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目的:了解、确定影响计划免疫服务人群满意度的绩效因素,探索顾客满意度调查这一方法在计划免疫服务质量管理中的应用。方法:通过整群抽样,调查芜湖市区1344名儿童,由儿童家长/监护人填写设定的满意度决定因素评分情况的匿名调查表。结果:对医护人员的业务技术、操作规范和接待态度等因素的评分达到比较满意水平的被调查人超过60%;涉及人际交流、健康教育、操作规范等有关的决定因素与总体满意度相关性强。结论:“医护人员对疫苗的介绍、接种前医护人员的问诊”等13个决定因素为影响计划免疫服务满意度的绩效因素。  相似文献   

计划免疫服务质量影响因素分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 为探讨影响计划免疫服务质量的主要因素。方法 开展基层计划免疫服务状况调查、常驻儿童及流动儿童免疫接种率调查 ,并对调查数据进行了分析。结果 目前 ,河南省已建立起较为健全的计划免疫服务网络 ,直接从事计划免疫服务的人数达 6 5 0 19人 ,但乡村级人员素质偏低 ,且财政经费投入每年人均仅 30 0 0元。免疫接种以村级接种为主 ,占 6 2 .7% ,门诊化接种率过低 (2 5 .3% )。冷链运转周期以双月运转为主 ,占 72 .3%。常规免疫报告失实 ,报告和调查“四苗”全程接种率分别为 96 .6 %和 84 .7% ,加强免疫和乙肝疫苗接种尚存在程度不同的免疫空白点 ,乙肝疫苗不合格接种率过高 (15 .9% )。流动儿童的免疫接种率明显低于常驻儿童。结论影响河南省计划免疫服务质量的主要因素有 :基层卫生组织建设 ;从事计划免疫人员状况 ;有关计划免疫服务工作实施情况 ,包括 :免疫接种方式、冷链运转周期、计划免疫保偿、常规免疫及乙肝疫苗接种等 ;流动人口管理及计划免疫社会动员与培训等。  相似文献   

流动儿童计划免疫现状分析及对策   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
目的掌握深圳市盐田区流动儿童的免疫现状,从而加强流动儿童的计划免疫管理。方法按照《广东省流动儿童计划免疫状况调查方案》,于2003年11月在调查区域采取挨门逐户调查流动儿童的计划免疫接种状况。结果深圳市盐田区流动儿童的“五苗”接种率低于90%,“五苗”全程免疫覆盖率为80.70%;有6.79%的流动儿童仍存在免疫空白;且流动儿童的“五苗”接种率和全程免疫覆盖率均明显低于常住儿童。结论计划免疫管理已成为制约盐田区计划免疫工作深入开展的关键。为进一步完善深圳市计划免疫工作,健全流动人口管理制度,积极改进计划免疫的服务方式,加强规范化接种门诊的建设,提高计划免疫的服务质量,加大针对流动儿童的计划免疫宣传力度。  相似文献   

某血站献血者满意度调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的通过调查了解无偿献血者的感受和期望,更有效地改进服务质量、提高满意度、巩固自愿无偿献血队伍。方法设计满意度调查表,每年对献血者进行2次问卷调查。结果2004~2007年共调查8次,调查表的回收率为100%。针对调查中发现的问题积极采取整改措施后,满意度明显上升,自愿无偿献血率达100%。结论开展满意度调查能及时、有效地提高献血工作服务质量,巩固自愿无偿献血队伍。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨儿童计划免疫服务的满意度影响因素,为现阶段计划免疫工作的质量管理提供了新的依据.[方法]采用整群抽样对2006年 3月~2007年9月期间到市慢性病防治院进行PPD监测的3~24月龄的儿童家长发放满意度调查表进行调查. [结果]儿童母亲的职业不同对总满意度的影响差异有显著性,不同职业人群之间的总满意度差异有显著性,其中以个体从业人员的总满意度最高(F=3.67,P<0.05).在计划免疫门诊等待时间对满意度存在不同程度的的影响.计划免疫相关知识的了解程度对因素X1(疫苗介绍)满意度有显著影响(F=9.80,P<0.001).对接种副反应了解程度对X3满意度的影响,三组间的差异有显著性(F=21.15,P<0.001).各因素与总满意度相关性强(P<0.05). [结论]满意度调查可作为一项常规性计划免疫监测项目开展,对实际工作开展有指导意义.  相似文献   

