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目的 观察癌症患者家属对于如实告知患者病情诊断态度及家属态度的影响因素。方法 选取2017年6月至2019年3月入住本院的恶性肿瘤患者家属654名作为主要调查对象,采用自行设计的调查问卷,用以明确患者家属对如实告知患者患病真相的态度,并采集相应的癌症家属一般资料信息、患者疾病严重程度、主治医生及护理人员对告知真相态度,采用单因素及多元线性回归方式,确定癌症家属对告知患者疾病真相的态度的影响因素。结果 单因素分析,家属学历、婚姻状态、独生子女、是否有重病接触史及医护人员支持态度、认同环境需求及熟知告知方法掌握程度存在统计学差异(P<0.05);多元线性回归分析,学历、有重病接触史、医护因素均属于患者家属支持告知真相的影响因素(P<0.05)。结论 癌症患者家属对告知患者疾病真相的态度多处于不确定状态,患者家属的态度会受到医护人员的告知态度及疾病严重程度影响,护理中应该注重与患者家属的沟通方式及沟通外部环境,有助于改善患者家属对告知真相的拒绝态度。  相似文献   

①目的探讨临床医生对癌症病情告知的态度及癌症病情告知技能的现状。②方法采取整群随机抽样方法抽取唐山市6家二级综合医院和4家三级综合医院呼吸内科、普通外科等诊治癌症疾病科室内的医生380名,应用“癌症病情告知态度问卷”、“癌症病情告知技能问卷”对医生进行调查。③结果医生对癌症病情告知的态度评分为(27.43±4.47)分,处于中等偏下水平,其中“告知患者癌症病情和不好的预后很困难为(4.17±0.85)分”的得分最高,“接受过癌症病情告知技能培训(1.01±0.61)分”的得分最低;医生的癌症病情告知技能评分为(22.98±5.41)分。④结论医生对癌症病情告知的态度处于矛盾状态,倾向于不告知癌症患者真实病情;医生的癌症病情告知技能较差,应对临床医务人员提供癌症病情告知技能的培训。  相似文献   

目的 探讨医护人员对癌症患者病情告知的态度及患者与家属的病情告知需求,比较医护人员与家属的告知行为,寻求有效地告知方案.方法 自制三份调查表,分别对某三甲医院的100名医护、100名家属及100例癌症住院患者进行问卷调查. 结果医护人员并不十分赞同将真实病情完全告知患者,患者及家属的告知需求有显著差异( P<0.05),同样作为告知方医护人员和家属在选择告知方式上无显著差异,在告知时机和告知心理上差异显著( P<0.05).结论 医患双方应不断加强癌症告知的认识,注意告知方式和时机的因人而异,重视病情告知后患者的心理护理.  相似文献   

874例癌症患者家属治疗态度调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的掌握癌症患者家属的治疗态度,为患者创造治疗条件。方法对874例癌症患者家属进行问卷调查,分析产生各种态度的原因。结果癌症患者家属多数持积极的治疗态度,不同职业、不同文化程度、不同关系的患者家属治疗态度差异有显著性意义(P〈0.01),年龄、性别对治疗态度差异无显著性意义(P〉0,05)。结论根据患者家属不同背景进行有的放矢的健康教育,主动配合及支持患者治疗。呼吁社会为各种人群设立医疗保险,解决患者的基本医疗费用。  相似文献   

癌症患者对重症病情告知态度及影响因素调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨癌症患者对重症病情告知态度及其影响因素。方法:对302名癌症患者进行问卷调查。结果:性别、婚姻、性格、获知癌症时间长短等因素不同以及有否住院经历、丧礼经历的癌症患者对各项重症病情告知问题的评分不同,其差异具有统计学意义(P〈0.05或P〈O.01)。结论:建立对癌症患者的告知评估系统,因人而异,实施不同的告知策略。  相似文献   

