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目的 评价不同浓度H2O2溶液表面处理对玻璃纤维桩与树脂水门汀粘接强度的影响。方法 将25支POPO纤维桩随机分成5组:A组(对照组),B组(硅烷组),C组(10% H2O2+硅烷组),D组(20% H2O2+硅烷组),E组(30% H2O2+硅烷组)。将纤维桩与树脂水门汀粘接制作树脂块及薄片试件,将试件放在万能试验机上加载后算出粘接强度,体视显微镜观察破坏模式,统计学分析。结果 各组粘接强度值为:A组 (12.36±1.66)MPa,B组(12.76±1.59)MPa,C组(16.10±2.55)MPa,D组(19.19±2.81)MPa,E组(21.95±2.95) MPa。5组数据两两比较,除AB组比较无统计学意义(P>0.05),其余均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 仅用硅烷偶联剂对玻璃纤维桩进行表面处理的粘接强度并未提高;H2O2溶液处理后再涂硅烷偶联剂可提高玻璃纤维桩与树脂水门汀的粘接强度,随H2O2溶液浓度的增加,粘接强度增加增多。  相似文献   

目的:评价酸蚀预处理对自黏结树脂水门汀Unicem、G-Cem、Clearfil SA Cement、BisCem与牙本质微拉伸黏结强度的影响。方法:选用人无龋离体第三恒磨牙32颗,用低速切片机将选用磨牙冠1/4处沿垂直于牙体长轴方向切开,暴露牙本质。实验组在牙本质表面涂布37%磷酸,冲洗、吹干,对照组不做处理。然后将各组与直径为5 mm、高为4 mm的树脂块分别用 Unicem、G-Cem、Clearfil SA Cement、BisCem进行黏结。水浴24 h后,用低速切片机将样本切割成约1 mm×1 mm×8 mm条状,再进行微拉伸测试,并通过扫描电镜观察黏结界面。采用SPSS16.0软件包对数据进行统计学分析。结果:Unicem组(12.9±3.2) MPa、G-Cem组(11.7±2.6) MPa及Clearfil SA Cement组(10.9±2.3) MPa与牙本质的微拉伸黏结强度显著高于BisCem组(6.8±2.4) MPa(P<0.05)。酸蚀预处理后,Unicem组(9.2±2.5) MPa、G-Cem组(6.1±2.3) MPa及Clearfil SA Cement组(4.8±1.7) MPa黏结强度显著降低(P<0.05),而BisCem组(7.1±2.9) MPa黏结强度无显著差异。结论:牙本质的表面酸蚀预处理降低了自黏结树脂水门汀G-Cem、Clearfil SA Cement及Unicem 的牙本质黏结强度,但对BisCem的牙本质黏结强度无显著影响。  相似文献   

目的:探讨4种不同表面处理对义齿软衬树脂与硬质树脂之间黏结强度影响。方法:制作热凝硬质基托树脂试件(直径8mm,长度15mm)和热凝义齿软衬树脂试件(厚4mm,直径10mm),然后将2个硬质树脂试件黏结在软衬树脂正反两面的中心。采用4种不同表面处理方式——第1组,对照组,不加任何处理;第2组,喷砂粗化处理;第3组,专用黏结剂涂布表层;第4组,表层涂布 喷砂粗化。每组各10个试件,分别测定黏结强度,采用SPSS10.0软件进行单因素方差分析。结果:第1、2、3、4组的平均黏结强度分别为3.518、2.834、4.077和3.852MPa。F=6.40,P<0.0014。表层涂布组的黏结强度最高,而喷砂组的黏结强度最低。结论:使用专用黏结剂表层涂布,可显著增强义齿软衬树脂的黏结强度;而进行喷砂处理,反而会使黏结强度下降。  相似文献   

