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背景:最大摄氧量作为评估心肺耐力的“金标准”,根据其概念的逻辑关系,除心肺功能外,外周组织(肌肉)对氧气的利用能力应作为心肺耐力水平的关键和决定因素。心肺功能水平是人体运动过程中氧气供应的重要保证因素,但或并不能作为氧气利用的“关键因素”。目的:通过评估有氧代谢过程中人体CO2耐受力,探究其与心肺耐力的关联。方法:在北京5所高校筛选92名健康在校大学生,经受试者知情同意,进行心肺运动试验采集CO2耐受及心肺耐力评估指标,并进行关联分析。试验经国家体育总局体育科学研究所伦理委员会批准。结果与结论:(1)人体CO2耐受力指标与最大摄氧量相对值和绝对值存在显著正相关(P <0.01),与身高、体质量和体质量指数存在显著正相关(P <0.01);(2)通过CO2耐受指标构建的多元线性回归模型可准确解释及预测最大摄氧量的变化(校正R2分别为0.847,0.668,P <0.01),模型验证评价提示预测值与实测值相比差异均无显著性意义(P> 0.05);(3)有氧代谢过程中人体CO  相似文献   

目的探讨肥胖症患者心肺运动试验指标特点,进一步明确其病理生理的变化特征,指导减重训练,预防疾病的发生和发展。方法选择昆明医科大学附属心血管病医院2020年4月至6月肥胖症患者71例(肥胖组),其中男性43例,女性28例;年龄21~71岁,平均年龄49.03岁。同期选择BMI正常者181例(非肥胖组),其中男性107例,女性74例;年龄25~79岁,平均年龄50.88岁。分析心肺运动试验检查数据,统计患者行心肺运动试验过程中的峰值负荷(Load peak)、峰值摄氧量(VO2peak)、峰值千克摄氧量(VO2/kg)、无氧阈(AT)、峰值摄氧量占预计值的百分比(VO2peak/pre)、峰值代谢当量(Mets peak)、无氧阈时的代谢当量(Mets@AT)、心率储备(HRR)、呼吸储备(BR)、静息心率(HRrest)、最大心率(HRmax)、最大心率占预计值的百分比(HRmax/pre)、1 min心率恢复(HRR-1 min)、最大氧脉搏(VO2/HRmax)、氧脉搏占预计值的百分比、氧通气当量(VE/VO2)、二氧化碳通气当量(VE/VCO2)的值。结果心肺...  相似文献   

背景:高强度间歇运动增强机体适应性,提高运动表现,其潜在机制可能与骨骼肌内腺苷酸活化蛋白激酶(AMP-activated protein kinase,AM PK)的磷酸化水平有关。目的:明确高强度间歇运动减轻力竭运动诱导的骨骼肌损伤与提高运动能力的作用,并阐明此过程中AMPK介导葡萄糖转运蛋白4的变化与作用机制。方法:取45只雄性SD大鼠,采用随机数字表法分为对照组、力竭运动组、高强度间歇+力竭运动组,每组15只。对照组大鼠不进行任何干预;力竭运动组大鼠以25-28 m/min的速度在跑台上运动至力竭;高强度间歇+力竭运动组进行3 d的高强度间歇运动训练(每天以28 m/min的速度在跑台上运动4次,每次10 min,穿插10 min休息),高强度间歇运动结束后24 h复制力竭运动模型;记录大鼠运动距离。力竭运动后,检测各组大鼠血浆肌酸激酶、超氧化物歧化酶水平,TUNEL染色与Western Blot检测腓肠肌细胞凋亡情况,Western Blot检测腓肠肌组织内AMPK磷酸化水平,免疫荧光染色与Western Blot检测腓肠肌组织内葡萄糖转运蛋白4表达与易位情况。结果与结论:(1...  相似文献   