目的:了解部分大学生的癌症告知态度,分析医学专业大学生与非医学专业大学对癌症告知态度的差异。方法:设计调查问卷,问卷内容包括大学生一般资料和大学生对癌症患者病情告知态度的7个问题及告知策略的4个问题,分别对不同背景大学生对癌症患者病情告知的相关问题赞同度评分进行比较。结果:此项调查共收取问卷360份,其中有效问卷358份,其中包括医学专业大学生239人,非医学专业大学生119人。大学生性别、医学与非医学专业对癌症患者病情告知的赞同度评分差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:医学生对对癌症病情告知所持的态度比较慎重,不太赞同将真实病情完全告知患者,他们比较认同家属拥有决策权。针对此,应该通过相关课程,增强医学生医患沟通能力,正确引导医学生尊重患者的意愿,实施合适的告知方法。  相似文献   

医护人员对癌症病情告知的态度及影响因素调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:探讨医护人员对癌症病情告知的态度及影响因素。方法:对634名医护人员进行癌症病情告知的态度及影响因素问卷调查。结果:医务人员对癌症病情告知的态度评分为3.36±1.08,对癌症病情告知处于不确定及赞同之间;医护人员对癌症病情告知的态度与其所在科室、职业、职称、学历、住院经历、重病接触史、处理死亡经历及宗教信仰有关。结论:医务人员对癌症病情告知的态度较慎重,不认同向癌症患者完全告知其真实病情。医护人员应尊重患者的意愿,满足他们合情合理的要求,应因人而异,实施不同的告知策略。  相似文献   

目的调查肿瘤科医护人员对告知癌症患者病情的态度,分析影响告知的因素。方法对福建省三甲医院473名肿瘤科医护人员进行问卷调查。结果 73.6%的医护人员认同告知,职业、参加工作年限、所在科室、学历、重病患者接触史、住院经历和宗教信仰等因素影响医护人员的癌症病情告知态度,具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论因人而异、因势利导地开展病情告知和死亡教育可以增强患者及其家属对生死观的科学认识,利于患者配合医疗护理。同时医护人员应提高沟通技巧和观察能力,使患者在家属的配合下接受现实,积极配合医护人员,作出正确选择并能充分享有知情权、参与权和决策权。  相似文献   

癌症患者对病情告知反应的调查   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
从1998年3月至1999年底我们对121例已经知晓自己病情的癌症患者进行了问卷调查。表明知告病情对于病人的治疗是有积极意义的,癌症告知可能会“增加惧”,但并于不会致人于“绝望”而放弃任何生命的希望,护士在工作中做了“无意”告知或“疏忽”告知,并不会影响治疗。  相似文献   

目的 了解癌症临终患者家属的死亡态度及影响因素,为提高癌症患者临终关怀服务质量、开展死亡教育提供依据,积累资料。方法 选取2012年9月~2013年12月入住华泾镇社区卫生服务中心106名癌症临终患者的家属为研究对象,采用死亡态度调查问卷进行调查,并分析结果。结果 78名研究对象对死亡持接受态度,28名持排斥态度。文化程度、接触死亡及濒死情况、参加葬礼次数及在家中谈论死亡情形对其死亡态度均有影响(P<0.05或P<0.01)。结论 死亡态度受多种因素的影响,护理人员在实施癌症临终关怀护理时,应注重对患者家属的死亡教育的方式。  相似文献   

Patients' and physicians' attitudes regarding the disclosure of medical errors   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
Gallagher TH  Waterman AD  Ebers AG  Fraser VJ  Levinson W 《JAMA》2003,289(8):1001-1007