目的 研究不同表面处理方式对润瓷与树脂水门汀黏结强度的影响。方法 将润瓷切割成12 mm × 14 mm × 8 mm和12 mm × 14 mm × 3 mm两种尺寸的试件,每种尺寸的试件随机分成6组,分别进行不同的表面预处理:未处理组(NT组)、硅烷化处理组(Si组)、氢氟酸组(HF组)、氢氟酸联合硅烷化处理组(HF+Si组)、喷砂组(SB组)、喷砂联合硅烷化处理组(SB+Si组)。使用树脂水门汀将各组12 mm × 14 mm × 8 mm的试件两两黏结,制作微拉伸试件,37℃去离子水中水浴24 h后进行微拉伸强度测试。12 mm × 14 mm × 3 mm的试件用于测量预处理后的试件表面粗糙度,并扫描电镜观察表面形貌。将微拉伸黏结强度及粗糙度测量结果采用SPSS 22.0软件进行单因素方差分析。结果 不同表面处理方式对润瓷的黏结强度和粗糙度均有明显影响(F值分别为7.228、551.032,P < 0.05)。HF组和SB组黏结强度和粗糙度均大于NT组,差异有统计学意义(P < 0.05),且SB组的粗糙度明显高于HF组(P < 0.05),但两者黏结强度差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。Si组黏结强度大于NT组(P < 0.05),但两组粗糙度比较,差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。HF+Si组黏结强度明显低于HF组(P < 0.05)。SB+Si组黏结强度和粗糙度与SB组相比,差异无统计学意义(P > 0.05)。结论 氢氟酸处理、喷砂处理和硅烷化处理的单独应用均可不同程度地提高润瓷的黏结强度,而氢氟酸处理不适合与硅烷化处理联合应用。  相似文献   

目的 比较不同根管牙本质表面处理对树脂水门汀粘接强度的影响.方法 24颗单根管离体前磨牙在釉牙骨质界处截冠后行根管充填,实验随机分为四组:A组为对照组(无表面处理);B组为冲洗处理组(17%EDTA 10ml和5%NaClO10ml联合冲洗根管各30s);C组为酸蚀处理组(35%磷酸酸蚀根管30s);D组为冲洗+酸蚀处理组(先17%EDTA10ml和5%NaClO10ml联合冲洗根管各30s;后用35%磷酸酸蚀根管30s).用PULPDENT树脂水门汀进行粘接.自凝塑料包埋牙根,切割为1 mm厚的试件,并将其按照根管的深度分为根尖、根中、根冠3组,测试其粘接强度.记录数值并进行统计分析.结果 与A组相比,B组、C组和D组冲洗桩道后,三个区段的根管牙本质与树脂水门汀的粘接强度均明显增加,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),其中以D组的粘接强度最高,D组根尖段与其他两段间的粘接强度差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);三组实验组的根中段和根冠段之间差异没有统计学意义(P>0.05).无论是对照组还是实验组,根尖段牙本质与树脂水门汀的粘接强度均为最低,根冠段最高,且差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01).结论 (1)采用冲洗处理、酸蚀处理和冲洗+酸蚀处理根管壁均能增强根管牙本质与树脂水门汀的剪切粘接强度;(2)根管部位对根管牙本质与树脂水门汀的剪切粘接强度有影响.  相似文献   

直径1.25mm的玻璃纤维桩24根随机分为4组,用300mL/L过氧化氢(H)、40g/L氢氟酸(F)、320g/L磷酸(P)和蒸馏水(对照组)对纤维桩进行表面处理,并于表面涂布树脂黏结剂后用树脂水门汀将其黏结于树脂模具中。试件在万能材料试验机上进行推出实验。结果:F组黏结强度均值最高(30.28±2.36)MPa,其次为H组(26.15±1.56)MPa,P组(23.71±3.47)MPa,对照组(C组)最小(22.39±2.48)MPa。单因素方差分析及多重比较显示:F组与H组、P组、C组之间有统计学差异(P<0.05);H组与P组、C组之间有统计学差异(P<0.05);P组与C组之间无统计学差异(P>0.05)。结论:用300mL/L过氧化氢、40g/L氢氟酸对纤维桩表面进行处理,可有效提高纤维桩与树脂黏结强度。  相似文献   

Liu K  Deng J  Zhang HM  Yao LX 《上海口腔医学》2011,20(4):381-384
目的:采用剪切强度实验和扫描电镜,评价脉冲Nd:YAG激光对自黏结树脂水门汀与牙本质之间黏结强度的影响。方法:选择新鲜、无龋、无裂纹的人离体前磨牙10颗,分为颊、舌2部分,暴露牙本质黏结面,形成20个测试试件,随机分为激光组和对照组(n=10)。激光组以0.8W、10Hz脉冲Nd:YAG激光作用于涂墨汁的牙本质表面25s,联合自黏结树脂水门汀RelyX Unicem充填;对照组直接使用自黏结树脂水门汀RelyX Unicem充填于牙本质表面,放置在37℃生理盐水中24h后,测试剪切强度,在牙科显微镜下观察断裂模式并分类。采用SPSS 17.0软件包对数据进行统计学处理。最后,扫描电镜下观察试件的树脂水门汀-牙本质的纵剖面。结果:对照组和激光组的剪切强度分别为(9.48±1.80)MPa和(11.15±1.71)MPa,有显著差异(P<0.05)。牙科显微镜下观察,2组试件断裂大部分发生在树脂水门汀-牙本质界面。扫描电镜观察,2组自黏结树脂水门汀RelyX Unicem与牙本质之间结合较紧密,但均未见树脂突。结论:Nd:YAG激光(0.8W、10Hz)处理牙本质,能提高自黏结树脂水门汀RelyX Unicem与牙本质之间的黏结强度。  相似文献   

