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为了准确描述牙周膜的生物力学行为,基于大变形连续介质力学理论及不可压缩各向同性假设,以人体牙周膜平面剪切和应力松弛实验数据为基础,利用有限元软件ABAQUS的数据拟合功能,构建牙周膜的超黏弹性本构模型及参数。随后,通过对5组牙周膜平面剪切实验过程的模拟,验证牙周膜超黏弹性模型的正确性。最后,通过有限元计算对比分析牙周膜线弹性模型与超黏弹性模型对载荷的力学响应。结果表明在牙根位移量为0~0.06 mm时,牙周膜可近似用线弹性模型表示;当位移量大于0.06 mm,两种模型的差异显著,超黏弹性模型更加符合牙周膜的材料特性。研究结果为牙周膜提供一种实用性强的超黏弹性模型,为牙齿正畸的生物力学研究和治疗方案的精确设计提供理论依据。  相似文献   

目的确定生物软组织的超弹性本构方程,并在此基础上研究生物组织夹持过程的力学响应规律。方法以新鲜的猪肝脏组织为研究对象进行破坏性单轴拉伸实验,并在ABAQUS中对单轴拉伸实验过程进行仿真,通过对比仿真结果与试验数据确定猪肝的超弹性本构方程。以此为基础分别选用尖齿形及波浪齿形夹头对组织的夹持过程进行有限元仿真。结果采用4阶Ogden模型开展拉伸实验的仿真结果与试验数据吻合度较高。组织夹持仿真结果表明,采用尖齿形夹头更容易产生应力集中。结论可以采用4阶Ogden模型描述猪肝的超弹性,并确定相关参数。采用尖齿形夹头更容易造成组织夹持损伤,且组织应力与夹持进给量基本成线性关系。研究结果为手术钳头的设计提供参考。  相似文献   

基于纤维增强超弹性基体模型的骨骼肌有限元模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了进一步研究骨骼肌复杂的机械动力行为,采用有限元方法对骨骼肌行为进行力学分析.将骨骼肌视为肌纤维和超弹性基体构成的复合材料,纤维应力分为主动和被动两部分,主动应力依赖于疲劳状态、激励波形、收缩速度和现时长度,而被动应力与普通材料相同,仅依赖于现时应变.利用商用软件ABAQUS,对蛙大腿肌进行数值模拟,比较在周期激励作用下,不同时刻的单轴应变和代表性节点的位移分布规律.结果显示,骨骼肌表现出大变形特性,单轴最大应变达到69%.而且由于引入了疲劳函数,所采用的数值分析技术可模拟骨骼肌的主动与被动机械行为,且容易实现,结果稳定可靠.  相似文献   

目的 在显式动力学计算理论基础上,提出一种适用于肌肉高应变率下主被动特性数值计算模型。方法 在计算肌肉单元高应变率下运动方程的过程中,于每一时间步计算节点力公式中引入高应变率下的Hill肌肉三元素计算模型,对每一时间步的节点力进行修正。结果 由于在数值计算过程中引入Hill肌肉三元素模型,使得肌肉单元具有一般结构本构模型的被动特性和其专有的主动特性。结论 研究结果有助于对肌肉高应变率下的动力学响应和损伤问题进行数值计算。  相似文献   

目的 针对不同结构耦合肌肉主被动行为无法考虑肌肉组织连续介质力学特性的问题,提出运用被动与主动耦合在同一个本构方程的方法,构建骨骼肌连续介质超弹性主被动本构模型。方法 为标定被动本构模型参数,给出单轴拉伸实验方法 及条件,并通过理论推导,介绍利用试验数据求解被动模型参数的具体方法。为验证主动模型的有效性,以实例对模型进行验证。结果 模型预测曲线与实验输出应力拉伸比曲线具有较好的一致性,在相同应变下的情况下,被动应力和总应力最大误差仅为20、40 kPa。结论 该连续介质超弹性本构模型能较好模拟骨骼肌的主被动行为,从而有利于下一步人体肌肉的建模与仿真。  相似文献   

