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目的:探讨电子射野影像系统(EPID)在加速器辐射野与灯光野一致性测量中的应用。方法:使用Varian 600CD医用电子直线加速器,6MV X射线能量,使用水平尺,确认机架位于0°,准直器0°,提前校准照射野中心和投影十字线,将厂家自带的金属点十字影子板插在加速器机头上,金属点十字影子板上两金点之间在SSD=100cm处的投影距离为1cm,调整机头十字线与金属十字线投影重合;打开EPID测量板,在SSD=100cm条件下,灯光野分别开到标准野(10×10)cm,(15×15)cm,(20×20)cm,(25×25)cm,剂量率100MU/M,曝光5MU;得到各标准野的辐射野,两金属点之间标准距离1cm,使用测量软件分别分别测量辐射野各方向距离。结果:辐射野各方向偏差较小,均小于±2mm。结论:EPID射野影像检测方式适合于临床质控检验,可用于加速器辐射野与灯光野一致性的质控测量,减少工作量。  相似文献   

全脑全脊髓照射是针对多种癌症的治疗流程中一个重要的组成部分。为了达到最佳的肿瘤控制,需要在靶区体积的确定、重要正常组织的保护、剂量均匀度、射野交接区域以及剂量测定方面都特别注意。本文提出了一种适用于大多数治疗情况的优化了的全脑全脊髓照射治疗技术,以一名因生殖细胞瘤需接受全脑全脊髓照射治疗的17岁男性患者为例,通过综合使用半野衔接技术、扩展半影的射野衔接技术和多叶光拦子野技术,制定临床可实行的治疗计划,大大改善了脊髓靶区内的剂量均匀度,将剂量最大点由处方剂量的124%降低到处方剂量的108%。对仿真人体模进行的实际测量值与计算值的比较表明,测量值和计算值是基本一致的。  相似文献   

目的:研究加速器治疗床两侧金属C型臂对吸收剂量的影响。方法:测量模体置于治疗床板中央,电离室插孔到床板距离分别为5 cm和10 cm。右侧C型臂分别置于7个不同角度,确定不同面积射野经过C型臂时的机架角度。利用0.6 cc电离室测量6 MV和15 MV X线经过C型臂后固定野照射吸收剂量的变化,以及C型臂位置对旋转照射吸收剂量的影响。结果:机架角为90°~180°,治疗床右侧C型臂位于R7位置时,机架角度布野受限范围最大;机架角布野受限范围随射野面积的增大而增大,随治疗深度的减小而增大。对固定野照射,射线能量越小,吸收剂量的衰减越大;射线穿过C型臂的距离越大,吸收剂量的衰减越大;旋转照射时C型臂位置越靠近床板中心轴,吸收剂量衰减越大。结论:治疗床两侧金属C型臂对射线有衰减和散射,造成吸收剂量及其分布发生变化。治疗计划设计和患者摆位时应尽量避开金属C型臂。  相似文献   

目的:介绍一种乳腺癌适形放疗中新的射野衔接技术,以保证乳腺癌患者放疗时锁骨上区域与胸壁区域靶区剂量均匀衔接,并降低治疗计划设计与实施中的操作复杂度。方法:选取一例乳腺癌胸锁联合照射病人,锁骨上靶区采用半野照射技术,胸壁靶区采用非共面切线野照射技术,使上下两组照射野在射野衔接处相切。使用直线加速器6MV-X射线照射靶区,处方剂量设置为50Gy包绕95%靶区体积,使用治疗计划系统计算三维剂量分布。结果:半野照射技术结合非共面照射技术应用于乳腺癌胸锁联合照射时,在治疗计划系统上显示处方剂量在射野衔接处均匀衔接,50Gy处方剂量等剂量线平滑,剂量线未见明显的凹陷和突出现象,无剂量冷热点出现。结论:半野照射技术联合非共面照射技术用于乳腺癌胸锁联合照射。在TPS上演示显示使用该方法能够使相邻射野剂量均匀衔接,适用于胸壁部分靶区头脚方向长度大于20cm的患者放射治疗需求,且使用方法较传统方法更加简单易行,值得推广,临床实际使用中建议使用验证手段来保障该技术的可靠性。  相似文献   

