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诱发阵发性房颤的房性早搏的某些特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的通过12导联动态心电图(12-HOLTER)检查对阵发性房颤(paroxysmalatrialfibrillation,PAF)及其相关的房性心律失常进行检测分析,探讨PAF发生的触发因素。方法选择PAF组(n=47例,男20例,女27例,年龄64.89±12.70岁,其中房性早搏诱发PAF为诱发PAF组,房性早搏未诱发PAF为未诱发PAF组)及对照组(n=52例,男22例,女30例,年龄65.54±9.94岁),分别行12-HOLTER检测,分析PAF及相关的房性心律失常的心电图特征,探讨PAF触发机制。结果①12-HOLTER共检出PAF72阵/次;②PAF多由房性早搏诱发(91%),偶突然发生(8%)或由心房扑动所诱发(1%);③诱发PAF组的房性早搏联律间期较未诱发PAF组及对照组明显缩短(490±90ms,590±140ms,630±90ms,p〈0.05),房早指数明显较小(0.52±0.12,0.62±0.09,0.71±0.06,p〈0.05);诱发PAF组的房早前周期较对照组明显延长(990±280ms,940±210ms,p〈0.05);④PAF发作前2min至30s内,房性早搏频度明显增大(0.43次/分~6.00次/分,p=0.000);⑤诱发PAF组的心电长-短周期现象发生率明显高于未诱发PAF组及对照组(50.63%,30.56%,9.72%,p〈0.001);⑥诱发PAF的房性早搏多起源于左心房上部(77%)。结论①12-HOLTER可应用于阵发性房颤的检测与诊断,并可对诱发PAF的房性心律失常进行定量检测分析;②房性早搏是PAF的主要诱发因素;③诱发PAF的房性早搏联律间期较短,房早指数较小,房早前周期明显延长;PAF发生前多可见心电长-短周期现象;④阵发性房颤发生前30s至2min内房性早搏频度明显增大;⑤诱发PAF的房性早搏多起源于左心房上部。  相似文献   

目的研究高血压伴阵发性心房颤动(PAf)患者触发性房性期前收缩(APC)的电生理特点。方法将46例高血压伴APC触发PAf患者(高血压组)的动态心电图进行人工回放,分析触发性APC的起源部位、联律间期(CI)及期前收缩指数(PI),并与35例非高血压伴PAf患者(非高血压组)对比分析。结果高血压组患者触发性APC主要来源于左心房上部(61.7%),与非高血压组(59.1%)相比差异无统计学意义(P=0.658)。高血压组触发性APC的CI及PI分别为(374.1±31.5)ms和0.50±0.05,均明显短(低)于非触发性APC[(443.6±32.6)ms和0.63±0.06,均为P=0.000],也短(低)于非高血压组[(395.7±38.2)ms和0.55±0.08,均为P=0.000]。高血压组APC前心动周期(PC)为(746.2±50.6)ms,显著长于非高血压组[(724.9±70.3)ms,P=0.004]。结论高血压伴PAf患者触发性APC主要起源于左心房上部,触发性APC的CI和PI明显短(低)于非高血压伴PAf患者。高血压患者出现CI较短或PI较低的APC时,应及时处理,防止PAf发生。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: The major source of ectopic beats initiating paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF) is from pulmonary veins (PVs). However, the electrogram characteristics of PVs are not well defined. METHODS AND RESULTS: Group I consisted of 129 patients with paroxysmal AF. Group II consisted of 10 patients with a concealed left-sided free-wall accessory pathway. All group I patients had spontaneous AF initiated by ectopic beats, including 169 ectopic foci originating from the PVs. We analyzed PV electrograms from the 169 ectopic foci during sinus beats and ectopic beats. During AF initiation, most (70%) ectopic beats showed PV spike potential followed by atrial potential; 16% of ectopic beats showed PV fragmented potential followed by atrial potential; and 14% showed fusion potentials. The coupling interval between the sinus beat and the ectopic beat was significantly shorter in the inferior PVs than in the superior PVs (171 +/- 48 msec vs 222 +/- 63 msec, P = 0.001) and was significantly shorter in the distal foci than in the ostial foci of PVs (206 +/- 52 msec vs 230 +/- 56 msec, P = 0.01). The incidence of conduction block in the PVs during AF initiation was significantly higher in the inferior PVs than in the superior PVs (12/24 vs 37/145, P = 0.03) and was significantly higher in the distal foci than in the ostial foci of PVs (43/121 vs 6/48, P = 0.04). The maximal amplitude of PV potential was significantly larger in the left PVs than in the right PVs, and the maximal duration of PV potential was significantly longer in the superior PVs than in the inferior PVs during sinus beats in both group I and II patients. CONCLUSION: PV electrogram characteristics were different among the four PVs. Detailed mapping and careful interpretation are the most important steps in ablation of paroxysmal AF originating from PVs.  相似文献   