目的 探索描述生物软组织黏弹性特性的普遍行为或规律。方法 根据生物软组织的力学结构,构建由两个线性弹簧和两个黏壶的不同组合构成的四元件黏弹性结构模型;并通过弹性理论,结合不同黏弹性模型的几何构型推导其运动微分方程,利用其微分方程分析不同四元件模型的应力松弛和蠕变行为以及反映弹性和黏性相结合的应力松弛时间和蠕变推迟时间。结果 所有可能的四元件黏弹性模型都具有普遍的本构关系、应力松弛和蠕变函数形式。通过比较模型预测结果与主动脉瓣、韧带和脑动脉等生物软组织的实验数据发现,四元件黏弹性模型能够很好地描述生物软组织的力学行为。“快”和“慢”两个特征时间τ1和τ2对生物软组织的应力松弛具有显著的影响。“快”松弛时间τ1对应力达到稳定态所需时间有明显的影响,而“慢”松弛时间τ2对松弛率的影响不显著,但对应力松弛的稳定态有明显的影响。结论 生物软组织的时间依赖性行为可以通过两个特征时间尺度来表征,即“快”和“慢”时间;且具有两个特征时间的生物软组织的应力-应变关系、应力松弛和蠕变函数具有相同的数学形式,这与所选择的...  相似文献   

二维弹性动脉瘤模型的血液动力学数值模拟与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究的目的在于探讨血液动力学参数对于动脉瘤形成、生长以及破裂的影响。从医学影像学图像出发,进行二维弹性动脉瘤模型的血液动力学数值模拟。将其结果与刚性动脉瘤结果在速度矢量场和切应力分布上进行对比,发现两者存在较大差异。主要表现在几个截面的速度分布有较大差异,其中一个出口的速度分布明显偏心,这将影响壁面的应力分布以及管壁物质交换。弹性和刚性模拟沿瘤壁的壁面切应力分布曲线走势基本相似,所不同的是两者的切应力数值特别是在瘤颈附近存在较大差异。通过分析阐明弹性壁模型更加符合临床与病理生理实际。研究结果对于分析动脉瘤形成、生长破裂以及预后有重要的临床应用价值。  相似文献   

医学图像配准是医学图像处理中的一个重要研究课题,它是图像融合、图像与标准图谱的匹配、显微图像的重建等研究的基础。图像的配准方法有多种,它们可以分为刚性和弹性配准两大类。相对于刚性配准,弹性配准有着更高的精确性,而对于变形大的图像的配准,它是必须的。因此弹性配准的研究有着广泛的意义。本文根据图像的特征,结合弹性力学的理论和方法,建立了一种用于精确配准的弹性数学模型,并用这一模型进行图像的弹性配准,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

目的 研究脑组织在不同应变率下的压缩力学性能和本构模型。方法 使用电子万能试验机对猪脑组织白质和灰质开展准静态压缩和中速压缩试验,获得脑组织不同应变率下的应力-应变曲线。采用Ogden本构模型对试验曲线进行拟合,确定本构模型参数,并在有限元软件中进行仿真验证。结果 脑组织应力-应变曲线呈现非线性特征,具有较强的应变率相关性和敏感性。压缩至0.6应变时,在5×10-4~5×10-2 s-1应变率下,白质和灰质的应力分别增加102%和129%,在1~1.5 s-1应变率下则分别增加50.7%和54.6%;1.5 s-1应变率下白质、灰质应力比5×10-4 s-1应变率下分别增加347%、413%。Ogden模型拟合下的R2>0.99,仿真结果与试验结果误差在15%以内,验证了模型的有效性。结论 研究结果有助于实现对脑组织变形的预测,为建立更加科学合理的人体模拟靶标以及在设计和改进颅脑防护装备上提供准确的理论依据。  相似文献   

