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The events occurring during the time in hospital of 24 babies were recorded in detail, particularly those related to bowel function. The babies were admitted to a general paediatric unit with various diagnoses a total of 27 times during a six month period. The purpose of the study was to fill gaps in the records of a previous study (Scott et al. 1979) and to try to relate excretion of viruses detectable by electron microscopy to disturbances of bowel function (diarrhoea and/or vomiting). The results showed that a variety of viruses were associated with gastroenteropathy, that virus excretion could occur without disease and that hospital acquisition of virus is not uncommon. Antiobiotic treatment did not appear to precipitate diarrhoea in this small number of babies. 相似文献
Twenty-seven babies from one deprived housing area in Glasgow were followed-up regularly, for periods varying between 2 months and 11 months (mean 7 months), in a prospective study of the viruses to be found in their stools by electron microscopy. Weekly stool specimens were collected in the home together with a history of the baby's health. Additional stool specimens were obtained, up to a maximum of one per day, during admissions to hospital. Over 500 specimens were obtained at home and another 320 in hospital. A wide variety of viruses (over 200 recognizates) were detected and it has been possible to plot their temporal relation to disease episodes. It became apparent that virus excretion was frequently unaccompanied by evidence of illness and it has not been possible to describe a typical illness syndrome associated with any of the morphological types of virus observed. The results suggest that, in one area of Glasgow at least, patterns of virus excretion in young babies are complex and will need further elucidation before the need for a vaccine to prevent infantile diarrhoea could be defined. 相似文献
Stools from 183 babies under 2 years of age admitted to Ruchill Hospital with diarrhoea were examined by electron microscopy, virus culture, bacterial culture and light microscopy. As far as possible, several stools were examined from each patient and the results showed rotaviruses, astroviruses and other viruses in association with symptoms, as well as the expected bacterial pathogens. Examination of several stools from the same patient also showed that in this age group the viral flora of the gut changes rapidly and that the viruses seen by electron microscopy were only rarely grown in cell culture and vice versa. This phenomenon was particularly noted with adenoviruses. In 30% of cases no microbial pathogen was identified and in the remainder the presence of the infecting organism did not always coincide with the symptoms. It is concluded that, with viruses at least, presence of the organism does not constitute proof of causation. 相似文献
Attempts were made to isolate viruses from babies'' stools that contained adenoviruses detected by electron microscopy. One hundred and fifty-nine specimens from 71 children were studied and adenoviruses of established serotypes were isolated from 81 stools. Serial stool samples containing adenovirus particles were obtained from 35 children, and prolonged shedding of recognized serotypes was common. Simultaneous and sequential infections by different serotypes were also observed. Thirty-six children shed adenoviruses that could not be isolated using cell cultures normally used to detect adenoviruses, and nine of these children also shed adenoviruses of established serotypes. Passage in Chang conjunctival cell culture allowed characterization of fastidious adenoviruses from 14 children as members of a previously unrecognized serotype. 相似文献