目的用24h动态心电图观察房性早搏所诱发的房颤,探讨其发生的机制及与长短周期现象的关系。方法对100例常规心电图检查发现有房性早搏的患者进行动态心电图监测,观察房性早搏诱发房颤时的长短周期时间及特点。结果100例房性早搏患者动态心电图监测出现阵发性房颤21例(21.0%)、短阵房速26例(26.0%),动态心电图监测发现阵发性房颤100%由房性早搏诱发。结论通过动态心电图监测发现房性早搏患者房颤发生率较高,加强对房性早搏的认识,减少房颤的发生。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the technique of focal ablation for control of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation, its success rate and complications.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Ablation of muscular fascicles around the ostium of pulmonary veins (PVs) resulting in electrical isolation of the veins may prove to be an effective treatment for atrial fibrillation (AF). Correctly discriminating atrial and PV potentials is necessary to effectively isolate PVs from the left atrium in patients with paroxysmal AF. METHODS AND RESULTS: A training set of 151 electrode recordings obtained from 10 patients with AF was used to develop an algorithm to discriminate atrial and PV potentials. Bipolar electrograms were collected from a multielectrode basket catheter placed sequentially into each PV. Amplitude, slope, and normalized slopes of both bipolar and quadripolar electrograms (difference between adjacent bipoles) were entered into a binary logistic regression model. A receiver operating characteristic curve was used to define a threshold able to effectively discriminate atrial and PV potentials. The normalized slopes of both domains, bipolar and quadripolar, produced a logistic function that discriminated atrial and PV potentials against a threshold (0.38) with 97.8% sensitivity and 94.9% specificity. The algorithm then was evaluated on a test set of 214 electrode recordings from four patients who also had paroxysmal AF. These patient electrograms also were evaluated by two independent electrophysiologists. The algorithm and electrophysiologists matched identification of activation origin in 84% of electrograms. CONCLUSION: Atrial and PV potentials acquired from a multielectrode basket catheter can be discriminated using the normalized slopes of bipolar and quadripolar electrograms. These additional parameters need to be included by physicians determining the preferential ablation site within PVs.  相似文献   

目的探讨动态心电图对阵发性心房颤动诊断和疗效判断的意义。方法分析78例阵发性心房颤动患者和80例对照组的24h动态心电图。统计单个期前收缩总数、心房颤动的频率和持续时间、心房颤动相关的偶联间期、非心房颤动患者房性期前收缩的偶联间期及24h房性期前收缩总数。结果心房颤动组:共发作33314阵心房颤动,其中36例11173阵发生在8∶00至22∶00,74例22141阵发生在22∶00至8∶00。平均24h房性期前收缩8242±1245个,心房颤动456±122阵。诱发心房颤动的,17例为单一房性期前收缩的偶联间期,33例为两种房性期前收缩的偶联间期,28例为两种以上房性期前收缩的偶联间期。发作前与发作相关的房性期前收缩偶联间期为0.429±0.089s,54例房性期前收缩伴心室内差异性传导,平均心率175±41次/min,64例6284阵心房颤动时伴有心悸、胸闷等症状,而69例27026阵发作时前无明显症状。对照组无心房颤动发生,35例有短阵房性心动过速,24例有频发房性期前收缩,56例有偶发房性期前收缩,房性期前收缩偶联间期0.633±0.014s,明显长于心房颤动组发作前与心房颤动相关的房性期前收缩及未下传的房性期前收缩偶联间期(P<0.01)。结论动态心电图监测是阵发性心房颤动诊断和疗效评价方面可靠、高效、重复性好的检查手段。  相似文献   

