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目的探讨上鼓室局限性阻塞性病变的手术方法与疗效。方法 75例(88耳)上鼓室局限性阻塞性病变,其中胆脂瘤及内陷袋46耳,肉芽肿42耳。经上鼓室外侧壁进路,在颞线下自后上嵴至颧弓后根磨开骨壁,保留菲薄的外耳道后上骨壁和完好天盖,于后拱柱开放面神经隐窝,清除病变组织,修复或重建听骨链,疏通中、上鼓室气流通道,保留鼓窦乳突,完成改良完壁式鼓室成形术。结果术后鼓膜和外耳道完整。局限性上鼓室胆脂瘤及内陷袋患者平均语頻听力较术前提高15-25d BHL;慢性中耳炎上鼓室肉芽患者平均语频听力较术前提高15-30d BHL。随访5.0年未见胆脂瘤复发。结论改良完壁式鼓室成形术,进路便捷,再通气道,疗效满意。  相似文献   

目的 探讨颞骨CT及耳内镜对慢性化脓性中耳炎静止期及中耳胆脂瘤术前评估的重要性。方法 回顾性分析慢性化脓性中耳炎静止期及中耳胆脂瘤患者42耳病历资料,从CT、耳内镜及术中发现进行分析。结果 ①根据CT结合术中所见,慢性化脓性中耳炎静止期CT分型分为单纯型、硬化灶型、肉芽型、硬化灶肉芽型。胆脂瘤型CT主要表现为听骨链消失或锤砧关节消失,乳突大部分呈硬化型,少部分为板障型,上鼓室鼓窦扩大,上鼓室、中鼓室甚至后鼓室乳突腔为软组织影占据,部分病例外半规管骨质破坏、面神经管水平段骨质破坏,部分病例外耳道后壁骨质破坏;单纯型CT示中耳鼓室乳突呈不完全气化型;硬化灶型CT示中耳鼓室乳突呈硬化型,病变局限于中鼓室,锤骨柄及镫骨周围有“类似骨质影”包裹;肉芽型、硬化灶肉芽型CT相似,示病变累及鼓室及乳突,听骨链基本完整,面神经管水平段骨质完整,但硬化灶型与肉芽型区别之处在于前者鼓室内听骨链周围有“类骨质”样散在高密度影。②耳内镜所见慢性化脓性中耳炎静止期鼓膜紧张部穿孔,鼓膜可有钙化斑;中耳胆脂瘤型则有上鼓室内陷或穿孔、后上象限穿孔、大穿孔、外耳道顶壁或后上壁下塌。结论 慢性化脓性中耳炎静止期及中耳胆脂瘤的术前CT及耳内镜评估,对病变性质、范围、程度及指导手术起重要作用。  相似文献   

目的分析胆脂瘤型中耳炎局限于上鼓室的临床表现与治疗方法。方法对186例(186耳)局限性上鼓室胆脂瘤型中耳炎行上鼓室开放术,据胆脂瘤侵蚀范围和听骨链受累情况分别进行处理。胆脂瘤未累及锤、砧关节,单纯去除胆脂瘤,保留听骨链完整性共89例。胆脂瘤侵蚀锤、砧关节共97例,清除胆脂瘤后,还要切除病变的锤骨头或砧骨,用人工听小骨架桥于锤骨柄与镫骨头之间重建听骨链。97例患者均用乳突皮质骨重建上鼓室外侧壁,颞筋膜修复鼓膜松弛部穿孔。结果 186例患者随诊1~3年,所有病例上鼓室外侧壁及鼓膜松弛部愈合良好。术后气骨导差<10 dB者32例,<20 dB者108例,<30 dB者39例,30 dB以上5例。该组病例声音传导功能基本保留或恢复,术后随访听力基本稳定,无胆脂瘤复发。结论上鼓室胆脂瘤在早期治疗的同时,据听骨链的受损情况进行听骨链重建手术,既可彻底清除病灶,又能保留和恢复听觉功能。  相似文献   

