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目的 分析学龄前儿童发育状况和早期运动对儿童感觉统合能力的影响,为早期识别有感觉统合失调(SID风险的儿童提供依据。方法 整群抽样2021年11月至2022年4月在北京儿童医院保健中心体检门诊就诊的3~6岁儿童310例,进行发育情况信息收集、发育评估和感觉统合量表评估,所得数据进行描述和多因素回归分析。结果 多因素分析结果显示:“男童”“平均DQ<86”和“大运动DQ<86”是总程度失调和前庭失调的影响因素,“早期运动落后”“大运动DQ<86”和“精细动作DQ<86”是本体失调的影响因素,差异均有统计学意义(P均<0.05)。结论 学龄前儿童发育状况、早期运动发展与SID具有关联性。  相似文献   

目的探讨感觉统合训练对精神发育迟滞儿童的治疗效果.方法对16例精神发育迟滞儿童进行系统的感觉统合训练,并针对儿童个体情况指导家长对患儿进行特殊教育.治疗前后分别对患儿进行感觉统合量表、社会适应能力及智能测评.结果接受训练的16例儿童治疗前后感觉统合能力、社会适应和智力水平均有不同程度的改善. 结论感觉统合训练可作为一种治疗手段用于智力迟缓儿童的症状改善.  相似文献   

目的:分析有新生儿窒息史儿童五项神经心理发育测查结果,了解新生儿窒息对小儿神经心理发育的影响。方法:对有新生儿窒息史儿童98例分别于6月、12月、24月进行“小儿五项神经心理发育测查”,同时选择50例无新生儿窒息史、无其它重大疾病史儿童于相同月龄进行相同测量作对照,计算测得月龄与实际月龄的相差百分比平均值作标准化对比分析。结果:轻度窒息组57例与对照组无显著性差异,重度窒息组与对照组有显著性差异。结论:新生儿重度窒息对小儿五项神经心理发育有显著性影响。  相似文献   

目的探讨感觉统合训练对儿童生命早期心理行为发育的影响.方法将121名高危儿随机分为观察组和对照组,对观察组儿童采用自行编制的训练方案进行训练,并评定训练对心理行为发育的作用.结果观察组儿童智能发育和行为发育明显优于对照组.结论在儿童生命早期(3个月~2岁)对高危儿进行感觉统合训练,能促进儿童智能发育,对不良行为具有防治作用.  相似文献   

石霞 《校园心理》2011,9(6):418-419
<正>在孤独症的治疗干预中,行为干预、语言训练、结构化教育、感觉统合训练及药物治疗都有其特定的作用和地位[1]。在我国,教育干预、行为训练等已经成为自闭症儿童康复的主流[2]。本文通过参与某特殊学校的教学,采用参与式观察法和访谈法,详细记录了该校治疗某孤独症儿童所使用的治疗方法、训练内容及该儿童的表现,并对训练的总体效果进行分析,以期对孤独症儿童的康复性治疗提供一些启发,增加社  相似文献   

婴幼儿时期是大脑生长发育最快时期,也是可塑性最大的时期。这个时期的卫生保健和教养方法是否得当,不仅关系到孩子的健康成长,而且对他们一生都有很大的影响。因此,我们在基层儿童保健中应用小儿神经心理发育检查表对婴幼儿进行行为发育评估,根据评估结果由儿童保健医生给予家长相应的育儿指导,从而有利于婴幼儿的行为发育,结果报告如下。  相似文献   

在孤独症的治疗干预中,行为干预、语言训练、结构化教育、感觉统合训练及药物治疗都有其特定的作用和地位。在我国,教育干预、行为训练等已经成为自闭症儿童康复的主流。本文通过参与某特殊学校的教学,采用参与式观察法和访谈法,  相似文献   