Inter-atrial conduction delay in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) has been reported. However, the area of this conduction delay has not been well identified. The activation time and conduction velocity over the right atrial endocardium were evaluated during sinus rhythm using the CARTO mapping technique in 6 patients with paroxysmal AF (AF group) and 11 patients without history of AF (control group). No significant differences were observed between the 2 groups in the mean activation times and conduction velocities from the earliest activation site to the superior septum, His bundle area and coronary sinus ostium, or in the total activation times of the right atrium. There was no significant difference between the two groups in the local conduction velocity between 2 adjacent sites in the free wall, septum and bottom of the right atrium. This study suggests the previously reported conduction delay in the posteroseptal region in patients with paroxysmal AF might locate within the posterior inter-atrial septum.  相似文献   

目的:探讨环肺静脉隔离术对阵发性心房颤动(Af)患者左心房大小和功能的影响。方法:28例阵发性Af患者择期行环肺静脉隔离术,根据Af复发与否分为复发组(5例)和未复发组(23例);同期选择窦性心律患者30例作为对照组。应用超声心动图对所有患者在窦性心律下于术前、术后24h、1个月和3个月时测量左心房最大容积(LAVmax)、左心房最小容积(LAVmin)、二尖瓣环晚期运动峰值速度(A峰)、肺静脉收缩期波(S峰)、舒张期波(D峰)、心房血流逆向波(PVa峰),并计算左心房射血分数(LAEF)。结果:①左心房大小:复发组和未复发组患者消融术前LAVmax和LAVmin均较对照组增加(均P<0.05),在术后24hLAVmin均增加(均P<0.01),LAVmax无明显变化;未复发组术后1个月时LAVmax、LAVmin均减小至正常(均P<0.05),术后3个月时未再进一步减小,而复发组术后1个月和3个月恢复至术前大小。②左心房功能:复发组和未复发组消融术前LAEF和A峰值均较对照组降低(均P<0.05),术后24h左心房功能指标均较术前明显降低(均P<0.05);术后1个月时复发组和未复发组左心房功能指标较术后24h均明显增加(均P<0.01),2组PVa峰、S峰和D峰值均恢复至术前正常水平(均P<0.05),LAEF和A峰在未复发组增加至正常水平(P<0.05),而在复发组仅恢复至术前水平;术后3个月时左心房功能指标较术后1个月时均未再有明显变化。结论:环肺静脉隔离术可以逆转阵发性Af造成的左心房大小和功能异常,而且长期对左心房大小和功能无负面影响。  相似文献   

Ectopic beats from the pulmonary veins (PVs) have been demonstrated to initiate atrial fibrillation (AF). This article describes the conceptual approach to mapping, interpretation of different electrograms, and ablation of AF initiated by PV ectopic beats.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Although slow automatic pulmonary vein (PV) activity dissociated from the atrium after achievement of PV isolation in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) has been reported, little is known about dissociated PV tachycardia. The aim of this study was to investigate the inducibility and the mechanism of sustained PV tachycardia (SPVT). METHODS AND RESULTS: One hundred thirty-two patients with drug-refractory paroxysmal AF underwent PV isolation by radiofrequency catheter ablation. Programmed stimulation was performed in 269 PVs of 110 of these patients after achievement of PV isolation. In 7 PVs (2.6%; left superior PV: n = 2, right superior PV: n = 4, right inferior PV: n = 1) of 7 (6.4%) of 110 patients, 18 SPVTs were induced. Fifteen regular SPVTs (mean cycle length 152 +/- 34 msec) were induced in 6 of 7 PVs, and 3 irregular SPVTs (cycle length range: 94-276 msec) were induced in 3 of 7 PVs. In 2 PVs, both regular and irregular SPVTs were induced. SPVT was terminated by burst pacing in 4 PVs, and entrainment was observed during regular SPVT in 5 PVs. Slow PV automatic activity dissociated from the atrium and decremental conduction properties were shown in all 7 PVs. The shortest pacing cycle length with 1:1 capture was < or =150 msec in 6 of 7 PVs. CONCLUSION: Reentrant tachycardia can occur in some isolated PVs with both decremental conduction properties and short refractory periods, which suggests that reentry may be one of the mechanisms of PV arrhythmogenicity.  相似文献   

