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PUVA-bath therapy developed into a first line topical PUVA therapy, and gel and cream preparations have been described as alternative modes of topical 8-MOP application. Because bath-PUVA can be difficult to manage, topical PUVA therapy using 8-MOP gel or cream preparations may become an important alternative when treating localised skin diseases. However, controlled comparisons of efficacy with this alternative topical PUVA therapy are lacking. We therefore compared the efficacy of PUVA-cream therapy with PUVA-bath therapy in 12 patients with recalcitrant dermatoses of the palms and soles using a left/right trial design. These patients responded well to both treatment modalities, meaning that both could be used successfully to treat recalcitrant dermatoses of the palms and soles.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND/PURPOSE: In order to avoid unwanted effects of systemic psoralen and ultraviolet A (PUVA) therapy, various topical PUVA treatment modalities have been developed and are being increasingly used. However, up to now very few controlled studies comparing the therapeutic efficacy of different topical photochemotherapy modalities are available. Thus, the aim of our study was to compare the clinical efficacy of conventional PUVA-bath therapy to topical PUVA-gel therapy in patients with recalcitrant dermatoses of the palms and soles. METHODS: Twenty patients with severe palmoplantar dermatoses or localized psoriatic plaques were enrolled in our observer-blinded, randomized half-sided study. The treatment modalities compared were: (i) aqueous 8-methoxypsoralen (8-MOP)-containing gel plus broadband UVA irradiation (PUVA-gel therapy) and (ii) 8-MOP bath of the hands and/or feet plus broadband UVA (PUVA-bath therapy). RESULTS: On the body half, which was randomized to PUVA-gel therapy, the median Area and Severity Index for palmoplantar dermatoses (ASIppd) decreased from 28 (range 6-56) to 1.5 (range 1-37, P = 0.00) after a median 33 (13-49) irradiations compared with a reduction from 26.5 (range 6-52.5) to 1.5 (range 0-38, P = 0.00) for PUVA-bath therapy. Both improvements of ASIppd scores were found to be statistically significant, with no significant difference between PUVA-gel and PUVA-bath therapy. Severe phototoxic reactions such as strong erythema, blistering and/or pain were not observed in any patient. CONCLUSION: PUVA-gel therapy seems to be an effective therapeutic alternative to conventional PUVA-bath therapy in treating localized dermatoses of the palms and soles. The advantage of PUVA-gel therapy is reduced organizational efforts and expenses.  相似文献   

Plasma levels of 8-methoxypsoralen following PUVA-bath photochemotherapy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Administration of 8-methoxypsoralen (8-MOP) in a dilute bath water solution is an effective therapeutic alternative to oral PUVA therapy, avoiding systemic side effects, offering better bioavailability of the psoralen and requiring much smaller amounts of UVA for induction of therapeutic effects. To obtain exact data about the percutaneous absorption of 8-MOP during a psoralen bath, the plasma levels of the drug were determined in 26 patients with different skin diseases by a reverse high-performance liquid chromatographic method. Fifteen patients receiving oral PUVA therapy (0.8 mg 8-MOP/kg body weight) served as a positive control group. Bath solutions were prepared by diluting 15 ml of 0.5% stock solution of 8-MOP in 150 l of bath water (0.5 mg/l, 37°C). Blood samples were drawn from patients 5, 30, 60, 120 and 180 min after the bath. In the oral PUVA group, blood samples were obtained 1½ h after administration of the drug. In 23 of 26 patients, 8-MOP levels were undetectable in every blood sample. After 30 min, two patients showed detectable levels of 8-MOP (5 ng/ml, 7 ng/ml), while 60 min after the PUVA bath 8-MOP was detectable in only one volunteer (5 ng/ml). In patients receiving oral 8-MOP therapy, serum levels varied between 45 and 360 ng/ml 1½ h after drug administration. Our data confirm extremely low 8-MOP levels resulting from 8-MOP bath water treatments and provide confirmation of the absence of systemic side effects in patients who are undergoing PUVA-bath therapy.  相似文献   