背景:运动训练是多种心脏疾病的重要非药物康复手段,同时亦能够增强心脏对不良应激源(如心肌缺血)的耐受能力,即运动预处理。粒细胞集落刺激因子可有效动员干细胞归巢和分化并促进损伤心肌修复。然而两者联合作用的效果尚未明确。目的:探讨补充粒细胞集落刺激因子联合高强度间歇运动预处理对急性心肌梗死大鼠心脏重塑的影响并探讨其可能机制。方法:58只雄性Wistar大鼠按照随机数字表法分为假手术组(n=10)、模型组(n=12)、药物组(n=12)、运动组(n=12)和联合治疗组(n=12)。冠状动脉结扎法制作心肌梗死大鼠模型。运动组和联合治疗组在造模前利用电动跑台进行8周高强度间歇运动预处理,药物组和联合治疗组在造模后3 h连续5 d皮下注射人重组粒细胞集落刺激因子[10μg/(kg·d)]。给药8周后,利用超声心动术检测心脏结构与功能,取心脏进行TTC染色和Masson染色检测心肌梗死面积和胶原容积分数,免疫荧光法检测血管密度和细胞凋亡率,实时荧光定量PCR检测胚胎基因(脑钠肽、β-肌球蛋白重链)和心肌收缩调控因子(α-肌球蛋白重链、肌浆网Ca2+-ATP酶) mRNA表达,W...  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cardiopulmonary exercise test plays a significant role in the evaluation of cardiopulmonary function, but it is limited by expensive equipments and professional personnel, and moreover, the subjects need to bear the maximal exercise intensity. As a result, it is extremely urgent to find a submaximal exercise test characterized by simple operation, low cost and easy to be popularized and used. OBJECTIVE: To compare the maximal oxygen uptake in cardiopulmonary exercise test and 6-minute stair climbing and descending test. METHODS: Sixty-seven volunteers were recruited to undergo the cardiopulmonary exercise test using the Bruce protocol, and then, the maximal oxygen uptake was detected. After that, all the participants were subjected to  6-minute stair climbing and descending test, followed by determination of the maximal oxygen uptake. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: The maximal oxygen uptake in the cardiopulmonary exercise test was significantly higher than that in the 6-minute stair climbing and descending test (P < 0.01), and there was a highly positive correlation and consistency between the maximal oxygen uptakes in the two tests (r=0.911, P < 0.01). Therefore, 6-minute stair climbing and descending test can be used to detect the maximal oxygen uptake, which may become an effective method for evaluating cardiopulmonary function.   相似文献   

背景:运动可以诱导肌肉因子的分泌,如鸢尾素(Irisin),它起着调节白色脂肪组织褐变过程的作用,可能有助于肥胖症的治疗.运动介导的褐变效应与运动强度有关,高强度间歇运动在诱导脂肪褐变方面优于中等强度持续训练.目的:观察不同运动干预对肥胖大鼠鸢尾素、瘦素、脂联素和内脏脂肪的影响.方法:50只雄性SPF级SD大鼠分为正常...  相似文献   

文题释义:高强度间歇运动:是一种相对于中低强度持续有氧运动的训练模式,即反复多次以高强度(>80%最大运动能力)持续数秒到数分钟的训练,且每2次练习之间安排不完全恢复的训练方法。 心脏肥大:是由于心肌受到病理性(如高血压等)或生理性(如长期训练)刺激而发生的代偿性反应,表现为心脏质量和体积增加,相应的分为病理性和生理性心脏肥大2种类型。 背景:规律运动具有健康促进效应,中低强度持续有氧运动已成为高血压等慢性病患者一级和二级预防的重要策略,然而高强度间歇运动的效果尚存在争议。 目的:观察高强度间歇运动对自发性高血压大鼠病理性心脏肥大的作用并探讨其可能机制。 方法:30只雄性自发性高血压大鼠随机分为对照组和运动组,同时将15只Wistar-Kyoto大鼠作为正常血压组。正常血压组和对照组大鼠保持安静状态,运动组进行8周高强度间歇运动。实验后利用无创血压仪测定血压,超声心动术检测心脏结构与功能,苏木精-伊红染色获取心肌细胞横截面积,RT-PCR法检测胚胎基因——心房钠尿肽和脑钠尿肽的mRNA表达量,Western blot法检测PI3-K、Akt、CnAβ和NFATc3的蛋白表达量。 结果与结论:①与正常血压组比较,对照组血压升高(P < 0.05),左心室出现向心性肥大(心腔缩窄、室壁增厚、心肌细胞横截面积升高),心功能下降(P < 0.05),脑钠尿肽mRNA表达上调(P < 0.05),CnAβ蛋白表达量升高(P < 0.05)、p-NFATc3/t-NFATc3比值降低(P < 0.05),PI3-K(p110α)蛋白和p-Akt/t-Akt比值无显著变化(P > 0.05);②与对照组比较,运动组收缩压下降(P < 0.05),心脏发生离心性肥大(心腔扩张),心功能升高(P < 0.05),脑钠尿肽mRNA表达下调(P < 0.05),PI3-K(p110α)蛋白和p-Akt/t-Akt比值升高(P < 0.05),CnAβ蛋白以及p-NFATc3/t-NFATc3比值无显著变化(P > 0.05);③结果表明,8周高强度间歇运动激活PI3-K/Akt信号转导途径诱导自发性高血压大鼠由病理性心脏肥大向生理性肥大转变并改善心功能,但并未对Cn/NFAT途径产生抑制效应。 ORCID: 0000-0001-8744-2423(袁国强);0000-0001-5039-6128(彭朋) 中国组织工程研究杂志出版内容重点:组织构建;骨细胞;软骨细胞;细胞培养;成纤维细胞;血管内皮细胞;骨质疏松;组织工程  相似文献   