目的:探讨利用矩阵电离室对医用直线加速器及放射治疗计划系统进行快速剂量学的检测方法和项目。方法:在矩阵电离室上方放置5cm的固体等效水模,下方放置5cm的反射水模,对标准方野和矩形野测试,测试条件SSD=95cm,SAD=100cm,射野大小分别为2cm、5cm、10cm、15cm、20cm和2cm×10cm、5cm×20cm、20cm×5cm,MU为100cGy;对治疗计划系统的中央挡铅、MLC形成的中央挡铅、不对称射野、MLC末端形状(叶片末端效应)和相对叶片之间的间隙和MLC侧面效应、叶片凹凸槽效应、以及简单模拟调强模型等相关参数进行检测。结果:方野和矩形野的平坦度为100.07%~102.66%,对称性为0.10%~1.49%;光野、射野一致性检测:X方向为-1.5%~0.7%,Y方向为-1.4%~1.0%,平均为-0.47%;对放疗计划系统的检验,主要验证计算值与实际测量值的结果比较,以Gamma值和绝对剂量偏差值(4%)来判断两者的符合性。对于方形野和矩形野Gamma值在92.02%~96.35%,而对于多野光栅的相关检测,在计划系统设置的两个半野(X1=5cm,X2=0cm,Y=10cm和X1=0cm,X2=5cm,Y=10cm)合成实验中,合成区域间隔处有5%的剂量偏差,5个2cm×10cm合成10cm×10cm实验中,在射野连接处误差值最大可达10%;在两个2cm×2cm的方野,间距6cm实验中,第一个射野Gamma值可达96.6%,第二个Gamma值为93.2%。结论:利用矩阵电离室可对医用直线加速器和放疗计划系统实现快速的剂量学检测,对加强两者日常的QA和QC具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

目的:利用电子射野影像系统(EPID)对全脑调强放疗计划进行γ测试,寻找计划设计对测试结果的影响,以此分析如何优化全脑调强计划以及推测EPID在剂量验证方面的局限性。方法:选取67例全脑放疗患者,对其放疗计划用加速器自带的EPID进行计划验证,对于容积旋转调强放疗(VMAT)计划统计并分析X方向射野大小与γ(3 mm/3%)通过率的关系,对于调强放疗(IMRT)对比分析大野调强和分野调强计划γ(3 mm/3%)通过率的差异。结果:VMAT计划验证结果发现X方向小于15 cm的射野γ(3 mm/3%)通过率普遍优于大于等于15 cm的射野,利用SPSS软件进行t检验,发现结果具有统计学意义(t=-3.828, P<0.05);IMRT验证结果发现,X方向大于等于15 cm的射野会包含两个子野,合野验证时其交叠部分γ(3 mm/3%)通过率较差,而采用分野验证时,由于无交叠则通过率普遍较好。结论:全脑放疗VMAT计划将X方向射野控制在15 cm以内可以提升多叶准直器调节能力,并提高EPID验证的γ(3 mm/3%)通过率;EPID原件对低剂量区的响应偏差会导致全脑IMRT大野调强计划两子野交叠处γ(3 mm/3%)通过率较差,改用分野验证可以显著消除这种影响。  相似文献   

用高能直线加速器的电子束治疗蕈样霉菌病等全身性皮肤疾病,通常使用2-4M瓦电子束。若在不到九十天内,骨髓吸收了100cGy~460cGy的X射线,就容易引起骨髓抑制。因此,必须将单次照射的X线污染减到1%以下。 ZJ-10(4)直线加速器的6M瓦电子束,在SSD=400cm处,射野中心轴内9cm处的X污染超过6.0%作者使用1cm厚的铝锥形筒及0.5cm厚有机玻璃锥形筒插入机头内,减少了由钨门产生的轫致辐射,并减少有机玻璃板的厚度,使单次照射野的X线污染从6.0%减到  相似文献   

直线加速器全身照射技术   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
本文介绍了在直线加速器上实行全身照射的方法,包括治疗床的设计、测量装置的制作、实验参数的测定和照射方法。SSD=450cm,机架角为270度,患者取侧卧位,前后野和后前野对穿照射,采用分段肺屏蔽办法控制肺的吸收剂量。用多通道半导体剂量仪进行剂量全程监测作为质量控制手段进行质量控制和实现质量保证,用入射表面剂量Din与出射表面剂量Daut之和的一半即(Din Dout)/2作为对应入射方向上体中层面的吸收剂量。  相似文献   