亲属寄养儿童分离与个体化发展的个案研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探索有亲属寄养经历儿童的分离与个体化发展情况.方法:采取典型及方便抽样对四名早年有亲属寄养经历的儿童进行深入访谈,采用整体内容分析方法对访谈资料进行分析.结果:①第一次分离个体化期间生活在寄养家庭的儿童其分离个体化发展有两种情况:不能发展或同原生家庭类似;②辗转原生家庭和寄养家庭的成长过程,所面临的特殊心理发展任务:维持与父母的心理连接,维持与寄养家庭代养者的心理连接,平衡与父母、代养者之间的心理连接;③有亲属寄养经历的儿童其青春期分离个体化发展出现延迟.结论:与养育者建立心理连接是有寄养经历儿童分离个体化发展的基础;渡过整合危机是有寄养经历儿童分离与个体化继续发展的前提.  相似文献   

目的 描述西南双生子登记系统的目的 ,样本收集方法,目前现状以及应用前景.研究遗传因素和环境因素对于儿童青少年行为、认知发育以及心理健康的影响.方法 采用儿童自评、家长以及教师评定量表作为测量儿童行为和心理健康水平的工具,同时对儿童认知功能、家庭环境、儿童气质以及父母健康状况进行测评,研究上述指标与儿童行为的相互关系以及遗传因素和环境因素的影响.结果 目前已经登记了成都9339对0~16岁双生子,并对324对双生子进行了DNA卵型鉴定以及详细的行为和认知测评,并对遗传因素和环境因素对于儿童行为的相互影响进行了研究.结论 学校途径招募双生子是进行儿童青少年双生子研究有效的途径.西南双生子登记系统可以为儿童行为发育以及儿童病理心理研究提供重要的国内和国际资源.  相似文献   

目的 :探讨学龄前儿童气质特征与智能发育水平的相关性。方法 :对 3 5 0名学龄前儿童采用《儿童气质量表》 (TM )和《Wechsler学前及初小儿童智能量表》 (WPPSI)进行测试。结果 :各种气质类型分布无性别差异 (P >0 0 5 )。气质特点倾向积极型的学龄前儿童智能发育水平高于气质特点倾向消极型的儿童 ,以语言智商较为明显 (P <0 0 1)。智能发育水平与儿童气质维度中的规律性、适应性、坚持度、活动量、反应强度、注意分散度和反应阈有关 (P <0 0 5 )。结论 :学龄前儿童智能发育水平与气质外在表现可能存在相关性 ,气质维度对了解儿童的智能发展更有价值。对具有消极特点气质的儿童更应采取恰当的抚养与教育方式 ,以促进其智能的发展。  相似文献   

A pair of female dizygotic twins, one of whom had Turner syndrome (TS), was given a battery of psychological tasks. Results revealed that the TS twin showed deficits on tasks requiring spatial analyses, visual form discrimination, and visual memory. Differences in the serial recall characteristics on visual memory tasks were also noted. Results are discussed in terms of the reliability of the TS spatial deficit and the relationship between memory and spatial functioning.This research was supported by the Ontario Mental Health Foundation and the Medical Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

Mirror-imaging of arachnoid cysts (ACs) in monozygotic twins (MZ) is extremely rare. We describe a pair of MZ who developed mirror-imaging of ACs in the temporal fossas, and we also review the literature. Brain computer tomography (CT) and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the MZ revealed mirror-imaging of vast lesions of cerebrospinal fluid intensity in their temporal fossas. This is the second ever report of such a case according to the available literature. Unlike the prior case, our patients were 14 months, which is a much younger age than the patients of the previous report. Consequently, our case is better in supporting a genetic origin in the pathogenesis of AC. The findings in our case indicate that early neuroimaging is mandatory in the counterpart of the symptomatic patient with AC, irrespective of the absence of symptoms.  相似文献   