文题释义:运动干预工程:指运用运动学、生理学、组织学、行为学和保健学等多学科方法,对人或者动物的行为、意识、细胞、组织等的研究而提出的假设,然后经过多重性质的广泛证明和实践检验成为理论的系统性工程。骨代谢:指骨的细胞持续进行的细胞代谢,既有骨的细胞之间的相互作用,也有骨髓中红细胞生成细胞、基质细胞的相互作用,它是骨改建和重建最为重要的方式。背景:随着社会的发展和人们生活水平的提升,处于生长发育敏感期的青少年健康日益受到关注。运动可改善骨细胞代谢,但有关耐力运动对生长期大鼠骨细胞代谢水平影响方面的研究不多。目的:探讨不同强度耐力运动对生长期大鼠骨细胞代谢水平的影响。方法:实验方案经成都体育学院运动与健康学院动物伦理委员会批准。选择40只大鼠适应性训练1周后,随机分为对照组、低强度耐力运动组、中强度耐力运动组、高强度耐力运动组。对照组大鼠常规饲养,不进行训练干预。各运动实验组训练12周,每周训练5 d,每天训练60 min。每2周进行一次最大摄氧量测试,根据测试结果调整后2周的训练负荷。小、中、大强度耐力运动组主负荷期的运动强度为分别为50%,65%及80%最大摄氧量。运动训练实验后观察各组大鼠骨密度、骨结构、骨代谢的指标变化。结果与结论:①关于大鼠股骨骨密度、全身骨密度,运动实验后,小、中等强度耐力运动组与对照组相比均有改善(P < 0.05);大强度耐力运动组优于小强度耐力运动组、对照组(P < 0.01)。小、中强度耐力运动组运动实验前、后相比差异有显著性意义(P < 0.05);大强度耐力运动组运动实验前、后相比差异有非常显著性意义(P < 0.01)。②关于大鼠骨小梁面积,运动实验后,小强度耐力运动组、中强度耐力运动组与对照组相比均有改善(P < 0.05);大强度耐力运动组显著优于对照组(P < 0.01);大强度耐力运动组优于小、中强度耐力运动组(P < 0.05)。③关于大鼠股骨组织中骨钙素、碱性磷酸酶、抗酒石酸酸性磷酸酶等指标,运动实验后,小、中强度耐力运动组与对照组相比均有改善(P < 0.05);大强度耐力运动组显著优于对照组   (P < 0.01);大强度耐力运动组优于小、中强度耐力运动组(P < 0.05)。④关于大鼠血清中骨钙素、碱性磷酸酶、抗酒石酸酸性磷酸酶等指标,运动实验后,小强度耐力运动组、中强度耐力运动组与对照组相比均有改善(P < 0.05);大强度耐力运动组显著优于对照组(P < 0.01);大强度耐力运动组优于小、中强度耐力运动组(P < 0.05)。⑤结果说明,不同耐力运动干预可不同程度地改善生长期大鼠骨密度、骨结构、骨组织、血清等指标,促进生长期大鼠骨生长,其中大强度耐力运动效果最佳。ORCID: 0000-0003-1455-871X(陈泽刚)中国组织工程研究杂志出版内容重点:组织构建;骨细胞;软骨细胞;细胞培养;成纤维细胞;血管内皮细胞;骨质疏松;组织工程  相似文献   

