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The ipsilateral retinotectal projection in the developing chick was examined by using rhodamine-B-isothiocyanate (RITC)as an anterograde and retrograde vital marker for the retinal ganglion cells and their axons. Staining of the entire retina following intravitreal RITC injection between incubation days 3 and 16 revealed a small number of anterogradely labeled fibers in the optic tract and the anterior half of the optic tectum ipsilateral to the injection site. The total number of ipsilaterally projecting fibers was estimated to be about 2,000 on developmental day 9. The ipsilateral projection totally disappeared after day 15. The arrangement of fibers within the ipsilateral projection was examined by local anterograde RITC staining of localized retinal regions between days 9 and 10. The projection was retinotopically organized along the dorsoventral axis such that fibers of dorsal retinal origin projected on the ventral tectal half, whereas fibers of ventral retinal orgin projected on the dorsal tectal half. The localization of ipsilaterally projecting ganglion cell bodies was examined by retrograde RITC staining during days 9 and 15. Ganglion cells of all four quadrants of the central retina contributed to the production of the ipsilateral projection. The ipsilaterally growing retinotectal fibers did not represent collaterals of contralaterally projecting retinotectal axons. We assume that the tendency of early growing retinotectal axons to grow straight, as well as the ability of axonal growth cones to “sample” the environment, lead to a crossing of axons to the contralateral side. Ipsilateral projections would therefore represent “pathfinding errors.” Explanations for the elimination of the ipsilateral retinotectal projection are discussed.  相似文献   

The retinotectal projection is organized in a precise retinotopic manner. We find, though, that during development the growth and arborization of temporal retinal axons within the optic tectum of chick embryos is initially imprecise. Axonal targeting errors occur along the rostral-caudal and medial-lateral tectal axes, and arbors are formed at topographically inappropriate positions. Subsequent course corrections along both tectal axes and large-scale axonal remodeling lead to the retinotopic ordering of terminal arborizations characteristic of the mature projection. The trajectories and branching patterns of temporal retinal axons labeled with Dil or DiO were determined in whole mounts of retina and tectum from chicks ranging in age from embryonic day 9 to posthatching. Within the retina, labeled retinofugal axons travel in a compact bundle but do not maintain strict neighbor relations, as they course to the optic fissure. The axons enter the contralateral tectum at its rostral edge and grow caudally. Many extend well past their appropriate terminal zone within rostral tectum; a proportion of these later reverse their direction of growth. Many axons grow onto the tectum at incorrect positions along the medial-lateral tectal axis. Some correct this error in a directed manner by altering their trajectory or extending collateral branches at right angles. About 80% of the positional changes of this type are made in the direction appropriate to correct axon position, and thus are likely a response to tectal positional cues. After maturation of retinotopic order, about half of the axons that project to a mature terminal zone have made abrupt course corrections along one or both tectal axes, indicating that initially mistargeted axons can establish appropriately positioned arbors and survive. The development of temporal axons within the tectum is characterized by 3 phases: elongation, branch and arbor formation, and remodeling. After considerable rostrocaudal elongation, an axon typically develops numerous side branches and arbors, many at inappropriate locations. Most arbors are formed by side branches that develop as interstitial collaterals; few axons grow directly to their appropriate terminal zone and arborize. Aberrant arbors, and axons and axon segments that fail to form arbors in the appropriate terminal zone, are rapidly eliminated over about a 2 d period. Axon degeneration appears to play a role in this remodeling process.  相似文献   

Developing retinal axons in the zebrafish embryo were stained with HRP or with the fluorescent dyes dil and diO to study the formation of the retinotectal projection. Retinal axons leave the eye at 34-36 hr postfertilization (PF), invade the tectum at 46-48 hr PF, and innervate the tectal neuropil at 70-72 hr PF. Dorsal and ventral axons occupy separate aspects of the optic nerve and tract and pass into their retinotopically appropriate ventral and dorsal hemitectum, respectively. Nasal and temporal axons are segregated in the nerve, mixed in the tract, and are coextensive over the rostral half of tectum until 56 hr PF. They then segregate again, due to the progression of nasal axons into the open caudal tectum. Thus, at 70-72 hr PF, dorsal and ventral as well as temporal and nasal axons occupy their retinotopically appropriate tectal quadrants. After ablation of the temporal retina prior to the time of axonal outgrowth, the nasal axons bypass the vacant rostral tectum to terminate in the caudal tectal half. Temporal axons in the absence of nasal axons remain restricted to their appropriate rostral tectal half, suggesting that nasal and temporal axons possess a preference for their retinotopically appropriate tectal domains. Measurements of individual terminal arbors and the tectal areas in embryos and in adult zebrafish showed that individual arbors are large with respect to the embryonic tectum but are about 14-15 times smaller than in the adult. However, the proportion of tectum covered by embryonic arbors is about 7 times larger than in the adult, suggesting that a higher precision of the adult projection is achieved as a result of a greater enlargement of the tectum than of the arbors.  相似文献   