纤维桩由于具有良好的物理化学及美学性能,在临床上的应用日益增加。大量研究表明,纤维桩修复失败的主要原因为粘接失败,即树脂粘结剂与牙本质,树脂粘结剂与纤维桩界面之间的脱粘结。粘结前对纤维桩表面和/或根管牙本质表面进行处理可以提高纤维桩粘结的成功机率。本文就根管牙本质表面处理对树脂水门汀粘结强度的影响进行综述。  相似文献   

目的研究浸泡时间对水门汀黏结强度的影响。方法用5种不同水门汀对金属合金进行黏结,保存在37℃人工唾液中24 h、3周、6周后分别测其黏结强度的变化。结果增强型玻璃离子水门汀、增强型磷酸锌水门汀、松风玻璃离子水门汀、松风聚羧酸锌水门汀在浸泡24 h、3周、6周三个时间段后的黏结强度未发生明显改变(P>0.05);增强型聚羧酸锌水门汀浸泡3周与浸泡24 h其黏结强度有统计学差异(0.01相似文献   



To evaluate the influence of different surface treatments on the microtensile bond strength of resin cement to zirconia ceramic.

Materials and methods

Twelve cylinder-shaped ( 12 × 5.25 mm high) blocks of a commercial zirconium-oxide ceramic (Cercon® Zirconia, DENTSPLY) were randomly divided into 4 groups (n = 3), based on the surface treatment to be performed: (1) airborne particle abrasion with 125 μm Al2O3 particles (S); (2) selective infiltration etching (SIE); (3) experimental hot etching solution applied for 30 min (ST) and (4) no treatment (C). Paradigm MZ100 blocks (3M ESPE) were cut into twelve cylinders of 4 mm in thickness. Composite cylinders were bonded to conditioned ceramics using a resin cement (Calibra®, DENTSPLY), in combination with the proprietary adhesive system. After 24 h bonded specimens were cut into microtensile sticks and loaded in tension until failure. Bond strength data were analyzed with Kruskall-Wallis and Dunn's Multiple Range test for multiple comparisons (p < 0.05). Failure mode distribution was recorded and the interfacial morphology of debonded specimens was analyzed using a scanning electron microscope (SEM).


Bond strength values achieved after SIE and ST treatment were significantly higher than after S treatment and without any treatment (p < 0.05). Premature failures were mostly recorded in the S group.


Conditioning the high-strength ceramic surface with SIE and ST treatments yielded higher bond strengths of the resin cement than when zirconia ceramic was treated with airborne particle abrasion or left untreated.  相似文献   

目的 评价表面处理方法对玻璃纤维桩粘接强度的影响.方法 选用MATCHPOST玻璃纤维桩和Relyx玻璃纤维桩各16根,按照表面处理方法随机分为4组:对照组(无表面处理);单独硅烷偶联剂处理组;单独粘接剂处理组;硅烷偶联剂+粘接剂联合处理组,每组每种纤维桩4根.用树脂水门汀将纤维桩粘接就位至圆筒模具,再用自凝塑料包埋.37C蒸馏水水浴24h后从垂直于纤维桩长轴的方向将样本从底部切割2个1 mm薄片.对64个薄片进行微推出测试.所得数据用SPSS19.0统计软件进行分析.结果 MATCHPOST玻璃纤维桩四组中,硅烷偶联剂+粘接剂联合处理组的粘接强度最高,与对照组相比差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),与单独粘接剂处理组相比统计学上具有非常显著差异(P<0.01);其他各组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).Relyx玻璃纤维桩四组中,硅烷偶联剂+粘接剂联合处理组粘接强度最高,但各组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 硅烷偶联剂和粘接剂联合处理后可以增强玻璃纤维桩与树脂水门汀的粘接强度.  相似文献   