目的观察在保持外耳道后壁完整的情况下,上鼓室切开软骨重建技术在中耳炎手术中的应用及疗效。方法对45例(耳)中耳胆脂瘤和13例(耳)活动期中耳炎患者,在保留外耳道后壁乳突切开、上鼓室外侧壁切除或及经砧骨窝向下开放面隐窝,清除听骨链区(包括上鼓室、中后鼓室)及鼓窦乳突区病变后,行上鼓室软骨封闭重建术,术后随访12~36个月,观察术后中耳炎胆脂瘤复发、鼓膜形态及听力提高等情况。结果58例(耳)术后重建的上鼓室外侧壁与保留的外耳道后壁相连接。本组病例中6例术后外耳道后壁肿胀或皮肤缺损,继续换药4~5次后愈合良好;3例患者出院后仍有少量流脓,鼓膜边缘穿孔,门诊局部给药后延迟愈合;3例听骨脱出、2例鼓膜再穿孔、2例24个月后原胆脂瘤复发,行开放式手术后治愈。术后6个月复查纯音听力测试,并与术前进行比较,听力均有不同程度提高,0.5、1、2 kHz气骨导差平均减10 dB,气导听阈平均提高15 dB 左右。结论在保持外耳道后壁完整的情况下,上鼓室切开软骨重建技术在中耳炎外科手术中的应用,既能够充分暴露病变,病灶清除彻底,同时又保留了外耳道的形态,可有效防止鼓膜回缩袋的形成,降低了胆脂瘤的复发,又避免了开放式手术所残留的宽大术腔。术后鼓膜形态恢复良好,从而保持或提高了患者的听力。  相似文献   

目的研究胆脂瘤型中耳炎形成的病理机理。方法对12例(12耳)人鼓膜内陷囊袋颞骨连续切片进行光镜组织病理学观察,重点对内陷囊袋的部位及其内侧面局部中耳腔炎性病变情况进行观察;对11例(11耳)人胆脂瘤型中耳炎进行颞骨连续切片组织病理学观察;对33耳胆脂瘤型中耳炎进行术中观察。结果12耳鼓膜内陷囊袋发生于鼓膜松弛部或(和)紧张部后上象限,囊袋内观察到不同程度的鳞状上皮增生、角化、脱落,其内侧面局部中耳腔有黏膜下炎性细胞浸润、炎性渗出液、粘连和肉芽组织等炎性病变,而其未内陷部分的鼓膜内侧面未见炎性病变。11例胆脂瘤型中耳炎的颞骨连续切片组织病理学和33例胆脂瘤型中耳炎术中观察都显示胆脂瘤全部侵占听骨链区,侵入前半中耳腔者分别为3耳和5耳,对听骨有不同程度的吸收破坏。结论中耳炎时,中耳听骨链区域局部炎性病变向内粘连鼓膜后上象限或松弛部形成内陷囊袋,并长期炎性浸润和刺激,囊袋内鳞状上皮过度增生、角化、脱落、堆积而导致胆脂瘤型中耳炎。  相似文献   

咽鼓管功能不良常导致鼓膜内陷成袋,进一步发生胆脂瘤,破坏听骨链。为了防止术后复发,80年代多人提出用带软骨膜的软骨片修复术后鼓膜。该文报告自1988年1月至1991年6月用取自耳屏的带软骨膜软骨片修复此类鼓膜38耳。初做的15耳是移植长方形的软骨片只加强鼓膜的后上象限,后做的24耳是将移植的软骨片分离,分别加强鼓膜的后上象限及松弛部。随访21个月和13.7个月。结果发现1例用长方形软骨片移植的病耳复发上鼓室内陷袋伴有巨大胆脂瘤。再次手术于镜骨头移植软骨片而获得满意听力。1例病入软骨片从挝骨移到鼓室盾板,导致听力减退。各…  相似文献   

侵及鼓室、乳突的外耳道胆脂瘤诊断和治疗   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的探讨侵及鼓室、乳突的外耳道胆脂瘤的临床表现、影像特点及其手术治疗方法.方法回顾性分析我科1998~2003年收治的侵及鼓室、乳突的外耳道胆脂瘤14例患者的临床资料.结果14例患者病变均不同程度破坏外耳道四壁并向后扩展至乳突腔.其中4例鼓膜松弛部穿孔,胆脂瘤侵入鼓室,听骨链受压、内移,或不同程度破坏.3例面神经垂直段骨质破坏.1例乳突广泛破坏,硬脑膜裸露.1例先天畸形外耳道狭窄.根据病变的范围,8例行改良乳突根治术,5例行开放式乳突根治术,1例行外耳道扩大成形术.10例听骨链未受累的,术后听力恢复正常,1例听骨链受压变形、移位,术后仍达到正常听力.3例听骨链中断,行听骨链重建术,语言频率气导平均听阈提高15 dB~20 dB.14例患者随访18个月至5年未见复发.结论外耳道胆脂瘤的病因目前尚不十分清楚.侵及鼓室乳突者临床表现不典型,诊断有一定难度,术前常规高分辨颞骨CT扫描,有助于原发部位的判断及确定病变范围,以选择合适的手术方式.  相似文献   

