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目的探讨杞县农村饮水型地方性氟中毒病区分散式供水水氟、水砷含量与井深的关系,寻找适宜氟砷含量的饮水层,为地方病防治提供基础资料和科学依据。方法采集杞县氟中毒病区饮用井水样,测定水中氟、砷的浓度,分析浓度分布特点以及水氟、水砷、水井深度三者之间的关系。结果杞县地方性氟中毒病区水井深度在66 m以内,水氟含量与饮水井深度之间呈正相关关系,相关系数为0.108。水砷浓度与饮水井深度呈负相关关系,相关系数为-0.170。水氟含量与水砷含量之间无相关关系。结论饮水型地方性氟中毒病区水氟、水砷含量与井深之间有密切关系。水氟含量随饮水井深度的增加而增高;水砷含量随饮水井深度的增加而降低;而水氟、水砷浓度间不具有相关性。杞县饮水型地方性氟中毒病区饮水应避开现用水层,选择地表水或深层地下水。  相似文献   

目的:调查白音皋地方性砷中毒的患病情况,并研究砷对人血清巯基含量的影响。方法:用流行病学调查方法调查人群患病情况,现场采集高砷饮水区病人,非病人及低砷对照人群的血样,用Ellman法测定其巯基,结果:地方性砷中毒的患病率与年龄,居住年限等呈正相关,男性患病率较女性高,但差异无显著性,高砷饮水区的病人,非病人的血清巯基含量普遍高于低砷区居民(P<0.05),且与水砷含量显著相关(P<0.05),结论:接砷时间,年龄与地方性砷中毒的患病率呈明显正相关,长期接砷(水砷含量≤0.316mg/L),机体血不清巯基代偿性增加。但其具体的作用机制,还有待于进一步研究。  相似文献   

目的动态评价阿坝州金川县砷中毒病区改水防制措施,掌握病区病情变化趋势,为饮水型地方性砷中毒消除评价工作提供基础资料。方法在金川连续多年开展水砷检测和病情监测基础上,于2019年按照《中华人民共和国国家标准地方性砷中毒病区消除》(GB28595-2012)标准进行消除评价,县级自评后,经省级抽查验收。所得数据采用流行病学描述分析,砷中毒检出率采用卡方检验,以P0.05为差异有统计学意义。结果金川县高砷区改水全覆盖,多次监测饮水砷含量符合国家生活饮用水卫生标准,改水后无地方性砷中毒新发病例,水砷浓度均小于0.01 mg/kg,达到饮水型地方性砷中毒的消除标准。结论金川县饮水型砷中毒病区改水防制效果较好,建议当地持续巩固改水措施,同时继续开展监测工作,确保金川县饮水型砷中毒达到持续消除目标,巩固防制成效。  相似文献   

高双  李昕  孙贵范 《中国公共卫生》2003,19(12):1515-1516
砷广泛存在于自然界中 ,属于类金属元素。由于砷在地壳中分布不均 ,在某些高砷地区其饮用水及植物中砷的含量亦相对较高。由饮用高砷水所致的饮水型地方性砷中毒是地方性砷中毒中最常见的一型。在我国内蒙、山西等地区都有大面积饮水型砷中毒病区存在 ,对这些地区的水源进行及时、定期监测对于预防饮水型地方性砷中毒的发生具有重要现实意义〔1〕。由于原子吸收法及传统的二乙氨基二硫代甲酸盐法(AgDDC法 )均不适于病区大批量水样的现场检测 ,故此 ,本研究研制一种水砷浓度快速检测的方法 ,并用于病区水样的大批量筛检及定期监测。1 材料…  相似文献   

广东省农村饮水砷含量调查结果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 了解广东省农村饮水砷含量以及历史上曾有饮高砷水报道的粤北地区 (韶关市 )地方性砷中毒现状。方法 重点调查了该地区的曲江县、连南县饮水砷含量及砷中毒情况 ;同时对粤东、粤西农村分层随机抽样进行饮水砷含量分析。结果 显示广东省重点调查粤北地区及粤东、粤西农村饮水砷含量均小于 0 0 5mg L。结论 本研究表明广东省饮水砷含量未超过 0 0 5mg L ,未发现砷中毒病区及砷中毒患者  相似文献   