目的通过调查了解无偿献血者的感受和期望,持续改进服务质量、有效提高无偿献血者满意度。方法设计满意度调查表,对无偿献血者进行问卷调查。结果共调查2008~2009年无偿献血者3000人,调查问卷回收率100%,针对调查中发现的问题积极采取预防纠正措施,无偿献血者满意度持续提高。结论科学合理开展无偿献血者满意度调查能及时有效地提高血站服务质量,保留献血者,促进无偿献血工作健康持续发展。  相似文献   

患者满意度是对专业机构服务效果和服务质量的一种评价,来自于患者满意度调查的反馈信息有助于了解结防机构医疗服务的可及性、患者依从性等,更是结防专业机构一个重要的管理考核指标.为进一步加强结防机构能力建设,了解薄弱环节,实现千年目标"全民结核病防治知识知晓率达到80%",宜昌市疾病预防控制中心于2009年对在结防机构诊治的结核病人进行满意度调查,结果如下.  相似文献   

目的 2011年1月-2014年6月对湖北省荆州市妇幼保健院708例出院患者进行满意度调查,分析、汇总患者对该院医疗服务的意见,提出改进建议。方法采用电话访谈方式,调查840位患者及患者家属,调查涵盖医疗技术、服务质量、医患沟通、工作效率、后勤保障等方面内容。结果调查成功对象708人,占调查对象84.3%。对保健院满意度从2011年的86.1%上升至2014年6月的97.2%,满意度呈逐年上升趋势。同时调查对象基本满意和不满意的地方主要集中后勤保障(占32.8%)和服务态度及医患沟通(占23.4%)方面。结论通过开展出院患者满意度调查,针对出现的问题,加强院内后勤管理、提高医疗服务质量、从而提高患者满意度,构建和谐医患关系。  相似文献   

目的调查四川省农村居民的乡镇卫生服务项目参与情况和基本医疗卫生服务质量满意度评价。方法采用多阶段抽样方法,以乡镇卫生院为研究对象,定量收集问卷整理数据。结果共调查四川省农村当地居民404人,对乡镇卫生院的总体满意度为60.0%。农村居民对免疫规划的参与度最高,达到77.6%。不同年龄(χ~2=13.814,P=0.003)、不同学历(χ~2=7.066,P=0.045)和不同地区(χ~2=34.524,P<0.001)的农村居民对乡镇卫生院的总体满意度差异有统计学意义。多因素结果显示,经济水平与总体满意度成正相关,参与下乡随访、孕产妇免费体检、针灸推拿服务和免疫规划可提高总体满意度(P<0.05)。结论四川省农村居民对乡镇卫生院的总体满意度较低,某些常规卫生服务项目参与度不足一半。  相似文献   

目的从不同角度探讨医院病人满意度,为医院管理决策提供依据,改进医务人员的服务态度,提高医院的医疗服务水平,增加社会对医院的监督功能。方法医院聘请第三方专业调查人员,将纸质问卷调查表随机发放给病人,由病人逐项填写,回收后将调查表内容汇总。结果以病人回答项目超过80%为有效,获有效问卷1380份,平均满意度为88.71%。结论基层医院应改善就医环境,减少服务流程,加强医务人员培养,提高医务人员服务质量,进而提高基层医疗卫生机构的服务质量和技术水平。  相似文献   

This study focuses on the impacts of service quality and examines the mediating effects of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty on willingness to pay more. The authors collected survey data from 479 actual retail pharmacy customers in China and used the structural equation modeling approach to test the hypotheses. The results reveal six dimensions of service quality and the differential impact of these dimensions on customer satisfaction and behavioral intentions. This study contributes to the existing literature by exploring the dimensionality of the service quality construct and mediating effects of customer satisfaction and customer loyalty in a non-Western setting.  相似文献   

