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目的分析信阳市浉河区农村有既往有偿供血史的艾滋病感染者在人群中传播艾滋病的蜲招浴7椒ā±?2005年全球基金艾滋病项目基线调查和每年艾滋病专题调查的数据库,调取浉河区所有农村既住有偿供血艾滋患者的资料,进行与艾滋病传播有关数据的整理分析。结果共调取调查对象222例,其HIV感染确诊时间在1995年10月20日-2009年3月20日。传播HIV的途径,以夫妻之间性传播的有24例,占10.80%;其次为母婴传播,有7例,占3.20%。结论应加强农村既往有偿供血史的HIV感染者的管理,以减少HIV在人群中的传播。  相似文献   

大冶市于2000年9月发现首例艾滋病(AIDS)患者,至2008年底,累计发现艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染者185人。艾滋病传播途径以有偿供血和受血为主,但随着在低档娱乐场所中发现7名暗娼感染了HIV,随后也发现不少嫖客感染,艾滋病疫情已从有偿供血及受血传播为主,逐步发展为经性途径传播为主,艾滋病正从高危人群向一般人群扩散。  相似文献   

2010年河南省信阳市艾滋病流行现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
魏卫 《实用预防医学》2011,18(3):444-445
目的分析既往有偿供血途径感染为主的信阳市艾滋病流行现况。方法对信阳市1995-2010年艾滋病常规、专题监测数据进行疫情描述性分析。结果信阳市从1995年4月发现首例艾滋病感染者以来,截止2010年已确证艾滋病感染者1 961例。发现感染者的传播途径构成在逐渐发生变化,1995年艾滋病感染32人,全部为采血(浆)传染;以后,随着年份增加,经血液传播的构成减少,由性传播的构成增加,2010年经采供血途径感染占28.86%,经性途径感染占59.46%。结论在进一步加强对既往有偿供血途径感染患者的防治管理的同时,也应加强艾滋病高危行为干预力度,防止HIV经性传播。  相似文献   

试论经血液途径感染及发生传染病的现状及对策   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
<正> 我国医疗临床用血长期以来,都是个体卖血者有偿供血,由各医疗机构自采血用,是造成经血液途径感染疾病传播的主要原因,现就本省经血液途径感染疾病的现状作一论述。1 艾滋病感染的现状 艾滋病病毒之所以传播迅速、广泛,这与其传播途径的  相似文献   

某地既往有偿供血人群HIV感染流行病学调查分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的摸清豫东南某地既往有偿供血人群(FPD)艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染状况,为制定艾滋病预防控制策略和措施提供科学依据。方法对所有既往有偿供血员进行普查,同时采血进行HIV抗体检测。对HIV确认阳性者进行CD4 T淋巴细胞计数检测。结果共调查既往有偿供血员4351人,其中死亡271人,实际检测人数为3985人,检出HIV感染者693例,感染率为17.39%。男女性别比为0.871,20~49岁年龄组占85.28%。CD4 <200/μl者175例,占全部检测者的26.48%。结论通过普查,基本弄清了既往有偿供血员的HIV感染状况。经血传播途径已被阻断,性传播和母婴传播将可能成为既往有偿供血地区HIV感染的主要传播途径,应采取综合措施遏制其进一步扩散蔓延。  相似文献   

河南省接受预防措施的HIV感染产妇现况调查分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙定勇  王奇  郭万申  王哲 《中国妇幼保健》2007,22(28):4016-4018
目的:了解部分接受干预措施的人类免疫缺陷病毒(HIV)感染产妇的社会人口学特征及可能影响艾滋病母婴传播率的因素。方法:采取整群抽样的方法,对该类人群和其配偶、婴儿采用统一问卷进行现况调查,并对调查的结果进行描述性分析。结果:109名HIV感染产妇中年龄在25~40岁之间者占95.4%,96.3%为农民,65.1%分布在河南省上蔡县,通过血液途径传播占87.3%。109名HIV感染产妇CD4计数在200个/μl以上占71.5%,70.7%的人未接受与艾滋病有关的治疗,生产次数在2次以上的产妇占79.8%,生产方式为阴道自然产者占69.7%,接受干预措施后24.8%的产妇仍有不安全性行为。结论:集中发生在河南省部分县(区)的既往有偿供血的农村育龄妇女(25~40岁)是HIV感染产妇出现的主要人群;这些HIV感染产妇目前多数身体状况良好,且以经产妇、阴道自然产者居多;但对该部分对象的有关艾滋病通过性传播的咨询服务还有待加强。  相似文献   