目的研究小学生对于欺负行为的内隐态度。方法采用儿童欺负问卷(小学版)对1 100人小学生进行调查,并抽取其中欺负事件卷入者及一部分未卷入者,进行标准内隐联想测验(IAT)。结果回收有效问卷1 029份,共有296人(28.8%)被卷入到欺负事件中,其中欺负者74人(7.2%),被欺负者121人(11.8%),欺负/被欺负者101人(9.8%),其余733人(71.2%)为非卷入者。全体被试者与非卷入者对于欺负类词语的相容任务反应时小于不相容任务反应时,差别均有统计学意义(t=2.118,t=2.083,P<0.05);欺负者、被欺负者和欺负/被欺负者对于欺负类词语的相容任务反应时与不相容任务反应时比较差别无统计学意义(t=0.091,t=0.546和t=1.681,P>0.05)。结论小学生对于欺负行为的内隐态度比较消极,更多地将欺负行为与积极评价相联系;不同类型小学生中,非卷入者对待欺负行为的内隐态度更消极。  相似文献   

Most hospital policies place little or no restriction on patients' smoking in hospital. In this study patients were surveyed to determine if they smoked and if their doctors advised or ordered them to stop smoking in hospital. As well, the smoking habits and attitudes towards smoking of the medical staff and other hospital workers were explored. Of 741 patients 37% were smokers, and those who responded fully to a questionnaire 86% continued to smoke in hospital. Patients who were advised or ordered not to smoke (59%) were no more likely to stop smoking than those who were not so advised or ordered. Physicians were less likely to smoke than other hospital staff, and those who did smoke were much more likely not to smoke while in the hospital. Physicians appear to have a reasonable appreciation of the health hazards of smoking, and almost two thirds are in favour of stricter restrictions on patients' smoking in hospital. The ineffectiveness of their efforts is primarily due to hospital policies that are not in keeping with physicians' standards of practice and with established knowledge of the deleterious effects of smoking on health.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The subject of patient self-determination in health care has gained broad interest because of the increasing number of incompetent patients. In an attempt to solve the problems related to doctors' decision making in such circumstances, advance directives have been developed. The purpose of this study was to examine relationships between public attitudes towards patient autonomy and advance directives. SUBJECTS AND MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: A stratified random sample of 600 adults in northern Sweden was surveyed by a questionnaire with a response rate of 78.2%. The subjects were asked about their wish for control of their health care, their concerns about health care, their treatment preferences in a life-threatening situation (both reversible and irreversible), and their attitudes towards the application of advance directives. RESULTS: Numerous relationships between various aspects of self-determination in health care (desire for control, fears of over-treatment, and choice of treatment level) in general and advance directives, in particular, were found. Those who wanted to have a say in their health care (about 94%) also mainly supported the use of an advance directive. CONCLUSIONS: The fact that almost 30% of the respondents were undecided concerning their personal use of advance directives points to a lack of knowledge and to the necessity of education of the public on these issues.  相似文献   

目的 对公费与非公费医学生对大学英语课程教学方法的态度进行调查,以检验其有效性。方法 对162名学生(98名公费医学生、64名非公费医学生)进行问卷调查。所收集的数据采用SPSSAU统计软件进行分析,用独立样本t检验分析公费与非公费医学生的英语水平是否存在差异、其对大学英语课程教学方法的评价是否存在差异,以及其对各个教学环节所起作用的态度是否存在差异。结果 公费医学生的英语水平显著低于非公费医学生;他们对第一、第二与第四模块的态度一致,对第三与第五模块的态度不同,但只对第五模块的态度存在显著差异。与非公费医学生相比,公费医学生明显对个别教学环节的作用持更肯定的态度。结论 根据产出导向法对目前的教学模块做出调整,具体的教学环节也将根据两类学生的实际需求做出调整或删减。  相似文献   