目的了解献血者对献血服务工作的满意度情况,为进一步提升献血服务水平提供改进方向。方法运用无偿献血客服平台开展献血者满意度调查,2016年1月-2017年12月共发送调查短信216 960条。同时,对回复不满意的献血者进行电话回访。结果献血者短信回复比例为49.25%。有0.19%的献血者对献血服务过程不满意,主要集中在服务态度、服务质量、服务技术等方面。不满意的献血者再次献血意愿明显低于满意的献血者。结论将满意度调查结果作为提升献血服务质量的支撑数据,采供血机构可以及时关注到献血者需求和期望,使服务超越献  相似文献   

Customer service initiatives in healthcare have become a popular way of attempting to improve patient satisfaction. This study investigates the effect of clinically focused customer service training on patient satisfaction in the setting of a 62,000-visit emergency department and level I trauma center. Analysis of patient complaints, patient compliments, and a statistically verified patient-satisfaction survey indicate that (1) all 14 key quality characteristics identified in the survey increased dramatically in the study period; (2) patient complaints decreased by over 70 percent from 2.6 per 1,000 emergency department (ED) visits to 0.6 per 1,000 ED visits following customer service training; and (3) patient compliments increased more than 100 percent from 1.1 per 1,000 ED visits to 2.3 per 1,000 ED visits. The most dramatic improvement in the patient satisfaction survey came in ratings of skill of the emergency physician, likelihood of returning, skill of the emergency department nurse, and overall satisfaction. These results show that clinically focused customer service training improves patient satisfaction and ratings of physician and nurse skill. They also suggest that such training may offer a substantial competitive market advantage, as well as improve the patients' perception of quality and outcome.  相似文献   

A mixed methodology mail survey was used to gauge level of customer satisfaction with, and identify issues that may help improve, personal emergency response system service delivery. A total of 1,236 surveys were mailed out to subscribers of Victoria Lifeline (Canada; n = 618) and their designated responders (n = 618). Overall response rate was 50%. Significant predictors of subscriber and responder satisfaction were satisfaction with the service during an emergency and whether expectations of service were met. In addition, for responders, customer service also predicted satisfaction. Thematic analysis of subscriber and responder comments identified the need for improvement in several areas: equipment, cost of the service, training sessions for users, and communication between subscribers and service providers. Although more than 95% of subscribers and responders were satisfied with the service, the findings provide direction to personal emergency response service providers about ways in which their product and service delivery might be enhanced, and underscore the need for research examining the impacts of response systems on family caregivers and public policy regarding community care solutions.  相似文献   

刘方  葛申 《中国妇幼保健》2008,23(4):450-452
目的:了解外来儿童家长免疫预防知识、态度和行为与免疫预防服务现状,以及为外来儿童免疫预防服务中存在的问题,探讨提高外来儿童免疫接种率的途径和方法。方法:采用横断面研究的流行病学方法,问卷调查了1530名外来儿童家长关于免疫预防服务的相关问题。结果:大多数外来儿童家长知道预防接种,并希望通过电视或专业医生了解免疫预防基础知识;有少部分人对免疫预防存在错误的认识;部分免疫预防机构不能给外来儿童提供方便的、令人满意的预防接种服务。结论:要提高外来儿童免疫预防服务质量,就应该实施适合当地外来人口特点的免疫预防管理模式;开展有针对性的、外来人口易于接受的宣传教育工作;提供能够满足外来人口需求的、高质量的免疫预防服务。  相似文献   