388例HIV/AIDS患者临床特点与机会性感染发病谱   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的了解本地HW/AIDS患者的一般情况、传播途径,分析其临床特点,总结出本地艾滋病患者的机会性感染发病谱从而指导早期诊断和治疗。方法对长沙市传染病医院2003年4月-2009年8月底收治的388例HIV/AIDS患者进行回顾性分析。结果388例HIV/AIDS患者以农民、小城镇外出打工人员为主;主要传播途径为性传播;40.98%的患者胸片检查异常,绝大多数的患者CD4^+T淋巴细胞〈200个/tA;最常见的临床症状为发热、体重减轻、咳嗽、慢性腹泻、皮肤病变及淋巴结肿大;机会性感染发生率为91.75%,最常见的机会性感染是口腔真菌感染(占54.12%),肺部感染(占45.10%)(其中包括卡氏肺孢子虫肺炎及肺结核),合并感染结核者占36.08%(包括肺结核及肺外结核)。结论本地HIV/AIDS的人群以农民、打工人员为主,传播途径主要是性传播;机会性感染以鹅口疮最为常见,其次为肺部感染,且表现为多系统、多种致病微生物并存,细菌、真菌、病毒均为常见病原,呼吸、消化系统以及皮肤软组织为常见感染部位。  相似文献   

安徽农村既往有偿供血地区居民艾滋病相关歧视调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解农村既往有偿供血地区居民对艾滋病感染者与患者相关歧视的现状,为寻求降低歧视的方法提供科学依据。方法选择安徽省皖北某县12个存在既往有偿供血的村庄,由经过培训的调查员入户对395名农村居民进行问卷调查。结果在农村既往有偿供血地区居民艾滋病非传播途径知识知晓程度较低,歧视仍较普遍,主要表现为不购买PLWHA家庭生产的食品或副食品(54.50%),不让PLWHA家小孩和自己家小孩一起玩耍(44.70%)。引起歧视的主要原因中,89.32%的居民认为是基于对疾病缺乏了解、恐惧;92.50%的居民认为是因为艾滋病无法治愈的事实;有43.40%的人认为是有关艾滋病传播的传说、偏见。结论农村既往有偿供血地区艾滋病知识知晓仍存在着误区及相关歧视,降低对AIDS患者歧视应作为今后AIDS健康教育的宣传工作重点,其中艾滋病非传播途径知识是艾滋病宣传教育的重点内容。  相似文献   

目的分析许昌市魏都区艾滋病流行现状,为制定预防控制策略提供依据。方法分析许昌市魏都区1995年-2007年艾滋病常规、专题监测资料。结果1995年-2007年许昌市魏都区共报告AIDS/H IV63例,2004年-2007年发现的艾滋病占总数的76.19%;感染途径中,有偿供血者感染23例,占总数的36.50%,异性性传播者21例,占总数的33.33%。结论许昌市魏都区艾滋病流行速率明显加快,从有偿供血传播为主转向以性传播为主,应对高危人群采取针对性地干预措施,以降低艾滋病的传播水平。  相似文献   

目的了解有偿供血人员AIDS流行特征和趋势,为制定预防控制策略提供依据。方法在全县进行普查,发放调查表,逐户逐人调查。结果对686名有偿供血人员做HIV检测,感染艾滋病病毒4人;有偿供血年龄分布以41~50岁为主,时间分布主要集中在1995-1998年,女性多于男性。结论1995-1998年有偿供血高峰之后,有偿供血呈明显下降趋势,加强对采供血机构和医疗机构管理,加大打击非法采供血力度,能有效控制艾滋病传播和流行。  相似文献   

Opportunistic infections are one of the major problem among HIV infected patients still connected with high mortality. The aim of the investigation is to evaluate the incidence and mortality from opportunistic infections in HIV infected population in Pomeranian region of Poland. The paper presents analysis of incidence of opportunistic infections among 141 AIDS patients hospitalised in Clinic for Infectious Diseases in Gdańsk from 1988 to 2001/June/. In examined group 179 opportunistic infections were diagnosed. Most frequent was oesophageal candidiasis 58%, tuberculosis 29%, pneumocystis carinii pneumonia 21% and central nervous system toxoplasmosis 13%. The occurrence of opportunistic infections depends on CD4 count and rises with CD4 decline. Opportunistic infections were the reason of death in 33 from 74 cases/45%/. CONCLUSIONS: In examined group 28% of patients did not know about HIV infection when first opportunistic infection was diagnosed. Most frequent opportunistic infections in AIDS patients were oesophageal candidiasis, tuberculosis, pneumocystis carinii pneumonia and toxoplasmosis. In 98% of cases opportunistic infection developed when no HAART nor infection prophylaxis was administered. Opportunistic infection was the reason of death in 45% of cases, the most frequent were PCP and CNS toxoplasmosis.  相似文献   