目的 探讨心房颤动(房颤)环肺静脉电隔离术后频发房性早搏(房早)的分布特点和评价消融的效果.方法 21例患者(男性13例,女性8例),平均年龄(51.2±8.7)岁.平均距阵发性房颤环肺静脉隔离术(2.3±1.1)个月.经24 h动态心电图检查,平均房早个数为(12110±375)个.肺静脉起源房早予以再次补点隔离肺静脉,其他部位房早采用三维激动标测和消融.消融术后随访心电图、24 h动态心电图评价消融效果.结果 肺静脉电位恢复2例,均为房早起源部位(左上肺静脉1例,左下肺静脉1例),补点隔离肺静脉后房早消失.余19例无肺静脉电位恢复,其中起源于左心房右后上壁2例、后下壁4例,左心房顶部4例、左心房左前上壁2例,冠状静脉窦口1例,界嵴中部2例,高右心房间隔2例,高右心房后上壁1例,三尖瓣环6点位置1例.消融后共使18例(85.7%)房早消失.消融术后随访(11.7±4.2)个月,17例(81.0%)无房早复发.结论 阵发性房颤环肺静脉电隔离术后房早分布离散,主要起源于左心房(66.7%),但多与肺静脉电位无关,其次为起源于右心房.三维标测和消融疗效良好.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Pulmonary vein (PV) isolation may cure paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (PAF); however, identification of PV potentials may be difficult in sinus rhythm. Studies have suggested that atrial pacing may improve the identification of PV potentials. METHODS AND RESULTS: In 25 consecutive patients who underwent PV isolation for PAF, the results of pacing from the distal PV, distal and proximal coronary sinus, and high right atrium compared to sinus rhythm were analyzed to determine the most effective pacing site for identification of PV potentials. The percentage of confirmed PV potentials and the longest interval between atrial and PV potentials in each PV were compared during differential site pacing and sinus rhythm. PV potentials were confirmed in 63 (82%) of 77 PVs that could be mapped during the complete pacing protocol and during sinus rhythm. Distal PV pacing identified significantly more PV potentials (left upper pulmonary vein [LUPV] 100%, left lower pulmonary vein [LLPV] 84%, right upper pulmonary vein [RUPV] 80%, right lower pulmonary vein [RLPV] 53%) compared to other pacing sites and sinus rhythm. Among atrial pacing sites, those ipsilateral to the PV being mapped were the most effective for identifying PV potentials. The intervals between atrial and PV potentials were significantly longer during distal PV pacing than pacing at other sites (LUPV 81.6 +/- 26.2 ms, LLPV 61.4 +/- 26.1 ms, RUPV 59.7 +/- 33.2 ms, RLPV 39.7 +/- 26.7 ms). CONCLUSION: (1) Distal PV pacing was most effective for identifying PV potentials. (2) The interval between atrial and PV potentials was longest during distal PV pacing.  相似文献   

动态心电图对房性早搏诱发的阵发性心房颤动的诊断价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨阵发性心房颤动与房性早搏的关系。方法对26例经动态心电图诊断为阵发性房颤的病人,统计房早个数、房颤的发作阵数,诱发房颤的房早联律间期、房早前周期,未诱发房颤的房早联律间期、房早前周期等。结果26例阵发性房颤患者中,24h平均房早11126±2018个,阵发性房颤248±56阵。其中22例(84.6%)由房早诱发,2例(7.68%)由短阵房速诱发,2例(7.68%)由房扑诱发。能够诱发房颤的房早联律间期及房早前周期分别为361.8±42.9ms和828±101ms,未诱发房颤的房早联律间期及房早前周期分别为426.6±43.5ms和728±107ms,诱发房颤的房早联律间期明显短于未诱发房颤的房早联律间期,呈PonT现象,诱发房颤的房早前周期比未诱发房颤的房早前周期长(p<0.01)。结论阵发性房颤主要由房早始动,其与房早的联律间期及前周期有关。  相似文献   