In today's medical market, marketing philosophy is being rapidly transformed from customer searching to patient satisfaction and service improvement. The principal objective of this study was to contribute to the establishment of a desirable medical marketing strategy, through the factors of customer satisfaction and the positioning of patients' perceptions by marketing institutions. The data were collected from 282 students of the College of Public Health and Medicine in Seoul. The survey tools were developed using the SERVQUAL scale. Analysis in this study involved both statistical and network analysis. The former was used to verify the determinants of service satisfaction as perceived by respondents, via factor analysis and multiple regression analysis. The latter was obtained using a positioning map and 2-mode network analysis with the matrix data converted from raw data. The determining factors for patient satisfaction were identified as facilities, accessibility, process, physicians, and medical staff. The regression equation was significant (R = 0.606), and the most influential variable was the service quality of physicians (β = .569). According to multidimensional scaling, the positioning of medical institutions indicated that patients' perceptions were affected by hospital size and specialization. By recognizing and managing patient satisfaction, medical institutions are able to foster customer loyalty and, in turn, to enhance service quality. It is necessary to develop an adequate marketing mix to provide better medical services and to overcome medical competition among institutions.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To conduct a survey of health care providers to determine the quality of service provided by the staff of a regulatory agency; to collect information on provider needs and expectations; to identify perceived and potential problems that need improvement; and to make changes to improve regulatory services. METHODS: The authors surveyed health care providers using a customer satisfaction questionnaire developed in collaboration with a group of providers and a research consultant. The questionnaire contained 20 declarative statements that fell into six quality domains: proficiency, judgment, responsiveness, communication, accommodation, and relevance. A 10% level of dissatisfaction was used as the acceptable performance standard. RESULTS: The survey was mailed to 324 hospitals, nursing homes, home care agencies, hospices, ambulatory care centers, and health maintenance organizations. Fifty-six percent of provider agencies responded; more than half had written comments. The three highest levels of customer satisfaction were in courtesy of regulatory staff (90%), efficient use of onsite time (84%), and respect for provider employees (83%). The three lowest levels of satisfaction were in the judgment domain; only 44% felt that there was consistency among regulatory staff in the interpretation of regulations, only 45% felt that interpretations of regulations were flexible and reasonable, and only 49% felt that regulations were applied objectively. Nine of 20 quality indicators had dissatisfaction ratings of more than 10%; these were considered priorities for improvement. CONCLUSIONS: Responses to the survey identified a number of specific areas of concern; these findings are being incorporated into the continuous quality improvement program of the office.  相似文献   

目的:探讨医院顾客满意度调查问卷的设计及其预调查。方法:围绕医疗服务态度、效率、质量、医德医风、医疗收费、医院环境和饮食等顾客可感知的7个关键环节,设计30个调查项目,并对400例出院患者进行预调查。结果:调查问卷内部一致性Cronbash's α系数较高(0.991),题目的敏感性分析“Alpha if Item Deleted”值变化幅度很小(0.955—0.959),各单项与总体满意度之间具有较强的相关性(0.62—0.89),经因子分析,因子载荷与结构和量表内容基本吻合。结论:本问卷具有较高的信度和效度,适用于医院顾客满意度调查。  相似文献   

血站服务质量直接影响无偿献血者的招募和血液安全。针对目前血站服务质量存在问题,提出了应提高血站管理者对服务质量理念的认识;加大血站与服务对象的沟通力度;增强顾客满意度调查的科学性,重视顾客投诉与建议;强调全员参与,提高服务质量目标的可行性;服务承诺准确表达,量力而行;加强员工培训,提升员工素养等建议。  相似文献   

顾客需求与医疗服务质量持续改进的实证研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的探讨以顾客质量需求为导向在改进医疗服务质量中的作用。方法采用留置问卷法随机收集我院2006年1—2月(改进前)和2006年7—8月(改进后)各500人次顾客质量感知信息,运用象限图法对数据进行分析,并对比调查结果。结果经质量改进后,医院的优势服务项目由10项增加到24项,顾客的总体满意度由77.6分提高到90.2分,忠诚顾客由34.7%上升至66.5%。结论运用象限图法对调查数据进行分析,可以了解顾客需求,有利于医院有针对性地实施改进措施,实现持续改进的医疗服务质量方针。  相似文献   

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