背景:肥胖已成为全球范围内的健康问题之一,伴随而来的是肥胖性肌萎缩等相关并发症。虽然运动已被报道可以改善多种肥胖相关疾病,但是其中鲜有关于运动模式的研究。目的:在相同运动距离的前提下,比较中等强度持续运动(moderate-intensity continuous training,MICT)与高强度间歇运动(high-intensity interval training,HIIT)两种运动模式对小鼠肥胖性肌萎缩的改善作用,为肥胖性肌萎缩的运动干预疗法的选择提供科学依据。方法:将72只C57BL/6雄性小鼠分为普通饮食组、普通饮食+MICT组,普通饮食+HIIT组、高脂饮食组、高脂饮食+MICT组、高脂饮食+HIIT组(每组12只),通过检测小鼠腓肠肌质量、腓肠肌指数、腓肠肌肌纤维横截面积、腓肠肌脂质沉积以及腓肠肌中肌萎缩标志基因Murf-1与Atrogin-1的表达量来评估8周不同运动模式的跑台训练对于长期高脂饮食引起的肌萎缩的改善作用。结果与结论:(1)与高脂饮食组相比,MICT和HIIT均改善了腓肠肌指数(MICT+18.8%vs. HIIT+17.6%,两种运动模式无显著差异...  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: It is unclear whether short-term high-intensity interval training (HIT) can be used to protect against myocardium injury after acute myocardial infarction, as well as the underlying mechanism.  相似文献   

目的建立基于健康体征信息的有氧耐力训练指导方案,以提高训练效率、减少运动损伤、控制运动心血管风险,提升军校体能训练的科学性与系统性。方法随机择109位男性学员,观测3个月。行心血管风险评估、心血管功能、肺功能、骨强度和有氧耐力测试,收集健康体征信息,并按照训练前有氧耐力测试结果分组:最差组(最大摄氧量最小的30%)、较差组(最大摄氧量中间的30%)和正常组(最大摄氧量最大的40%)。对最差组和较差组进行干预指导训练,正常组按传统方案指导训练。结果训练后3个组心肺有氧耐力水平均显著提高(P〈0.01),而干预指导训练的两组,有氧耐力提高的幅度约是正常组的2~4倍,3次心血管功能和肺功能测试指标变化显著(P〈0.05),其中部分指标训练前后有显著性差异(P〈0.05),运动中骨折发生率比正常组低。结论基于健康体征信息的有氧耐力训练指导方案能显著提高学员的有氧耐力水平,并能减少运动损伤。训练期间可考虑以心血管和肺功能的测量,间接评估心肺功能的改善程度。  相似文献   

We analyzed commonly reported European and Asian obesity‐related gene variants in a Mexican‐Mestizo population through each single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) and a genetic risk score (GRS) based on 23 selected SNPs. Study subjects were physically active Mexican‐Mestizo adults (n = 608) with body mass index (BMI) values from 18 to 55 kg/m2. For each SNP and for the GRS, logistic models were performed to test for simple SNP associations with BMI, fat mass percentage (FMP), waist circumference (WC), and the interaction with VO2max and muscular endurance (ME). To further understand the SNP or GRS*physical fitness components, generalized linear models were performed. Obesity risk was significantly associated to 6 SNPs (ADRB2 rs1042713, APOB rs512535, PPARA rs1800206, TNFA rs361525, TRHR rs7832552 and rs16892496) after adjustment by gender, age, ancestry, VO2max, and ME. ME attenuated the influence of APOB rs512535 and TNFA rs361525 on obesity risk in FMP. WC was significantly associated to GRS. Both ME and VO2max attenuated GRS effect on WC. We report associations for 6 out of 23 SNPs and for the GRS, which confer obesity risk, a novel finding for Mexican‐Mestizo physically active population. Also, the importance of including physical fitness components variables in obesity genetic risk studies is highlighted, with special regard to intervention purposes.  相似文献   

