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大型食品冷库灭鼠方法探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]探讨大型食品冷库这一特殊场合灭鼠的技术和方法.[方法]先用香油拌半熟花生米碎粒、稻谷、大米进行诱饵选择试验,再用所选诱饵和磷化锌配制成质量分数为3%的磷化锌毒饵,在不停产清库的条件下,连续投放毒饵3d,同时做好环境防制工作.[结果]鼠类摄食香油拌半熟花生米碎粒显著高于稻谷、大米,且平均灭鼠率达89.20%.[结论]在冷库内采用多种诱饵同时进行盗食法调查,既可以筛选出鼠类喜食的诱饵,又起到前饵作用,同时还能对库中的鼠密度进行测定,适合于冷库内的鼠情调查.在冷库这类场所灭鼠,在不停产清库的条件下,只要选择合适的诱饵,采用磷化锌等急性灭鼠剂科学配制好毒饵来灭鼠,短期内可取得较好的效果.  相似文献   

大型食品冷库鼠类的生态调查及防制试验   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1995年11~12月对大型食品冷库鼠类生态进行短期调查和防制研究。用向日葵籽、稻谷、大米进行诱饵选择试验,鼠类摄食向日葵籽显著高于稻谷、大米。用向日葵籽盗食法调查急冻、冷藏、低温3种库的鼠密度,分别为90.8%、50.3%、27.5%。温度差别未明显对鼠类的生活栖息产生影响。白天盗食率占全天盗食数的42.4%,夜间占57.8%。在不停产清库条件下,连续投放0.05%敌鼠钠盐向日葵籽毒饵7天,平均盗食率达41.8%,灭鼠后密度分别降至1.18%、2.66%、2.29%,平均为2.23%,平均灭鼠率95.54%。  相似文献   

1988年9月,我们在鸡场灭鼠时,分别将磷化锌和敌鼠钠盐掺入经筛选的诱饵中制成毒饵,进行灭鼠效果观察比较,现报告如下。 (一) 鼠情调查 鸡房内有鼠洞13个,鸡房外墙基处、杂草丛及菜地里有鼠洞240个。我们从鸡舍后面挖掘鼠洞共捕鼠25只,经鉴定皆为褐家鼠。室内外粉迹法表明,鼠密度为87%。 (二) 诱饵的筛选 我们将诱饵分成干湿两类。干诱饵选用豆油炒花生米、香油拌碎玉米,湿诱饵为1cm~3大小的苹果块和黄瓜块。将上述四种诱饵分堆,每堆10g,室内外随机布放,晚放晨收,共3天。每种诱饵每晚500g,次晨称取余量计算各种诱饵消耗量(见表1)。四种诱饵消耗无显著性差异(P>0.05)。一般认为,褐家鼠喜食含水份的食物,但在鸡场中此特点不明显,可能与鸡场内水源、食物充足有关。由于花生米价格贵,湿诱饵易干缩等缺点,我们选择香油拌碎玉米作为试验诱饵。  相似文献   

目的观察鼠类盗食不同毒饵的现场盗食率,比较6种灭鼠毒饵的适口性,筛选一种适口性好,比较经济的灭鼠毒饵。方法用粉迹法调查鼠密度。用0.5%的溴鼠灵配制成(稻谷、小板栗、南瓜子、花生、大米)毒饵。采用溴鼠灵膏剂为毒饵对照。采用连续3 d投毒的方法,计算盗食率。结果灭鼠前后的鼠密度为44.2%和8.8%。鼠类对灭鼠毒饵的盗食率分别为:稻谷41.7%、小板栗39.5%、南瓜子32.2%、花生12.0%、大米6.9%、溴鼠灵膏2.1%。经灭鼠前后鼠密度调查、灭鼠毒饵盗食率的比较(P<0.01)。结论鼠类嗜觅带壳的硬食物,用稻谷和小板栗配制成的灭鼠毒饵是公共食堂及外环境等灭鼠场地较好的毒饵。  相似文献   

本文报告了敌鼠钠盐一次性投毒毒杀黑线姬鼠现场试验结果。适口性观察:0.3%敌鼠钠盐优于5%磷化锌及0.3%敌鼠钠盐5%磷化锌混合毒饵。灭鼠率比较:0.3%敌鼠钠盐稻谷毒饵高于5%磷化锌稻谷毒饵;0.1%敌鼠钠盐大米毒饵高于3%磷化锌大米毒饵.用0.025%、0.05%、0.1%、0.2%四种不同浓度的敌鼠钠盐大米毒饵作灭鼠率比较均无显著性差异。故用0.025~0.05%敌鼠钠盐大米毒饵,沿着田埂沟边每5步投放1~2克,一次性投毒毒杀黑线姬鼠是一种省药、省工、省粮、效集好的方法。  相似文献   

