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Theiler murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV), DA strain, induces in susceptible strain of mice a biphasic disease consisting of early acute disease followed by late chronic demyelinating disease. Both phases of the disease are associated with inflammatory infiltrates of the central nervous system (CNS). Late chronic demyelinating disease induced by TMEV serves as an excellent model to study human demyelinating disease, multiple sclerosis. During early acute disease, the virus is partially cleared from the CNS by CD3(+) T cells. These T cells express Fas, FasL, negligible levels of Bcl-2 proteins and undergo activation-induced cell death as determined by TUNEL assay leading to resolution of the inflammatory response. In contrast, during late chronic demyelinating disease, and despite dense perivascular and leptomeningeal infiltrates, only very few cells undergo apoptosis. Mononuclear cells infiltrating the CNS express Bcl-2. It appears that the lack of apoptosis of T cells during late chronic demyelinating disease leads to the accumulation of these cells in the CNS. These cells may play a role in the pathogenesis of the demyelinating disease.  相似文献   

E Cash  M Chamorro  M Brahic 《Virology》1985,144(1):290-294
We studied Theiler's virus RNA and capsid protein synthesis in sections of mouse spinal cord using in situ hybridization coupled to immunoperoxidase. We found that the majority of infected cells contain 100 to 500 viral genomes and no detectable capsid antigens. Similarly, baby hamster kidney (BHK) cells, which are permissive to Theiler's virus, do not synthesize capsid if they contain less than 1000 viral genomes. Our results demonstrate that virus multiplication is restricted in vivo at the level of RNA replication. They suggest that RNA restriction is sufficient to explain the lack of capsid antigen synthesis.  相似文献   

The present study has shown that virus can be readily detected by immunofluorescent staining in the central nervous system (CNS) of SJL mice persistently infected with Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV). Considering the low CNS virus content, large amounts of virus antigen were found in the white matter, the site of demyelinating lesions. Virus antigen was detected in all animals killed after post-infection (PI) Day 21, a time which can be considered as the beginning of the persistent phase of this infection, and the appearance of virus antigen in white matter corresponded closely in time with the onset of demyelination. The pathogensis of this persistent infection can now be reasonably well reconstructed from the temporal observations made in this study. It would appear that between the second and third week PI, virus replication largely shifts from neurons in spinal cord gray matter to other cell types located in white matter. While a lower-grade persistent infection (in terms of the relative number of cells containing virus antigen) is established and maintained in cells in the gray matter and inflammatory and leptomeningeal infiltrates, cells in white matter appear to be mainly responsible for perpetuating the infection. Why these cells should supplant neurons as the most susceptible host cell during the chronic phase of the infection is discussed.  相似文献   

The present study has shown that virus can be readily detected by immunofluorescent staining in the central nervous system (CNS) of SJL mice persistently infected with Theiler''s murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV). Considering the low CNS virus content, large amounts of virus antigen were found in the white matter, the site of demyelinating lesions. Virus antigen was detected in all animals killed after post-infection (PI) Day 21, a time which can be considered as the beginning of the persistent phase of this infection, and the appearance of virus antigen in white matter corresponded closely in time with the onset of demyelination. The pathogensis of this persistent infection can now be reasonably well reconstructed from the temporal observations made in this study. It would appear that between the second and third week PI, virus replication largely shifts from neurons in spinal cord gray matter to other cell types located in white matter. While a lower-grade persistent infection (in terms of the relative number of cells containing virus antigen) is established and maintained in cells in the gray matter and inflammatory and leptomeningeal infiltrates, cells in white matter appear to be mainly responsible for perpetuating the infection. Why these cells should supplant neurons as the most susceptible host cell during the chronic phase of the infection is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Intracerebral inoculation of newborn and 5-week-old mice with Zika virus resulted in an early and marked enlargement of astroglial cells with patchy destruction of the pyriform cells of Ammon's horn. Replication of the virus was demonstrated in both neurones and astroglial cells. New virions appeared to be formed within networks of endoplasmic reticulum. The similarity of these ultrastructural observations to those obtained fromin vivo studies of other group B arboviruses is contrasted with the widely differing findings fromin vitro studies.  相似文献   

The DA strain of Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus (DAV) causes a chronic demyelinating disease in susceptible mouse strains. To elucidate the pathogenesis of DAV-induced demyelination, the authors investigated the spatial and chronologic relationship between virus (antigen and RNA), myelin-specific mRNAs, and demyelination in DAV-infected mice using immunohistochemistry, in situ hybridization, and slot blot hybridization analyses. In spinal cord white matter, viral RNA was detected easily in ventral root entry zones 1 to 2 weeks after infection. Viral RNA increased to maximum levels by 4 weeks after infection, which was associated with inflammation and mild demyelination. At 8 to 12 weeks after infection, when demyelination became most extensive, viral RNA was significantly decreased. Demyelination did not chronologically or spatially parallel the presence of viral RNA within the spinal cord. Decrease of myelin-specific mRNAs, including myelin-basic protein and proteolipid protein mRNAs, was observed within the demyelinating lesions with or without detectable viral RNA. These results indicate that a viral infection of white matter in the early phase of the infection initiates spinal cord disease leading to demyelination, but later an ongoing immunopathologic process contributes to the presence of extensive demyelination.  相似文献   

Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV) infection produces a chronic demyelinating disease in mice, and myelin breakdown appears to be immune-mediated. By using an attenuated TMEC strain, WW virus, to infect mice, the course of the disease was slowed and the severity of the inflammatory and glial responses were reduced. In this circumstance, most of the demyelinating lesions showed extensive remyelination, predominantly by Schwann cells. In addition, it was demonstrated that there was recurrent demyelinating activity in the central nervous system (CNS) of infected animals. It is suggested that the rapidity and intensity of demyelinating lesions may influence the potential for remyelination and that Schwann cell participation may be a more important mechanism of myelin repair than it is now thought to be. The fact that there is a recurrent demyelination in TMEV infection increases its relevance as an experimental animal model for multiple sclerosis.  相似文献   

CC chemokine receptor 8 (CCR8) has been detected in vitro on type 2 helper and regulatory lymphocytes, which might exert beneficial functions in multiple sclerosis (MS) and on macrophages and microglia, possibly promoting tissue injury in MS lesions. To discriminate the relevant expression pattern in vivo, we defined the cell types that expressed CCR8 in MS lesions and determined the relationship of CCR8 expression and demyelinating activity. CCR8 was not expressed on T cells but was associated with phagocytic macrophages and activated microglia in MS lesions and directly correlated with demyelinating activity. To identify factors associated with CCR8 expression, the study was extended to other central nervous system (CNS) pathologies. CCR8 was consistently expressed on phagocytic macrophages and activated microglia in stroke and progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy, but not expressed on microglia in pathologies that lacked phagocytic macrophages such as senile change of the Alzheimer's type. CCR8 was up-regulated by macrophage differentiation and activating stimuli in vitro. In summary CNS CCR8 expression was associated with phagocytic macrophages and activated microglial cells in human CNS diseases, suggesting that CCR8 may be a feasible target for therapeutic intervention in MS. CCR8 expression may also indicate a selective program of mononuclear phagocyte gene expression.  相似文献   

The effect of X-irradiation on experimental vaccinia infection of BALB/c mice was studied. As compared with nonirradiated controls, the X-irradiated animals exhibited (i) a time lag in virus replication (delayed, but protracted replication); (ii) a delayed and repressed immune response: (iii) more severe acute cytocidal infection of leptomeninges, choroid plexus, ependyma, and vessels, with extensive damage to the brain-barrier system; and (iv) noncytocidal, latent infection of glial cells and neurons. Several animals developed acute or subacute demyelination disease, resembling experimental allergic encephalomyelitis or postinfectious encephalomyelitis.  相似文献   

The present study was aimed to clarify the pathogenesis of Sendai virus infection to the central nervous system (CNS) of mice. One-to 2-day-old suckling and 4-week-old mice were inoculated intracerebrally with the virus. The virus multiplied higher in suclings than in adults. Immunofluorescent studies in sucklings revealed that the viral antigens appeared initially in ependyma, choroid plexus epithelium, and meninges. Subsequently they spread to subependymal cells and finally were found in neurons of hippocampus for as long as 4 months postinfection. In adults, however, the viral antigens rapidly disappeared in the early stage. Most mice inoculated intracerebrally with Sendai virus appeared healthy, although hydropcephalus developed in a few mice. Virus-specific antibody and interferon production seemed to have no influence on the persistent infection of Sendai virus in the CNS of mice. One of the most significant findings may be that the viral antigens persist in the brain for as long as 4 months in a latent form. This may offer a useful model for the study of latent CNS infection of paramyxoviruses.  相似文献   

This study has demonstrated that the ability of BeAn 8386 virus to persist in the central nervous system of mice declines with the increasing age of the host at the time of inoculation. Although persistent infection was established in 1-, 3-, 9-, and 40-week-old mice, there was a significant reduction in both the frequency of virus isolations and the mean virus titers in mice inoculated after 3 weeks of age. The incidence of clinical demyelinating disease (late disease) also decreased in animals infected after 3 weeks of age in parallel with the decline in virus persistence.  相似文献   

Knowledge of the cells in which Theiler's murine encephalomyelitis virus (TMEV) persists is crucial to understanding the pathogenesis of TMEV-induced demyelinating disease; however, it is still uncertain whether oligodendrocytes or macrophages are the primary target for persistence. In this study, mononuclear cells (MNC) isolated directly from central nervous system (CNS) inflammatory infiltrates of TMEV-infected mice on discontinuous Percoll gradients were found to contain infectious TMEV. Macrophages appeared to be the principal MNC infected as determined by two-color immunofluorescence. Infectious center assay and double immunostaining together indicated the presence and possible synthesis of TMEV in approximately 1 in 225 to 1 in 1000 CNS macrophages, with 1 to 7 PFU produced per macrophage. On the basis of these findings, limited replication in macrophages is consistent with the total CNS virus content detected at any time during the persistent phase of the infection as well as the slow pace of the infection.  相似文献   