老年原发性高血压患者伴阵发性心房颤动启动机制的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨老年原发性高血压患者阵发性心房颤动(PAf)的心电启动机制。方法选择老年原发性高血压伴PAf患者63例(高血压组),进行动态心电图人工回放,分析PAf心电触发因素、PAf发作前120、60和30 s房性期前收缩(APB)发作频率及其起源部位,另选老年非高血压PAf患者44例(非高血压组)进行比较。结果高血压组心电触发因素主要为APB(66.2%),触发PAf的APB主要来源于左心房上部(61.7%)。高血压组PAf前120、60和30 s APB发作频率明显高于非高血压组(P<0.01)。高血压组触发性APB联律间期和期前收缩指数均明显低于非高血压组,而期前收缩前心动周期明显高于非高血压组(P<0.01)。结论与老年非高血压PAf患者相似,APB特别是起源于左心房上部是老年原发性高血压患者PAf最主要的触发因素。  相似文献   

Background: Complex fractionated atrial electrograms (CFAEs) may play a role in the genesis of atrial fibrillation (AF). One type of CFAE is continuous electrical activity (CEA). The prevalence and characteristics of CEA in patients with paroxysmal and persistent AF are unclear.
Methods and Results: In 44 patients (age = 59 ± 8 years) with paroxysmal (25) or persistent (19) AF, bipolar electrograms were systematically recorded for ≥5 seconds at 24 left atrial (LA) sites, including 8 antral sites, and 2 sites within the coronary sinus (CS). CEA was defined as continuous depolarization for > 1 second with no isoelectric interval. CEA was recorded at the LA septum (79%), antrum (66%), posterior (68%) and anterior walls (67%), roof (66%), base of the LA appendage (61%), inferior wall (61%), posterior mitral annulus (48%), CS (41%), and in the LA appendage (14%). Antral CEA was equally prevalent in patients with paroxysmal (63%) and persistent AF (70%, P = 0.12). In patients with paroxysmal AF, the prevalence of CEA was similar among antral and nonantral LA sites, except for the LA appendage. However, in patients with persistent AF, CEA was more prevalent at the nonantral (80%) than antral sites (70%, P = 0.03). CEA at nonantral sites except the CS was more prevalent in persistent than in paroxysmal AF (80% vs 57%, P < 0.001). The mean duration of intermittent episodes of CEA was longer in persistent than in paroxysmal AF (P < 0.001).
Conclusions: The higher prevalence and duration of CEA at nonantral sites in persistent than in paroxysmal AF is consistent with a greater contribution of LA reentrant mechanisms in persistent AF. However, the high prevalence of CEA at nonantral sites in paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (PAF) suggests that CEA alone is a nonspecific marker of appropriate target sites for ablation of AF. The characteristics of CEA that most accurately identify drivers of AF remain to be determined.  相似文献   

