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颜华  韩琪 《眼科研究》1999,17(6):463-465
目的 评价放射状角膜切开术(RK)矫正准分子激光角膜切削术(PRK)后残余近视的安全性、有效性及有关并发症。方法 分析10例病人14只眼用RK手术矫正PRK后残余近视的屈光及视力变化。RK后最短观察时间6个月。结果 3只眼(21%)接受1次PRK治疗,7只眼(50%)接受2次PRK治疗,4只眼(29%)接受3次PRK治疗。11只眼(79%)接受4刀R人眼(21%)接受8刀RK术。所有病人RK术后裸  相似文献   

目的观察准分子激光屈光性角膜切削术治疗二次放射状角膜切开术后残留近视及散光的疗效.方法对我院自1996年3月至1 998年7月间用准分子激光屈光性角膜切削术治疗的二次放射状角膜切开术后残留近视及散光病人29例41眼进行观察,依术前病人屈光度分为两组,第一组<-3.00D,17例25眼,第二组≥-3.00D,12例16眼.随访时间1年以上.结果术后1年第一组裸跟视力为0.90±0.1 6,第二组为0.87±0.12.第一组最佳矫正视力为1.02±0.1 6,第二组为0.96±0.17.第一组球镜屈光度下降2.29±0.451),第二组下降4.37±1.66D.病人散光度下降2.11±0.73D.结论准发子激光屈光性角膜切削术治疗放射状角膜切开术后残留近视及散光的预测性好,疗效确定,安全可靠.  相似文献   

探讨准分子激光角膜切削术矫正放射状角膜切开术后残留近视的效果及影响因素,方法29例30眼RK术后8个月以上接受PRK矫正残留近视,分为中低度近视组和高度近视组,平均随访6.4个月。结果PRK术后第1组下降3.30D,第2组下降5.23D。  相似文献   

目的 评价准分子激光角膜切削术矫正近视的结果。方法 我院自1996年9月到1997年10月,应用SVSAPEX型(Summit Technology Inc.USA)准分子激光治疗仪,对168例近视患者(316只眼)行PRK手术,对其中的150例(260只眼,占84%)患者随诊至少3mo以上,最长1a;男68例(116只眼,占40.1%),女82例(144只眼,占59.9%)。150例(260只眼  相似文献   

准分子激光角膜切削术治疗近视和近视散光的临床观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
观察准分子激光角膜切削术治疗近视和近用光的临床结果。方法307例558只眼按术前散光度数分4组,Ⅰ组:168只眼,无散光;Ⅱ组:268只眼,散光-0.25--1.00D;Ⅲ组:87只眼,散光-1.25--2.00D;Ⅳ组:35只眼,散光-2.25--4.25D。全部病例术后随访6个月以上。  相似文献   

准分子激光再次角膜切削术治疗残余近视   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
】  相似文献   

目的:探讨准分子激光角膜表面屈光性切削术(photorefractive keratectomy,PRK)术前确定手术切削屈光度数的方法。 方法:对接受PRK治疗的中度近视143例209眼完整资料中的散瞳验光度数与手术切削度数之差值进行统计学分析。 结果:散瞳验光的平均度数-4.32D,手术切削的平均度数-4.74D,平均差值(0.42±0.173)D,P<0.01。 结论:对中度近视进行PRK治疗时。手术切削度数应大于散瞳验光的度数,是使术后角膜的实际厚度与理论预期厚度相接近,保证视力的稳定性,避免屈光回退。眼科学报 2003;19:206-207。  相似文献   

目的 探讨准分子激光屈光性角膜切削术(PRK)治疗重度近视的疗效。方法 使用Chiron Vision的Keracor116准分子激光机,采用多光区切削方法治疗重度近视49例89眼,屈光度范围:-10.00~-25.00D。术后随访1a,并对结果进行分析。结果 89眼重度近视PRK术后1a时,裸眼视力≥1.0者12眼,占3.49%,0.5~0。8者17眼,占19.10%,≤0.4者60眼,占767  相似文献   