目的:对比分析6 MV光子束均整与非均整模式在空气和标准水模中特定深度处的能谱分布。 方法:利用BEAMnrc程序建立美国Varian公司TrueBeam加速器均整和非均整模式的机头模型,分别计算(40×40) cm2照射野下空气和标准水模中SSD=110 cm深度处的相空间文件,并利用BEAMDP程序对射野内不同区域的能谱分布进行对比分析。 结果:空气中(40×40) cm2射野内SSD=110 cm深度处,均整模式能谱分布低能部分随着统计区域增大而增大,与非均整模式分布规律相反;在标准水模体中Depth=10 cm深度处,有无反散的情况下两种模式的能谱分布相差较大,主要在小于0.511 MeV的区域;射野内不同位置的能谱分布均整模式在离轴方向低能部分逐渐减少,而非均整模式分布情况相反;相对于电子和正电子来说,相同射野内光子对能谱分布影响较大。 结论:该研究为医用直线加速器临床剂量学数据的测量和校正提供依据。  相似文献   

目的:探讨一种简便易行、剂量准确性高的全颅全脊髓的适形照射的布野方案。方法:100多例髓母细胞瘤患者,俯卧位躺在特制的头颅固定器和真空负压袋上,进行CT模拟定位,在头颅放置3个标记点作为全颅野照射中心,进床30 cm左右作为全脊髓野的照射中心,通过多次改变全颅野的下界和脊髓野的上界来保证照射野内的剂量准确性。结果:经过上述方法设计的治疗方案,使得全颅全脊髓的放射治疗剂量分布精确,操作方便并且定位时间不长,临床疗效好。治疗时不在一个点上接野,确保脊髓的剂量无冷热点。结论:适形移动的全颅全脊髓的治疗技术操作方便,定位时间短,剂量分布准确,临床疗效好,副作用小,值得推广。  相似文献   

目的:以检测等中心在X方向的偏移示例,介绍使用提高分辨率之后的MatriXX检测等中心偏移的方法。方法:在确保MLC的leaf bank关于collimator中心轴旋转对称,且MatriXX中心与等中心的偏差已知的基础上,将gantry和collimator的角度都设为0°,治疗床向X正方向每移动1 mm测量1次5 cm×5 cm照射野100 MU的剂量分布曲线,共7次移动治疗床,测量8组数据,然后将这8组数据叠加为一组复合数据,得到gantry和collimator角度为0°、5 cm×5 cm照射野100 MU时MatriXX在X方向分辨率为1 mm的剂量分布曲线。同样的方法测量得到将gantry角度设为180°时相对应的剂量分布曲线,然后使用OmniPro I’mRT软件对比分析这两个profile,得出等中心在X方向的偏移值。结果:等中心的偏移值为1.8 mm。结论:提高分辨率之后的MatriXX能够检测出等中心的偏移值;等中心的偏移会导致病人接受剂量出现偏差,而这种偏差可以通过调整Elekta Synergy MLC的leaf bank关于gantry旋转中心轴对称和计划设计中设置collimator与couch角度为0°来克服;等中心的偏差使得gantry角度在90°和270°附近照射野的平面剂量偏差非常大。因此,不建议计划设计中设置gantry角度在90°和270°附近的照射野,也不建议选用MatriXX或者其他平面探测器做照射野gantry角度集中在90°和270°附近的病人计划验证。  相似文献   

At the time of treatment planning it would be useful to know whether part of the treatment beam passes through the patient/couch support assembly before it passes through the patient. In the previous work of Yorke, the range of gantry angles leading to beam-couch intersection was found as a function of couch translation for symmetric field sizes and for zero couch rotation. Yorke's method has been extended to include couch rotation, dual independent jaws, and multi-leaf collimator (MLC) field shapes. In addition, the new method is also applicable in the situation of the couch top located above the isocenter. For a clinically treatable, 20 x 20 cm field configuration in a linac, the range of gantry angles leading to beam-couch intersection are different by 6.7 degrees for a couch rotation angle of 25 degrees when compared to no couch rotation. The new method agrees with data within the setup and measurement uncertainties for a variety of field sizes including an oval shaped MLC field, and various couch locations, couch, and collimator rotation angles.  相似文献   

