Cells of the least dense subtraction (A) showed a low degree of membrane folding or filopodia and were often totally disorganized.
In smokers, macrophages of fraction A had a greater area and perimeter compared with non-smokers, whereas the inverse relationship was observed for C and D cells. Also, the number of electron-dense inclusions and the level of acid phosphatase were higher in smokers than in non-smokers. Coupled with functional heterogeneity the morphologic differences described in this paper suggest that density-separated subpopulations of LAM may represent different stages of differentiation or maturation. 相似文献
In smokers, macrophages of fraction A had a greater area and perimeter compared with non-smokers, whereas the inverse relationship was observed for C and D cells. Also, the number of electron-dense inclusions and the level of acid phosphatase were higher in smokers than in non-smokers. Coupled with functional heterogeneity the morphologic differences described in this paper suggest that density-separated subpopulations of LAM may represent different stages of differentiation or maturation. 相似文献
转移是恶性肿瘤的重要生物学特性之一,也是导致机体死亡的主要原因。因此,研究癌转移和治疗转移癌在某种意义上是治疗癌的关键。近年来,动物实验证明,使用免疫调节剂(Immunomodulators)具有激活、增强机体抗肿瘤生长和转移的免疫功能。我们使用厌氧棒菌菌苗(Anaerobic corynebacterium Parvum, ACP)和红色奴卡放线菌细胞壁骨架(Nocardia rubra-cell wall skeleton, N. r-CWS)观察了对C_(57)BL小鼠同系Lewis肺癌移植瘤生长及转移的抗癌效应。 相似文献
含中药莪术瓜蒌汤兔血清诱导人肺癌细胞凋亡的实验研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
目的 :探讨莪术瓜蒌汤含药血清对人肺癌细胞凋亡的诱导作用。方法 :用莪术瓜蒌汤不同剂量的水煎剂、全反式维甲酸乳剂和生理盐水给家兔灌胃 ,制备高、中、低剂量莪术瓜蒌汤含药血清 ,全反式维甲酸血清和对照血清 ,分别作用于PGLH7细胞 ,流式细胞仪观察含药血清与PGLH7凋亡的量效关系。结果 :莪术瓜蒌汤含药血清中剂量、高剂量组随着作用时间的延长 ,凋亡细胞所占的比例明显增加 ,有统计学差异 (P <0 .0 5)。结论 :莪术瓜蒌汤具有一定的抗肺癌作用 ,其机制可能与诱导肺癌细胞凋亡有关。 相似文献
目的 探讨肺耐药蛋白(LRP)在子宫内膜癌治疗中的作用及预后关系。方法 采用免疫组化染色SP法,检测30例石蜡包埋的子宫内膜癌中LRP的表达,并对应用化疗后的效果进行分析。结果 (1)LRP阳性表达率80%(24/30);(2)LRP表达阳性者的化疗有效率约为45.8%,明显低于LRP表达阴性者(83.3%);(3)LRP的表达与腹水相关,与患者年龄、临床分期、组织分级无关;(4)LRP表达阴性患者预后明显优于阳性。结论 LRP是评价子宫内膜癌化疗耐药性和预后可靠指标。 相似文献
本文用人肺腺癌组织免疫的BALB/c小鼠脾细胞与小鼠骨髓瘤Sp2/0细胞融合,获得1株单克隆抗体(McAb 3D3)。Ig类测定为IgG_1型。杂交瘤培养上清液和腹水的效价分别为1∶10~3~10~4和1∶10~6。采用间接免疫荧光法(IFA)观察到McAb3D3主要与肺腺癌细胞株A549和L342反应,与其它组织肿瘤细胞株没有反应。ABC免疫酶染色试验显示McAb3D3主要与肺腺癌组织反应,与正常肺组织没有反应。 相似文献
胃癌淋巴管形态和分布的光镜观察 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
目的 观察人胃癌淋巴管的分布和形态结构特点 ,为探讨胃癌淋巴道转移机制提供形态学依据。方法 将临床手术切除的胃癌组织 ,按癌中心区、周边区及正常区取材 ,应用半薄切片光镜观察 ,石蜡切片HE染色方法 ,对胃癌淋巴管的分布和胃癌组织进行了形态学观察。结果 在光镜下确定胃癌的中心区、周边区和正常区 ,在胃癌中心区未见淋巴管 ,癌周边区淋巴管增多且扩张 ,正常区各层均有淋巴管。结论 胃癌中心区无淋巴管 ,周边区淋巴管增多 ,提示胃癌组织内淋巴管增生活跃 相似文献
IgE-receptor dependent, but not A23187-induced, histamine release from passively sensitized chopped human lung tissue, or from a dispersed lung cell population obtained from the tissue after enzymatic digestion, is reduced after incubation overnight of cells/tissue with the glucocorticosteroid budesonide (10(-7) M). Since the inhibitory effect of budesonide is reduced in the continuous presence of diluted reagin-rich serum used for passive sensitization, but not in the presence of heat-inactivated serum, it is suggested that the glucocorticosteroid acts by reducing the binding of IgE-antibody to the target cell(s). 相似文献
Wei Wu Zixiang Geng Haoran Bai Te Liu Bimeng Zhang 《International journal of medical sciences》2021,18(8):1899