目的 分析2007-2015年南京市第二医院感染科收治传染病患者的疾病谱变化.方法 采用描述性研究的方法对南京市第二医院感染科2007年1月至2015年12月收治传染病患者的临床资料进行收集和分析.结果 2007-2015年,本院收治的呼吸道传染病7 103例,占66.63%,血液及性途径传染病收治比例逐年上升趋势,其中以艾滋病(2 581例,89.56%)为主.肠道传染病(274例,2.57%)和虫媒及自然疫源性传染病(402例,3.77%)历年患病率均较低.结论 南京市第二医院感染病科收治传染病患者以呼吸道传染病为主,血液及性途径传染病呈逐年上升趋势,特别要加强对艾滋病的健康宣教,时刻警惕新发传染病的入侵.  相似文献   

摘要:目的 分析HIV/AIDS患者合并机会感染与卫生服务利用的现状。方法 采用随机整群抽样对HIV/AIDS患者进行合并机会性感染及卫生服务利用问卷调查。结果 HIV/AIDS患者合并机会性感染率为57.78%;HIV/AIDS未合并机会性感染者和合并机会性感染者两周患病率分别为38.60%和73.08%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);HIV/AIDS未合并机会性感染者和合并机会性感染者两周就诊率分别为49.12%和76.92%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);HIV/AIDS患者家庭经济困难占64.71%,是他们未就诊的主要原因;HIV/AIDS患者选择医疗机构就诊差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);HIV/AIDS未合并机会性感染者和合并机会性感染者年住院率分别为15.79%和20.51%,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);HIV/AIDS患者选择医疗机构住院差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论 HIV/AIDS合并机会感染者卫生服务利用量大于未合并机会感染者,HIV/AIDS患者卫生服务利用与医疗机构、病程、居住地、经济条件有关。  相似文献   

Epidemiology of aids defining conditions in Greece   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVE: To examine the secular trends of all AIDS opportunistic infections to occur first (OIs) in Greece, by year, by gender and by mode of transmission. METHODS: The study included all AIDS defining conditions reported among Greek residents diagnosed with AIDS from 1981 to June 2003 and notified to the Hellenic Centre of Infectious Diseases Control. The analysis of trends in AIDS defining conditions in Greece has been performed only for the period 1993--2003. RESULTS: From 1981 to the first six months of 2003, 2,394 AIDS cases, 2,361 adults and 33 children, have been reported. HIV wasting syndrome was the most frequent OI to occur first followed by PCP pneumonia and Kaposi sarcoma. The frequency at which OIs occurred first varied by sex. Kaposi sarcoma was more frequent in males while tuberculosis and oesophageal candidiasis were more frequent in females. The frequency at which OIs occurred first varied also by exposure mode. Kaposi sarcoma was more frequent among men who have sex with men but that was not the case for the remaining transmission categories. From 1993 to the first six months of 2003 a downward trend was noticed only for chronic simplex disease. Since the introduction of HAART, an increasing trend was noticed for CMV disease, recurrent pneumonia, oesophageal candidiasis, Burkitt and immunoblastic lymphoma. CONCLUSION: Further epidemiological studies are needed to assess the OIs trends in coming years in order to plan prevention strategies and future medical care needs.  相似文献   

We report our experience on survival of adults with AIDS, treated at the University Hospital of Infectious Diseases, Zagreb, Croatia from October 1986 to December 1998. The median survival of our 116 patients was 15.8 months. Multivariate analysis showed that factors independently associated with survival were type of presenting AIDS indicator disease and CD4+cell count.  相似文献   

Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis usually occurs in patients with severe granulocytopenia or defects of cell-mediated immunity secondary to cytotoxic chemotherapy or high-dose corticosteroids, but it is an unusual opportunistic infection in patients with AIDS. Eleven cases of Aspergillus pulmonary disease were diagnosed in HIV-infected patients from January 1985 to December 1992, in the Department of Infectious Diseases of the Catholic University. Four patients had invasive pulmonary aspergillosis, six probable pulmonary invasive aspergillosis and one allergic broncopulmonary aspergillosis. Fiberoptic broncoscopy with bronco-alveolar lavage was confirmed to be an useful tool for the diagnosis of pulmonary aspergillosis in AIDS patients. The response of aspergillosis to therapy, either amphotericin B or itraconazole, has usually been poor. It is possible to speculate that the longer survival of AIDS patients and the latter development of other functional immunological abnormalities related to HIV infection may allow the appearance of opportunistic infection, such as pulmonary aspergillosis, different from those more often observed.Corresponding author.  相似文献   

通过调查云南省德宏州3家不同级别的医疗机构和196位艾滋病门诊病人,分析了不同入组治疗年份、感染途径、治疗内容、就诊医疗机构等因素对艾滋病病人门诊费用的影响。研究表明,艾滋病病人面临收入下降和就诊费用高昂的困境,需要救助;治疗内容不同的病人其门诊费用有差异,应进行早期治疗和规范治疗,延迟毒副反应和机会性感染的出现;在不同级别医疗机构就诊的病人门诊费用有差异,应统筹分配有限的艾滋病防治经费,从而有效地分流病人避免资源浪费。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To clarify the attitude of physicians toward the diagnosis and reporting on patients with foodborne disease after implementation of infectious disease prevention and medical treatment to patients as per the Infectious Diseases Act of 1999. METHODS: A questionnaire, including experience of diagnosis and reporting on patients with foodborne disease, was mailed to all physicians in charge of AIDS treatment in medical facilities established as AIDS core hospitals. RESULTS: Out of the 391 AIDS core hospitals, 224 (57%) cooperated with the survey. Seven hundred and four questionnaires were distributed to physicians and 681 (97%) were returned. The number of physicians with experience of diagnosing patients with foodborne disease was 391 (57%). One hundred and sixty-six physicians (57%) answered "Reported occasionally" and fifty-five (14%) answered "Never reported". The two main reasons for not reporting were "Did not report because I thought there were no other cases" and "Did not report because the case was not so severe". CONCLUSIONS: A single or sporadic case must be reported by physicians to health authorities to ensure an early alert of illness or potential illness that could affect communities.  相似文献   

During a 4-month period during the summer of 1985, campylobacters were isolated from 338 (16.3%) of 2080 patients with acute diarrhoea attending the University Hospital of Infectious Diseases in Zagreb. Of these isolates 220 (64.1%) were Campylobacter jejuni and 118 (34.9%) were C. coli. The patients were drawn from three residential zones in and around Zagreb: inner city, peripheral city and rural. Incidences of campylobacter diarrhoea ranged from 71 per 100,000 per year in inner city residents to 99 per 100,000 per year in the rural residents. Most infections were in young children; the incidence in infants ranged from 800 to 2500 per 100,000 per year in the inner city and rural zones respectively. The isolation rate from faecal specimens of infants from the rural zone was 61%. The ratio of isolation rates in males and females (all ages) was 1.1:1, but in infants it was 0.7:1 and in patients over the age of 65 years it was 0.4:1. The incidence of C. coli in the rural zone was four times that in the inner city and twice that in the peripheral zone. This survey shows that campylobacter infection in Zagreb has distinctive epidemiological features. The transmission of infection appears to be midway between that found in industrialized and developing countries, and there is an unexplained excess of C. coli infection.  相似文献   

目的:整理分析63例艾滋病患者机会性感染的疾病谱,总结其临床特点以及高效抗反转录病毒治疗(highly active antiretrovivaltherapy,HAART)与患者疾病转归的关系。方法:采用回顾性分析的方法对63例艾滋病合并机会性感染的相关信息进行临床分析。结果:63例患者首发临床症状前三位依次为发热、咳嗽、消瘦。机会性感染以细菌、病毒和真菌感染为主,其中肺结核31例,卡氏肺孢子菌肺炎25例,细菌性肺炎12例,口腔念珠菌感染16例,细菌性肠炎10例,慢性乙型肝炎14例,慢性丙型肝炎24例,胆囊炎6例,带状疱疹3例,药疹2例,血管闭塞性脉管炎2例,其余感染均为1例。死亡7例,病死率11.11%。结论:艾滋病机会性感染种类多,临床表现复杂多样。高效抗反转录病毒治疗可以使艾滋病患者免疫系统得到部分重建,减少机会性感染的发生。  相似文献   

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