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直流稳压电源是许多电子设备包括医疗设备必不可少的重要组成部分,它为电子设备提供符合一定技术指标的直流电源。目前广泛使用的直流稳压电源主要可分为两大类:一类是一性直流稳压电源,另一类是开 直流稳压电源。  相似文献   

0 引言 随着医学电子技术的高度发展,医疗设备的种类也越来越多,医疗设备与现代医疗诊断、治疗关系日益密切,任何医疗设备都离不开安全稳定的电源。根据相关数据统计,电源的故障占机器故障的60%以上,且大部分为开关电源。故对仪器维修人员来讲,熟练掌握开关电源的基本组成、工作原理以及故障排除经验非常重要。  相似文献   

目的 介绍医院医疗设备网络报修、报销管理系统,调查医院使用该系统后,医疗设备维修响应及时率、维修效率、维修质量及科室对维修满意度的情况,分析该系统的优点和不足。方法 通过满意度问卷调查,统计所得数据差异,分析科室对维修的满意度变化;统计医疗设备工程师规定时间处理完成率的数据进行比较。结果 该系统在维修方面能够一定程度减少纠纷,提高维修响应及时率,以及提高科室对工程师医疗设备的维修满意度,但对维修完成率影响不明显;在报销方面能够减少跨年期间发票冗余,提高当月发票存档合计率和便于维修费的存档和记录。结论 该系统有待进一步改进,有助实现医院对医疗设备从验收、维修及效益分析等方面的全面规范化信息管理。  相似文献   

随着现代科学技术的飞跃发展,医疗仪器不断更新,并且越来越深入到医学领域中的各个方面。医疗仪器的使用和维修间的矛盾也日益突出。编者希望“医疗仪器维修基础”专栏将成为基层医院广大操作人员和维修人员的学习园地。对于读者提出的某种具体类型医疗仪器的故障排除问题,我们将请有关专业制遗工厂对读者作出解答,对于其中带有一定普遍性的问题,将在本刊“读者服务台”发表。  相似文献   

赵强  崔畅 《中国组织工程研究》2011,15(39):7347-7350
背景:目前市场上便携式医疗设备主要以锂电池供电为主,续航能力较弱,无法在野外长期工作。 目的:为提高便携式医用设备供电电源的可靠性和续航能力,设计了高效、可靠、低成本的正弦波逆变器,详细阐述了设计方案,并制作了实验样机。 方法:主电路由推挽升压变换器和单相逆变桥组成,采用高频变压器实现电压比调整和电气隔离,降低了噪声,提高了效率、减小了输出电压纹波。逆变器功率开关管采用了RCVD缓冲电路,确保逆变桥安全工作。控制部分采用集成脉宽调制芯片SG3524和正弦函数发生芯片ICL8038实现正弦波脉宽调制。 结果与结论:实验样机体积减小到传统逆变器的1/4,效率达到86%,输出电压波形失真度小于5%,在复杂的工况下实现了220 V/50 Hz的市电输出。逆变器可以使用蓄电池作为电源,简单可靠、易于调试。  相似文献   

医疗设备上的计算机管理与维护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于医疗设备上的计算机越来越多,本文对其的管理和维护维修问题作了一些探讨。医疗设备中计算机的应用现状及特点;医疗设备中计算机的管理、维修与维护及医疗设备中计算机的二次开发  相似文献   

随着科学技术水平的不断发展与进步 ,医疗设备的科技含量也越业越高 ,医疗设备的智能化、自动化程度也越来越高。然而 ,从事医疗器械维修工作的人却相对滞后了。面对着这些先进的医疗产生的故障 ,他们大多是束手无策。当然 ,造成这种局面的原因是多方面的。笔者从事医疗器械维修工作多年 ,本文从一个维修人员角度谈谈目前医院中维修人员的现状及其管理。1 现状长期以来 ,在我国的各级医院中都普遍存在重医轻工的现象。医院只追求装备的质量和档次 ,忽视了对设备的管理和维修。维修人员的学习、进修、培训不能保障。医疗设备不断发展 ,然而 …  相似文献   

21世纪医院信息化管理   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
陈航 《医学信息》2005,18(3):197-198
随着信息技术的迅速发展,信息化、数字化已经进入各行各业和人们生活中的许多方面,各级医院也不知不觉地进入了数字化和信息化时代,不仅CT、MRI、彩超等大型的数字化医疗设备在医院中广泛使用,而且从单机到计算机网络的各种医疗收费系统、管理系统和医疗信息处理系统等正在普及。所有这一切都说明:医院正在使用信息技术,  相似文献   