为了解家栖鼠类的摄食爱好和敌鼠钠盐的灭鼠效果,选择南宁市区12家大中型宾馆饭店进行了现场摄食爱好调查及防制试验。结果,鼠类对新鲜向日葵籽、新鲜稻谷、碎玉米、混合饲料(玉米、面粉、大米)的平均盗食率为88.6%、39.6%、7.7%、9.1%。采用0.05%敌鼠钠盐向日葵籽毒饵连续饱和投毒饵5天,用盗食法调查鼠密度,平均鼠密度由灭前的88.6%下降至1.51%,平均灭鼠率98.30%,评价:南宁市宾  相似文献   

叶苗凉 《上海预防医学》2000,12(11):524-525
灭鼠毒饵的适口性好与差,直接影响到灭鼠效率。因此毒饵基饵和引诱剂的选择就成了毒饵配制关键环节之一。常用的毒饵有以玉米、面粉为基饵再加食油、食糖混合剂的国际通用epa配方,另外可有苹果、葵花籽、大米、花生米、油炸类等。各种基饵满足鼠类所需的营养成分、热卡大致相同,因此通常灭鼠毒饵的基饵都在粮谷类中选择。但在食源丰富的场所,单以此基饵组成的灭鼠毒饵效果不甚理  相似文献   

五种毒饵适口性效果观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 通过对鼠类盗食不同毒饵的现场盗食率调查 ,比较 5种毒饵的适口性 ,从中筛选出一种适口性好、较经济的灭鼠毒饵。 方法 用粉迹法调查鼠密度。用 3 .75 %杀鼠迷浸泡法配制成 (稻谷、葵瓜子、玉米、小麦 )毒饵 ,立克命膏剂为毒饵对照。采取连续 3 d投毒的方法 ,计算盗食率。 结果 鼠类对 5种毒饵的盗食率分别为 :稻谷 3 5 .8%、葵瓜子3 1.1%、玉米 4 .4 %、小麦 8.2 %、立克命膏剂 5 .7%。 ( P<0 .0 0 5 )。 结论 鼠类嗜觅带壳的食物。用稻谷配制成的灭鼠毒饵是宾馆酒楼内外环境等场地所灭鼠的较佳毒饵  相似文献   

目的通过对内江市建城区范围内鼠类监测,掌握内江市鼠类季节消长、不同鼠类生境分布情况;分析比较2种监测诱饵对不同鼠类的适口性,为控制鼠害提供科学依据。方法采用夹夜法于2011-2014年对内江市建城区范围内鼠类进行监测。2011-2013年以卤肉为监测诱饵,2014年以花生米为诱饵。结果内江市监测点累计捕获鼠406只,密度为0.12%;捕获鼠种为褐家鼠、黄胸鼠和小家鼠;鼠密度在2月及6-9月间最高;褐家鼠和黄胸鼠主要分布于餐饮业,小家鼠和四川短尾鼩主要分布于农村自然村;卤肉诱饵对褐家鼠的适口性较好,花生米诱饵对四川短尾鼩的适口性较好。结论内江市可在每年的2月及6-9开展灭鼠工作,餐饮业可采用卤肉毒饵,农村自然村采用花生米做毒饵。  相似文献   

为提高磷化锌的灭鼠效果,我们配制成“穿衣”毒饵,在重庆长寿县云台乡进行了现场灭鼠效果观察。简报如下: 一、毒饵配制: 1.磷化锌(重庆自力化工厂产品)30g,大米、面粉各500g,毒饵浓度为3%,共配制2,500g。2.配制方法:将锅中水煮沸,放入大米,再煮  相似文献   

浙江省天台县1983年12月和1984年1月,3月,冬春两季在全县流行性出血热10个重点发病乡,应用0.5%磷化锌红薯块和大米毒饵,开展了室内和野外大面积灭鼠,共投放红薯块毒饵44,997斤;大米毒饵24,438斤。共拾鼠尸177,312只。野外鼠密度从29.81%下降到2.47%;室内从12.73%下降到4.92%。1984年1~6月份流行性出血热发病比去年同期下降38%。肯定了0.5%磷化锌毒饵在流行性出血热重点疫区大面积灭鼠的价值。为老药新用提供了经验。  相似文献   

目的观察城市社区外环境应用灭鼠毒饵站灭鼠的效果和影响因素。方法在黄石市6个社区外环境安装灭鼠毒饵站,在毒饵站内分别投放0.005%的溴敌隆稻谷毒饵、大米毒饵、蜡质颗粒毒饵进行灭鼠,用粉迹法调查灭鼠效果。结果 6个社区外环境总鼠密度灭鼠前为7.87%,灭鼠后30 d为0.87%,30 d灭鼠率为88.94%;60、90、120、150、180 d的灭鼠率每月补投毒饵的社区分别为95.23%、90.60%、95.23%、95.37%、90.60%;未补投毒饵的社区分别为83.67%、70.68%、58.88%、47.08%、30.63%,每月补投毒饵社区的灭鼠率均高于未补投社区灭鼠率(P0.01)。不同毒饵灭鼠持效性由高至低依次为蜡质颗粒毒饵、稻谷毒饵、大米毒饵(P0.01)。结论城市社区外环境应用毒饵站灭鼠效果良好,定期补投毒饵灭鼠效果优于一次性投放毒饵,毒饵站内投放蜡质颗粒毒饵灭鼠效果最好。  相似文献   