The morbidity and mortality rates associated with non-small-cell lung carcinoma (NSCLC) are increasing every year, placing new demands on existing therapies and drugs. Ammonium ferric citrate (AFC) is often used as a food additive for iron supplementation; however, to our knowledge, no studies have investigated whether AFC can induce ferroptosis in NSCLC. In this study, we demonstrated that specific concentrations of AFC effectively inhibit the proliferation and invasion of lung cancer cell lines in vitro using a cell proliferation inhibition test, a transwell assay, and flow cytometry analysis of cell cycle and apoptosis. In addition, AFC significantly induced oxidative stress injury in lung cancer cell lines. A quantitative polymerase chain reaction assay showed that AFC markedly reduced the expression levels of cell growth factors, negative regulators of ferroptosis, and autophagy regulators. Lastly, a protein-protein interaction analysis revealed that glutathione peroxidase 4 (GPX4) exerted its biological role through the regulation of the GSS/GSR complex and downstream GGT family proteins. When the expression of GPX4 changes, its biological activities, such as the glutathione metabolic process, cellular biosynthetic process, cellular response to chemical stimulus, and antioxidant activity, change accordingly, thereby affecting the survival quality and physiological and biochemical activities of cells. Overall, this study verifies that AFC has the biological activity of activating oxidative stress injury in NSCLC cell lines, leading to a decrease in their autophagy and inducing ferroptosis. We also confirmed that the GPX4-GSS/GSR-GGT axis is a crucial target of AFC-induced ferroptosis. 相似文献
目的研究红花多糖(SPS)对T739小鼠Lewis肺癌移植瘤生长的抑制作用和对肺转移的影响,并初步探讨其作用机制。方法皮下移植Lewis肺癌细胞建立小鼠移植瘤肺转移模型,随机分为4组:对照组、SPS高、中、低剂量组,每日灌胃1次,共28次。测量各组移植瘤体积和重量,镜下观察肺转移灶数目,应用MTT法检测SPS对Lewis肺癌细胞增殖的抑制作用以及对T细胞增殖能力的影响。结果体外SPS对肺癌细胞增殖无抑制作用。体内SPS可促进T淋巴细胞增殖,抑制瘤细胞生长及转移,SPS各剂量组移植瘤体积、重量及肺转移灶数目与对照组比较差异显著有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论红花多糖具有抑制肿瘤生长及转移的作用,其作用机制可能与提高自身免疫力有关。 相似文献
Tissue extracts from 18 oral carcinomas were tested in the leukocytes migration capillary technique(LMCT) against autologous leukocytes and against leukocytes of healthy matched controls. The normal range was defined as the mean migration index (MI) of the leukocytes of the normal control ±2SD. Three carcinoma patients showed significant inhibition and one was on the lower borderline on the normal range. None showed stimulation. When leukocytes of leukoplakia patients were tested against normal intesttine and two homologous oral carcinoma extracts, significantly different MI's were found between carcinoma and normal intensive. The finding are compatible with a state of tissue-specific, cellular hypersensitivity against antigenic components present in oral leukoplakia and in oral carcinoma, and is possibly common between the two. 相似文献
The authors examined the immunohistochemical and ultra-structural characteristics of mixed small cell/large cell carcinoma (mixed subtype) of the lung which has been newly categorized as anaplastic small cell lung carcinoma. The 34 cases of small cell lung carcinoma examined consisted of 18 cases of pure small cell carcinoma (pure subtype), 12 cases of the mixed subtype and 4 cases of combined small cell carcinoma. Immunohistochemically, the number of immunoreactive tumor cells for chromo-granin A was smaller (P<0.05) and that for creatine kinase BB was relatively larger in the mixed subtype. Sialyl Les i antigen (SLX), one of the SSEA 1 related carbohydrate antigens, was expressed specifically in the mixed subtype. Ultrastructurally, tumor cells in the mixed subtype had smaller amounts of neurosecretory granules and larger amounts of desmosomes than those in the pure subtype (P<0.05, P<0.005, respectively). These results suggest that the mixed subtype may show more epithelial than neuroendocrine differentiation and that SLX may be a specific marker for the mixed subtype to be used in pretherapeutic diagnosis. Acta Pathol Jpn 41: 540 551, 1991. 相似文献