正硝酸挥发气体中毒在临床上不多见,大量吸入容易导致严重化学性肺水肿,出现难以纠正的急性呼吸衰竭,具有较高的危险性和死亡率。我院曾收治1例硝酸挥发气体中毒患者,经过一系列综合抢救治疗,病情最终得到改善。1病例资料患者,男,62岁,入院前10 h在无防护情况下,用硝酸溶液洗涤光纤材料,工作约2 h后出现干嗽,8 h后出现呼吸 相似文献
《Healthcare benchmarks and quality improvement》2008,15(9):89-90
* Properly dosing meds for pediatric patients involves unique challenges. * All children for whom medication is being prescribed should be weighed in kilograms. * Be sure to test out your CPOE system thoroughly before starting implementation. 相似文献
Examination of the faeces of 50 babies born at home showed that bottle-fed babies carried significantly more Klebsiella, Proteus and Pseudomonas spp. and antibiotic-resistant Escherichia coli than did breast-fed babies. Bottle-fed babies born in hospital had a less mixed faecal flora than bottle-fed babies born at home. The possibility that bacterial contamination of home-prepared feeds may account for these differences requires investigation. 相似文献
A K Chaudhuri 《Scottish medical journal》1975,20(3):105-108
During the 2-year period (1971-72), 71 patients with virus B hepatitis were studied in Greater Glasgow. In this region, virus B hepatitis is most prevalent in adult males. With the introduction of routine screening of the blood donor population for HB Ag, there has been a significant reduction (p less than 0.02) in post-transfusion hepatitis. Seventy per cent of the patients in 1972 had no obvious history of exposure to HB Ag. Twenty seven per cent of the patients in this series had severe hepatitis. For clarification of our understanding of the natural history of virus B hepatitis in Greater Glasgow, further co-ordinated study is needed. 相似文献
目的:探讨正常足月分娩母亲及新生儿肿瘤坏死因子(TNF)的表达水平,为围产期母亲及新生儿系统保健提供基础免疫数据。方法:无菌采集正常足月分娩母亲静脉血、出生5min新生儿脐静脉血及3天新生儿股静脉血,用美国RD有限公司提供的试剂,采用双抗体夹心ABC-ELISA法测定肿瘤坏死因子的表达水平。结果:①正常足月分娩出生5min、3天健康新生儿TNF-α、TNF-β表达水平较高,并随着出生天数的递增而升高(P<0.01)。②与母亲比较差异均有非常显著性(P<0.01)。结论:了解了深圳正常足月分娩母亲及新生儿TNF的表达水平;新生儿随着出生天数的递增,体内TNF表达水平增高,这是人体生长、发育时间段的生理性需要;为围产期母亲及新生儿系统保健提供了基础免疫数据。 相似文献
目的 了解2009-2011年本市1岁内活产婴儿先天性心脏病(congenital heart disease, CHD)的患病情况, 为预防和降低本市CHD的发生提供参考依据。方法 对妊娠满28周, 在本市住院分娩的活产儿进行体检后, 对可疑病例采用超声心动图(FECHO)诊断CHD。结果 2009-2011年共监测活产婴儿13 593人, 诊断CHD 108人, 发病率为0.79%。婴儿单纯性CHD类型中前三位为室间隔缺损(27.78%)、房间隔缺损(25.00%)、动脉导管未闭(12.04%)。孕周<37周出生的婴儿CHD发病率为3.96%(19/480);37~42周出生的婴儿发病率为0.68%(89/13 113)。两组间存在显著差异(χ2=63.19, P<0.01)。低出生体重儿CHD发病率明显高于正常体重组与巨大儿组 (χ2=123.48, P<0.01)。孕母年龄≥35岁组其婴儿CHD发病率明显高于其他两组(χ2=28.89, P<0.01)。结论 早产、低出生体重、孕母年龄偏大等与CHD发生有一定关系, 是导致本市1岁内婴儿CHD发生的可能原因。提示加强孕前宣教及孕期保健、消除不利因素均有助于预防和降低CHD的发病率。 相似文献
目的 了解基层医院医院感染现患率,常见感染部位,影响因素,发现医院感染管理中存在的问题,为有效开展医院感染目标性监测提供依据.方法 参照〈全国医院感染现患率调查〉方案,制定统一表格,采取床边调查和在架病案调查相结合的方式.结果 实际调查1110例,实查率为98.67%,医院感染现患率是3.96%,现患例次率是4.32%,抗感染药物使用率60%.结论 侵入性操作、免疫抑制剂、放化疗、年老体弱、慢性疾病是医院感染的主要危险因素,为有效开展目标性监测提供了依据.另外,高端抗生素的滥用也是今后医院感染管理研究的重要课题. 相似文献
做好抗菌药物应用专题查房的案例分析 ,可防止抗菌药物的滥用。减少抗菌药物使用误区 ,延长使用有效期 ,防止耐药菌株产生 ,降低医院感染率 ;还可提高医院感染管理内涵质量 ;增强全员感染管理意识 ,减少患者的医疗费用。1 抗菌药物查房的时间、范围、对象、参加人员 抗菌药物查房由感染管理科组织实施 ,一般可每季度组织 1次 ,可选择抗菌药物使用比较好或比较差的科室 ,病例选择可为某科室 1组病例 ,也可选择 1例危重患者。参加人员为分管感染管理科的业务院长、医务科长、门诊部主任、药剂科主任、检验科主任、大内科主任、大外科主任… 相似文献