目的: 比较5种不同表面处理方法对纤维桩黏结强度的影响。方法:50根纤维桩按照表面处理方法的不同,随机分为5组,A组为硅烷偶联剂组(Clearfil Porcelain Bond Activator,Kuraray),B组为硅烷偶联剂+黏结剂组(A+ Clearfil SE Bond,Kuraray),C组为过氧化氢组(30%H2O2溶液),D组为过氧化氢+硅烷偶联剂组(C+A),E组为对照组。分别与树脂黏结剂黏结后,每组再平均分成2个小组,1组37℃生理盐水保存24 h后进行微拉伸强度测试,1组37℃生理盐水保存24 h后进行10000次冷热循环再进行微拉伸强度测试。采用SPSS17.0软件包对数据进行统计学分析。结果:冷热循环前A组~E组的微拉伸黏结强度分别为(6.7±0.7)、(14.4±1.1)、(10.7±0.9)、(16.0±1.0)和(6.7±1.0) MPa,冷热循环后,A组~E组的微拉伸黏结强度分别为(6.0±0.7 )、(13.1±0.7)、(9.0±0.7)、(15.0±0.9 ) 和(5.6±0.7) MPa。除硅烷偶联剂组与对照组之间外,其余各组之间差异均有显著性(P<0.05),其中,过氧化氢+硅烷偶联剂组黏结强度最大。各组之间在冷热循环前、后的微拉伸黏结强度差异均有显著性(P<0.05)。结论:温度疲劳循环可以降低5种表面处理的纤维桩与树脂间的黏结强度,30%H2O2溶液处理纤维桩后再使用硅烷偶联剂,可显著增加纤维桩与树脂之间的黏结强度。  相似文献   



Over the past years, the adhesion of fiber posts luted with simplified adhesive systems has been a matter of great interest. The aim of this study was to assess the post retentive potential of a self-adhesive resin cement using different adhesive systems to compare the push-out bond strengths of fiber posts.


The post spaces of 56 mandibular premolar roots were prepared and divided into 4 experimental groups and further divided into 2 subgroups according to testing time (n=7). The fiber posts (Rely X Fiber Post) were luted with a self-adhesive resin cement (RelyX Unicem) and one of the following adhesive systems: no adhesive, a total-etch adhesive resin (Single Bond), a two-step self-etch adhesive resin (Clearfil SE Bond) and a one-step self-etch adhesive resin (Clearfil S3 Bond). Each root was cut horizontally, and 1.5 mm thick six root segments were prepared. Push-out tests were performed after one week or three months (0.5 mm/min). Statistical analysis were performed with three-way ANOVA (α=.05).


Cervical root segments showed higher bond strength values than middle segments. Adhesive application increased the bond strength. For one week group, the total-etch adhesive resin Single Bond showed higher bond strength than the self-adhesive resin cement RelyX Unicem applied without adhesive resin at middle region. For 3 months group, the two-step self-etch adhesive resin Clearfil SE Bond showed the highest bond strength for both regions. Regarding the time considered, Clearfil SE Bond 3 months group showed higher bond strength values than one week group.


Using the adhesive resins in combination with the self-adhesive resin cement improves the bond strengths. The bond strength values of two-step self-etch adhesive resin Clearfil SE Bond improved as time passes.  相似文献   

PurposeThe aim of this study is to evaluate the effect of fusion sputtering surface treatment on the microshear bond strength of zirconia and self-adhesive MDP-containing resin cement.MaterialsThirty-six zirconia discs received one of the following treatments: fusion sputtering, airborne particle abrasion with 50-μm aluminum oxide particles, while as-sintered specimens served as a control. Four treated zirconia samples from each group were examined using 3D laser scanning microscope to assess the surface roughness and scanning electron microscope to study the surface topography. The specimens of each group were bonded to composite micro discs using MDP-containing self-adhesive resin cement (Panavia SA cement plus). The specimens were thermocycled for 5000 cycles between 5 and 55 °C. Microshear bond strength test was performed using universal testing machine until bonding failure. Failure modes and fracture surfaces was evaluated using scanning electron microscope.ResultsThe fusion sputtering surface treatment significantly influenced zirconia-resin bond strength (p < 0.001). The highest mean microshear bond strength value was observed in fusion sputtering treatment (23.18 ± 4.38). The lowest value was observed in as-sintered zirconia surfaces (7.23 ± 6.26).SignificanceFusion sputtering surface treatment enhanced the microshear bond strength of zirconia and resin cement.  相似文献   



Post surface conditioning is necessary to expose the glass fibers to enable bonding between fiber post and resin cement. The purpose of the present study was to evaluate the effect of different surface conditioning on tensile bond strength (TBS) of a glass fiber reinforced post to resin cement.


