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针灸对单纯性肥胖病高密度脂蛋白胆醇的影响   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
刘志诚  孙凤岷 《针刺研究》1990,15(3):227-230

单纯性肥胖病是指由于脾胃功能的异常 ,以致膏脂、痰浊、水湿积聚体内 ,使体重超过正常的一种病症 ,中医辨证属于肥人、胖人、肥满、痰湿等范畴。近几年来 ,有关单纯性肥胖病的病因病机探讨及运用中医药治疗的论述颇多 ,本文从针灸角度对本病的辨治作一探讨。1 病因病机1 .1 饮食不节 :患者脾胃俱旺 ,多饮多食 ,恣食肥甘后味 ,蕴生湿热 ,则胃纳更旺 ,而脾土湿困 ,水谷精微转运不及 ,水湿运化亦不完全 ,则膏脂、痰浊、水湿积聚 ,形成肥胖。《素问·通评虚实论》指出 :“肥贵人 ,则高粱之疾也”。1 .2 情志失调 :脾胃的受纳运化 ,中焦气机…  相似文献   

针灸治疗单纯性肥胖病初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
<正> 笔者通过单纯性肥胖患者针灸前后体重、身体围度和血中生长激素(GH)、甲状腺素(T_4)、乳酸(L)含量的变化,以阐明针灸对本病有无疗效及减肥作用机理。兹将观察结果报道如下。  相似文献   

针灸治疗单纯性肥胖病具有显著疗效,并且安全,副作用少,不反弹.现对针灸治疗单纯性肥胖病的进展概述如下. 1治疗方案 体针以局部取穴为主,由于肥胖最易发生于脐周腹部,故常用取穴为脐周8穴,即天枢(双)、水分、阴交、滑肉门(双)、外陵(双).同时,结合辨证取穴,脾胃气虚型取足三里、三阴交、支沟,肾气不足型取太溪、关元、气海,肠胃湿热型取中脘、阴陵泉、丰隆、上巨虚、曲池[1-3].耳针取穴以饥点、内分泌、脾、胃、三焦为主穴,便秘加大肠,月经不调加肾区、卵巢,气虚加肺区[2~4]  相似文献   

针灸治疗单纯性肥胖病的研究近况   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的:通过对近5年针灸减肥临床研究和机理探讨的文献进行综述,了解针灸对单纯性肥胖的治疗概况,方法:综述分临床和机理两部分,临床研究按不同的治疗方法进行综述。机理探讨按针灸对机体各方面的影响进行综述。结果与结论:针灸减肥临床效果显著,是通过对患者多系统多脏器的调整达到减肥作用,但有许多方面仍需加强研究。  相似文献   

单纯性肥胖症作为一种全身内分泌代谢疾病,与高血压、糖尿病、高脂血症、心脑血管病等密切相关,并严重危害人们的身心健康。近年来,中医对肥胖病的防治进行了广泛而深入的研究,取得了较大进展。笔者试将近年来中医药治疗肥胖病的有关进展予以综述如下。  相似文献   

路媛 《内蒙古中医药》2014,33(28):89-90
<正>肥胖是一种常见的营养障碍性疾病,是指体内过量脂肪堆积而使体重过度增加的一种异常表现,临床上有怕热多汗、动作迟缓、肌肉无力、易倦、劳动效率低,以及精神和心理异常等症状。西药治疗肥胖见效虽快,但大多数减肥药物都存在耐受性和依赖性,副作用较大。针灸治疗本病方法很多,疗效显著,因其不仅能摆脱肥胖的困扰,还能避免服用药物所带来的毒副反应,因此大受肥胖症患者的欢迎。现将近10年来针刺治疗单纯性肥胖病的临床研究归纳如下:  相似文献   

单纯性肥胖病的针灸治疗机理研究进展   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
魏群利  刘志诚 《针刺研究》2000,25(4):309-312
单纯性肥胖病为常见病、多发病。针灸治疗本病疗效显著 ,其作用机理有两个方面 ,一方面是针灸能够抑制患者过亢的食欲 ,抑制亢进的胃肠道消化吸收机能 ,从而减少能量的摄入 ;另一方面针灸可以促进能量代谢 ,增加能量消耗 ,促进体脂的动员与分解 ,最终实现减肥效应。其作用是通过对神经、内分泌功能的调整来实现的。本文从临床和动物实验两个方面对针灸治疗单纯性肥胖病的机理研究进行了综述 ,并对今后研究的方向作了展望。  相似文献   

