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Zusammenfassung Über die Hälfte aller allergischer Asthmatiker weisen krankhafte Nasenbefunde verschiedenster Art auf. Die Polypen besitzen einen relativ hohen Mineralgehalt und eine Alkaleszenz von pH 7,52–8,30. Bei der Entstehung der Polypen spielt das Eiweiß als hydrophiles Kolloid eine entscheidende Rolle.Mit 1 Textabbildung  相似文献   

PROBLEM: Anterior dislocation of the articular disk of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) found by MRI tomography often presents a problem. It may persist in MRI despite improvement of articular symptoms and even be found in healthy persons free of any symptoms. Can this be explained by the similarity in structure of the anterior connective tissue of the disk and capsule and their pathological changes? Is a second coronal plane required for MRI investigation? MATERIAL AND METHODS: The preauricular regions of 72 patients of the TMJ clinic were examined by oblique-sagittal and oblique-coronal MRI. A Siemens-Vision MRI was used. It was also possible to prepare 10 articular disks of the TMJ with anterior capsular tissue as well as 20 complete TMJs of adults from autopsy material. Sagittal, transversal, and horizontal serial sections were examined histologically. RESULTS: In 49 of the 72 cases examined, an anterior dislocation without reduction found in the sagittal MRI was not confirmed in the oblique-coronal MRI. In the sagittal MRI it was possible to differentiate three, in the coronal MRI six typical forms of magnetic resonance signals, which are represented in figures. They are compared with anatomical and histological connective tissue findings adjacent to the TMJ. The structural similarity of the disk and anterior capsular tissue of the TMJ is demonstrated. The close connection of the disk and connective tissue surrounding the TMJ makes differentiation of MRI findings difficult especially following regressive and adaptive reactions. CONCLUSIONS: In MRI, anterior capsular tissue is able to simulate dislocation of the disk. Pathological tissue reactions may alter the MRI signal and lead to the wrong diagnosis of dislocation of the disk. Diagnosis of an anterior disk dislocation cannot be established solely on the basis of oblique-sagittal MRI findings.  相似文献   

Ohne ZusammenfassungMit 31 TextabbildungenHerrn ProfessorZange zum 60. Geburtstag.Auszugsweise mitgeteilt während der Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sprach- und Stimmheilkunde in Hamburg, Juni 1939.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Es wurde an Hand von vergleichenden histologischen und röntgenologischen Untersuchungen an Felsenbeinpyramiden nachgewiesen, daß große und kleine Zellzüge in der Pyramidenspitze vorhanden sien können, ohne daß in allen Fällen eine Darstellung der Zellen auf der Stenversaufnahme möglich ist. Es wurden Hinweise auf einige Erkennungsmerkmale solcher versteckter Zellzüge gegeben. Unsere Untersuchungen beweisen, daß die Umgebung des Labyrinthblockes und auch der untere Spitzenanteil öfter pneumatisiert ist als angenommen wird, daß ferner grobmaschige Spongiosa auf der Stenversaufnahme von Lebenden niemals für eine Zellentwicklung gehalten werden kann. Anderslautende Ergebnisse einiger Autoren müssen auf nicht vollständige Untersuchungen zurückgeführt werden.Mit 12 Textabbildungen  相似文献   



After cochlear implantation, most parents expect a normal speech and general development of their child. However, it remains unclear how quickly after early cochlear implantation these children can compensate for their deficits compared to normal-hearing children.


This study retrospectively analyzed ELFRA-1 questionnaire data from 40 children with borderline deafness or high-grade hearing loss (without other known impairments) who had undergone cochlear implantation at a university medical center before reaching 2 years of age. ELFRA-1 questionnaires were filled out parents assisted by specialists 12 months after implantation. Questions assessed the children’s speech production and comprehension, as well as their use of gestures and fine motoric skills.


At an average hearing-age of 12 months, the children achieved normal values in all of the subgroups that were comparable to those of 12-month-old children without hearing impairments. A significant correlation (p?=?0.01) between the individual subgroups of the ELFRA-1 (speech production, speech comprehension, gestures and fine motor skills) was observed. Unilingual educated children performed significantly better overall.


Within 12 months of receiving a cochlear implant, all children passed the four categories of the ELFRA-1. This demonstrates a rapid compensation of deficits in speech, motor skills and gesture development by children undergoing early cochlear implantation.  相似文献   

Dr. J. Eichhorn-Sens  W. Gubisch 《HNO》2009,57(11):1113-1120


Overresection of the lower lateral cartilages to narrow the tip may give rise to a dysfunction of the external nasal valve and aesthetic deformities like alar pinching, alar retraction, tip asymmetry, lack of tip definition and projection, leading to parrot beak deformities resulting from drooping of the tip.

Patients and methods

Between 1998 and March 2008 we performed 1670 secondary rhinoplasties on patients who had undergone previous surgery elsewhere. The lower lateral cartilages where found to be missing in 89 patients intraoperatively. It was necessary to rebuild the structure of the nasal framework in order to resolve the deformities. We prefer to use septal cartilage or, if unavailable, costal or auricular cartilage. The deformities were analysed pre- and postoperatively by the operator based on clinical evaluation and standardised photographs. Patient satisfaction was evaluated subjectively.


The postoperative results as judged by the surgeon showed a clear improvement in tip definition (100%) and projection (100%), alar pinching (100%), tip deformities (95.2%), tip deviation (77.8%) alar retraction (87.5%) and tip ptosis (85.7%). The function of the external nasal valve as evaluated by the surgeon was completely restored in all cases (100%). The average follow-up period was 13 months. In all, 50 patients (59.6%) stated that the result was “excellent”, 28 (33.3%) as “very good”, five (5.9%) as “good” and one as “not satisfied” (1.2%).


In the case of destroyed anatomical structures we completely rebuild the structure of the nasal tip, since only a correct anatomical configuration correlates with ideal aesthetics and physiological function.  相似文献   

A. Berghaus 《HNO》2001,34(7):927-929
Die flüchtige Fazialisparese ist bei Tauchern, besonders aber beim Fliegen ein ausgesprochen seltenes Ereignis, das bei den meisten Betroffenen offenbar nur einmal im Leben auftritt. Als Ursache muss das Zusammenwirken mehrerer Faktoren angenommen werden; Dehiszenzen im Kanal des N. facialis k?nnen alleine nicht als Ursache angesehen werden. Die Betreuung der betroffenen Patienten muss im Wesentlichen Aufkl?rung und Beruhigung vermitteln.  相似文献   

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