目的:设计一套能构建内壁直径为2mm的组织工程小血管的生物反应器。方法:根据计算流体力学原理和方法对组织工程小血管托架材料进行分析,设计一套用于培养2mm小血管的生物反应器。采用压注成型技术制作了小血管的托架。结果:确定了硅胶管的尺寸结构并获得了成型产品,设计完成了培养室内相应的辅助结构,使整个反应器系统能够对PGA-细胞材料复合物进行动态培养。结论:小血管托架的流体力学仿真分析是合理的,在此基础上构建的血管生物反应器性能稳定、可靠。  相似文献   

Staged Growth of Optimized Arterial Model Trees   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
There is a marked difference in the structure of the arterial tree between epi- and endocardial layers of the human heart. To model these structural variations, we developed an extension to the computational method of constrained constructive optimization (CCO). Within the framework of CCO, a model tree is represented as a dichotomously branching network of straight cylindrical tubes, with flow conditions governed by Poiseuille's law. The tree is grown by successively adding new terminal segments from randomly selected points within the perfusion volume while optimizing the geometric location and topological site of each new connection with respect to minimum intravascular volume. The proposed method of staged growth guides the generation of new terminal sites by means of an additional time-dependent boundary condition, thereby inducing a sequence of domains of vascular growth within the given perfusion volume. Model trees generated in this way are very similar to reality in their visual appearance and predict diameter ratios of parent and daughter segments, the distribution of symmetry, the transmural distribution of flow, the volume of large arteries, as well as the ratio of small arterial volume in subendocardial and subepicardial layers in good agreement with experimental data. From this study we conclude that the method of CCO combined with staged growth reproduces many characteristics of the different arterial branching patterns in the subendocardium and the subepicardium, which could not be obtained by applying the principle of minimum volume alone. © 2000 Biomedical Engineering Society. PAC00: 8719Uv, 8719Hh, 4760+i  相似文献   

Institute of Experimental Cardiology, All-Union Cardiologic Scientific Center, Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR, Moscow. (Presented by Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences of the USSR V. N. Smirnov.) Translated from Byulleten' Éksperimental'noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 106, No. 10, pp. 397–399, October, 1988.  相似文献   

成人阴茎血管的分布特点及其意义   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
目的:为临床阳萎手术治疗、阴茎再植等提供形态学基础。方法:应用血管铸型法对7例新鲜成人阴茎制作血管铸型标本,然后进行观察和测量。结果:阴茎背动脉为2支,环动脉10~18支。阴茎背深静脉起源于冠后丛静脉,半数以上为双支,为一支较粗的主支和一支较细的副支,在阴茎根部汇成一支主干。环静脉仅在远端2/3出现,起于尿道海绵体上表面,汇入背深静脉。4例在阴茎海绵体两侧各有1条或两条侧静脉。结论:环静脉起于尿道海绵体上表面,而不是阴茎海绵体;阳萎的手术治疗,应注意阴茎血管的分布特点,以防并发症的发生或影响手术效果。  相似文献   

