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目的:了解北京近郊山区学龄儿童膳食营养素摄入量与体格发育状况,方法:采用膳食调查等方法调查学龄儿童膳食营养素摄入量状况;测量其同期身高,体重,计算身体质量指数(BMI)并与正常参考值比较。结果:(1)受检儿童膳食能量、蛋白质、铁、硫胺素与维生素C平均每日摄入量均达RDA的85%以上,膳食钙、锌、视黄醇与核黄素分别低于RDA的70%,膳食钙摄入量仅占RDA的36.9%。(2)食物频率调查显示,食物构成比较单调,经常摄入的是米,面和蔬菜,而鱼类,肉类、猪肝、豆制品等很少摄入,经常不吃早餐的儿童占27.1%,早餐食物质量不高,主要为方便面,米饭,缺乏牛肉,豆浆,鸡蛋等。(3)平均身高,体重与全国调研标准基本符合。男生超重检出率为9.77%,肥胖检出率为4.78%;女生超重检出率为10.93%,肥胖检出率为2.50%,结论:该人群膳食主体是以植物性食物为主,缺少动脉性食物,豆类及其制品,属温饱型膳食结构,应采取合理的综合干预措施,有效地改善其膳食营养状况。  相似文献   

香港7岁儿童的血胆固醇水平(4.59mmol/L)明显高于同种族的广东省江门市同龄儿童的水平(4.16mmol/L)。用双份法收集两地各20名儿童连续两日膳食,用化学法分析脂肪和脂肪酸含量的结果表明:江门市儿童每口摄入脂肪为34.7g,比香港儿童的摄人量(每口47.6g)低30%左右;膳食脂肪酸模式中,多不饱和脂肪与饱和脂肪比例和亚油酸与豆蔻酸比例,江门市儿童(各为0.81和20.73)均明显高于香港儿童(各为0.69和10.91)。提示:在经济迅速发展、人民生活富裕后,膳食模式也会发生变化,必须尽早预防可能由此带来的营养过多造成对健康的危害,特别是对以后发生冠心病危险性的影响。  相似文献   

延安地区学龄儿童碘营养状况调查分析陕西省延安地区地方病防治所(716000)延生,李国栋,朱东升1995年6月,按照《全国碘缺乏病防治监测方案》要求,采取容量比例概率抽样方法(PPS),对我区11个县市12所小学8~10岁儿童碘营养状况进行了调查,结...  相似文献   

农村学龄儿童不良行为调查分析西安医科大学第一临床学院妇幼系(710061)于学文李学成罗国刚任永惠宝鸡市妇幼保健院武雅丽韩春玲李梅舒本文调查了陕西省眉县9~12岁儿童的某些不良行为发生的影响因素,以探讨环境、家庭因素对儿童的影响。1对象和方法1.1研...  相似文献   

居建云  张爱强 《中国校医》2000,14(3):177-177
为了解山东省学龄儿童的锌营养状况,作者采取分层整群抽样原则,随机抽取济南、烟台、济宁克矿集团、胜利油田、日照及枣庄六市地的6-12岁学龄儿童进行了此项调查。l对象与方法l.l对象六市地共抽取2175名学龄儿童,其中济南362名,烟台380名,充矿集团400名,胜利油田W名,日照314名,枣庄372名。回.2方法采用济南高新开发区活力元素开发中心研制的口感测锌液,通过儿童对液体的不同味觉感受判断是否缺锌。2结果2.且学龄儿童的辞营养状况本次调查的2175名儿童,缺锌者1186人,缺锌率为54.53%;其中男生调查ills名,缺锌者630人,缺…  相似文献   

本文采用分层整群抽样的方法,调查了陕西省眉县农村10~11岁儿童的营养状况。结果显示:眉县农村85%左右的10~11岁儿童生长发育落后于WHO建议的标准。24小时膳食调查发现,每日膳食摄入量以粮谷类为主,能量摄入量未达到我国标准供给量的60%,未达到WHO建议标准50%。蛋白质摄入量更低,未达到供给量的45%,除铁和维生素C的摄入量较高外,其余营养素的摄入量均未达到供给量的70%。每日三餐热能分配也不合理,表现为早餐热能偏高或偏低,午餐热能不足,晚餐热能偏高的现象。  相似文献   

十岁学龄儿童行为调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
霍金芝  方几希 《中国校医》1996,10(4):259-261
采用Achenbach儿童行为量表(ChildBehaviorChecklist,CBCL)中的家长用量表,对苏州市10岁学龄儿童的行为和社会能力进行了调查,为进一步深入研究本地区学龄儿童的行为问题形成的内外环境因素,以及为心理健康教育提供基础资料。1对象、材料和方法LI对象于1995年3月抽样调查了苏州市10岁学龄儿音376人,其中男孩185入,文便191入。In材料采用AchenbachJ*奠n对重在一~nvu中家长用量表!叼。该量表主要分为社交能力和行为问题两部分。社交能力含三个因子:活动能力(包括体育运动,课余爱好和课余劳动方面的问题)、社交情况(包括…  相似文献   