针灸治疗单纯性肥胖病有效穴位分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
毛珍  徐斌 《山东中医杂志》2007,26(6):397-399
概述2000~2006年针灸治疗单纯性肥胖病的临床研究进展,从有效穴位作为切入点进行分析论述,提出针灸治疗肥胖病取穴应在整体上辨证辨病相结合,在肥胖局部辨部、辨经相兼顾。  相似文献   

邓敏  龚美蓉  孙亦农 《江苏中医药》2015,47(7):63-64,67
针灸疗法在治疗单纯性肥胖病方面表现出一定的优势。根据中医学理论,肾脏功能失调对单纯性肥胖病有一定影响,探讨针灸从肾论治单纯性肥胖病的新思路,将病例分为肾气不足、脾肾阳虚和肝肾阴虚3型进行辨治,已获部分临床验证,具有重要的理论和实践意义。  相似文献   

Objective: To observe the effect of acupuncture on simple obesity and cellular hemorheology. Methods: Thirty-two cases of simple obesity patients were enrolled into this study. Acupoints of the Stomach Meridian and Spleen Meridian as Zhongwan (中脘 CV 12), Liangmen(梁门 ST 21), Tianshu (天枢 ST 25), Guanyuan(关元 CV 4), etc. were punctured, once daily in the first 5 days, and once every other day afterwards, with 10 sessions being a therapeutic course. Before treatment and after 3 courses of treatment, the body weight, waistline, weight index, serum cholesterol (CH), triglyceride and aggregation index of red blood cell (RBC) were detected. Results: After acupuncture treatment, all the indexes of body weight, waistline, weight index, serum CH, triglyceride and aggregation index of RBC decreased significantly in comparison with those of pre-treatment (P< 0.05). Conclusion: Acupuncture can apparently improve cellular hemorheology, reduce body weight, serum cholesterol and TG levels in simple obesity patien  相似文献   

The paper reviews the treatment of obesity with ear acupuncture and bodyacupuncture as well as the two methods combined since 1987. From the influence of acupuncture oncarbohydrate metabolism, fat metabolism, regulation of hormone, function of autonomic nerve, en-docrine, digestive and renal functions, etc., the mechanism is also explored.  相似文献   

Inrecentseveralyears,therelationshipbetween theleptinandinsulinlevelsandobesityhasbecomea hotspotinthemedicalresearchfieldaboutprevention andtreatmentofobesity.Leptin,apolypeptidehor monesecretedbyadiposetissuecells,hasfunctionsof reducingappetite,regulatingenergybalance,resist ingobesityandsensitizingactionsofinsulin,andis themostimportantfeedbacksignaloffat[1].Insulin,secretedbyβcellsofpancreaticislettissue,canim provetheanabolism,regulateblood sugarsteadiness,andpromotefatdeposition,andise…  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate the effectiveness of acupuncture in the treatment of simple obesity.Methods: Literature of acupuncture for treatment of simple obesity was comprehensively searched in accordance with the demands of the evidence-based medicine, which was collected from relevant medical literature databases for the last ten years.Meta-analysis was conducted on the literature enrolled.Results: A total of 7 papers were enrolled.On the basis of the combined OR values, meta-analysis showed that the acu-moxibustion treatment group was not significant different to the drug control group in an efficient aspect; the acu-moxibustion therapy was significantly superior to drug therapy and also superior in total efficiency.The sensitivity analysis did not show heterogeneity.However, there is a big publication bias.Conclusion: Acu-moxibustion therapy is effective for simple obesity, but more high-quality studies are needed.  相似文献   

Objective: By observing the content change of granulocytemacrophage colony-stimulating factor(GM-CSF) and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor(G-CSF) of serum, to explore the biological mechanism of acupuncture and moxibustion in relieving myelo-suppression and increasing white blood cells.Methods: According to the weight, 80 clean male Kunming mice were randomly divided into the control group(group A), the model group(group B), the acupuncture group(group C), and the moxibustion group(group D).Each group was duplicated with CTX.Acupuncture and moxibustion therapies were applied respectively at the same time every day in groups C and D at points Dazhui, Geshu, Shenshu and Zusanli, but no treatments were provided in groups A and B except daily fixation.ELISA method was uesd to detect the content of GMCSF and G-CSF in the serum.Results: CTX-induced injury in mice bone marrow hematopoietic cells, and the content of the GM-CSF and G-CSF decreased in group B; acupuncture and moxibustion can obviously upregulate the content and activity of the GM-CSF and G-CSF, so as to relieve CTX-induced myelosuppression and increase white blood cells.Conclusion: Acupuncture and moxibustion increase the content and activity of the GM-CSF and G-CSF of serum, so as to improve the maturation, proliferation, differentiation, and survival of myeloid hematopoietic cells, and increase the peripheral white blood cells by promoting the hematopoietic functional reconstruction.  相似文献   