目的:评价准分子激光治疗近视性散光有字全性和有效性,井与准分子激光治疗近视进行比较。设计:对用准分子激光治疗近视性散光或近视的放性的研究背景:患者从18个私人眼科诊所中收集。患者:54只眼接受散光治疗,66只眼接受近视治疗。1例患者失去随访,另1例遭遇无效切削。方法:使用一台VISX20/20准分子激光机做光学散光屈光性角膜切除术(PARK)及光学屈光性角膜切除术(PRK)。主要结果测量:术前术后均评价屈光度数、矫正视力及裸眼视力。结果:术后6月,接受光学散光屈光性角膜切除术的20例患者中17例(85%)的平面屈光力在1屈光度范围内,且20例中19例(95%)的裸眼视力达到6/12(20/40)或更好。对接受光学屈光性角膜切除术的患者,这两个数字分别是32例中的28例(88%)和32例中的28例(88%)。结论:准分子激光手术为治疗近视性散光提供了一项有效的选择。  相似文献   

目前准分子激光角膜切削术(excimerlaserphotorefractivekeratectomy,PRK)在临床上逐步开展。现就我院1996年6月~1998年3月所行PRK术902例(1701眼)的治疗情况、并发症处理报告如下。1 对象和方法1.1 对象:行PRK术者90...  相似文献   

目的 :探讨准分子激光角膜原位磨镶术 (LASIK)矫治放射状角膜切开术 (RK)后欠矫患者的安全性和有效性。方法 :采用LASIK多区扫描技术治疗RK术后 (4~ 6年 )欠矫的患者 12例 17眼 ,平均随访 (2 1.2± 8.9)月。结果 :平均近视度数由术前的 (- 4 .12± 1.36 )DS下降为术后的 (0 .32± 0 .33)DS ,平均散光度数由术前的 (- 1.5 7± 1.34)DC下降为术后的 (0 .32± 0 .30 )DC ,所有术眼术前远视力≤ 0 .3,术后一年有 10眼 (占 5 8.8% )≥ 1.0 ,17眼 (占 10 0 % )≥ 0 .8,无并发症。结论 :对RK术后欠矫的患者在适当的时机行LASIK手术是一种安全而有效的方法  相似文献   

In a psychosocial study of patients who participated in an evaluation of the visual, refractive and keratometric results of radial keratotomy, respondents stated that their primary reasons for electing the operation related to anticipated changes in vision. Improving appearance was not reported as a primary reason for seeking radial keratotomy by these patients. When asked two years after surgery if their vision had improved, remained the same, or worsened, 94.3% reported improvement over preoperative vision. About 40% still wear corrective lens, 26% full time and 14% only part of the time. Most patients (84.1%) reported overall satisfaction with the surgical outcome. Patient satisfaction was strongly related to perceived improvement of vision after surgery, and not to patient self-esteem, to changes in appearance or lifestyle brought about by the operation, or to having a particular physician perform the surgery.  相似文献   

目的 探讨准分子激光角膜切削术 (PRK)及准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术 (L ASIK)矫治角膜放射状切开术 (RK)后残留近视的安全性、稳定性和可靠性。方法 采用美国 COMPAK- 2 0 0型准分子激光治疗仪和SCMD公司的可调节器式气动微型角膜刀 ,分别对 RK后残留近视的 38眼和 9眼行 PRK和 L ASIK术 ,并随访半年以上。 PRK组根据屈光状态分为 3组 : 组 <- 3.0 0 D; 组 - 3.0 0~ 5 .75 D, 组 - 6 .0 0~ - 9.5 0 D。结果 PRK— 、 、 组术后半年裸眼视力≥ 0 .8者分别为 75 %、10 0 %和 75 % ,屈光状态在± 1D内者分别为 87.5 %、81.8%和 5 0 .0 % ;术后 1年裸眼视力≥ 0 .8者分别为 10 0 %、10 0 %和 40 % ,屈光状态在± 1D内者 组为 10 0 % , 组 76 .5 %。在± 2 D以内者 组为 2 0 % ;L ASIK组术后半年屈光状态在± 2 D内者为 75 %。结论  RK后残留近视矫治应根据其术前及残留屈光度合理选择矫治方式 ,- 6 .0 0 D以下残留近视可行 PRK或 L ASIK术 ,高度残留近视则应选择 L ASIK为佳。  相似文献   