目前,学龄儿童的视力下降日趋严重,为了进一步探讨学龄儿童的视力减退原因和防治措施,1993年1月间我们对河北省保定市北市区两所非重点小学1633名学龄儿童进行了眼病普查,现将视力、色宽、双眼视功能调查结果报告如下。I对象和方法本文调查的1633名学龄儿童的年龄为6~14岁,其中男826名,女807名。视力检查采用国际标准视力表,表的高度以1.0一行与一般儿重视线平行,照明为晴天定外自然光线,检查距离为5米。色觉采用俞自萍著色盲检查手册,在自然光线下检查。双眼机功能检查采用上海眼病防治所监制、江苏吴江同里人民电子仪器厂生…  相似文献   

钙是人体必需的矿物质,是骨骼发育基本原料,如果钙缺乏,可以导致骨质疏松等多种疾病的发生[1],世界卫生组织统计,人类大约135种基础疾病中,有106种疾病与钙缺乏有关。为了探讨中老年膳食钙的情况,安徽省生物医学研究所在安庆地区开展的膳食调查,获得了食物和营养素摄入量数据。现对中老年人群膳食钙摄入量进行分析,报道如下。  相似文献   

儿童肥胖度、体脂分布与贫血的关系研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
目的 以探讨儿童肥胖度、体脂分布与贫血的关系。方法 对上海市543名7-10岁儿童身高、体重、腰围、臀围、皮褶厚度、血红蛋白含量的测量和检测。结果 发现:不同肥胖度的各组间血红蛋白含量均值及贫血率差别无显性;肥胖组与非肥胖组相比,BMI、F%、IBM、TPR、SUM有显性差别,而血红蛋白值无显性差别;非肥胖组儿童,体脂含量F%、TPR中心型体脂分布均明显高于非中心型体脂分布,差别有显性意义(P<0.01),但血红蛋白含量在两组间也无显性差别。结论 BMI、F%、LBM、.TPR.、SUM与肥胖有关;非肥胖组,F%、TPR与中心型体脂分布有关:贫血与肥胖及中心型体脂分布无关。  相似文献   

This secondary analysis study addressed a gap of knowledge: whether perceived stress reduction created by a lifestyle intervention might serve as a mediator for reducing fat and fast food intakes in low-income overweight or obese mothers of young children. This analysis included 338 low-income overweight or obese mothers of young children who completed a phone interview immediately after the 16-week lifestyle intervention. Valid surveys were used to assess perceived stress and fat and fast food intakes. Composite indicator structural equation modeling was performed to test the mediation effects. The overall effect of the intervention was not significant for fat intake but was significant for fast food intake (B = −0.53, p < 0.05). When assessing the potential role of perceived stress as a mediator, the indirect effects of the intervention on fat (B = −0.39, p < 0.01) and fast food (B = −0.27, p < 0.01) intakes were both significant. Future dietary intervention studies aimed to reduce fat and fast food intakes in low-income overweight or obese mothers of young children might consider including practical strategies aimed at reducing perceived stress.  相似文献   

目的 调查评价低体重患儿的膳食结构和饮食营养状况,以便提出膳食建议并为营养教育提供依据.方法 采用简化的食物频率询问法对普儿病房142名3~6岁低体重患儿进行膳食调查,并以中国居民膳食营养素参考摄入量(DRIs)为标准,评价膳食能量和各营养素摄入情况.结果 142名低体重息儿各营养素摄入量未达80%推荐摄入量/适宜摄入量(RNI/AI)的有:维生素A为69.2%,碳水化合物为63.3%,维生素C为61.1%,热能为58.8%,钙为54.9%.有34.8%患儿粮谷类提供的能量不到40%.结论 低体重患儿膳食结构不合理,粮谷类和蔬菜类食物的摄入量严重不足,导致患儿能量不足、维生索A、维生素C及钙缺乏.  相似文献   