随着社会生活水平的发展,人们的健康观念也发生了改变,从减轻痛苦到追求健康,随之人们对医疗服务的质量要求也越来越高,维权意识越来越强。当医疗服务质量与患者健康追求的期望值存在偏差时,将会导致一些医疗纠纷。胸外科是医疗风险的高危科室,更是医疗纠纷的好发科室。本文就胸外科护理中常见纠纷产生的原因及防范措施进行了探讨,通过采取有效对应措施,避免护理纠纷的发生,提高患者的满意度和信任度。  相似文献   

正随着时代发展,医疗设备发生了重大革命性的更新,以检查为主治疗为辅的设备更是日新月异。其中冷光源已经广泛应用于临床医学领域,如何科学合理使用、保养和维修,对于延长冷光源使用寿命、发挥更大临床使用效能有重要意义~[1]。医用内镜种类繁多、复杂,内镜配套的冷光源系统多种多样。按光源灯分类,有卤钨灯、氙灯;按灯的额定电压功率有12 V  相似文献   

医疗植入式电子系统供电方式的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在介绍植入式电子系统供电方式的基础上,分析了各种方式的优缺点并按植入式电子系统功耗、尺寸及植入时间长短等,讨论了各种供电方式的适用情况.最后,展望了植入式电子系统供电的未来发展趋势.  相似文献   

Power quality issues are becoming more important as more medical equipment utilizes microprocessor controls and switched DC power supplies. Externally and internally induced power surges and harmonics can have a dramatic effect on equipment performance. The effectiveness of a good "Equipment Management Program" can be greatly affected by poor power quality in today's hospitals. With many hospitals having been constructed in the 1970's, there is an increased likelihood that this issue will play a part in equipment downtime, and more importantly in "unable to duplicate" findings by the Clinical Engineering staff. Resolving power quality problems can have a dramatic impact on equipment performance, uptime, and cost of maintenance. This presentation will focus on identifying power quality problems, solutions, and an overall management scheme to minimize the impact on the performance of critical equipment that your facility and staff rely on to deliver cost effective patient care.  相似文献   

目的 为全方位监测心电信号并弥补单一导联心电检测的不足,设计并实现了一种基于无线能量传输技术的植入式三路心电遥测系统.方法 系统由无线能量传输设备供能,植入式微型电子胶囊检测心电信号,数据记录仪无线接收数据并由数据处理软件处理.直流供电下分别采用模拟心电信号、正弦信号、方波信号通过模拟实验验证了系统的性能.无线供能下信号线屏蔽后并埋在猪肉中进行体外实验.结果 模拟实验胶囊能够采集三种信号,体外实验测得有噪声的信号波形.结论 直流供电下胶囊正常工作,无线供能下猪肉对磁场有一定程度的屏蔽作用.  相似文献   

目的:为降低测量仪器系统误差噪声干扰的影响,准确测量X射线机电源电阻,设计一套X射线机电源电阻测量程序。方法:在信号注入法测电阻的基础上,利用LabVIEW软件和NI公司生产的信号调理模块,设计电源内阻测量程序,该程序可产生稳定的正弦激励电流,并对响应电压、响应电流以及相位差进行测量,进而得到X射线机电源电阻值。结果:经系统测试可知,该测量程序可以对X射线机电源电阻进行一段时间内的连续测量,得到的电源电阻均值更接近实际状况。结论:该测量程序能够准确测量X射线机电源电阻,为准确测量X射线机电源电阻提供了一种新的方法和思路。 【关键词】X射线机;电源电阻;LabVIEW  相似文献   

A biopotential amplifier for single supply operation is presented. It uses a Driven Right Leg Circuit (DRL) to drive the patient's body to a DC common mode voltage, centering biopotential signals with respect to the amplifier's input voltage range. This scheme ensures proper range operation when a single power supply is used. The circuit described is especially suited for low consumption, battery-powered applications, requiring a single battery and avoiding switching voltage inverters to achieve dual supplies. The generic circuit is described and, as an example, a biopotential amplifier with a gain of 60 dB and a DC input range of +/-200 mV was implemented using low power operational amplifiers. A Common Mode Rejection Ratio (CMRR) of 126 dB at 50 Hz was achieved without trimming.  相似文献   

