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目的探索颞叶内侧型癫痫海马杏仁复合体区发作间期痫性放电的特征与范围,为立体定向射频毁损提供可靠依据。方法 235例经多导长程视频脑电加偶极子定位检查提示为颞叶内侧型癫痫患者,经机器人辅助定位在海马杏仁复合体区植入深部电极,监测并分析其放电特征与范围,根据监测结果实施射频毁损术。结果 235例患者均检测到发作间期的痫性放电,共6种形式;痫性放电中心部位波动于靶点下20 mm至靶点上10mm。平均位于靶下6.3507±5.0325 mm。放电范围在垂直于颞叶长轴方向为5~35 mm,平均14.2639±5.1011mm。颅底与放电中心的距离波动于2~25 mm,平均为9.0097±2.9232 mm。结论颞叶内侧型癫痫的痫性放电部位与传统定位的靶点有一定差异,且放电范围各不相同,应以深部电极监测结果实施毁损。  相似文献   

目的本文报告了一侧海马硬化对侧颞叶头皮脑电放电的临床特点、手术策略及预后。方法本组回顾了5例MRI提示海马萎缩,头皮EEG表现为发作放电在海马萎缩对侧。采用深部电极检查并与头皮EEG和MRI检查结果进行了比较,手术方法为前颞叶切除加海马-杏仁和切除术。结果5例病人均有发作先兆表现;发作放电时头皮EEG表现出的痫样放电波在海马萎缩对侧5例,发作放电间期的头皮EEG表现出的痫样放电波与海马萎缩同侧者3例,1例在海马萎缩对侧,1例为双颞叶弥漫性放电;深部电极检查与MRI结果一致;术后随访2~4年,Ⅰ级4例,Ⅱ级1例。结论颞叶癫痫发作间期痫样放电比发作期痫样放电定位更为准确;MRI与头皮EEG检查结果不一致时,深部电极检查有助于术前定位。  相似文献   

目的探讨应用立体定向引导微创手术选择性海马切除治疗颞叶内侧癫痫的方法的可行性.方法11例内侧颞叶癫痫病例,根据EEG、MRI、PET-CT等资料,初步确定癫痫灶位于一侧海马,然后在立体定向引导下置深部电极于海马,确认癫痫灶位于海马后即以深部电极为手术导向标志在显微镜下作选择性海马切除术.结果随访1~2年疗效满意8例(72.7%),显著改善2例(18.2%),良好1例(9.1%).术后无其他神经系统并发症,无死亡病例.结论综合应用影像学、核素检查,海马深部电极植入记录海马脑电,对内侧颞叶癫痫灶定位可以明确诊断;癫痫病灶的起源精确定位于海马后,在立体定向引导下作单纯选择性海马切除治疗颞叶内侧癫痫可获得满意疗效.  相似文献   

颞叶癫痫发作初期头皮和颅内脑电定位价值的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 比较研究颞叶癫痫发作初期头皮脑电(sEEG)和颅内脑电(iEEG)的特点,探讨有定位意义的EEG指标.方法 常规行长程视频EEG(Video-EEG,V-EEG)监测,以捕捉到3次以上发作为标准.对sEEG难以定位的患者采用颅内埋置硬膜下和(或)深部电极,记录iEEG.结果 本组20例资料显示,sEEG和iEEG的定位检出率分别为50%和100%.经iEEG记录分析,7例sEEG不能定侧者5例完成定侧,10例广泛性sEEG异常者均定位为区域性或局限性表现.结论 低幅快节律、棘波和尖波节律具有重要的的定位价值;80%的sEEG低幅快节律表现者,与iEEG监测中表现一致;80%的sEEG颞叶棘波表现者,在iEEG监测中存在尖波节律.iEEG能明显提高致痫灶的定侧和定位准确性.  相似文献   

立体定向杏仁核、海马毁损术治疗颞叶癫痫   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1999年间,我科采用MRI定位行立体定向杏仁核海马毁损术治疗颞叶癫痫33例,经1年的随访,优秀率达57.6%。报道如下:1对象与方法1.1一般资料33例中,男性27例,女性6例;年龄4~44岁。患病时间1~24年。1.2主要临床表现大发作30例,其中精神运动性发作13例;小发作3例。1.3MRI检查MRI检查均无占位病变或其他可引起继发性癫痫的病灶。海马硬化10例。1.4EEG检查所有病人均经反复多次EEG检查(5次以上),痫灶定位于一侧颞叶。1.5治疗方法病人安装Leksell立体定向头架后,行头颅MRI,…  相似文献   

