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Internet(简称因特网),是一个全球性的计算机网络,于1993年引入我国,目前,因特网已经联接了世界上几乎所有的主要的科学机构,覆盖了180多个国家和地区,截止至2001年,我国的上网人数已经达到3300多万.因特网上的信息资源极其丰富,当然也包括了大量的药学信息,但由于药学信息十分分散,查寻起来不是很方便,因此,如何能在因特网上准确快速的查询到我们药学工作者的所需信息,就显得十分重要,本文就互联网上的药学资源查询方法做一简单介绍,并列出一些常用的药学网站,以期能为药学工作者查询信息提供帮助.  相似文献   

因特网与药学信息利用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
目的:随着因特网的普及,网上查询已成为最受欢迎,最快捷,最简便的获取信息方式,本文就利用因特网(Internet)获取信息的方法和手段作一探讨,方法:利用浏览,分类与关键词查询技术来检索因特网上信息。结论:有效的开发和利用因特网(Internet)可为药物提供广泛的信息资源。  相似文献   

因特网上的药学信息资源及药取技巧   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张林祥  陈克威 《医药导报》2001,20(9):604-605
因特网 (Internet)拥有不断增长的信息资源和数目庞大的各种专业数据库 ,查询非常快捷 ,绝大部分资源是免费的 ,平等和信息资源共享是其显著特点。因特网为促进学术交流、传播最新信息发挥了极大作用。1 上网必备软件硬件配置用PC机上网 ,中央处理器 (CPU)建议为Pentium (或以上 )级 ,至少 3 2M内存 ,安装好操作系统和浏览器 (建议Pwindows98) ,配备MODEM(调制调解器 ) ,去当地电信局申请Chinanet帐号 ,通过电话线连接上网。2 因特网资源及工具简介因特网提供了电子邮件 (Email)、远程登…  相似文献   

廖大娟  魏可雄 《海峡药学》2001,13(2):99-102
本文结合笔者网上查询信息的实践 ,浅谈专业图书馆如何收集利用因特网上信息资源为读者服务。  相似文献   

因特网上医学信息资源检索与利用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
因特网是世界上用户最多、影响最大的计算机网络,也是最大的信息资源库和传播工具犤1犦。面对浩烟如海的网上资源,如何才能快捷、准确、全面地查到所需要的医学信息,成了广大医药卫生工作人员普遍关注的问题。为此,笔者结合医学文献检索和医药卫生科技查新工作实践,就因特网上部分医学专业信息网址、数据库及其获取方法等内容作以简要介绍,以供参考。1网上获得医学信息资源的途径、方法及其要求因特网上医学信息资源种类繁多、分布离散、规范化程度不高、检索方法多样。对于检索工作者来说,如何迅速和廉价获取自己所需要的高质量、有价值的…  相似文献   

因特网上的生物医学信息   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
邸铭 《中国实用医药》2007,2(14):119-120
21世纪是知识信息时代,作为信息高速公路最重要基础的因特网(Internet),经过二十多年发展,已成为世界覆盖面最广、规模最大、信息资源最丰富的计算机信息网络。因特网上蕴藏着及其丰富的生物医学信息资源,约占整个网络信息资源的30%,现已成为全球医学工作者重要的科研工具,为医学工作者了解医学发展的最新动态、交流学术思想、进行广泛的国际合作提供了便利。面对浩瀚如烟的网上资源,如何快速、准确、全面地找到所需信息,现已成为了广大医学科技工作者普遍关注的问题。1常用网上医学搜索引擎搜索引擎亦可称作网络的第一站,它可以给网络用户…  相似文献   

信息资源共建共享是医学信息发展的必然趋势 ,也是 2 1世纪我国信息及图书馆事业发展的现实要求和必由之路。多年来 ,在推进信息资源共建共享工作的实际操作中步履艰难 ,存在着体制、经费、协调、技术支持等方面的难题。而充分利用现代信息技术因特网 (Internet) ,在局部范围内或行业或专业范围内实现信息资源共享是可行的。本文对利用Internet实现医学信息资源共享作初步探讨。1 信息资源共享是医学信息部门的职能医学信息部门是医学信息的汇合处、集散地 ,是开发利用的中转站 ,是为医学科研、教学和临床的医务工作者提供医学信息资源不…  相似文献   