PUVA therapy successfully cleared various dermatoses mainly confined to the palms and soles in 18 of 20 patients treated. The conditions treated were: plaque-type psoriasis, pustular psoriasis, endogenous eczema and persistent palmoplantar pustulosis. Seventeen patients were treated in a controlled study of PUVA therapy versus no treatment at all and in 16 of these patients the disease was cleared in the PUVA-treated areas while the untreated areas remained unchanged or deteriorated. Twelve of the 18 patients were maintained in a clear state by continued maintenance PUVA treatment over 6–31 months while 3 patients had a spontaneous remission and are free of disease off all treatment.  相似文献   

Background: With a lack of evidence base for individual topical PUVA protocols, treatment is presently based on the consensus of current practice. This audit was designed to investigate the effectiveness of topical PUVA for palmoplantar dermatoses. Methods: Phototherapy notes were reviewed on all patients who received hand and/or foot PUVA 2002–2007 in the Northern Health and Social Care Trust (NHSCT), Northern Ireland. Results: Thirty patients met the inclusion criteria for the study. The mean number of treatments, maximum single UVA dose, and cumulative dose, were 18.4, 4.2 J/cm2, and 48.3 J/cm2, respectively. A positive response to treatment occurred in 51.3% of patients, which fell short of the 70% standard set. In a multivariate logistic regression analysis, number of treatments (P=0.04) and maximum single UVA dose (P=0.03) were the only variables associated with positive treatment outcome. The response was not influenced significantly by skin type, concurrent topical treatments, or cumulative UVA dose. Limitations to the study: Small patient numbers may have prevented the statistical significance of individual variables. Conclusions: UV dose increments should be clearly defined to avoid excess caution at the expense of an adequate patient response, and a minimum of 20 treatments administered to all patients, if tolerated.  相似文献   

报告1例首发症状为掌跖疼痛性红斑的左心房黏液瘤.患者女,42岁,双手掌、足跖出现散在粟粒大小疼痛性红色斑疹2年,伴反应迟钝、尿失禁1个月.右侧Babinski征(+),右侧Chaddock征(+),右侧腹壁反射减弱,Romberg征(+).皮损组织病理检查显示真皮网状层血管中可见栓子,阿新蓝染色阳性.头颅磁共振检查示颅内多发性栓塞.超声心动图检查示左心房有一6.8 cm×3.2 cm肿瘤.手术切除左心房肿瘤,经组织病理检查证实为黏液瘤.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Both bath psoralen plus ultraviolet A (PUVA) and oral PUVA with 8-methoxypsoralen (8-MOP) have been successfully used for the treatment of recalcitrant palmoplantar psoriasis. This trial was designed to assess the efficacy and side effects of the different treatment modalities in a randomized half-side comparison. Methods: Eight patients with moderate-to-severe psoriasis on soles (n = 6) and/or palms (n = 8) were randomly assigned to receive bath PUVA treatment on one side and oral PUVA on the other. Initial treatment dose was 50% of the minimal phototoxic dose evaluated for bath PUVA and oral PUVA. Treatment was given three times a week for 4 weeks. Before treatment and every week a severity index (SI) was assessed by summing the scores of erythema, infiltration, scaling and vesicles evaluated on a scale from 0 to 4. After 4 weeks of treatment the half-side trial was finished and the treatment was continued on both sides with the more effective treatment regimen. RESULTS: Both bath PUVA and oral PUVA achieved a reduction of the mean initial SI from 5.9 (95% confidence intervals (CI) 4.5-8.0) to 3.3 (1.8-6.0) (44% SI reduction, P < 0.005, Student's paired t-test) and 6.0 (5.0-7.8) to 2.9 (1.8-4.0) (52% SI reduction; P < 0.005), respectively. The statistical comparison of the entire 4-week study period revealed a significant better effect in lesions treated with oral PUVA compared with bath PUVA (P = 0.033). However, at 4 weeks, there was no significant difference between the achieved SI reduction of oral PUVA and bath PUVA. Systemic side effects (nausea and/or dizziness) were only observed after oral PUVA. CONCLUSION: This study gives evidence that in the first 4 treatment weeks oral PUVA is slightly more effective than bath PUVA but the former has more systemic side effects.  相似文献   