Endurance training is known to increase ventricular performance during exercise and to decrease resting heart rate. The aim of this study was to evaluate a model for endurance training in rabbits and to study the effects of endurance training on local myocardial performance in the left ventricle during resting conditions. One group of rabbits underwent a 10-week exercise training programme. The rabbits trained 5 days a week on a treadmill. Training periods increased gradually from 15 min to 1 h with increments in speed from 0.5 to 1.2 km h1. After the training programme the rabbits were anaesthetized and studied as acute open-chest preparations. A micro-tip pressure transducer was introduced via apex to the left ventricle and two pairs of ultrasonic crystals were implanted in the left anterior wall to measure segment lengths. One pair measured shortening in the circumferential direction whereas the other pair measured shortening in the longitudinal direction. Heart rate was lower in the trained group (n = 5), 172 + 9 beats min“‘ (mean±SEM), compared with 235 ± 19 beats min ’ in the control group (n = 8) (P < 0.02). Stroke volume, measured by radio-nuclidelabelled microspheres, was greater in the trained rabbits compared with controls (P < 0.03). Shortening in both segments was of similar magnitude for the trained and control groups. End-systolic pressure-length relations (ESPLR) obtained by occlusion of the descending aorta (balloon catheter) showed reduced slopes for longitudinal segments in the trained group compared with the control group (P < 0.05). We conclude that this endurance training programme in rabbits can be used to study myocardial effects of endurance training. Furthermore, the less steep slope of ESPLRs for the longitudinal segment in the trained animals might indicate a structural myocardial remodelling and increased contractile reserve that might be recruited during adrenergic stimulation in the trained group.  相似文献   



The decline in cardiorespiratory fitness and lung function was higher in smokers. Training method could mitigate some of the negative consequences of smoking among smokers unable or unwilling to quit.


To examine the effects of continuous training on lungs functional capability and cardiorespiratory fitness in smokers.


Fifteen cigarette smokers, 14 hookah smokers, and 14 nonsmokers were assigned to low-intensity continuous training (20–30 minutes of running at 40% of maximum oxygen uptake (O2max)). Lung function and cardiorespiratory fitness parameters were determined using respectively spirometer and treadmill maximal exercise test.


Continuous training improved forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) and forced expiratory flow at 50% of FVC (FEF50 %) in all participants, smokers and nonsmokers (p < 0.05). In contrast, forced vital capacity (FVC) improvement was significant only among cigarette smokers (CS) (+1.7±2.21%, p < 0.01) and hookah smokers (HS) (+1.3±1.7 %, p < 0.05). Likewise, an improvement in cardiorespiratory fitness in both smokers groups without significant changes in diastolic blood pressure (DBP) for CS group and in velocity at maximum oxygen uptake (vO2max) for HS group.


The low-intensity continuous training improves cardiorespiratory fitness and reduces lung function decline in both cigarette and hookah smokers. It seems to be beneficial in the prevention programs of hypertension. It could have important implications in prevention and treatment programs in smokers unable or unwilling to quit.  相似文献   

Aim: To determine whether endurance training can counterbalance the negative effects of hypoxia on mitochondrial phosphorylation and expression of the long chain mitochondrial fatty acid transporter muscle carnitine palmitoyl transferase 1 (mCPT‐1). Methods: Male Wistar rats were exposed either to hypobaric hypoxia (at a simulated altitude of ≈4000 m, PIO2 ≈ 90 mmHg) or to normoxia (sea level) for 5 weeks. In each environment, rats were randomly assigned to two groups. The trained group went through a 5‐week endurance training programme. The control group remained sedentary for the same time period. Muscle fatty acid oxidation capacity was evaluated after the 5‐week period on isolated mitochondria prepared from quadriceps muscles with the use of palmitoylcarnitine or pamitoylCoA + carnitine. Results: Chronic hypoxia decreased basal (V0, ?31% with pamitoylCoA + carnitine and ?21% with palmitoylcarnitine, P < 0.05) and maximal (Vmax, ?31% with pamitoylCoA + carnitine, P < 0.05) respiration rates, hydroxyacylCoA dehydrogenase activity (?48%, P < 0.05), mCPT‐1 activity index (?34%, P < 0.05) and mCPT‐1 protein content (?34%, P < 0.05). Five weeks of endurance training in hypoxia brought V0, mCPT‐1 activity index and mCPT‐1 protein content values back to sedentary normoxic levels. Moreover, in the group trained in hypoxia, Vmax reached a higher level than in the group that maintained a sedentary lifestyle in normoxia (24.2 nmol O2· min?1 · mg?1 for hypoxic training vs. 19.9 nmol O2 · min?1 · mg?1 for normoxic sedentarity, P < 0.05). Conclusion: Endurance training can attenuate chronic hypoxia‐induced impairments in mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation. This training effect seems mostly mediated by mCPT‐1 activity rather than by mCPT‐1 content.  相似文献   