RK后屈光欠矫的LASIK治疗   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的评估LASIK治疗RK术后欠矫的效果.方法对RK术后屈光欠矫的33眼(19人)施行LASIK.年龄在21~30岁,屈光欠矫范围为-2.00~-11.5D(-5.21±2.79D).结果术后视力和屈光度通常在3个月时稳定;6个月时,所有眼获得0.8以上的裸跟视力,屈光度均在±1.00D以内,3眼的最好矫正视力较术前下降.无角膜瓣移位、脱失,角膜混浊和层间上皮植入等并发症.结论LASIK治疗RK术后屈光欠矫效果好、预测性好,应该在RK后两年以上.  相似文献   

AIM: To evaluate the efficacy and safety of the excimer laser correction of the residual refractive errors after cataract extraction with intraocular lens (IOL) implantation in uncommon cases. METHODS: Totally 24 patients with high residual refractive error after cataract surgery with IOL implantation were examined. Twenty-two patients had a history of phacoemulsification and IOL implantation, and two had extra-capsular cataract extraction with IOL implantation. Detailed examination of preoperative medical records was done to explain the origin of the post-cataract refractive errors. All patients underwent photorefractire keratectomy (PRK) enhancement. The mean outcome measures were refraction, uncorretted visual acuity (UCVA), best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) and corneal transparency and follow up ranged from 1 to 8y. RESULTS: The principal causes of residual ametropia was inexact IOL calculation in abnormal eyes with high myopia and congenital lens abnormalities, followed by corneal astigmatism both suture induced and preexisting. After cataract surgery and before the laser enhancement the mean spherical equivalent (SE) was -0.56±3 D ranging from -4.62 to +2.25 D in high myopic patients, instead it was -1±1.73 D ranging from -3.25 to +3.75 D in the astigmatic eyes, with a mean cylinder of -3.75±0 ranging from -3 to +5.50 D. After laser refractive surgery the mean SE was 0.1±0.73, ranging from -0.50 to +1.50 in the myopic group, and it was -0.50±0.57 ranging from -1.25 to +0.50 in astigmatic patients, with a mean cylinder of -0.25±0.75. In myopic patients the mean UCVA and BCVA were 0.038±0.072 logMAR and 0.018±0.04 respectively, both ranging from 0.10 to 0.0. In astigmatic patients, the mean UCVA and BCVA were 0.213±0.132 and 0.00±0.0 respectively, UCVA ranging from 0.50 to 0.22 and BCVA was 0.00. All patients presented normal corneal transparency. No ocular hypertension was detected and no corneal haze was observed. All registered values remained stable also at the end line evaluation. CONCLUSION: The excimer laser treatment of residual refractive errors after cataract surgery with IOL implantation in abnormal eyes resulted in satisfactory and stable visual outcome with good safety and efficacy.  相似文献   

To evaluate the safety, efficacy, and predictability of photorefractive keratectomy (PRK) to correct post-radial-keratotomy (RK) hyperopic shift.University of Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada.This retrospective nonconsecutive case series comprised 53 eyes of 53 patients who had PRK to correct hyperopic shift after RK. Both RK and PRK were performed by the same surgeon at the same clinic from 1993 to 2001.The mean time after RK was 57 months (range 24 to 84 months). The mean follow-up after hyperopic PRK (HPRK) was 10 months (range 3 to 33 months). The mean hyperopic shift 1 month post-RK to HPRK was +1.6 diopters (D) +/- 1.0 (SD) (range +0.25 to +4.125 D). The mean pre-HPRK spherical equivalent (SE) was +2.15 +/- 0.80 D (range +1.00 to +4.125 D) and the mean post-HPRK SE, -0.10 +/- 0.80 D (range -2.00 to +2.125 D). At the last examination, 47 eyes (88.7%) had a refractive error within +/-1.0 D of emmetropia and 38 eyes (71.7%) had an uncorrected visual acuity of 20/25 or better. Two eyes lost 1 Snellen line of best corrected visual acuity. No significant haze or complications developed in any eye.Hyperopic PRK with a conservative technique (large optical zone and small ablation thickness) can be used successfully to correct RK-induced hyperopia in patients with small to moderate refractive errors. It appeared to be effective, predictable, and safe.  相似文献   

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