目的 探讨外耳道胆脂瘤的临床特点及诊治方法 .方法 回顾性分析武汉大学人民医院耳鼻咽喉-头颈外科2000~2005年收治的49例外耳道胆脂瘤患者的临床资料.结果 术前所有患者外耳道均见灰白色或黄白色软组织充填,外耳道皮肤可见慢性炎症.所有病例病变以外耳道为中心,外耳道均有不同程度的侵蚀扩大;其中8例患者病变向远深部扩展侵犯乳突和/或鼓膜、上鼓室;2例面神经垂直段骨质破坏.根据病变范围.10例患者直接在手术显微镜下彻底清除病变;31例患者行耳内切口显微镜下彻底清除病变,术中见鼓膜紧张部穿孔5例,术后均行Ⅱ期鼓膜修补术;4例患者行乳突根治术,术中见鼓膜缺如,听骨链残缺;4例患者行改良乳突根治术,术中见听骨链完整,2例松弛部穿孔,术后行Ⅱ期鼓室成型术.术前45例(91.8%)患者为传导性聋,言语频率平均气导听阈为49.3±9.1 dB HL;4例(8.2%)为混合性聋,言语频率平均气导听阈为65.2±10.7 dB HL,平均骨导听阈为50.5±11.3 dB HL.除4例行乳突根治术的患者以外,其余患者术后气导听阈均有较大提高,言语频率平均气导听阈提高15~23 dB.随访18个月~6年未见复发.结论 外耳道胆脂瘤可以造成广泛破坏,术前颢骨薄层CT扫描对诊断有较大帮助.其治疗应根据病变范围、局部感染与否选择合适术式尽早彻底清除病灶.术后患者气导听力多有较大提高.  相似文献   

外耳道胆脂瘤的临床特征及其对听力的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨外耳道胆脂瘤的临床特征及对听力的影响。方法自2002年5月以来对15例患外耳道胆脂瘤的患者进行颞骨CT扫描、手术探查及听力追踪检查。结果15例(16耳)均经病理证实为外耳道胆脂瘤。16耳骨性外耳道明显扩大,其中,13耳发现大块状耵聍,3耳外耳道口狭窄;7耳有霉菌菌落,12耳外耳道壁有脓性分泌物;13耳鼓膜松弛部穿孔,1耳为小穿孔,2耳鼓膜大穿孔。术后14耳鼓膜恢复正常,8耳听力完全恢复正常,4耳为传导性聋,2耳为中度耳聋。结论外耳道胆脂瘤的发生与耵聍栓塞及外耳道口狭窄等有关,呈膨胀性生长,易伴感染,特别是霉菌感染,对听力有影响;早期诊断,早期处理,术中保护好鼓膜,保存听骨链,听力可以保留和恢复。  相似文献   

目的探讨在保持外耳道后壁完整的情况下,切除上鼓室外侧壁并软骨封闭治疗中耳胆脂瘤的疗效。方法2009年11月~2012年7月对123例(123耳)中耳胆脂瘤患者行保留外耳道后壁的乳突切开、上鼓室盾板切除及面神经隐窝向上鼓室开放,清除病变后行上鼓室软骨封闭及乳突腔填塞术,术后随访6~38个月,观察胆脂瘤复发、上鼓室回缩袋形成情况及听力提高水平,分析其疗效。结果123例中,2例中耳腔胆脂瘤复发,6例术后耳后切口感染,3例鼓膜边缘穿孔延迟愈合,2例人工听骨脱出,4例术后耳道后壁肿胀或皮肤缺损,其余病例术后换药2~3次后鼓膜、外耳道形态恢复,痊愈时间1个月。听力资料完整的83例(67.5%,83/123)中,0.5、1、2 kHz气骨导差术前平均32.2±11.25 dB ,术后平均20.69±12.41 dB ,手术前后气骨导差缩小11.59±10.1 dB(P<0.001)。结论乳突切开同时保留外耳道后壁使耳道形态得以保留,术后恢复时间短;切除上鼓室外侧壁能够更充分暴露病变,病灶清除彻底;上鼓室外侧壁软骨封闭重建可有效防止回缩袋的形成,避免胆脂瘤复发。  相似文献   