目的总结顽固性阵发性房颤伴病窦综合征患者的心电图和动态心电图特点。评估心脏起搏和射频消融心房肺静脉电隔离治疗的结果。方法 5例阵发性房颤患者。年龄62(60.7±6.8)岁。4例有黑朦,1例有晕厥发作史,病史1~5(2.6±1.3)年。全部病例完行心内电生理检查和心房肺(或上腔)静脉电隔离。结果5例患者中,每周均有发作数次的3例,有2例植入DDD心脏起搏器,其中1例系导管射频消融术后1周植入起搏器,另1例系植入起搏器后房颤频繁发作行导管射频消融。动态心电图示房颤终止后的平均窦性停搏时间为5(5.0±1.9)s。心内电生理检查证实与房颤相关的靶静脉为上腔静脉1例,右上肺静脉1例,左上肺静脉2例,有1例未能确定起源点。作射频消融电隔离肺静脉共22根,平均随访3(2.78±1.59)月,无房颤发作。未植入起搏器的3例多次动态心电图复查无窦性停搏发生,24h总心率均在正常范围。结论部分阵发性房颤伴病态窦综合征的患者,导管射频消融电隔离肺静脉后能有效地消除房颤发作,窦房结功能可以恢复。建议对这些患者首先行肺静脉电隔离治疗控制房颤,然后根据自身心率的变化评估心脏起搏治疗的必要。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Until now, no clinically useful indicators have existed that predict the transition from paroxysmal to persistent atrial fibrillation (AF). HYPOTHESIS: The current prospective study was conducted for identifying predictors of progression to persistent AF over the long term. METHODS: We studied 102 consecutive patients (mean age: 55 +/- 10 years: 75 men and 27 women) diagnosed with paroxysmal AF. Standard 12-lead electrocardiography, echocardiography, and P-wave-triggered signal-averaged electrocardiography (P-SAECG) were performed on all patients at the time of their entry into the study. RESULTS: The mean follow-up period was 61 +/- 13 months. Group 1 (n = 66) comprised patients in whom paroxysmal AF did not progress to persistent AF, and Group 2 (n = 36) comprised those who developed persistent AF. In Group 2 the patients were significantly older, and P-wave dispersion, filtered P-wave duration (FPD), and left atrial dimension were significantly higher than in Group 1 (p < 0.05). The root mean square voltage for the last 30 ms of the filtered P-wave was also significantly lower in Group 2 (p < 0.05). Multivariate logistic regression analysis using these five factors identified left atrial dimension (odds ratio [OR] 2.29; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.16-4.54; p = 0.02) and FPD (OR 2.71; 95% CI 1.78-4.13; p < 0.01) as independent predictors of transition to persistent AF. Left atrial dimension > or = 40 mm predicted progression to persistent AF with a sensitivity of 64%, specificity of 76%, positive predictive value of 59%, negative predictive value of 79%, and an accuracy of 71%. An FPD > or = 150 ms predicted persistent AF with a sensitivity of 81%, specificity of 91%, positive predictive value of 88%, negative predictive value of 90%, and an accuracy of 87%. Filtered P-wave duration was a significantly more sensitive and specific predictor than left atrial dimension (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION: We conclude that FPD is a clinically useful predictor of progression from paroxysmal to persistent AF over the long term.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Pulmonary veins (PVs) are the predominant location of triggers for atrial fibrillation (AF), but little is known about the electrophysiologic properties of PVs. In addition, the influence of amiodarone on the electrophysiologic properties of PVs has not been elucidated. METHODS AND RESULTS: Fifty-five patients with symptomatic and drug-resistant AF were divided into two groups: group 1 patients (n=29) without antiarrhythmic drug therapy at the time of electrophysiologic study (EPS), and group 2 patients (n=26) undergoing continuous long-term treatment with amiodarone. EPS including programmed stimulation of both atria and within the PVs was performed in both groups. In group 1, the effective refractory period (ERP) of all PVs (174 +/- 62 msec) was significantly shorter than the ERP of the left atrium ([LA] 254 +/- 30 msec, P=0.0001) and right atrium ([RA] 221 +/- 29 msec, P=0.0001). The same pattern was observed in group 2 (PV: 210 +/- 58 msec; LA: 259 +/- 35 msec, P=0.0001; RA: 246 +/- 37 msec, P=0.0255). The ERP of all stimulated PVs was significantly lower in group 1 (174 +/- 62 msec) than in group 2 (210 +/- 58 msec; P=0.0001). The ERP of the left superior and right superior PVs and RA but not the left inferior PV and LA were significantly increased in patients treated with amiodarone. Decremental conduction properties were observed in all stimulated PVs, and there were no significantly differences between the maximal decrement of both groups. CONCLUSION: The distinctive electrophysiologic properties of PVs are emphasized by amiodarone therapy. Long-term amiodarone treatment is responsible for heterogeneous alteration of the PV electrophysiology, which may account for the individual antiarrhythmic responses in a subset of patients with paroxysmal AF.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Based on the clinical history, paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (PAF) may be classified as vagotonic, adrenergic, or random. It is unclear whether pulmonary vein (PV) isolation is equally effective for these types of PAF. METHODS AND RESULTS: Segmental ostial ablation to isolate the PVs was performed in 188 consecutive patients (mean age 53 +/- 12 years) with PAF. Based on the clinical history, PAF was classified as random in 136 patients (72%), adrenergic in 30 (16%), and vagotonic in 22 (12%). Three or four PVs were targeted for isolation in all patients, and successful isolation was achieved in 96% of targeted PVs. At 1-year follow-up, 69% of patients with random AF, 83% of patients with adrenergic AF, and 50% of patients with vagotonic AF were free from recurrent episodes of AF in the absence of any antiarrhythmic drug therapy. Vagotonic AF was an independent clinical predictor of recurrent AF (P = 0.03). CONCLUSION: PV isolation has a lower efficacy in patients with vagotonic PAF than in patients with adrenergic or random episodes of PAF, suggesting that the PVs less often play an important role in vagotonic PAF.  相似文献   

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