我国各型砷中毒临床表现特点及高砷环境成因   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
我国地方性砷中毒分布很广,截止1995年已先后在台湾、新疆、内蒙、贵州、山西等省、自治区发现砷中毒流行。其中台湾、新疆、内蒙、山西为饮水型砷中毒,贵州为燃煤型砷中毒。饮水及燃煤型砷中毒均存在氟砷联合型的砷中毒。由于饮水或燃煤中各种形态的砷含量、理化性...  相似文献   

目的:为了解江苏省高砷区居民砷中毒情况,对其尿砷、发砷含量进行测定,以协助地方性砷中毒临床诊断。方法:选择苏北地区高砷村和对照村,采集30岁以上成人尿样和发样,测定其砷含量。结果:高砷村尿砷、发砷含量范围分别在0.008~0.320mg/L和0.068~4.158mg/kg之间,对照村分别在0.004~0.127 mg/L和0.011~0.568mg/kg之间,高砷村明显高于对照村(P〈0.01)。结论:通过尿砷和发砷含量的测定,可协助地方性砷中毒的临床诊断。  相似文献   

地方性砷中毒是一种严重危害病区居民健康的地方病.根据砷源不同,分为饮水型职业性砷中毒、燃煤型职业性砷中毒和职业性砷中毒.饮水型地方性砷中毒主要是由于长期暴露于饮用水中的砷而引起的慢性砷中毒.饮水中的砷还可以通过农田灌溉等引起粮食、土壤等砷浓度的升高,间接危害居民健康.在以往的研究中发现,饮水型砷中毒地区饮用水砷超标,不...  相似文献   

地方性氟、砷中毒是由于机体在特定的地理条件下, 长期暴露于高氟、高砷环境, 通过饮水、空气或食物等途径, 摄入过量氟、砷而引起的慢性全身性疾病[1]。青海省是饮水型地方性氟、砷中毒情况较严重的省份, 病区分布广泛, 患病人口较多。长期的现场调查结果显示, 受病区水源、经费投入和环境条件等因素的限制, 饮水型地方性氟、砷中毒病区在改水降氟除砷措施实施中, 大多数病区仅对居民生活饮用水或人畜饮水进行了水源改换, 而农田灌溉仍使用氟、砷含量超标的水源, 可能存在人群通过农作物(粮食、果蔬等)摄入氟、砷过量的风险。本调查通过对青海省重点饮水型地方性氟、砷中毒病区粮食、果蔬中氟、砷含量进行检测, 了解病区居民粮食、果蔬等膳食中的氟、砷摄入量, 为持续控制和消除饮水型地方性氟、砷中毒提供参考。  相似文献   

目的:掌握河北省居民饮水砷含量现状以及是否存在地方性砷中毒,以便科学的制定防治措施。方法:在重点地区采取随机抽样方法选取调查点进行饮水砷含量测定及地方性砷中毒调查。结果:2003~2005年在河北省7个县35个乡175个村共采集722份居民生活饮用水,最高值为0.048mg/L。未发现砷中毒病人,也未发现饮水型砷中毒病区。结论:河北省饮用水砷含量全部在安全范围内。  相似文献   

The relationship of inorganic arsenic exposure through drinking water and total urinary arsenic excretion in a nonoccupationally exposed population was evaluated in a cross-sectional study in three mayor cities of Chile (Antofagasta, Santiago, and Temuco). A total of 756 individuals in three population strata (elderly, students, and workers) provided first morning void urine specimens the day after exposure and food surveys were administered. Arsenic intake from drinking water was estimated from analysis of tap water samples, plus 24-h dietary recall and food frequency questionnaires. Multilevel analysis was used to evaluate the effects of the age group and city factors adjusted by predictor variables. Arsenic levels in drinking water and urine were significantly higher in Antofagasta compared with the other cities. City-and individual-level factors, 12% and 88%, respectively, accounted for the variability in urinary arsenic concentration. The main predictors of urinary arsenic concentration were total arsenic consumption through water and age. These findings indicate that arsenic concentration in drinking water continues to be the principal contributing factor to exposure to inorganic arsenic in the Chilean population.  相似文献   

Arsenic (As) pollution in the surroundings of metal mines has been observed, and may induce serious health problems, in particular cancer. Health hazard attributed to As in contaminated soil and water in the vicinity of closed or abandoned metal mines may be high. Little is known about how environmental exposure to As has affected the health of resident near closed metal mines. The objectives of this study were to compare the urinary level of As for those living near closed metal mines (the exposed group) with that of non-exposed group; and to investigate the correlation between As levels in soil (SoilAs) and water (WaterAs) and the urinary levels (UrineAs) of residents in the exposed group.  相似文献   