目的探索脑电立体定位系统引导伽玛刀治疗颞叶内侧癫痫的方法,评价治疗的效果。方法分析363医院头部伽玛刀治疗室2004年1月~2007年12月确诊并行伽玛刀治疗的54例颞叶内侧癫痫患者,男性患者32例,女性患者22例,年龄8~53岁,平均25岁。采用前瞻性研究方法,进行随访观察,对治疗效果进行评价。结果本组共纳入病例54例,平均周边剂量12Gy(8~16Gy),随访1~6年,平均4.2年,疗效按Engel癫痫外科治疗结果分类及谭启富提出的癫痫外科手术结果评价标准分级:21例患者满意(占38.9%),13例显著改善(占24.1%),9例良好(占16.7%),11例效差(占20.3%);其中治疗部位与EEG、偶极子一致者43例,21例效果满意(占48.8%),10例显著改善(占23.3%),良好6例(占13.9%),6例效差(占13.9%);其余11例不一致的患者中,无一例达满意效果,3例显著改善(占27.3%),良好3例(占27.3%),5例效差(占45.4%);无死亡病例。结论长期随访结果显示良好的癫痫控制率及极低的并发症,脑电、偶极子提示位置一致,疗效好;当脑电图显示致痫灶没有局限于颞叶内侧结构,与偶极子定位结果不吻合时应首选开颅手术,术中皮层电极监测验证癫痫源灶部位。故伽玛刀治疗前必须严格选择病例,治疗靶点确定要有充分依据,严格控制剂量、容积,以提高疗效,降低并发症。  相似文献   

目的探索深部电极引导伽玛刀治疗颞叶内侧癫痫的方法,初步评价治疗效果。方法治疗21例颞叶内侧癫痫患者,其中男性13例,女性8例,年龄18~59岁,平均34.2岁,病史3~20年,平均13.5年。用无框架立体定向机器人技术进行深部电极植入,并进行深部电极长程视频脑电监测。本组双侧植入5例,单侧植入16例,植入监测时间1~7天,平均监测2.2天。明确致痫灶后,安装头架,行头颅CT扫描定位,然后拔除深部电极,行头颅核磁扫描。对头颅CT与核磁进行融合,明确致痫灶接触电极的位置,进行伽玛刀治疗。治疗剂量:周边剂量8~13 Gy,平均9.8 Gy;中心剂量16~26 Gy,平均18.2 Gy;50%等剂量曲线。结果随访6~36个月,平均15个月,Engel’s效果分级:Ⅰ级2例,Ⅱ级4例,Ⅲ级9例,Ⅳ级6例(Ⅰ~Ⅲ级为治愈及有效)。有效率为71.4%。手术并发症:颅内积气2例,1周后自行吸收。无其他手术并发症。结论颞叶内侧癫痫深部电极探测明确致痫灶后,应用CT及核磁融合技术,在深部电极引导下进行伽玛刀低剂量治疗,初步治疗结果满意。  相似文献   

目的 比较常用的四种手术方式在治疗海马硬化性颞叶内侧癫痫(MTLE/HS)中的优缺点.方法 106例顽固性MTLE/HS患者中23例行经皮层脑室入路选择性海马杏仁核切除术;23例行经侧裂选择性海马杏仁核切除术;30例行前内侧颞叶切除术;30例行经颞下选择性海马杏仁核切除术.随访6个月-9年.采用Engel分级量表评价癫痫治疗效果,并比较并发症发生率.结果 四种术式在对癫痫发作的治疗效果比较上差异无统计学意义,无手术死亡,在并发症发生率方面差异无统计学意义.结论 对于经严格筛选的MTLE/HS,四种手术方式在疗效和安全性方面相当,可根据个人手术经验加以选择.  相似文献   

目的探讨脑电图检查在颞叶癫痫诊断中的价值。方法选取许昌市中心医院2015-02—2016-02收治的78例颞叶癫痫患者,均经临床检查确诊为颞叶癫痫。所有患者实施常规脑电图、长程脑电图、动态脑电图及蝶骨电极不同时长脑电图检查,分析检查结果。结果长程脑电图、动态脑电图癫痫波检出率分别为54.2%(13/24)、66.7%(16/24),差异无统计学意义(P0.05);清醒期、睡眠期癫痫波检出率分别为31.3%(15/48)、54.2%(26/48),差异有统计学意义(P0.05);常规蝶骨电极、长程蝶骨电极癫痫波检出率分别为25.0%(4/16)、71.4%(10/14),差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论在颞叶癫痫患者的临床诊断过程中,实施脑电图检查的效果显著,且蝶骨电极、睡眠诱发试验能促使颞叶癫痫诊断准确性得到提升。  相似文献   