Immunolocalization studies have shown that fibrillin-1 is distributed ubiquitously in the connective tissue space from early embryonic times through old age. When mutated, the gene for fibrillin-1 (FBN1) causes the Marfan syndrome, a common inherited disorder of connective tissue. The multiple manifestations of the Marfan syndrome reflect the known distribution of fibrillin-1 in cardiovascular, musculoskeletal, ocular, and dermal tissues. In this study, a mouse model of Marfan syndrome in which fibrillin-1 is truncated and tagged with green fluorescence was used to estimate the relative abundance of fibrillin-1 in developing tissues. In embryonic tissues, the aorta was the only tissue in which fibrillin-1 green fluorescence was detectable. Other arteries gained detectable fibrillin-1 green fluorescence just after birth. Fibrillin-1 fluorescence was observed at later postnatal times in the lung, skin, perichondrium, tendon, and ocular tissues, while other tissues remained negative. These results indicated that tissues most affected in the Marfan syndrome are the tissues in which fibrillin-1 is most abundant. Focus was placed on the aorta, since aortic disease is life threatening in the Marfan syndrome and fibrillin-1 green fluorescence was most abundant in this tissue. Fibrillin-1 green fluorescence and immunostaining showed that fibrillin-1 is within aortic medial elastic lamellae. Endothelial-specific compared to smooth muscle-specific fibrillin-1 green fluorescence, together with light microscopic analyses of fragmentation of aortic elastic lamellae, demonstrated that smooth muscle cell mutated fibrillin-1 contributed most to progressive aortic fragmentation. However, these studies also indicated that other cells, possibly endothelial cells, also contribute to this aortic pathology. Anat Rec, 2019. © 2019 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Regional differences in hemodynamic loads on arterial walls have been associated with localized vascular disease such as atherosclerosis and cerebral aneurysms. Due to their intrinsic geometric relevance, three-dimensional (3D) reconstructions of arterial segments are frequently used in hemodynamic studies of these diseases. However, it is not possible to use them to systematically vary geometric features for parametric studies. Idealized vascular models are inherently suited for parametric studies, but are limited by their tendency to oversimplify the vessel geometry. In this work, a hierarchy of three parametric bifurcation models is introduced. The models are relatively simple, yet capture all geometric features identified as common to cerebral bifurcations in the complex transition from parent to daughter branches. While these models were initially designed for parametric studies, we also evaluate the possibility of using them for 3D reconstruction of cerebral arteries, with the future goal of improving reconstruction of poor quality clinical data. The lumen surface and vessel hemodynamics are compared between two reconstructed cerebral bifurcations and matched parametric models. Good agreement is found. The average and maximum geometric differences are less than 3.1 and 10%, respectively for all three parametric models. The maximum difference in wall shear stress is less than 8% for the most complex parametric model.  相似文献   

微型轴流血泵溶血的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
基于N-S方程和标准K-ε湍流模型,采用非结构网格技术,对微型轴流血泵内部三维流场进行了数值模拟,得到了速度场、压力场等流场细节;同时采用Lagrange粒子追踪法获得了沿不同流线的剪应力以及红细胞暴露接触时间的分布,并引入溶血计算的经验公式,计算对比了不同转速条件下血泵的溶血指标,重点分析了血泵在5L/min、8000r/min工况下的溶血性能,对于血泵溶血的估算,本方法是可行的.  相似文献   

Systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressure levels generated by a new noninvasive ambulatory monitor, the Accutracker 102, were compared in the laboratory with intra-arterial pressure levels in 12 normotensive men, and with stethoscopic auscultatory determinations in 27 normotensive and hypertensive men and women over a wide range of within-subject pressure variations. In 11 subjects, its performance was also compared with another ambulatory monitor, the Spacelabs Model 5200. Highly positive correlations with both the intra-arterial (median r=+.90 for SBP, +.92 for DBP) and the stethoscopic standards (median r=+.93 for SBP, +.88 for DBP) were obtained using Accutracker's automatic readings (digital readout), while slightly higher correlations were obtained with hand-scoring of recorded data. The Spacelabs BP monitor also yielded readings that were highly correlated with stethoscopic readings (median r=+.83 for SBP, +.77 for DBP), although in 3 of the 11 subjects the Accutracker correlations were substantially higher than the Spacelabs correlations. Despite their generally good tracking of changes in pressure, both ambulatory monitors yielded absolute values in many subjects that differed by 5 mmHg or more from stethoscopic levels. The Accutracker's SBP levels were consistently too high and its DBP levels were occasionally too low, while Spacelabs' SBP and DBP values were too high and too low with equal frequency. However, mean deviation scores for each patient calculated from 5 concurrent ambulatory monitor and stethoscopic readings were shown to yield relatively stable correction factors for use when comparison with clinical standards is desired.  相似文献   

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