目的 评估妇产科患者对见习医学生的合作态度及其影响因素.方法 通过问卷调查方法 ,了解中山大学附属第一医院妇产科学临床教学中患者对见习医学生的合作态度,并对其相关影响因素进行统计学分析.结果 本研究共发出450份调查问卷.收回382份有效问卷,有效问卷回收率84.9%.69.9%的患者对见习医学生进行体检持拒绝态度,拒绝者的比例在年轻(20岁~29岁)、未婚、初诊与门诊的患者中更高.67.0%的患者希望示教能够在自己知情的前提下进行.87.0%的患者希望与见习医学生合作过程中有临床医生在场.希望见习医学生成为医生助手、诊疗过程的积极参与者和表示不知道的患者比例分别为46.6%、30.1%和23.3%,该比例与患者的年龄、婚姻状况、学历、是否首诊以及就诊部门(门诊或住院部)呈相关性.结论 患者对见习医学生的合作态度与一些自身特征有关,同时患者是否事先知情和见习医学生的举止仪表也会对其产生影响.因此,在合适的患者人群中选择示教病例并于事先进行充分的沟通,将有助于改善医患关系,提高妇产科学临床见习的质量.  相似文献   



Paediatric circumcision is one of the oldest surgical procedures performed worldwide. Traditionally performed by general surgeons, paediatric surgeons and urologists, there is a falling trend in the rate of paediatric circumcision being performed by adult and paediatric general surgeons. There is currently no corresponding contemporary data pertaining to trends and attitudes of general surgeons to paediatric circumcision in Ireland.


The aim of this study was to assess the trends and attitudes of consultant general surgeons, and to assess its potential impact on the specialist delivery of paediatric urological care.


A questionnaire was mailed to all practicing general surgeons in whom we identified as having a potential role in the management of paediatric circumcision. Data pertaining to population demographics within the south of Ireland were accessed through the Central Statistics Office.


There was an 89 % response rate to the questionnaire survey. Seventy-seven percent of those under 50 were trained in adult circumcision compared with 100 % of those respondents over 50 years. There was a significant difference in paediatric circumcision with only 24 % those under 50 performing this procedure compared with 68 % above 50 years. Eighty-six percent respondents under 45 years (35 % over 45 years) felt that this procedure should be carried out by urology.


In a region with an expanding paediatric population, it is crucial to maintain paediatric urological services. Given present trends and attitudes of newer appointed general surgeons, it is essential that further specialist appointments are made, and funding directed towards demand in order to keep pace.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To evaluate relatives' attitudes towards informing patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) about their diagnosis. SETTING: A university hospital in Italy. METHODS: The closest relatives of each of 71 subjects diagnosed for the first time as having AD were interviewed, using a semistructured questionnaire. Spontaneous requests by relatives not to communicate issues concerning the diagnosis were also recorded. RESULTS: Forty three (60.6%) relatives spontaneously requested that patients not be fully informed. After being interviewed, nobody thought that the patient should be given all the information. Justifications were related to the fear of the onset or worsening of depressive symptoms in the patient. CONCLUSIONS: In Italy relatives' opposition to informing AD patients appears to be common. Knowledge of the relatives' attitudes may be useful for clinicians but disclosure of diagnosis should be based on the clinical evaluation of the patient and on a prudent evaluation of the relationship between the patient and her/his relative caregiver.  相似文献   

AIM: To explore whether the phrasing of the questions and the response alternatives would influence the answers to questions about legalisation of euthanasia. METHODS: Results were compared from two different surveys in populations with similar characteristics. The alternatives "positive", "negative", and "don't know" (first questionnaire) were replaced with an explanatory text, "no legal sanction", four types of legal sanctions, and no possibility to answer "don't know" (second questionnaire). Four undergraduate student groups (engineering, law, medicine, and nursing) answered. RESULTS: In the first questionnaire (n = 684) 43% accepted euthanasia (range 28-50%), 14% (8-33%) did not, and 43% (39-59%) answered "don't know". Two per cent of the respondents declined to answer. In comparison with previous surveys on attitudes to euthanasia the proportion of "don't know" was large. The results of the second questionnaire (n = 639), showed that 38% favoured "no legal prosecution" (26-50%). However, 62% (50-74%) opted for different kinds of legal sanctions, and two of four groups expressed significantly different views in the two surveys. A proportion of 10% declined to answer the second questionnaire. CONCLUSION: An introduction of an explanatory text and a wider range of response alternatives produced differences between the results of the two surveys conducted.  相似文献   

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