目的分析采用杏仁核海马立体定向射频热凝毁损术(SAHE)治疗内侧颞叶癫痫的方法、癫痫控制情况及神经心理学功能影响,评估SAHE的效果及安全性。方法选取48例内侧颞叶癫痫行外科手术治疗患者为研究对象,分析其一般资料、SAHE治疗方法及术后癫痫发作消失率、神经心理学功能术后检测情况。结果手术均顺利完成,术后随访6个月~2年,癫痫完全控制率为52.1%,治疗显效率为75.0%,总有效率为89.6%,术后11例(22.9%)患者出现轻度头痛,9例(18.8%)患者术后出现低热,均为给予特殊治疗,未影响后续治疗,后1周患者PIQ、VIQ、MQ有所下降,但是在之后的随访中发现患者术后6个月在神经心理功能各维度评测结果均已恢复至术前水平,术后1周患者PIQ、VIQ、MQ有所下降,但是在之后的随访中发现患者术后6个月在神经心理功能各维度评测结果均已恢复至术前水平。结论 SAHE对内侧颞叶癫痫的治疗效果显著,能够有效的减少术后癫痫发作次数,术后早期会对患者的语言、操作智商、记忆力有一定影响,但长远观察可恢复正常,安全性良好,值得临床推广应用。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy associated with hippocampal sclerosis (MTLE-HS) is the most common of the antiepileptic drug (AED)-resistant seizure syndromes that are remediable mostly with surgery, although a small group of patients have benign prognosis with fewer seizures. Material-specific memory impairment is an important feature in these patients and may be related to both the structural abnormality and the frequent seizures. In this study, we investigated the relation between memory deficit and HS by taking seizure frequency into account. METHODS: The patients were evaluated according to a standard protocol and divided into two groups, considering their response to AEDs: the good-responder group (GRg, n = 18) and the pharmacoresistant group (PRg, n = 95). They were administered a neuropsychological test battery that included verbal and nonverbal memory tests, compared with each other and with a normal control group (n = 29). The responder group was evaluated by the same battery once again (mean, 23 months; SD, 8.25; range, 14-38 months). RESULTS: Both GR and PR patient groups had poorer memory than the normal controls in all memory tests (p < 0.05). However, the comparison of GRg with PRg revealed that only the digit-span test was significantly worse in PRg (p = 0.0061), and no difference was found in any other memory scores. The reevaluation of the GRg showed no significant difference between the first and second evaluation. CONCLUSIONS: We concluded that the memory impairment in patients with MTLE-HS was permanent and might be related to the direct effect of HS itself. Therefore patients with good response to AEDs can be used as a model for investigating the memory problems in patients with MTLE-HS.  相似文献   

《Clinical neurophysiology》2021,132(3):737-743
ObjectiveTo determine whether the ictal scalp EEG findings suggest purely hippocampal epileptogenicity in patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (mTLE) associated with hippocampal sclerosis (HS).MethodsTwenty-three patients with mTLE with pathologically confirmed HS were divided into 12 with epileptogenicity only in the hippocampus (HS only group) and 11 with epileptogenicity in both the hippocampus and temporal neocortex or other locations (HS plus group), based on the combination of surgical procedures, postoperative outcome, and pathological findings. Sixteen underwent selective amygdalohippocampectomy (SelAH) and 7 received anterior temporal lobectomy. Ictal scalp EEG findings of 79 focal impaired awareness seizures were compared between the HS only and HS plus groups. We focused on the 1–4 Hz rhythmic delta activity at ictal onset followed by 5–9 Hz rhythmic theta/alpha activity 10–30 s after the onset in the temporal region.ResultsThe initial delta and delayed theta/alpha (ID-DT) pattern was observed in 8 of 12 patients in the HS only group, but in none of 11 patients in the HS plus group (p < 0.01).ConclusionsID-DT pattern on ictal EEG suggests purely hippocampal epileptogenicity in mTLE with HS.SignificancePatients with the ID-DT pattern are likely to become seizure-free after SelAH.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo investigate the difference in the spatial distribution of scalp initial ictal discharge (IID) patterns in mesial temporal lobe epilepsy with hippocampal sclerosis (HS–MTLE).MethodsScalp ictal EEG data in 22 seizure-free patients after temporal lobectomy with amygdalo-hippocampectomy were classified as follows: a regular 5–9 Hz rhythm with a restricted temporal/subtemporal distribution (type 1, 11 patients), or an irregular 2–5 Hz rhythm with a widespread fronto-temporal distribution (type 2, 11 patients). EEG data were fragmented into segments of 1.28 s, both at ictal onset and at baseline. The LORETA solution of three frequency bands was compared between ictal and baseline using statistical non-parametric mapping (p < 0.01).ResultsThe LORETA solution of 5–9 Hz in type 2 had wider cortical activity in the ipsilateral fronto-temporal area, compared to type 1 with activation of the ipsilateral focal mesial and lateral temporal regions. The LORETA solution of 10–13 Hz in both types showed increased activity in the fronto-temporal area, which was wider in type 2 than type 1. Increased cortical activity of <5 Hz was not observed in type 1, whereas increased cortical activity was observed in the bilateral anterior frontal area in type 2.ConclusionsThe cortical source distribution in HS–MTLE may depend on scalp IID frequency. The neural generators of 5–13 Hz may be important for the formation of the ictal onset zone in both ictal patterns.SignificanceSpatial distributions in HS–MTLE patients differ with scalp IID frequency.  相似文献   