Dietary fat and fat quality have been inconsistently associated with puberty timing. The aim of this study was to investigate the prospective associations of dietary fat, saturated fatty acid (SFA), polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA), and monounsaturated fatty acid (MUFA) with puberty timing. Using longitudinal data from China Health and Nutrition Survey (CHNS) and Southwest China Childhood Nutrition and Growth (SCCNG) Study, we analyzed dietary data, anthropometric measurements, and potential confounders. Dietary intakes were assessed by 3-day 24-h recalls. Age at Tanner stage 2 for breast/genital development (B2/G2) and age at menarche/voice break (M/VB) were used as puberty development markers. Cox proportional hazard regression models were used to estimate the relevance of dietary intake of total fat, SFA, PUFA, and MUFA on puberty timing. Among 3425 girls and 2495 boys, children with higher intakes of total fat and PUFA were more likely to reach their B2/G2 or M/VB at an earlier age. Associations were not attenuated on additional adjustment for childhood dietary protein intake. However, higher intakes of SFA or MUFA were not independently associated with puberty development. A higher intake of dietary fat and PUFA in prepuberty was associated with earlier puberty timing, which was independent of dietary protein intake.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: High-fat whole milk is the major dietary source of total and saturated fat for young children. Children from low-income families have higher total and saturated fat intakes and their parents have higher rates of cardiovascular disease compared with children from higher income families. We identified factors that predict the use of either high-fat whole milk or low-fat (1% and/or skim) milk by children to facilitate the development of targeted intervention strategies to reduce their dietary fat intakes. METHODS: Adults (91% mothers) with children > or =1 through <5 years of age, participating in the Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) at 50 agencies throughout New York State, completed questionnaires. RESULTS: Most (75%) of the 1,938 children drank whole milk, while only 6.9% consumed exclusively 1% and/or skim milk. The children tended to drink the same type of milk as other family members. In multivariate logistic regression, use of whole milk was associated with younger child age, black race or Hispanic ethnicity, parent/guardian belief that whole milk was healthier for children over 2, and parent/guardian having never tried reduced-fat milks (all P < 0.0001). In contrast, use of 1% and/or skim milk was associated with older child age, female gender, nonblack race, older parent/guardian age, parent/guardian belief that reduced-fat milks were healthier for children over 2, and parent/guardian having tried 1%-fat milk (all P < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Individualized family-based strategies are needed to target specific behaviors and/or health beliefs held by different parent groups. For example, taste testing might be an effective strategy for parents who have never tasted reduced-fat milk. Interventions to overcome cultural barriers to the use of low-fat milk may require changing parental health beliefs, in addition to providing education about the health benefits of low-fat milk.  相似文献   

BackgroundEarly-child-care (ECE) programs may substantially influence child diet quality.ObjectiveThe Study of Nutrition and Activity in Child Care Settings describes the usual food group intake of preschool-aged children attending ECE programs relative to Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA) recommendations, comparing intakes during child-care and non-child-care days.DesignMeal observations and parent-completed food diaries in a cross-sectional nationally representative multistage cluster sample of Child and Adult Care Food Program-participating ECE programs.Participants/settingOne thousand four hundred sixty-eight children aged 3 to 5 years attending 217 Child and Adult Care Food Program-participating ECE programs (eg, child-care centers and Head Start) during 2017.Main outcome measuresDaily energy intake, daily US Department of Agriculture Food Pattern Food Group intakes, and percentage of daily intakes meeting 2015-2020 DGA Food Pattern recommendations.Statistical analyses performedRegression-adjusted usual intakes and percentage of children meeting recommendations were estimated using the National Cancer Institute method. Single-day mean intakes were used to test for statistical differences between child-care and non-child-care days.ResultsMean usual energy intake was 1,524 ± 19.3 kcal during child-care days and exceeded the recommended range at 1,702 ± 30.2 kcal during non-child-care days; single-day means indicated significantly lower energy intake on child-care days (P < 0.001). The percent of children meeting DGA recommendations on a child-care day varied by DGA food group: fruits (51.4%), grains (50.1%), dairy (42.5%), vegetables (6.5%), whole grains (4.6%), and protein foods (0.1%). Recommended limits on calories from added sugar and solid fats were met by 28.2% and 14.6% of children, respectively. Compared with mean food group intakes during a single child-care day, non-child-care day intakes were similar for fruits and vegetables, lower for dairy and whole grains, and higher for total grains, protein foods, and calories from added sugars and solid fats.ConclusionsAlthough there is room to increase nutrient density inside and outside of child care, intakes on child-care days more closely align to DGAs.  相似文献   

Epidemiologic data support an association between diet and mutations in the Kirsten-ras (KRAS) gene involved in colorectal cancer (CRC) development. This study aimed to explore the associations between fat intake and KRAS mutations in codons 12 and 13 in cases of CRC in the Moroccan population. A multicenter case-series study nested in a large-scale Moroccan CRC case-control study was conducted. Among all CRC cases recruited, 151 specimens were available for the DNA mutation analysis. Logistic regression was used to calculate odds ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (Cis) for KRAS mutation status according to the fat intake variables. A KRAS mutation was detected in the CRC tumor of 34.4% of the patients among whom 65.4% had a single mutation at codon 12 and 34.6% had a single mutation at codon 13. Compared to low levels of consumption, a positive association was observed between high polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) consumption (>16.9 g/day) and prevalence of KRAS mutations (OR = 2.15, 95% CI = 1.01–4.59). No statistically significant associations were observed for total fat, monounsaturated fatty acids, saturated fatty acids and KRAS mutations. The results of this study suggest that PUFA may be relevant in the etiology of CRC, possibly through the generation of G > A transitions at the KRAS oncogene. Further studies are needed to verify and explain this finding.  相似文献   

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