Retinal axons of Xenopus tadpoles at various stages of larval development were filled with horseradish peroxidase (HRP), and their trajectories and the patterns of branching within the tectum were analyzed in wholemount preparations. To clarify temporal and spatial modes of growth of retinal axons during larval development, special attention was directed to labeling a restricted regional population of retinal axons with HRP, following reported procedures (H. Fujisawa, K. Watanabe, N. Tani, and Y. Ibata, Brain Res. 206:9-20, 1981; 206:21-26, 1981; H. Fujisawa, Dev. Growth Differ 26:545-553, 1984). In developing tadpoles, individual retinal axons arrived at the tectum, without clear sprouting. Axonal sprouting first began when growing tips of each retinal axon had arrived at the vicinity of its site of normal innervation within the tectum. Thus, the terminals of the newly added retinal axons were retinotopically aligned within the tectum. The retinotopic alignment of the terminals may be due to an active choice of topographically appropriate tectal regions by growth cones of individual retinal axons. The stereotyped alignment of the newly added retinal axons was followed by widespread axonal branching and preferential selection of those branches. Each retinal axon was sequentially bifurcated within the tectum, and old branches that had inevitably been left at ectopic parts of the tectum (owing to tectal growth) were retracted or degenerated in the following larval development. The above mode of axonal growth provides an adequate explanation of cellular mechanisms of terminal shifting of retinal axons within the tectum during development of retinotectal projection. Selection of appropriate branches may also lead to a reduction in the size of terminal arborization of retinal axons, resulting in a refinement in targeting.  相似文献   

To visualize and compare the intratectal path of normal and regenerated retinal axons, HRP was applied to localized sites in the dorsotemporal and dorsonasal retina in normal goldfish and in goldfish at 3-12 months after optic nerve section. The anterogradely labeled axons were traced in tectal whole mounts. In normal animals the axons were confined to the appropriate ventral hemitectum. Therein they ran in very orderly routes (Stuermer and Easter: J. Neurosci. 4:1045-1051, '84) and terminated in regions retinotopic to the labeled ganglion cells in the retina. The terminal arbors of dorsotemporal axons resided in the ventrorostral tectum and those of dorsonasal axons in the ventrocaudal tectum. In regenerating animals the terminal arbors also resided at retinotopic regions, where they sometimes formed two separate clusters. In contrast to normal axons, the regenerating ones traveled in abnormal routes through the appropriate and inappropriate hemitectum. From various ectopic positions, they underwent course corrections to redirect their routes toward the retinotopic target region. In their approach toward their target sites, dorsotemporal and dorsonasal axons behaved differently in that the vast majority of dorsotemporal axons coursed over the more rostral tectum whereas dorsonasal axons progressed into the caudal tectal half. This differential behavior of regenerating dorsonasal and dorsotemporal axons was substantiated by a quantitative evaluation of axon numbers and orientations.  相似文献   

Changes in retinal projections and ganglion cell morphology were studied in one-eyed individuals of the common carp, Cyprinus carpio, which were enucleated at a juvenile stage (within 6 months after hatching) and kept for 18 months after the operation. Gross examination of the brains showed a marked atrophy of the contralateral optic tectum and a fine attenuated optic tract ipsilateral to the remaining eye. All retinal recipient areas were bilateral, but numerous projections were heavier contralaterally. Terminal branches in the recipient areas showed more complex patterns with tortuous courses and larger numbers of terminal swellings than in normal animals. Total numbers and distribution patterns of ganglion cells in Nissl-stained retinal whole mounts of one-eyed carp were compared with those in normal carp. The total number of ganglion cells was estimated to be 14 x 10(4)-18 x 10(4) in both one-eyed and normal carp. No difference was observed in isodensity maps and soma area histograms between one-eyed and normal carp. Following injections of horseradish peroxidase and nuclear yellow into the optic tectum of each side, three different types of tectal projecting ganglion cells were observed in the remaining retina: contralaterally projecting (CP) cells, ipsilaterally projecting (IP) cells, and bilaterally projecting (BP) cells. The distribution pattern of CP and BP cells in the retina suggested normal retinotopy. However, BP cells were found in a more restricted zone within the CP cell distribution area. The IP cells had a tendency to be scattered sparsely in a wide central area and a dorsal quadrant of the retina. No IP or BP cells were found in the peripheral retina. The time course and morphological changes in axons of these cells are discussed.  相似文献   