We investigated the short-term postoperative cognitive function of patients with unilateral mesial temporal lobe epilepsy associated with hippocampal sclerosis (MTLE/HS). Fourteen unilateral MTLE/HS patients who had undergone selective amygdalohippocampectomy (SAH) or anterior temporal lobectomy (ATL) were enrolled. Cognitive functions related to the frontal and temporal lobes were evaluated using a battery of neuropsychological tests administered before surgery and 3 months after surgery. The battery included the Verbal Fluency Test (VFT), Boston Naming Test (BNT), Stroop Color-Word Test (TST), Trail Making Test (TMT) and Wechsler Memory Scale (WMS). MTLE/HS patients demonstrated significantly improved postoperative performance on the TST regardless of the surgical method or side of resection. There was no significant difference in any of the other neuropsychological tests before and after surgery. After left-side resection, performance on the VFT and the TMT-B was worse than at baseline. After right-side resection, performance on the VFT and WMS short-term memory improved; however, these differences were not statistically significant. SAH patients exhibited improved TST performance but worse TMT-A performance; however, performance on all tests was not significantly different after surgery in ATL patients. In summary, MTLE/HS patients demonstrated improved frontal lobe-related cognitive function after surgery, but no such improvement in temporal lobe-related function was observed. Based on cognitive evaluation, right-sided MTLE/HS patients may be more appropriate surgical candidates than left-sided MTLE/HS patients. SAH may not be better than ATL in improving cognitive function. We hypothesise that postoperative cognitive changes depend on whether the excised cerebral regions are related to the neuropsychological functions examined by specific assessment instruments.  相似文献   

PurposePeriodic epileptiform discharges (PEDs) are an uncommon, abnormal EEG pattern seen usually in patients with acute diseases and less frequently in chronic conditions, such as mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (mTLE). Evaluate the clinical histories, neuroimaging findings, and serial electrophysiological studies prior to the appearance of PEDs in patients with mTLE secondary to hippocampal sclerosis (HS).MethodsWe searched 19, 375 EEGs (2006–2012) for the presence of PEDs secondary to mTLE due to HS.Results12 patients were included. The patients with PEDs had a high prevalence of psychiatric comorbilities, including major depression (50%), interictal psychosis (16%) and dementia (8%). All of the patients had intractable epilepsy with similar clinical findings. We observed a sequential neurophysiological worsening of the EEG patterns prior to the appearance of PEDs. Five patients with PEDs underwent epilepsy surgery and four were seizure free at follow-up 15 (±9) months.ConclusionsPEDs are rare in patients with mTLE and HS and their presence in these cases could reflect clinical severity and neurophysiologic worsening, clinically manifested by intractable epilepsy and severe psychiatric comorbidities. The presence of PEDs in EEGs of patients with mTLE, however, was not associated with poor postsurgical seizure-freedom.  相似文献   

《Clinical neurophysiology》2019,130(9):1604-1610
ObjectiveTo determine the clinical implications of scalp ictal EEG pattern in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE).MethodsScalp EEG ictal patterns were retrospectively determined in 27 consecutive patients with medically refractory temporal lobe epilepsy who underwent phase-1 scalp video-EEG and phase-2 simultaneous scalp and intracranial video-EEG recordings for pre-surgical evaluation.ResultsOf the 192 temporal lobe seizures recorded during phase-1 and phase-2 scalp video-EEG studies, 124 (65%) seizures were associated with theta/alpha (5–9 Hz) ictal onset pattern, and 68 (35%) seizures were associated with delta (2–5 Hz) ictal onset pattern. Fourteen (52%) patients had exclusively theta/alpha ictal onset, 3 (11%) patients had exclusively delta ictal onset, and 10 (37%) patients had mixed theta/alpha and delta ictal onsets. MTLE was observed in 26 patients who had 124 seizures with theta/alpha ictal onset and 59 seizures with delta ictal onset. LTLE was observed in one patient who had 9 seizures with delta ictal onset. Scalp ictal EEG pattern was not significantly correlated with postsurgical seizure outcomes.ConclusionsBoth scalp delta and theta/alpha ictal onset patterns can be commonly found in patients with MTLE.SignificanceScalp delta ictal onset is not a unique EEG pattern for LTLE as commonly believed.  相似文献   