Age-adjusted mortality rates were analyzed to examine the dose-response relation between ingested arsenic levels and risk of cancers and vascular diseases among residents in the endemic area of blackfoot disease, a unique peripheral vascular disease associated with long-term exposure to high-arsenic artesian well water and confined to the southwestern coast of Taiwan. The arsenic levels in well water determined in 1964-1966 were available in 42 villages of the study area, while mortality and population data during 1973-1986 were obtained from the local household registration offices and Taiwan Provincial Department of Health. Age-adjusted mortality rates from various cancers and vascular diseases by sex were calculated using the 1976 world population as the standard population. A significant dose-response relation was observed between arsenic levels in well water and cancers of the bladder, kidney, skin, and lung in both males and females, and cancers of the prostate and liver in males. However, there was no association for cancers of the nasopharynx, esophagus, stomach, colon, and uterine cervix, and for leukemia. Arsenic levels in well water were also associated with peripheral vascular diseases and cardiovascular diseases in a dose-response pattern, but not with cerebrovascular accidents. The dual effect of arsenic on carcinogenesis and arteriosclerosis and the interrelation between these two pathogenic mechanisms deserve more intensive study.  相似文献   

目的:建立生活饮用水中砷的测量不确定度评估方案,评定测定结果的质量,找出主要影响因素。方法:根据方法《生活饮用水标准检验方法金属指标》GB/T 5750.6-2006建立数学模型,从标准系列稀释过程、标准曲线校准过程、水样量取过程和仪器测量过程来讨论各不确定度分量。结果:标准系列稀释过程和仪器测量精密度对扩展不确定度的影响较大,是测量不确定度的两个主要影响因素。讨论与体积相关的四个分项的不确定度,并将标准系列稀释过程作为讨论的重点。结论:此方法适用于评估氢化物原子荧光法测定生活饮用水中砷含量的不确定度。  相似文献   

Seasonal variation of arsenic concentration in wells in Nevada   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The issue of seasonal arsenic measurement variability poses consequences regarding the interpretation and frequency of well water measurements for both public health research and surveillance. In this study, we evaluated seasonal variability in arsenic concentration in 356 wells in western Nevada. River flow data obtained from US Geological Survey National Water Information System were used to classify seasons as wet or dry, and mean differences in arsenic well concentrations measured during these seasons were compared. Arsenic concentrations in these wells averaged 72.9 microg/L (range, non-detect to 3000 microg/L). The mean difference in arsenic concentrations between the wet and dry seasons was -3.3 microg/L (p = 0.78; average percent difference = 2.3%). Eighty wells (22%) had higher arsenic concentrations in the wet season, 75 wells (21%) had higher arsenic concentrations in the dry season and no difference was seen in 201 wells (56%). The mean differences in wells with arsenic levels of 0-10, 11-50, 51-200, > 200 microg/L were -1.4 microg/L(p=0.43), 9.2 microg/L(p=0.36), 15.1 microg/L(p=0.30), and -49.9 microg/L(p=0.59). In summary, although changes in arsenic concentrations were seen in some wells, clear trends in arsenic concentration over time were not associated with the wet and dry seasons. These findings provide evidence that, in our study area as a whole, little seasonal variability occurs in arsenic concentrations, and repeated assessments of arsenic concentrations based on season might add little value to the accuracy of health effects research or public health surveillance.  相似文献   

This study aims at evaluating the suitability of adjusting urinary concentrations of arsenic, or any other urinary biomarker, for variations in urine dilution by creatinine and specific gravity in a malnourished population. We measured the concentrations of metabolites of inorganic arsenic, creatinine and specific gravity in spot urine samples collected from 1466 individuals, 5-88 years of age, in Matlab, rural Bangladesh, where arsenic-contaminated drinking water and malnutrition are prevalent (about 30% of the adults had body mass index (BMI) below 18.5 kg/m(2)). The urinary concentrations of creatinine were low; on average 0.55 g/L in the adolescents and adults and about 0.35 g/L in the 5-12 years old children. Therefore, adjustment by creatinine gave much higher numerical values for the urinary arsenic concentrations than did the corresponding data expressed as microg/L, adjusted by specific gravity. As evaluated by multiple regression analyses, urinary creatinine, adjusted by specific gravity, was more affected by body size, age, gender and season than was specific gravity. Furthermore, urinary creatinine was found to be significantly associated with urinary arsenic, which further disqualifies the creatinine adjustment.  相似文献   

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