The influence of neural activity on the morphology of retinal-axon-terminal arbors and the precision of the developing retinotectal projection in zebrafish embryos was explored. Terminal-arbor morphology and their distribution in the tectum was determined with anatomical fiber-tracing methods using the fluorescent dyes dil and diO. To allow development under activity-deprived conditions, TTX was injected into the eyes of 30-38-hr-old zebrafish embryos at concentrations that effectively blocked neural activity both in retinal ganglion cells and throughout the CNS. Much like axons with normal neural-activity patterns, activity-deprived axons from dorsal and ventral and from temporal and nasal regions in the retina terminated over retinotopically appropriate and nonoverlapping regions of the tectum. Even after ablation of 1 hemiretina at the time of axonal outgrowth, activity-deprived axons from the remaining hemiretina grew directed toward and arborized selectively within their retinotopically appropriate tectal half in the same way as would nondeprived axons. Besides being retinotopic, the area over which small populations of activity-deprived axons from neighboring ganglion cells arborize is as small as that of active axons. The size of terminal arbors of retinal ganglion cell axons was unaffected by blockade of neural activity. The mean terminal-arbor size was 27 x 18 microns for the TTX-injected and 31 x 22 microns for the control embryos. The tectal coverage of TTX-blocked and control axons was equally small, with values of 1.4% and 1.6%, respectively. These data show that a precisely organized retinotopic map in developing zebrafish forms independent of neural-impulse activity.  相似文献   

Rhodamine-B-isothiocyanate (RITC) is shown to be a convenient and advantageous fluorescence tracer both for anterograde staining of retinal ganglion cell axons on the tectum and for retrograde staining of ganglion cell bodies in the retina of chick embryos. After intravitreal injection the dye is taken up by ganglion cells of the retina from the extracellular space and is transported anterogradely at about 10 mm/day up to the axonal growth cones on the tectum. RITC can be taken up by growing axons on the tectum and it is transported retrogradely at about 5 mm/day to the cell bodies in the retina. Local staining can be achieved if RITC is applied in its crystalline form. RITC is nontoxic for the cells and their axons, is resistant to histological fixation procedures, and allows quick observation in vivo and on dissection stained tissue. Local application of RITC to distinct retinal areas allows examination of the position of the corresponding stained fibers along the retinotectal pathway. Fibers which arise from the central temporal retina occupy deeper layers, whereas fibers from the peripheral temporal retina occupy more superficial layers in the optic tract and in the stratum opticum on the anterior tectum. The growth cones of early retinal fibers growing directly on the tectal surface show a different morphology to later growth cones growing on top of the stratum opticum on the tectum.  相似文献   

G Jeffery 《Brain research》1984,315(1):81-96
The anterograde and retrograde transport of HRP has been employed in neonatal rats and adult rats which were unilaterally enucleated at various stages during the first week after birth. In neonatal animals given unilateral thalamic implants of horseradish peroxidase, the number of labelled retinal ganglion cells in the ipsilateral eye declines over the first week. This is considered to be a consequence of cell death. At the same time unilateral intraocular injections of the same tracer reveals that the terminal field of ipsilaterally projecting retinal axons in the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus is retracting to form the adult pattern. It is proposed that retraction and ganglion cell death are related. In the monocular adult animals it is shown that fewer ipsilaterally projecting ganglion cells are found the later enucleation takes place. But the number of ipsilaterally projecting cells found in the adult animal enucleated at birth is not as great as the number found in the newborn rat. In spite of this the proportion of the dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus occupied by ipsilaterally projecting ganglion cells is similar in neonates of a given age and adults that were enucleated at that age.  相似文献   

The development of the optic tectum and the establishment of retinotectal projections were investigated in the quail embryo from day E2 to hatching day (E16) with Cresyl violet-thionine, silver staining and anterograde axonal tracing methods. Both tectal cytodifferentiation and retinotectal innervation occur according to a rostroventral-caudodorsal gradient. Radial migration of postmitotic neurons starts on day E4. At E14, the tectum is fully laminated. Optic fibers reach the tectum on day E5 and cover its surface on day E10. 'Golgi-like' staining of optic fibers with HRP injected in vitro on the surface of the tectum reveals that: growing fronts are formed exclusively by axons extending over the tectal surface; fibers penetrating the outer tectal layers are always observed behind the growing fronts; the penetrating fibers are either the tip of the optic axons or collateral branches; as they penetrate the tectum, optic fibers give off branches which may extend for long distances within their terminal domains; the optic fiber terminal arbors acquire their mature morphology by day E14. The temporal sequence of retinotectal development in the quail was compared to that already established for the chick, thus providing a basis for further investigation of the development of the retinotectal system in chimeric avian embryos obtained after xenoplastic transplantation of quail tectal primordia into the chick neural tube.  相似文献   