The present research set out to investigate the possibility of a genetic component in creative ability The pool of subjects for this study consisted of 117 pairs of twins, 13–19 years of age, divided into 28 pairs of identical males, 19 pairs of fraternal males, 35 pairs of identical females, and 35 pairs of fraternal females. A battery of ten creativity tests, including five developed by Guilford, and one measure of verbal intelligence were administered to each subject. The majority of intraclass correlations for both the monozygotic and dizygotic twins on the 11 measures attained statistical significance, with the correlations tending to be somewhat higher in the identical twin groups. When the intrapair variances of the identical and fraternal twins were contrasted directly on the various tests, there were few statistically significant results. Intercorrelations between the 11 tests compared two at a time revealed higher correlations in the monozygotic group, indicating a somewhat more consistent performance from test to test. The overall results, however, failed to provide convincing evidence of a genetic component in creativity.This study was funded by the Connecticut Research Commission.  相似文献   

Hyperlipoproteinemia type V, with serum triglyceride concentrations of about 20 mmol/l, was detected in a pair of monozygotic, 40-year-old twin brothers. One of them had had recurrent attacks of pancreatitis, the other not. The endocrine and exocrine pancreatic functions were apparently normal, supporting that the pancreatitis was secondary to the hypertriglyceridemia. After successful lipid-lowering therapy the attacks of abdominal pain disappeared and remained absent during a 13-year follow-up period. The other twin died of ischemic heart disease nine years after the discovery of his lipid abnormality. The reduction of his lipid levels had been much less successful. His average "atherogenic index" (the ratio of cholesterol in low density to that in high density lipoproteins) was normal but increased to a very high value if cholesterol in very low density lipoproteins was also included together with the low density ones in the numerator. Lipoprotein particles modified in composition may have contributed to an increased uptake through a scavenger pathway and promoted atherosclerosis.  相似文献   

Lymphangioma is a benign tumor like condition which is a developmental anomaly, involving any site but rarely involves retroperitoneum and abdomen (< 5%). Intraabdominal lymphangiomatosis is an even rarer entity that too occurring in a siamese twins. No such reports have been found in literature, although other congenital anomalies do coexist in Siamese twins and have been reported such as biliary tract and respiratory tract anomalies.  相似文献   

We present the second case of monochorionic diamniotic (MC/DA) conjoined twins. There was minimal conjunction, which was predominantly extrafetal and confined to the periumbilical ventral region. The omphalopagus twins, attached to a single forked umbilical cord, were connected by a shared umbilical hernia containing the ileum of twin B. The only visceral conjunction, located just within the belly of twin A, was midileal with the 2 separate ileums converging toward a short segment of shared muscularis propria and of side-to-side fistulization. Gastrointestinal and musculoskeletal anomalies were present in both twins with severe amyoplasia and arthrogryposis multiplex in twin A. Possible mechanisms underlying this unusual form of MZ twinning are discussed.  相似文献   

We report female monozygotic twins with neurofibromatosis. The family history is unremarkable, and careful examination of other family members did not show evidence of the condition. It is concluded that the occurrence in this family is due to a spontaneous mutation arising in one of the parental gametes. This article examines the similarity and difference in manifestations of the disorder in this pair of monozygotic twins.  相似文献   

患儿男,4 d.因联体畸形于2008年3月17日入院.体检:体重共3 kg.正常侧婴儿无明显外部畸形,其胸骨柄的下方剑突部至脐的上方有一畸形体与之相连(图1).畸形体(寄生体)仅有四肢、腹部、臀部、男性外生殖器,有尿从阴茎自主排出.寄生体与正常侧婴儿相连接处,长12.0 cm,宽5.5 cm,周长30.0 cm,连接处两腹腔相通.寄生体四肢无自主运动,对刺激无反应,能做被动关节运动.  相似文献   

患儿男,4 d.因联体畸形于2008年3月17日入院.体检:体重共3 kg.正常侧婴儿无明显外部畸形,其胸骨柄的下方剑突部至脐的上方有一畸形体与之相连(图1).畸形体(寄生体)仅有四肢、腹部、臀部、男性外生殖器,有尿从阴茎自主排出.寄生体与正常侧婴儿相连接处,长12.0 cm,宽5.5 cm,周长30.0 cm,连接处两腹腔相通.寄生体四肢无自主运动,对刺激无反应,能做被动关节运动.  相似文献   

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