目的:探讨臂架或准直器角度的改变对均整(FF)与非均整(FFF)两种模式的射线剂量的影响。方法:选用Versa HD直线加速器配备的6 MV/10 MV光子束FF/FFF模式4档能量在设定好九点位置的10 cm×10 cm标准射野内进行实验。首先,借助IMF等中心夹具将Mapcheck2固定于治疗机机头,并用Mapcheck2测量相同臂架与准直器角度条件下4种光子束输出的平面剂量值;其次,用Mapcheck2测量在相同臂架角度、不同准直器角度与相同准直器角度、不同臂架角度两种条件下4种光子束的中心轴剂量值;最后,固定准直器为0°,设立两组臂架对穿射野(0°与180°,90°与270°)。拆除Mapcheck2,采用固体水和FC65-G电离室建立一个测量模体来测量4种光子束在两组等中心对穿野的剂量。运用SPSS统计软件对该实验收集到的数据进行对比分析。结果:在相同臂架与准直器角度条件下,4种光子束辐照9个点的平面剂量之间均存在明显统计学差异(P6 MV FF =0.020, P6 MV FFF=0.017, P10 MV FF =0.030, P10 MV FFF=0.016);而不同臂架角度或不同准直器角度条件下,4种能量光子束的中心轴点剂量值均无统计学差异。在0°与180°的对穿野,4种能量光子束的输出剂量存在统计学差异(P6 MV FF =0.001, P6 MV FFF=0.002, P10 MV FF =0.003, P10 MV FFF=0.001),而在90°与270°的对穿野无统计学差异。结论:Versa HD直线加速器拥有优良的机械等中心性能。在实际工作时,臂架和准直器的旋转,均不影响光子束的中心轴剂量的准确输出。在FF模式下,射线能量越高,受治疗床影响越小;FFF模式射线由于射线质软,能量越高,更易受到治疗床的衰减作用,在实际中应引起重视。  相似文献   

The use of rigid carbon fiber couch inserts in radiotherapy treatment couches is a well-established method of reducing patient set-up errors associated with couch sag. Several published studies have described such inserts as radiotranslucent with negligible attenuation of the radiation field. Most of these studies were conducted with the radiation field normally incident on the couch and there appears to be no evidence in the literature of the effect of the gantry angle on the extent of beam attenuation by the carbon fiber insert alone during external beam radiotherapy. In this study we examined the magnitude of this effect over a range of posterior oblique gantry angles using a cylindrical solid water phantom containing an ionization chamber placed isocentrically. It was found that a 6 MV photon beam, field size 10 x 5 cm, was attenuated significantly as the gantry angle approached the plane of the couch, from 2% at normal incidence and reaching 9% attenuation at angle of incidence 70 degrees. This could have serious implications regarding dose to the treatment volume for treatments requiring posterior oblique angles of incidence with a possible correction factor necessary in monitor unit calculations.  相似文献   

目的:验证活动挡铅形成的电子束照射野的剂量分布,讨论其所形成的照射野对临床照射的影响。方法:一体式挡铅组成的电子束照射野由一块规则的、对称的10cmx8cm空心挡铅形成,照射野大小:10cmx8cm;活动式挡铅组成的电子束照射野由一块长方形的14cmx4cm实心挡铅和一块规则、对称、一体式10cm~10cm空心挡铅组成,形成的照射野大小:10cmx8cm。使用IBA的I’mRTMatrixx分别测量一体式挡铅的电子束照射野和活动式挡铅形成的形状、面积一样的电子束照射野。用OmniProI’mRT软件得出两种方法形成的照射野在x轴方向上的剂量分布曲线。结果:活动挡铅形成的照射野与一体式挡铅照射野的面积大小一样。但是,一体式挡铅照射野的对称轴与x轴方向上的剂量分布曲线的对称轴相一致,即剂量分布曲线以照射野x=0处的y轴对称分布。活动挡铅照射野的对称轴是x=0处的l,轴,与x轴方向上的剂量分布曲线的对称轴x=-1处的纵轴不一致,即剂量曲线不以照射野的对称轴对称分布,剂量分布不均。结论:技师在使用高能电子束对患者进行照射治疗时,要严格按照计划和医嘱,使用与计划相匹配的一体式挡铅。  相似文献   

Patient treatment in a medical linear accelerator is characterized by many angular and translational movements of the gantry and couch. The direction and orientation of each treatment beam is specified by a set of gantry, turntable, and collimator angles. It is possible that some selected treatment field configurations will result in gantry/couch or gantry/patient collisions that remain undetected during the treatment planning process. In this work, a digital camera has been used to record all the workable gantry/ patient set-up images, and a Windows programming language is used to edit and display these images on a personal computer for the treatment planner to screen the treatment plans. These graphical displays enable the planner to be aware of any potential collision hazards by an actual visualization of each selected gantry/turntable or gantry/patient angle configuration.  相似文献   

