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Viral infections during pregnancy are associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes,including maternal and fetal mortality,pregnancy loss,premature labor,and congenital anomalies.Mammalian gestation encounters an immunological paradox wherein the placenta balances the tolerance of an allogeneic fetus with protection against pathogens.Viruses cannot easily transmit from mother to fetus due to physical and immunological barriers at the maternal-fetal interface posing a restricted threat to the fetus and newborns.Despite this,the unknown strategies utilized by certain viruses could weaken the placental barrier to trigger severe maternal and fetal health issues especially through vertical transmission,which was not fully understood until now.In this review,we summarize diverse aspects of the major viral infections relevant to pregnancy,including the characteristics of pathogenesis,related maternal-fetal complications,and the underlying molecular and cellular mechanisms of vertical transmission.We highlight the fundamental signatures of complex placental defense mechanisms,which will prepare us to fight the next emerging and re-emerging infectious disease in the pregnancy population.  相似文献   

The management of preterm prelabor rupture of membranes (PPROM) before 34 weeks of gestation is intractable, due to pulmonary immaturity, many complications, poor pregnancy outcomes. In particular, the pre-viable PPROM (<23 weeks of gestation) is much more difficult to be treated. The clinical recommendation is to terminate the pregnancy as soon as possible. The pregnancy outcomes of PPROM in the early second-trimester of two twin pregnant women in our hospital were reported to explore the treatment protocols. The pregnancies of the two women developed PROM at 12 and 16 weeks of gestation, respectively. After expectant treatment, they were deliveried successfully at 34+6 and 34+4 weeks of gestation, respectively. The assessment of growth and development of infants was normal during the following six months after birth. Therefore, if PPROM occurs in the early second-trimester of pregnancy, the management of PPROM should be individualized, it’s a long process which should include comprehensive communication between patients and families regarding alternative treatment options (including expectant management) and risks and benefits of the procedure. In the absence of spontaneous labor or occurrence of complications that would prompt delivery (intra-amniotic infection, abruptio placenta, cord prolapse), and fetal status is normal, the patients should proceed with expectant treatment, induction of labor is commonly performed in pregnancies with PPROM ≥34 weeks of gestation.  相似文献   

例1:患儿女,16 d,因呕吐6 d入院.呕吐发生在喂奶1 h后,每日呕吐4~9次,量较多,为奶汁和黄色胆汁样物质,无腹胀、腹泻,呕吐后饥饿感明显.入院查体:生命体征平稳,体重2 950 g(出生体重3 200 g),腹软、肝脾无肿大、肠鸣正常,心肺、神经系统及其他均无异常.  相似文献   

新生儿疾病临床研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 新生儿缺氧缺血性脑病与脑损伤 新生儿脑损伤仍是引起新生儿死亡和伤残的重要原因,早期诊断和干预十分重要.在利用磁共振成像(MRI)判断新生儿脑损伤及预后评估方面,中国医科大学附属第二医院做了较多工作.  相似文献   

病例资料:患者,女,14岁.主因间断腹痛20d,加重1周入院.查体:精神反应可,面部鼻唇沟区多发皮肤皮脂腺瘤,心肺正常,腹部稍胀,左上腹可扪及一8cm×10cm大肿物,压痛明显,边缘欠清晰,肾区叩击痛(+).  相似文献   

发绀(cyanosis)是指血液中还原血红蛋白增多(>50g·L-1)或变性血红蛋白增多,使皮肤、黏膜呈青紫色.在皮肤薄、色素较少和毛细血管丰富的部位,如口唇、鼻尖、耳垂、颊部与甲床等处发绀较为明显,贫血时则不易发现.  相似文献   

目的 探讨原发性肾病综合征(PNS)患儿血清胆红素、尿酸(UA)水平与脂质代谢紊乱的关系.方法 检测PNS患儿和健康儿童各50例血清总胆红素(TBIL)、结合胆红素(DBIL)、未结合胆红素(IBIL)、UA、脂蛋白a(LPa)、总胆固醇(TC)、三酰甘油(TG)、高密度脂蛋白胆固醇(HDL-C)、低密度脂蛋白胆固醇(LDL-C)、载脂蛋白A1(ApoA1)及载脂蛋白B(ApoB)水平,并计算血脂综合指数.结果 1.肾病组UA、LPa、TC、TG、HDL.C、LDL-C、ApoB、TC/(HDL-C TBIL)和LDL-C/(HDL-C TBIL)明显高于健康对照组(Pа=0),而TBIL、DBIL和IBIL与健康对照组比较均无显著性差异(Pа>0.05);2.健康对照组血清胆红素、UA水平与血脂代谢无明显相关(Pа>0.05),而肾病组HDL-C与TBIL呈正相关(r=0.31 P=0.04),LDL-C分别与TBIL、IBIL呈负相关(r=-0.36 P=0.03,r=-0.33 P=0.04);3.肾病组UA分别与TBIL、IBIL呈正相关(r=0.37 P=0.02,r=0.45 P:0).结论 血清胆红素及UA水平变化对健康儿童血脂代谢不构成影响,但对PNS患儿,TBIL、IBIL降低,UA升高与脂质代谢紊乱密切相关.血脂综合指数可用于评价PNS患儿脂质代谢紊乱的严重程度及可能并发心血管疾病的危险性.  相似文献   

1 临床资料 例1,男,9个月,因发热40℃,呕吐、腹泻2d,抽搐12h,收住本院内科病房.查体:嗜睡,面色苍白,反复抽搐,呼吸急促,轻度腹胀;血常规无异常,CRP52mg/L大便黄稀.  相似文献   

1 临床资料 患儿,女,9个月,因右眼肿胀4 d,右面部肿胀3 d,右胸壁肿胀0.5 d入院.4 d前患儿被玩具撞伤右眼角处,开始出现右眼睑肿胀、淤血,到本院眼科就诊,诊断:右眼外伤.予局部处理,肿胀逐渐消退.  相似文献   

深圳地区2004-2006年儿童腹泻病病原体分布情况   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 探讨深圳地区2004-2006年儿童腹泻病病原体分布情况.方法 收集深圳地区2004年1月-2005年4月腹泻病患儿粪便标本,采用ELISA法检测轮状病毒(RV),2005年5月-2006年12月采用胶体金法检测RV.真菌性腹泻以40倍高倍镜下同时可见菌丝和孢子为实验诊断标准.阿米巴性腹泻以见溶组织内活动性阿米巴原虫(滋养体或包囊)为实验诊断标准.细菌性腹泻(菌痢)以40倍高倍镜下WBC( )以上,同时可见RBC为实验诊断标准.不确定性腹泻为排除以上4种腹泻外的腹泻.结果 RV腹泻主要发生在10月至次年2月,但夏季6-7月也有一个小高峰,共占40.49%;真菌性腹泻无明显季节性,占3.59%;细菌性腹泻明显在每年的6-9月高发,占39.67%;阿米巴性腹泻仅检测到10例,除1例是春末检测出来外,余皆在夏季检出,占0.03%;不确定性腹泻主要发生在12月至次年的3月,占16.24%.腹泻最高发年龄为>1~2岁,占24.83%(8 287/33 382例),≤6个月组为最低发年龄组,占6.65%(2 217/33 382例).结论 婴幼儿腹泻种类出现明显的感染交叉性、季节交叉性的特点,具有一定的复杂多样性.加强饮食与环境卫生,切断传播途径,提高儿童主动免疫水平是预防急性腹泻的重要环节.  相似文献   

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