Purpose :  To assess the prevalence and attributes of atypical language lateralization (ALL) in patients with left mesial temporal lobe epilepsy associated with hippocampal sclerosis (MTLE-HS).
Methods :  We recruited consecutive patients with left MTLE-HS, who had undergone resective surgery and had pathologically proven HS. Based on the Wada test, language lateralization was classified into typical (left hemispheric) or atypical (right hemispheric or codominant). We assessed the attributes of patients with ALL using univariate and multivariate analyses.
Results :  Of 124 patients with left MTLE-HS, 23 (18.5%) had ALL. ALL occurred more frequently in patients with severe initial precipitating injury (IPI), early onset of epilepsy, and a short latent period between IPI and onset of habitual seizures. ALL was more common in patients with bitemporal and extratemporal interictal epileptiform discharges (IEDs) on electroencephalogram (EEG) and extratemporal changes on magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). On multivariate analyses, the age at onset of habitual seizures <6 years, atypical IPI, nonunilateral temporal IEDs, and extratemporal MRI abnormalities independently predicted ALL. The likelihood of ALL was very low (∼1%) when all of these four risk factors were absent, whereas it was very high (>95%), if any three or all four of them were present.
Conclusions :  ALL occurs in one-fifth of patients with left MTLE-HS. ALL is more frequent in those with structural or functional extrahippocampal involvement and early onset of epilepsy interrupting the development of normal language networks. Because ALL is uncommon in those with damage/dysfunction restricted to the hippocampus, the hippocampus itself may have only a limited role in determining language lateralization.  相似文献   

目的 探讨选择性杏仁核-海马切除术(SAH)对内侧颞叶癫痫病人认知功能的影响。方法 回顾性分析2009年1月~2017年5月接受SAH治疗的67例内侧颞叶癫痫的临床资料,术前、术后3个月和术后1年均行详细的神经心理学评估,包括智商、记忆商和语言功能。结果 36例行左侧SAH,31例行右侧SAH。术后1年,癫痫控制效果达到Engel分级Ⅰ级50例,Ⅱ级7例,Ⅲ级8例,Ⅳ级2例。术后3个月,左侧手术病人言语功能、记忆商较术前明显降低(P<0.05),右侧手术病人言语理解指数、语义流畅性测验明显改善(P<0.05);术后1年,无论是左侧手术病人,还是右侧手术病人,智商、记忆商、言语功能较术后3个月略改善(P>0.05);手术前后视觉记忆均无明显变化(P>0.05)。结论 海马硬化性内侧颞叶癫痫行SAH后,左侧手术病人会出现比较明显的言语和记忆功能减低。  相似文献   

Summary: Purpose: Hippocampal atrophy (HA) and signal changes, detected at magnetic resonance imaging, have been associated with intractable seizures. Such a relation has been established by tertiary centers, where the prevalence of more severe cases tends to be higher. We evaluated the clinical and imaging variables that may have relevance to seizure control in patients with mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) and HA. Methods: MTLE patients from the outpatient clinic of University of São Paulo School of Medicine at Ribeirão Preto were evaluated with protocols for the temporal lobe. Patients were considered to have good seizure control (GC; n = 42 ) if they had three of fewer seizures per year. Patients with pharmacoresistance and who did not fit the criteria for GC were considered to have poor seizure control (PC; n = 44 ). We made group comparisons and correlations of clinical data and hippocampal volume (HV) with seizure frequency. Results: No statistical differences were observed between the GC and PC groups in the following parameters: age at the time of study, age at the time of the initial precipitating injury (IPI) or first epileptic seizure, epilepsy duration and follow‐up, and family history of epilepsy. No differences were found in HV between GC (male, 2.04 ± 0.60 cc ; female, 2.00 ± 0.70 cc ) and PC (male, 2.26 ± 0.47 cc ; female, 2.15 ± 0.48 cc ) groups. Regression analysis indicated no correlation between seizure frequency and HV (p = 0.33) . Conclusions:These findings suggest that the intensity of HA does not have a direct correlation with seizure frequency in patients with MTLE with HA and that the detection of HA in MTLE patients does not mean an unequivocal indication of intractability.  相似文献   

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