We have designed and implemented a new stereotactic linac QA test with stereotactic precision. The test is used to characterize gantry sag, couch wobble, cone placement, MLC offsets, and room lasers' positions relative to the radiation isocenter. Two MLC star patterns, a cone pattern, and the laser line patterns are recorded on the same imaging medium. Phosphor plates are used as imaging medium due to their sensitivity to red light. The red light of room lasers erases some of the irradiation information stored on the phosphor plates enabling accurate and direct measurements for the position of room lasers and radiation isocenter. Using film instead of the phosphor plate as imaging medium is possible, however, it is less practical. The QA method consists of irradiating four phosphor plates that record the gantry sag between the 0 degrees and 180 degrees gantry angles, the position and stability of couch rotational axis, the sag between the 90 degrees and 270 degrees gantry angles, the accuracy of cone placement on the collimator, the MLC offsets from the collimator rotational axis, and the position of laser lines relative to the radiation isocenter. The estimated accuracy of the method is +/- 0.2 mm. The observed reproducibility of the method is about +/- 0.1 mm. The total irradiation/ illumination time is about 10 min per image. Data analysis, including the phosphor plate scanning, takes less than 5 min for each image. The method characterizes the radiation isocenter geometry with the high accuracy required for the stereotactic radiosurgery. In this respect, it is similar to the standard ball test for stereotactic machines. However, due to the usage of the MLC instead of the cross-hair/ball, it does not depend on the cross-hair/ball placement errors with respect to the lasers and it provides more information on the mechanical integrity of the linac/couch/laser system. Alternatively, it can be used as a highly accurate QA procedure for the nonstereotactic machines. Noteworthy is its ability to characterize the MLC position accuracy, which is an important factor in IMRT delivery.  相似文献   

A fully integrated system for treatment planning, application, and verification for automated multileaf collimator (MLC) based, intensity-modulated, image-guided, and adaptive radiation therapy (IMRT, IGRT and ART, respectively) is proposed. Patient comfort, which was the major development goal, will be achieved through a new unit design and short treatment times. Our device for photon beam therapy will consist of a new dual energy linac with five fixed treatment heads positioned evenly along one plane but one electron beam generator only. A minimum of moving parts increases technical reliability and reduces motion times to a minimum. Motion is allowed solely for the MLCs, the robotic patient table, and the small angle gantry rotation of +/- 36 degrees. Besides sophisticated electron beam guidance, this compact setup can be built using existing modules. The flattening-filter-free treatment heads are characterized by reduced beam-on time and contain apertures restricted in one dimension to the area of maximum primary fluence output. In the case of longer targets, this leads to a topographic intensity modulation, thanks to the combination of "step and shoot" MLC delivery and discrete patient couch motion. Owing to the limited number of beam directions, this multislice cone beam serial tomotherapy is referred to as "multibeam tomotherapy." Every patient slice is irradiated by one treatment head at any given moment but for one subfield only. The electron beam is then guided to the next head ready for delivery, while the other heads are preparing their leaves for the next segment. The "Multifocal MLC-positioning" algorithm was programmed to enable treatment planning and optimize treatment time. We developed an overlap strategy for the longitudinally adjacent fields of every beam direction, in doing so minimizing the field match problem and the effects of possible table step errors. Clinical case studies show for the same or better planning target volume coverage, better organ-at-risk sparing, and comparable mean integral dose to the normal tissue a reduction in treatment time by more than 50% to only a few minutes in comparison to high-quality 3-D conformal and IMRT treatments. As a result, it will be possible to incorporate features for better patient positioning and image guidance, while sustaining reasonable overall treatment times at the same time. The virtual multibeam tomotherapy design study TOM'5-CT contains a dedicated electron beam CT (TOM'AGE) and an objective optical topometric patient positioning system (TOPOS). Thanks to the wide gantry bore of 120 cm and slim gantry depths of 70 cm, patients can be treated very comfortably, in all cases tumor-isocentrically, as well as with noncoplanar beam arrangements as in stereotactic radiosurgery with a couch rotation of up to +/- 54 degrees. The TOM'5 treatment unit on which this theoretical concept is based has a stand-alone depth of 40 cm and an outer diameter of 245 cm; the focus-isocenter distance of the heads is 100 cm with a field size of 40 cm x 7 cm and 0.5 cm leaves, which operate perpendicular to the axis of table motion.  相似文献   