本文报告了在同一村庄用两种急性灭鼠剂一次投药的八种试验处理的现场灭鼠效果,试验以析因分析设计。0.1%杀鼠嘧啶对120个农户大、小家鼠的防治效果明显优于2.5%磷化锌。磷化锌毒饵加入5%糖可使灭鼠效果有所提高;施用三天前饵,两种鼠药都能取得更好的结果。本文建议,在农村环境下用急性灭鼠剂,应该推行前饵法。毒饵放置时间以一昼夜为宜。  相似文献   

The acute rodenticide gophacide was tested against urban infestations of the house mouse (Mus musculus L.) and treatment success was assessed from the results of census baitings conducted before and after each treatment. Seven of eight populations of mice living in premises where alternative food supplies were limited were successfully controlled when medium oatmeal bait containing gophacide at 0.1% was laid directly for 4 days. In further treatments against mice inhabiting more complex environments and having greater access to other foods, the performance of gophacide at 0.1% and at 0.25% in a wholemeal flour/pinhead oatmeal/corn oil bait was compared with that of zinc phosphide at 3.0% in the same bait-base. The poison treatments were conducted for 1 or 4 days and always after 3 days pre-baiting. Treatment success varied considerably irrespective of the type of treatment or of the poison used. In general, however, gophacide proved to be as effective as zinc phosphide for the control of mice.  相似文献   

Pen field trials were conducted to assess the performance of the acute rodenticide pyriminil against the house mouse (Mus musculus L.). Four types of poison treatment were carried out using penned family groups of warfarin-resistant mice supplied with alternative plain foods. In each treatment pyriminil was included at 2% in a wholemeal flour/pinhead oatmeal/corn oil bait. Mortality was highest (46/54; 85.2%) when poison bait was offered for 4 days following 3 days of pre-baiting. The same pre-baiting and poisoning technique was adopted in five field trials carried out against mice infesting farm buildings. The efficacy of each poison treatment was estimated from the results of pre- and post-treatment census baitings; treatment success ranged between 53.7% and 96.7%, mean 80.5%. It is concluded that pyriminil treatments are best carried out after a period of pre-baiting and that when pyriminil is used in this manner it is about as effective as zinc phosphide for the control of mice.  相似文献   

Pen field trials were conducted to assess the performance of the acute rodenticide pyriminil against the house mouse (Mus musculus L.). Four types of poison treatment were carried out using penned family groups of warfarin-resistant mice supplied with alternative plain foods. In each treatment pyriminil was included at 2% in a wholemeal flour/pinhead oatmeal/corn oil bait. Mortality was highest (46/54; 85.2%) when poison bait was offered for 4 days following 3 days of pre-baiting. The same pre-baiting and poisoning technique was adopted in five field trials carried out against mice infesting farm buildings. The efficacy of each poison treatment was estimated from the results of pre- and post-treatment census baitings; treatment success ranged between 53.7% and 96.7%, mean 80.5%. It is concluded that pyriminil treatments are best carried out after a period of pre-baiting and that when pyriminil is used in this manner it is about as effective as zinc phosphide for the control of mice.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of the single-dose poison treatments of farm rat infestations, analysed by comparing the weights of the post-treatment census bait takes in covariance with the weights of the prebait takes, showed that treatments with 2-5% zinc phosphide, 0-3% thallium sulphate or 0-3% gophacide were equally effective and significantly better than were treatments with 1% zinc phosphide or 0-1% thallium sulphate. The methodology and sensitivity of different analyses are also considered.  相似文献   

Laboratory tests indicated that the optimum concentration for pyriminyl in rat baits was between 1% and 3%. In field trials in which 0.5% pyriminyl (the concentration in commercial use) was compared with 2.5% zinc phosphide for the control of rats on farms, the pyriminyl treatments were significantly less effective than the zinc phosphide even when the poisoned baits were left down for 7 days instead of 1 day after prebaiting. Both poisons were as effective in medium oatmeal bait as they were in medium oatmeal containing 5% corn oil and 5% sugar.  相似文献   

黄胸鼠和褐家鼠对15种食物的选择性试验   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 为控制黄胸鼠和褐家鼠,筛选配制毒饵所用的基饵及工具捕捉用诱饵。方法 用稻谷、大米、玉米、小米、葵花子、南瓜子、花生米、蚕豆、豌豆、黄豆、油条、馒头、马铃薯、苹果、梨等15种食物分别与小麦对照,进行实验室有选择性摄食试验。结果 两种家鼠对所试食物的适口性以小米最好,其次为谷物、水果类,豆类最差。结论 药物控制黄胸鼠以小米、大米、稻谷、碎玉米粒、小麦作基饵较好;褐家鼠可用小米和小麦作基饵。用工具捕捉这两种家鼠最好的诱饵是馒头。  相似文献   

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