目的充分利用因特网上医学信息资源,更好地为临床医疗、教学及科研服务。方法检索国内外医学数据库及网站相关文献进行总结分析。结果介绍了主要搜索引擎和医学信息数据库的特点和检索技巧,提供了有价值的呼吸病学学术组织网址和电子资源。结论有效地利用网上的医学信息资源,可以极大地提高工作学习效率。  相似文献   

王燕敏 《中国医药指南》2013,(18):398-398,F0003
<正>基础医学、临床医学、生物工程学、电子学等学科的发展及新的检验技术和自动化仪器的应用,使检验医学得到迅速发展。检验医学[1](Laboratory Medicine)是现代实验室科学技术与临床在高层次上的结合,是一门多学科交叉,相互渗透的新兴学科。目前正朝着高理论、高科技、高水平方向发展。由于检验科开展项目的增多,新技术的应用及方法学上的革命性变革,使检验质量和水平显著提高,使越来越多的临床医师依靠检验信息综合分析,进行诊断、治疗和预后判断,故实验室的工作在临床诊疗工作中发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

人类社会进入了 2 1世纪的信息时代 (infor mationtimes ,IT) ,信息已成为生产第一要素并具有商品价值 ,它是促进经济发展的最重要战略资源。信息化程度成为了衡量一个国家现代化水平和综合国力的指标[1 ] 。因特网 (internet)是当今世界上规模最大、功能最强、信息资源最丰富的一个计算机网络 ,连接了全球几乎所有的科学、商业机构。因特网的高速发展为信息传播和交流提供了前所未有的发展空间 ,也带给信息领域一场革命。我国自 1 994年4月正式接入因特网后 ,上网人数和联网计算机更是以几何级数增长。因特网上…  相似文献   

Hakkinen PJ  Green DK 《Toxicology》2002,173(1-2):3-11
Many countries, including the United States, Canada, European Union member states, and others, require that a comprehensive search for possible alternatives be completed before beginning some or all research involving animals. Completing comprehensive alternatives searches and keeping current with information associated with alternatives to animal testing is a challenge that will be made easier as people throughout the world gain access to the Internet and World Wide Web. Numerous Internet and World Wide Web resources are available to provide guidance and other information on in vitro and other alternatives to animal testing. A comprehensive Web site is Alternatives to Animal Testing on the Web (Altweb), which serves as an online clearinghouse for resources, information, and news about alternatives to animal testing. Examples of other important Web sites include the joint one for the (US) Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Validation of Alternative Methods (ICCVAM) and the National Toxicology Program (NTP) Interagency Center for the Evaluation of Alternative Toxicological Methods (NICEATM) and the Norwegian Reference Centre for Laboratory Animal Science and Alternatives (The NORINA database). Internet mailing lists and online access to bulletin boards, discussion areas, newsletters, and journals are other ways to access and share information to stay current with alternatives to animal testing.  相似文献   

目的 开发药品信息查询软件,解决纸质说明书药品信息更新速度慢、查阅不方便等实际问题,为临床提供快捷的药学信息服务。 方法 根据临床和医院药学实际需求,通过药品说明书收集、整理、扫描、图像处理、信息提取等步骤,利用Oracle 10G构建医院药品信息库,使用Java开发药品信息查询软件。 结果 本软件共收录药品1 201种,占我院药品目录品种数的98.85%。使用者可通过4种查询方式(通用名查询、商品名查询、模糊查询和关键词查询)获取药品说明书文字版信息和影印版信息。 结论 利用Oracle 、Java开发的药品信息查询软件可为临床提供实用快捷的药学信息服务。  相似文献   

In order to select important journals to be monitored for efficient collection of literature information on drug safety, a retrospective search was made of the safety information in the Excerpta Medica (EM) database between 1979 and 1981. The search provided 54,005 references to drug safety, which were found in a total of 2,536 journals. Fifty percent of the references appeared in only 148 journals, or 6% of all journals surveyed. A similar search, carried out using the Japicdoc (JD) database, provided 9,268 references in 172 journals. To cover all the necessary information appearing in overseas journals, however, a retrospective search of a bibliographic database is required as a cost-effective means to improve the comprehensiveness of the collection of information. In domestic journals, because JD includes fewer journals than EM, all of the 172 journals can be monitored for the collection of drug safety information.  相似文献   