Activated circulating T lymphocytes expressing HLA-DR (mean +/- s.d. 11.0 +/- 5.2%) or interleukin-2 receptor (IL-2R) (2.1 +/- 1.7%) were significantly increased in 63 children with chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection when compared with 33 age-matched healthy controls (3.0 +/- 1.3%, P less than 0.01, and 0.1 +/- 0.4%, P less than 0.01). HBeAg-positive patients had higher percentage of DR (11.9 +/- 5.1%) or IL-2R (2.4 +/- 1.7%) positive T lymphocytes than anti-HBe-positive children (7.4 +/- 3.6% and 1.1 +/- 1.5%, P less than 0.01 and P = 0.02 respectively). Similarly, HBV DNA-positive patients had higher percentage of DR (10.5 +/- 3.3) or IL-2R (3.2 +/- 1.7%) positive T cells than HBV DNA-negative children (6.6 +/- 2.8% and 1.2 +/- 1.5%, P less than 0.01 for both). There was a positive correlation between percentage of DR positive T lymphocytes and levels of HBV DNA. Sixty-two per cent of the DR-positive T lymphocytes were cytotoxic/suppressor and 35% helper/inducer. The relationship between viral replication and T lymphocyte activation is discussed.  相似文献   

Groups of canine distemper virus (CDV) susceptible ferrets were treated daily with 2.0 ml of normal goat serum (NGS) or goat anti-ferret platelet serum from 2 days before to 11 days after infection. Each group was subdivided into 2 and one subgroup of each was subsequently injected intraperitoneally with virulent R252-CDV. Ferrets were killed on days 2, 4, 6, 9 and 11 after infection and tissues from the central nervous system (CNS) were examined for histopathological lesions typical for CDV and also of CDV antigen by indirect immuno-fluorescence methods. In NGS-treated animals, a time course-dependent spread of CDV from CNS endothelium during days 2 to 4 after infection through choroid plexus epithelium was observed. In contrast, CDV-infected ferrets treated with anti-platelet antibody exhibited a delay in infection of CNS endothelium until 9 days after infection. The results of this study confirm vascular endothelium as the primary route of invasion of CNS tissues by CDV and implicate the circulating platelet in the initiation of this event.  相似文献   

HAART therapy has led to a significant reduction of general and neurological morbidity, and mortality among HIV-1 infected patients. It can also decrease HIV-1 RNA titres in plasma and CSF towards undetectable level. However, the initial hope of achieving total eradication of the virus from the body has vanished. Even in patients who do not develop viral resistance or treatment intolerance, two kinds of viral persistence have been demonstrated both in lymphoid and central nervous system. The first one is a smoldering infection that persists, despite prolonged and apparently efficient HAART, in monocytes, tissue macrophages and most probably microglia. The second one is an integration of proviral DNA in the genome of subpopulations of CD4 lymphocytes of patients receiving efficient HAART. A similar viral integration in astrocytes and less likely in resting microglia is suggested by several studies, although it has yet to be demonstrated conclusively.  相似文献   

Widespread ultrastructural alterations in the vascular basal lamina were found in the central nervous system of symptomatic mice infected with three different neuropathogenic murine leukemia viruses. These changes appeared to progress in frequency and severity in parallel with the progression of spongiform lesions and clinical symptoms. Accumulations of pleomorphic, apparently degenerating, virions were frequently seen within areas that showed marked aberrations from the normal basal lamina ultrastructure. We suggest that the observed retrovirus-associated ultrastructural changes in the endothelial basal lamina may alter normal physiologic functions and thus play a primary role in the pathogenesis of retrovirus-induced spongiform disease.  相似文献   

Theiler's virus is a picornavirus responsible for a persistent, demyelinating infection of mouse central nervous system. We examined the nature of infected cells during the course of this disease using a simultaneous immunoperoxidase-in situ hybridization assay. Cell types were identified with antigenic markers and infected cells were recognized by the presence of viral RNA. We found that, depending on the animal, approximately 10% of infected cells were migroglia-macrophages, 5 to 10% were astrocytes and 25 to 40% were oligodendrocytes. Approximately half of the infected cells could not be identified.  相似文献   

We have examined the histological and ultrastructural features of CNS infection with Murray Valley encephalitis (MVE) virus in mice inoculated with a virulent parental strain (BH3479). Light microscopic examination revealed neuronal necrosis in the olfactory bulb and hippocampus of MVE-infected brains by 5 days post-infection (pi). Electron microscopy of these regions showed endoplasmic reticulum membrane proliferation, and tubular and spherical structures in the cisternae of the endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex and nuclear envelope. At seven to eight days pi, infected neurones exhibited chromatin condensation and extrusion, nuclear fragmentation, loss of segments of the nuclear envelope, reduced surface contact with adjacent cells and loss of cytoplasmic organelles. This cell injury was particularly noticeable in the proximal CA3 and distal CA1 regions of the hippocampus. The inflammatory cell profile consisted of macrophages, lymphocytes and especially neutrophils, and many of these inflammatory cells were apoptotic. High mortality rates in the BH3479-infected population of mice correlated with the intense polymorphonuclear and mononuclear leucocyte inflammatory infiltrate in the CNS.  相似文献   

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