In this in vitro study, 40 extracted single canal central incisors were endodontically treated and post spaces were prepared. The teeth were divided into four groups according to the methods of post surface treatment (n=10): 1) Silanization after etching with 20% H2O2, 2) Silanization after airborne-particle abrasion, 3) Silanization, and 4) No conditioning (Control). Adhesive resin cement (Panavia F 2.0) was used for cementation of the fiber posts to the root canal dentin. Three slices of 3 mm thick were obtained from each root. A universal testing machine was used with a cross-head speed of 1 mm/minute for performing the push-out tests. Two-way ANOVA and Tukey post hoc tests were used for analyzing data (α=0.05).


It is revealed that different surface treatments and root dentin regions had significant effects on TBS, but the interaction between surface treatments and root canal regions had no significant effect on TBS. There was significant difference among H2O2 + Silane Group and other three groups.


There were significant differences among the mean TBS values of different surface treatments. Application of hydrogen peroxide before silanization increased the bond strength between resin cements and fiber posts. The mean TBS mean values was significantly greater in the coronal region of root canal than the middle and apical thirds.  相似文献   

ObjectiveEvaluating the bond strength of fiberglass posts cemented with different resin cements. Materials and Methods: Seventy freshly extracted roots of healthy human canines were endodontically treated and prepared to receive fiberglass posts. The roots were randomly divided into seven groups: (G1) RelyX ARC, (G2) Enforce, (G3) BisCem, (G4) Duo-Link, (G5) Cement Post, (G6) Variolink II, and (G7) RelyX U200. After post cementation, the specimens were sectioned perpendicularly to the root axis using a high-speed diamond disc, totaling 340 specimens. The strength values obtained in the push-out test were submitted to two-factor ANOVA and Tukey test (p = 0.05). Results: The root thirds (p = 0.001) and the type of cement (p = 0.001) influenced the bond strength values. The relation between these two factors was also significant (p = 0.011). Conclusions: The bond strength of self-adhesive resin cements was significantly higher as compared to other cements. Besides the cervical third in roots cemented with conventional cements types presented the highest bond strength values (p < 0.05).  相似文献   



This study evaluated the effect of different surface conditioning methods on the tensile bond strength (TBS) and integrity of the amalgam-resin composite interface, using commercially available restoration repair systems.


One hundred and sixty Gamma 2 amalgam specimens were stored in artificial saliva for 2 weeks and then randomly assigned to one of the following conditioning groups (n = 20/group): Group 1: air abrasion, alloy primer and ‘Panavia 21’, Group 2: air abrasion and ‘Amalgambond Plus’, Group 3: air abrasion and ‘All-Bond 3’, Group 4: diamond bur, alloy primer and ‘Panavia 21’, Group 5: diamond bur and ‘Amalgambond Plus’, Group 6: diamond bur and ‘All-Bond 3’, Group 7: silica coating technique, and Group 8: non-conditioned amalgam surfaces (control group). Subsequently, resin composite material was added to the substrate surfaces and the amalgam-resin composite specimens were subjected to TBS testing. Representative samples from the test groups were subjected to scanning electron microscopy and surface profilometry. The data was analysed statistically with one-way ANOVA and post hoc Tukey's tests (α = 0.05).


The mean TBS of amalgam-resin composite ranged between 1.34 and 5.13 MPa and varied with the degree of amalgam surface roughness and the type of conditioning technique employed. Significantly highest TBS values (5.13 ± 0.96 MPa) were obtained in Group 1 (p = 0.013).


Under the tested conditions, significantly greater tensile bond strength of resin composite to amalgam was achieved when the substrate surface was conditioned by air abrasion followed by the application of the Panavia 21 adhesive system.

Clinical significance

Effecting a repair of an amalgam restoration with resin composite via the use of air abrasion and application of Panavia 21 would seem to enhance the integrity of the amalgam-resin composite interface. Clinical trials involving the implementation of this technique are indicated to determine the usefulness of this technique.  相似文献   

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