The internet offers young people easy and anonymous access to information about health and medicines A series of focus groups with United Kingdom school students explored their perceptions of the internet as a health information source Less than one‐third of the students had looked for health information online; those who did were as likely to look for information about a family member's illness as their own health concerns (including diet/exercise, sexual health) Most health information seekers had used a search engine for their query, and their success was determined by their skill at evaluating the search results that they received There are opportunities for educational interventions through schools and pharmacies to help young adults to optimise their use of the internet for health information  相似文献   

Internet上的口腔医学信息资源极为丰富,尤其以口腔医学杂志文献资源最有参考价值。本文收集整理编写了Internet口腔医学杂志文献搜索引擎,包括138种Internet上国际著名的口腔医学杂志,搜索杂志文献方便,快捷,全面,准确,而且是动态搜索,只要点击杂志的外文名称;即可直接进入美国国立生物技术信息中心NCBI(National Center of Biotechnology Information,简称NCBI)的Medline(PubMed)。并且检索列出该杂志被PubMed收录的全部文献题目,还可以进一步得到摘要和部分全文。  相似文献   

‘Information is a crucial capital asset of any business and its commercial prospect is directly related to successful management of its information resources’. Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) is software that is designed to administer samples, acquire and manipulate data, and report results via a database. It automates the process of sampling, analysis, and reporting. This paper discusses components, sample workflow, application, and validation of LIMS. The contents of this paper are easy to understand. The objective of this paper is to discuss how LIMS works and its application, and to discuss a potential approach to validation of the LIMS. A literature search was conducted in various journals. Based on title and abstract, 30 papers were identified. Extraction of useful information was done after thorough study of selected papers. Components of LIMS, how it works, its application, and potential approach of validation of LIMS was compiled in an easy-to-understand way. In conclusion, LIMS is a critical component of successful commercial laboratory in quality control, process control, and R&D environment.  相似文献   

药学信息不仅是新药研发立项的依据,也是决策活动的起点和前提。本文探讨了新药研发立项所需的政策、市场、经济和技术等药学信息,并概括了这些信息的作用、分布、获取途径以及它们在新药立项调研中的运用,以期为药品研发人员的新药立项调研工作提供一些参考。  相似文献   

The use of online searching in a drug information center on a regular but selective basis is described. Of 90-100 information requests received monthly in a university-affiliated drug information center located within the health sciences library, five to eight computer searches are performed. All other questions are answered using a manual search. The computer searches are conducted by a medical librarian who works closely with the pharmacist. For each search, the library charges the drug information center for at least 12 minutes of connect time; charges cover the library's direct costs only. The drug information center is staffed by a director and assistant director; in addition, Pharm.D. students and clinical pharmacy residents work there. Factors influencing the decision to do an online rather than a manual search include budgetary constraints, how quickly an answer is needed, the success of a preliminary manual search, and the complexity of the request. Considerations for conducting online searches through a library rather than by the staff of the drug information center include requisite search skills, costs, and accessibility to computer search services. The selective use of online searches through a health sciences library is a viable means of accessing online information in a drug information center that cannot support its own online literature-retrieval system.  相似文献   

The use of an online literature-retrieval system located within a university-based drug information center over a three-year period is described. The drug information center, which handles 50-100 questions/month, is equipped with a computer terminal and printer, as well as the standard printed reference sources. If a question cannot be answered in 10-15 minutes using general reference sources, a computer search is conducted. For the years 1979-81, the total number of online searches was determined. Data were also collected indicating the database accessed and the time spent for each search. The number of online searches performed for the successive years was 279, 397, and 274. Of these, 69% were conducted on the MEDLINE database. The average time for each search was 10.96 minutes in 1979, 6.40 minutes in 1980, and 8.54 minutes in 1981. The mean annual charge for online searching was $1772.32. Royalty fees and telecommunication charges for the respective years accounted for 23.5%, 32.6%, and 25.4% of the total bill. Online searching provides an efficient method of retrieving information, especially when questions are very complex. Drug information specialists handling many complex questions should consider acquiring the equipment and expertise to do online searches within their drug information center.  相似文献   

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