,,,, t.Objective: To observe the curative effect of acupuncture and moxibustion on insomnia and to explore its mechanism.Methods: One hundred and twenty patients were randomly divided into an experimental group and a control group.Sixty patients in the experimental group were treated once a day with acupuncture at Baihui(GV20), Sishencong(EX-HN1), Shenmai(BL62) and Zhaohai(KI6) and with moxibustion at Baihui(GV20) and Sishencong(EX-HN1).Sixty patients in the control group were acupunctured once a day at Shenmen(HT7), Neiguan(PC6) and Sanyinjiao(SP6).Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Indexes(PSQIs) were used to compare the curative effects of the two groups.Results: The total effective rate was 87.7% in the experimental group, which was higher than that of 76.3% in the control group.The PSQI scores and the total score after treatment were obviously lower than those before treatment in both groups.The reduction in the experimental group was more obvious than that in the control group in sleeping quality, time of falling asleep, sleeping disorder and daytime function(P0.05).Conclusion: The curative effect of acupuncture and moxibustion at GV20, EX-HN1, BL62 and KI6 on insomnia in the experimental group is better than that in the control group.  相似文献   

With economical development of the society,elevation of livingstandard,andlife-style changes ,overweight andobesity are increasingly occurring,and their incidences tend to enhance year by year . Obesity not only affectsone’s posture , but also, more i mp…  相似文献   

1 CLINICAL DATA1. l Subjects: All the patients were from theOut-patient Department (SPecialist Clinic foracupuncturesreducing body weight) of NanjingTCM and Pharmacy University and from theout-patient department (Specialist Clinic forAcupuncture-reducing Body Weight) of our hos-pital. They were diagnosed as simple obesitythrough clinical examination.l. 2 General data: In this series of treatment,l95 cases of simple obesity including 8 males andl87 females were observed. The oldest …  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate the antinociceptive effects of acupuncture and moxibustion on acute pain(formalin) and chronic pain(Freund's complete adjuvant, FCA) in mice.Methods: In the formalin test, C57 mice(n=40) were randomlydivided into control group, model group, acupuncture group and moxibustion group.Saline solution was injected into the hindpaw in the control group, while 1% formalin was injected into the hind-paw of the same side of rats in the model group, the acupuncture group and the moxibustion group.After injection, we recorded the time licking feet in mice at the first phase(0-5 min) and the second phase(15-60 min).In the FCA model, mice(n=40) were randomly divided into control group, model group, acupuncture group and moxibustion group.Saline solution was injected into the hind-paw in the control group, while 10 μL FCA was injected into the hind-paw of the same side in the model group, the acupuncture group and the moxibustion group.Analgesia effect was measured by von Frey test.Results: Noticeable antinociceptive effects after acupuncture and moxibustion treatment were observed in the second phase(P0.05) of th e formalin test.However, no significant difference between acupuncture and moxibution treatment was found(P0.05).In the FCA model, remarkable antinociceptive effects after acupuncture and moxibustion treatment were observed in 15 to 90 min(P0.05).Also, the pain threshold in the moxibustion group was higher than that in the acupuncture group at 15 min(P0.05) and 30 min(P0.01).Conclusion: Acupuncture and moxibustion have demonstrated efficacy on the inflammatory pain in the treatment of acute pain.Therapeutic effect of moxibustion is higher than that of acupuncture in the treatment of chronic pain.  相似文献   

Inthepast 1 0 years,ourclinicalresearchdemonstratedthatmedicinalherbcake separatedmoxibustioncouldlowerbloodcholesterolandtriglyceridelevelsandregulatelipoproteinmetabolisminhyperlipemiapatients[1 ] .Inordertostudytheunderlyingmechanismofmoxibus tion,wecomparedthetherapeuticeffectsofdi rectandindirectmoxibustiononserumtotalcholesterolandtriglyceridecontentsinexperi mentalhyperlipemiarabbits.Followingisthere port.1 MATERIALSANDMETHODS1 .1 Groupingofanimalsandestablishmentofanimalmodel…  相似文献   

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