Results of several studies indicate that young rats generally require more training than do adults to reach comparable criterion levels of passive avoidance behavior. In addition, younger rats generally show poorer retention performance than adults. In the present study, preweanling and weanling Long-Evans rats were given passive avoidance training at intertrial intervals (ITI) of 2 min, 1 hr, or 24 hr until a 600-s criterion was obtained. A 2-week retention test also was given to each subject. Results indicate that ITI had little effect on rate of acquisition or retention. Acquisition and retention performance did improve with age, as is typically reported with other strains of rats. The present results support previous acquisition and retention studies indicating that the ability to acquire and retain a passive avoidance task for weanling and preweanling rats increases with age.  相似文献   

Skeletal muscle capillarity expressed as capillary density (CD), and number of capillaries per fibre (C/F), as well as the mean fibre cross-sectional area (FCSA), were determined in the extensor digitorum longus (EDL), plantaris (PLA) and soleus (SOL) muscles of four groups of eight rodents trained on a swimming exercise programme (T) or maintained sedentary (S), at sea level (SL) or at simulated altitude (HA), barometric pressure 61.7 kPa (463 torr) for 12 weeks. It was shown that both HA exposure and endurance training decreased body and skeletal muscles weights (P<0.001). However, neither HA exposure nor endurance training induce any variation in relative importance in the skeletal muscle mass. Altitude exposure and endurance training had increasing effects on CD in all muscles studied (P<0.001). This study confirms the fact that altitude exposure has no direct effect on capillary development. On the other hand, the capillary supply of the several slow- and fast- twitch skeletal muscles studied is increased by endurance training. This real enhancement in capillary network is ascertained by an increase in the C/F ratio (+7%, +26%, +16%, in PLA, EDL, and SOL muscles, respectively at sea level, and +19.5%, +30%, and +14% respectively at HA). These results indicate that the effects of chronic exercise on skeletal muscle capillarity estimated by the C/F ratio, are greater in an hypobaric environment than in a SL environment.  相似文献   

运动训练改善心力衰竭大鼠动脉压力反射功能   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
目的:探讨运动训练(EX)对慢性心力衰竭(CHF)大鼠动脉压力反射功能的影响及机制。方法:实验分4组:心衰-运动组(EX-CHF),心衰-非运动组(CHF),假手术-运动组(EX-sham),假手术-非运动组(sham)。采用结扎左冠状动脉诱发心衰,然后进行4周跑步运动,检测压力反射(BR)、血浆血管紧张素II(AngII)和中枢AngIIⅠ型受体(AT1R)表达。结果:(1)CHF大鼠BR曲线平均斜率和最大增益明显小于sham大鼠(P0.01),EX增强CHF大鼠BR曲线平均斜率和最大增益(P0.05),但对sham组BR曲线无明显影响。(2)EX降低CHF大鼠血浆AngII浓度[(137±27)ng/Lvs(263±55)ng/L,P0.01],但不影响sham大鼠血浆AngII[(75±17)ng/Lvs(92±21)ng/L]。(3)CHF大鼠PVN内AT1R蛋白表达明显高于sham组(1.20±0.21vs0.70±0.14,P0.01),EX显著降低CHF大鼠室旁核内AT1R蛋白表达(0.90±0.13,P0.05),对sham大鼠AT1R表达(0.60±0.16)无明显影响。结论:运动训练改善心衰时减弱的动脉压力反射功能,其机制涉及降低血浆AngII和下调室旁核内AT1R蛋白表达。  相似文献   

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