随着高速电动手术工具使用量的日益增加,关于其核心部件——驱动电机的研究越来越广泛。永磁无刷直流电机因具有小巧高效、稳定可靠等特点,在该应用领域备受关注。该文介绍了永磁无刷直流电机的组成及优势,结合高速电动手术工具的临床应用需求,对永磁无刷直流电机本体、位置检测电路和换相控制电路的选型与优化设计方案进行了论述和比较,并指出了相应的关键技术难点与解决思路。最后对未来研究重点进行了总结与展望,为永磁无刷直流电机在高速电动手术工具中的设计研发提供理论参考。  相似文献   

设计一种便于携带的高频电刀分析仪,用于测量高频电刀的输出功率和漏电流等性能指标。首先利用热电转换器件将高频电刀的功率信号转换成直流信号,再对直流电压进行模数转换。在利用系统中的单片机对模数转换结果进行运算后,得到功率和漏电流等参数值。上述结果最终通过液晶屏显示。最后,对所设计的样机的测量误差进行分析和评定,结果表明系统样机满足设计要求。  相似文献   

A new instrumented hip joint prosthesis was developed which allows the in vivo measurement of the complete contact loads in the joint, i.e. 3 force and 3 moment components. A clinically proven standard implant was modified. Inside the hollow neck, 6 semiconductor strain gauges are applied to measure the deformation of the neck. Also integrated are a small coil for the inductive power supply and a 9-channel telemetry transmitter. The neck cavity is closed by a titanium plate and hermetically sealed by electron beam welding. The sensor signals are pulse interval modulated (PIM) with a sampling rate of about 120 Hz. The pulses are transmitted at radio frequencies via a small antenna loop inside the ceramic head, which is connected to the electronic circuit by a two-pin feedthrough. Inductive power supply, calculation of the loads from the measured deformations and real time load display are carried out by the external equipment. The maximum error of the load components is 2% including crosstalk.  相似文献   

This paper describes the inductive power and data link employed in the CAP Cochlear Prosthesis System (CAP stands for Combined Analog and Pulsative Stimulation Strategy). The inductive link consisting of a parallel-tuned receiver resonant circuit weakly coupled to a series-tuned transmitter resonant circuit, is driven by a self-oscillating class-E-tuned power amplifier. The class-E concept allows coupling-insensitive high-efficiency transcutaneous transmission of power. In the CAP implant, variations of the coil distance within a range of 0 to 9 mm result in changes of the implant supply voltage which are lower than 10%. Within this coil distance range, the mean overall efficiency is 49%. In view of the excellent switching properties of the class-E tuned power oscillator, a practical scheme for data transmission is ASK (Amplitude Shift Keying). To ensure constant energy flow and easy synchronization of the bitstream in the implant, a self-clocking bit format is employed.  相似文献   

The existing endoscope brings too much discomfort to patients because its slim and rigid rod is difficult to pass through α, γ loop of the human intestine. A robotic endoscope, as a novel solution, is expected to replace the current endoscope in clinic. A microrobotic endoscope based on wireless power supply was developed in this paper. This robot is mainly composed of a locomotion mechanism, a wireless power supply subsystem, and a communication subsystem. The locomotion mechanism is composed of three liner-driving cells connected with each other through a two-freedom universal joint. The wireless power supply subsystem is composed of a resonance transmit coil to transmit an alternating magnetic field, and a secondary coil to receive the power. Wireless communication system could transmit the image to the monitor, or send the control commands to the robot. The whole robot was packaged in the waterproof bellows. Activating the three driving cells under some rhythm, the robot could creep forward or backward as a worm. A mathematic model is built to express the energy coupling efficiency. Some experiments are performed to test the efficiency and the capability of energy transferring. The results show the wireless energy supply has enough power capacity. The velocity and the navigation ability in a pig intestine were measured in in vitro experiments. The results demonstrated this robot can navigate the intestine easily. In general, the wireless power supply and the wireless communication remove the need of a connecting wire and improve the motion flexibility. Meanwhile, the presented locomotion mechanism and principle have a high reliability and a good adaptability to the in vitro intestine. This research has laid a good foundation for the real application of the robotic endoscope in the future.  相似文献   

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