A newly-synthesized, monofunctional psoralen derivative, 7-methyl pyrido (3,4-C) psoralen (MPP) was compared with 8-methoxypsoralen (8MOP) with respect to their therapeutic efficacy in photochemotherapy of psoriasis. Psoriatic lesions of six patients were treated with topical application of MPP plus UVA (MPP PUVA) or with 8MOP plus UVA (8MOP PUVA). The UVA doses used in each treatment were 7.5 or 10 J/cm2 with MPP and from 1.2 to 3.6 J/cm2 with 8MOP. In every patient, marked improvement was observed after 2 to 6 treatments with MPP PUVA or 8MOP PUVA. Three patients showed clearance of each psoriatic lesion treated 9 to 17 times with MPP or 8MOP PUVA. Althought MPP required much higher UVA doses than 8MOP, MPP PUVA was as effective as 8MOP PUVA in treating psoriasis. When irradiating with identical doses of UVA, MPP PUVA appeared to be less active than 8MOP PUVA. None of the patients developed any severe dermatitis reactions during 20 exposures to MPP PUVA, indicating that the probability of inducing allergic contact and photocontact dermatitis may be extremely low. Erythemogenic and pigmentogenic activities of MPP and 8MOP were also compared. The data demonstrated that 8MOP is more than 8 times as effective as MPP for both activities. With the UV doses used in this study, however, every patient produced marked pigmentation after MPP PUVA therapy. Finally, the UVA dose-dependency of MPP PUVA was studied with an additional patient. Both therapeutic and pigmentogenic effects increased as a function of the UVA dose; it appeared impossible to clear psoriasis without producing pigmentation.  相似文献   

Case reports Five cases of palm and sole lichen planus (LP) taken from our series of 263 cases observed from 1985 to date are reported. Comments The clinical features of LP on the palms and soles are hyperkeratotic papules, erythematous patches, erosive lesions and also acrosyringeal LP. It has been hypothesized that betablocker drugs excreted by the ecerine if glands could influence the physiology of the excretory duct producing the acrosyringeal modification of LP. The authors evidence the association, in two patients, between erosive palm and sole LP and HCV-positive hepatopathy and also the association between LP erosive features and liver involvement.  相似文献   

血浆输注及血浆置换治疗重症皮肤病   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
为证实血浆输注疗法在治疗重症炎性及自身免疫性皮肤病中的应用价值。对202例经过皮质类固醇和/或免疫抑制剂等治疗后仍难控制病情的结缔组织病,大疱性皮肤病及重型银屑病等患者予以新鲜冰冻血浆输注,并与血浆置换疗法进行比较。结果显示,血浆输注组总有效率为88.61%,血浆置换组为91.18%,两组的总有效率经统计学处理无显著性差异(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Extracorporeal photochemotherapy (EXP) is an immunomodulating therapy that has been used in a limited number of patients with systemic sclerosis (SSC) with controversial results. The present study was performed to evaluate the efficacy and safety of extended EXP with extracorporeal application of liquid 8-methoxypsoralen (8-MOP) in the treatment of SSC. METHODS: Eleven women with progressive SSC of recent onset were treated for a period of 16-57 months. Skin changes, physical performance, extracutaneous manifestations, and quality of life were evaluated before initiation of EXP and at regular intervals thereafter. RESULTS: From the start to the last set of EXP, we observed an overall improvement and/or stabilization of skin changes and physical performance in 5 of 11 patients (45%). Extracutaneous manifestations deteriorated in 10 of 11 patients (91%) (P<0.05), and quality of life deteriorated in 9 of 11 patients (82%) from a mean score of 10 before, to 17 at the last set of EXP (P<0.05). No major side effects were noted. CONCLUSION: Extended EXP with extracorporeal administration of 8-MOP is a safe and well tolerated treatment modality. However, it provides only (minor) improvement of skin changes of a subset of SSC patients and does not beneficially influence extracutaneous manifestations and quality of life.  相似文献   

Oral psoralen photochemotherapy (PUVA) was found to be effective in five patients with chronic hyperkeratotic dermatitis of the palms. Relapses may occur but they respond well to retreatment.  相似文献   

大剂量静脉注射免疫球蛋白(IVIG)在部分难治性和危重皮肤病的治疗中疗效肯定,不良反应少。IgG的Fab段和Fc段可以通过结合各种自身抗原、自身抗体、补体等来介导特定的下游效应,以达到抗炎效果。该文综述IVIG的治疗机制,其在重症药疹、难治性皮肌炎和自身免疫性大疱病等重症皮肤病中的应用,以及特殊人群使用和不良反应等。  相似文献   

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