Surgical strategy for cholesteatoma in children   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
OBJECTIVE: We reviewed our experience with childhood cholesteatoma in children under 15 years old. Based on cumulative postoperative data, we propose a modified canal-wall-up technique in conjunction with a planned, staged operation. METHODS: From 1982 to 1997, 56 children with cholesteatoma (58 ears, total) underwent surgery in our department. In the early period (1982-1990), canal wall-down mastoidectomy was performed in 52% (21 of 40 ears), and canal wall-up mastoidectomy in 48% (the remaining 19 ears). In the late period (1991-1997), 18 ears with cholesteatoma underwent surgery. The canal-wall up mastoidectomy was performed in 89% (16 ears), and canal-wall-down mastoidectomy in the remaining 11% (two ears). RESULTS: In the early period (1982-1990), cholesteatoma recurred more frequently in the canal-wall-up mastoidectomy group than in the canal-wall down mastoidectomy group (53 vs. 14%). Other postoperative complications, such as erosion of the mastoid cavity, otorrhea, and perforation of the eardrum, occurred more frequently in the canal-wall-down mastoidectomy group than in the canal-wall-up mastoidectomy group. In the late period (1991-1997), in the canal-wall-up mastoidectomy group, ten ears underwent one-stage surgery. Planned staged tympanoplasty was completed in six ears. After one-stage surgery, four of ten ears experienced residual cholesteatoma. Two of the recurrent ears had undergone planned staged tympanoplasty. As revealed by postoperative computed tomography (CT) images, 12 of 15 ears had aeration in the attic and antrum as well as in the tympanic cavity. In these cases, no attic retraction pocket formation was observed. CONCLUSION: Our strategy for pediatric cholesteatoma in the future is to use canal-wall-up mastoidectomy when possible. If aeration in the attic and antrum is observed by preoperative CT-scan image and no erosion in the malleus and incus exists, the one-stage surgery will be chosen. If no aeration is observed by CT-scan and/or erosion exists in the surgical findings, planned staged tympanoplasty will be necessary. This strategy allows a high incidence of aeration of the attic and antrum, and prevents the formation of the attic retraction pocket while enabling the early detection of residual cholesteatoma by means of CT.  相似文献   

Summary Computed tomography (CT) was used to investigate whether an isthmus block was present in 57 cases with attic retraction cholesteatomas. A ventilation route between the mesotympanum and attic was considered to exist in 30% of the cases and occurred predominantly in those ears with a cholesteatoma that did not extend into the antrum. Four cases were also found to have this ventilation route in CT scans taken before and after the development of cholesteatoma. These findings suggest that an isthmus block is not a prerequisite for the development of an attic retraction cholesteatoma.  相似文献   

To obtain the best possible results of treatment of acquired cholesteatoma, we made a subdivision of cholesteatoma types into attic and pars tensa cholesteatomas, and subdivided the latter further into tensa retraction cholesteatoma and sinus cholesteatomas. Tensa retraction cholesteatoma is defined as arising from a retraction or perforation of the whole pars tensa, whereas sinus cholesteatoma is defined as arising from a retraction or perforation of the postero-superior part of the tensa. We present the long-term results obtained in tensa retraction cholesteatomas treated with one stage surgery from 1964 to 1980. Median observation time was 9 years, range 2 to 19 years. Sixty-one ears were treated without mastoidectomy, whereas 71 ears had canal wall-up mastoidectomy and 64 ears had canal wall-down mastoidectomy. The total recurrence rate was 13.3 per cent; 17 ears had residual cholesteatoma, and nine ears had recurrent cholesteatoma. The best results were obtained in ears with an intact ossicular chain where mastoidectomy was not performed. In 49 per cent of the cases, the cholesteatoma was confined to the tympanic cavity without reaching the aditus, antrum or mastoid process. About one-third to one-quarter of the ears had tympanoplasty only, with removal of the cholesteatoma through the ear canal.  相似文献   