It is well known that a skin dose from high-energy x-ray radiation varies with the angle of beam incidence or the presence of a radiotherapy linear accelerator couch top material. This note investigates changes produced to the skin dose from a Varian carbon fibre grid couch top at differing angles of incidence for 6 MV x-rays as is often the case clinically. Results have shown that the skin dose can easily be measured using an EBT Gafchromic film whereby the delivered skin dose can be quantified to a high level of spatial resolution, not easily achieved with other skin dose detectors. Results have shown a significant increase in the skin dose specifically at the point of a cross-sectional carbon fibre grid. Values in % of the skin dose increased from approximately 27% (an open area within a 10 cm x 10 cm field) up to 55% (same field size) at the centre of the carbon fibre mesh strip (0 degrees incidence). This is compared to 19% of the skin dose for an open field of a 10 cm x 10 cm beam without the couch material present. At larger angles similar effects occur with values changing from 52% to 75% (60 degrees , 10 cm x 10 cm) in the open area and under the grid, respectively. This produces a wave effect for the skin dose. The average skin dose magnitude increases with the angle of incidence of the beam, ranging from 37.5% to 66% from 0 degrees to 60 degrees (10 x 10 cm), respectively. The symmetric wave nature of the skin dose profile skews to deliver an increased dose on the posterior side of the carbon fibre grid as the angle of incidence increases. Simulated fractional dose delivery on a phantom has shown that over 30 fractions the wave nature of the delivered skin dose is minimized due to the random nature of most patient positioning on the treatment couch. However, some variations are still present as the ratio of the open to grid area is approximately 4:1 and the dose spread is not necessarily completely averaged during a typical fractionated radiotherapy treatment. As such, if the treatment type results in a more rigorously positioned patient on the treatment couch, the wave nature of skin dose delivery may need to be taken into account.  相似文献   

An add-on multileaf collimator for electrons (eMLC) has been developed that provides computer-controlled beam collimation and isocentric dose delivery. The design parameters result from the design study by Gauer et al (2006 Phys. Med. Biol. 51 5987-6003) and were configured such that a compact and light-weight eMLC with motorized leaves can be industrially manufactured and stably mounted on a conventional linear accelerator. In the present study, the efficiency of an initial computer-controlled prototype was examined according to the design goals and the performance of energy- and intensity-modulated treatment techniques. This study concentrates on the attachment and gantry stability as well as the dosimetric characteristics of central-axis and off-axis dose, field size dependence, collimator scatter, field abutment, radiation leakage and the setting of the accelerator jaws. To provide isocentric irradiation, the eMLC can be placed either 16 or 28 cm above the isocentre through interchangeable holders. The mechanical implementation of this feature results in a maximum field displacement of less than 0.6 mm at 90 degrees and 270 degrees gantry angles. Compared to a 10 x 10 cm applicator at 6-14 MeV, the beam penumbra of the eMLC at a 16 cm collimator-to-isocentre distance is 0.8-0.4 cm greater and the depth-dose curves show a larger build-up effect. Due to the loss in energy dependence of the therapeutic range and the much lower dose output at small beam sizes, a minimum beam size of 3 x 3 cm is necessary to avoid suboptimal dose delivery. Dose output and beam symmetry are not affected by collimator scatter when the central axis is blocked. As a consequence of the broader beam penumbra, uniform dose distributions were measured in the junction region of adjacent beams at perpendicular and oblique beam incidence. However, adjacent beams with a high difference in a beam energy of 6 to 14 MeV generate cold and hot spots of approximately 15% in the abutting region. In order to improve uniformity, the energy of adjacent beams must be limited to 6 to 10 MeV and 10 to 14 MeV respectively. At the maximum available beam energy of 14 MeV, radiation leakage results mainly from the intraleaf leakage of approximately 2.5% relative dose which could be effectively eliminated at off-axis distances remote from the field edge by adjusting the jaw field size to the respective opening of the eMLC. Additionally, the interleaf and leaf-end leakage could be reduced by using a tongue-and-groove leaf shape and adjoining the leaf-ends off-axis respectively.  相似文献   

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