The objective was to evaluate the long-term clinical outcome of the bony outer attic wall reconstruction (scutumplasty) by using autogenous bone paté in a series of patients who underwent canal wall up (CWU) mastoidectomy for middle ear cholesteatoma. In addition, an histological analysis of bone paté graft specimens taken during the second-look procedure 12 months after the first surgery, was carried out. A series of 134 ears from 128 patients with cholesteatoma who underwent staged CWU mastoidectomy and attic reconstruction with bone paté, between 1995 and 2000 inclusive, was retrospectively analyzed. In ten randomly selected ears, biopsies from the newly built outer attic wall were taken during the second-look operation and were microscopically analyzed. At the second stage operation, the bone paté graft was found normal in 64.9% of cases. In 39 (29.1%) patients there was a remarkable hypertrophy of the bone paté which was subsequently thinned out by using a diamond burr. A partial resorption of the bone paté was observed in 4.4% of ears and a total resorption in 1.4%. Residual cholesteatoma was found in 13.4% of ears. At the last follow-up visit, recurrent cholesteatoma was observed in 5.2% of ears. Self cleaning attic retraction pocket occurred in 4.4% of ears. Twelve months after implantation, histologic examination on the newly built bone showed a well-structured bony tissue. In particular, osteoblasts lined bone trabeculae with signs of an active tissue remodeling. In conclusion, the reconstruction of the outer attic wall should be considered a fundamental step when performing a CWU procedure in order to prevent attic retractions and recurrences of cholesteatoma. In our experience, autogenous bone paté graft has demonstrated good long-term results in outer attic wall reconstruction being adaptable, well tolerated, stable and of low cost.  相似文献   

目的 探讨局限于上鼓室区病变的慢性化脓性中耳炎、中耳胆脂瘤行上鼓室径路保留乳突的改良完壁式鼓室成形术的长期临床疗效.方法 诊断慢性化脓性中耳炎、中耳胆脂瘤47例(47耳)患者,结合患者专科检查,依据手术方式不同分A、B两组,A组行上鼓室径路保留乳突的改良完壁式鼓室成形术,B组行完壁式乳突切开+鼓室成形术.术后随访5~7...  相似文献   

Aeration of the middle ear is the prerequisite of it proper function. It is also necessary for successful surgical reconstruction in cases of chronic otitis media. The anterior epitympanic recess (AER) has attracted the attention in recent years as possible additional route of ventilation. The preoperative axial CT scans of the temporal bones were compared with the operative findings in retrospective analysis of cases operated because of cholesteatoma. 25 ears with perforation in pars tensa and 29 ears with the perforation in pars flaccida were analysed as well as 34 healthy ears. In 1/2 of healthy ears AER consisted of a single cell and in 1/3 of multiple small cells. The structure of the AER was much more difficult to assess in cholesteatoma ears but still it was possible in more than 1/2 of them, and it did not differ significantly from healthy ears. In the majority of ears with attic cholesteatoma the structure of AER was not identified because of cholesteatoma involvement of this area. Aeration of the AER in cases of pars tensa cholesteatoma when the tympanic isthmus was closed suggests the presence of additional route of ventilation through anterior attic.  相似文献   

Treatment of sinus cholesteatoma. Long-term results and recurrence rate   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We classified cholesteatomas as attic cholesteatoma, developing from Shrapnell's membrane; tensa cholesteatoma, originating in pars tensa, which is subdivided into tensa retraction cholesteatoma involving the entire pars tensa, and sinus cholesteatomas, developing from a posterosuperior retraction (perforation). From 1964 to 1980, one-stage operations were carried out on 271 ears with sinus cholesteatomas. Follow-up included 90% of the patients, and the median observation time was 9.75 years. The recurrence rate was 10%. The recurrence rate was found to be independent of the mastoidectomy type employed. The best hearing results were obtained in ears with intact ossicular chain. We conclude that, wherever possible, sinus cholesteatoma should be removed through the auditory canal without mastoidectomy just as an intact ossicular chain should be preserved. "Canal wall up" and "canal wall down" appear to be equally valuable mastoidectomy types, and both methods must be employed to obtain optimum results.  相似文献   

Attic cholesteatoma. Recurrence rate related to observation time   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two hundred twenty-four ears with attic cholesteatomas, subjected to one-stage surgery between 1965 and 1978, were reevaluated several times, most recently in 1980/81 at a median observation time of 8 years (range, 3 to 16 years) and in 1985/86 at a median observation time of 11 years (range, 3 to 21 years). The recurrence rate was related to length of observation time. Up to and including the follow-up examination in 1980, the rate of residual cholesteatoma in the tympanic cavity was 1.3% and 0.9% in the attic. The incidence of recurrent cholesteatoma in the attic or the cavity was 1.8%. The total recurrence rate was 4.0%. At follow-up in 1985/86, the total recurrence rate had increased to 6.3%, comprising residual cholesteatoma in the tympanic cavity in 1.8% and in the attic in 0.9% and recurrent cholesteatoma in 3.6%. A total of 133 patients had a modified canal wall up mastoidectomy, whereas 91 patients had canal wall down mastoidectomy with obliteration. With regard to the total results of surgery, no significant differences could be demonstrated between the two methods, and we conclude that canal wall up mastoidectomy can be performed in one stage.  相似文献   

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