Horseradish peroxidase was injected into the superior colliculus of normal pigmented and albino rats and rats which had been unilaterally enuleated at birth, in order to identify the retinal ganglion cells which contribute normal and abnormal uncrossed retinotectal axons. The results show that while in pigmented rats, the normal uncrossed pathway derives solely from the lower temporal retina and distributes to the anterior and medial parts of the colliculus, occasional cells throughout the retina of albino rats contribute to the uncrossed pathway and the terminal distribution is broader in the tectum. These findings are confirmed with orthograde pathway tracing methods. After neonatal unilateral eye enucleation, many more ganglion cells in the remaining eye of both pigmented and albino rats project ipsilaterally. It is notable from both HRP studies and from further degenration experiments that cells in part of the lower temporal retina do not restrict their distribution to a mirror togographic position in the ipsilateral tectum but send axons across all but the posterolateral part of the colliculus. No single class of ganglion cell (defined by soma diameter) appears responsible for the expanded ipsilateral projection, although more large cells from the lower temporal retina are involved. These may be the result of enlargement of cells with expanded terminal fields rather than necessarily indicating a preferential contribution from one retinal ganglion cell class.  相似文献   

The pattern in which optic axons invade the tectum and begin synaptogenesis was studied in the chick. The anterogradely transported marker, horseradish peroxidase, was injected into one eye of embryos between 5 and 16 days of development (E5 to E16). This labeled the optic axons in the brain. The first retinal axons arrived in the most superficial lamina of the tectum on E6. They entered the tectum at the rostroventral margin. During the next 6 days of development the axons grew over the tectal surface. First they filled the rostral tectum, the oldest portion of the tectum, and then they spread to the caudal pole. Shortly after the first axons entered the tectum on E6, labeled retinal axons were found penetrating from the surface into deeper tectal layers. In any given area of the tectum, optic axons were seen penetrating deeper layers shortly after arriving in that area. Electron microscopic examination showed that at least some of the labeled axons in rostral tectum formed synapses with tectal cells by E7. These results show two things which contrast with results from previous studies. First, there is no delay between the time the retinal axons enter the tectum and the time they penetrate into synaptic layers of the tectum. Second, the first retinotectal connections are formed in rostral tectum and not central tectum. Retrograde tracing showed the first optic axons that arrived in the tectum were from ganglion cells in central retina. Previous studies have shown that the ganglion cells of central retina project to the central tectum in the mature chick. This opens the possibility that the optic axons from central retina, which connect to rostral tectum in the young embryo, shift their connections to central tectum during subsequent development. As they enter the tectum the growth cones of retinal axons appear to be associated with the external limiting membrane. During the time that connections would begin to shift in the tectum a second population of axons appears at the bottom of stratum opticum, some with characteristics of growth cones. This late-appearing population may represent axons shifting their connections. These results have implications for theories on how the retinotopic pattern of retinotectal connections develops.  相似文献   

Naturally occurring ganglion cell death has been attributed to competitive interactions among axons at their targets during development of the retinofugal pathways. The present study is concerned with the hypothesis that interocular interactions leading to ganglion cell death are restricted to binocularly conjugate terminals in the optic nuclei. We tested this hypothesis in newborn rats by making localized retinal lesions, which denervate a restricted portion of the contralateral optic targets. When these rats reached adulthood, the ipsilaterally projecting ganglion cells of the intact eye were then studied following retrograde labeling with horseradish peroxidase. Results were compared with those from a normal, control group and from rats that had one eye removed on the day of birth. In those retinal loci binocularly conjugate to the lesion in the opposite eye, no localized cell rescue could be found among the ipsilaterally projecting ganglion cells. The same retinal loci, however, showed clear cell rescue after contralateral enucleation. Independent, anterograde, studies of the ipsilateral retino-collicular projection verified that lesions of equivalent size to those used in the retrograde study reliably create aberrant expanded uncrossed terminal fields. The present data suggest that the interocular interactions involved in the diminished ganglion cell loss which follows monocular enucleation are not dependent on topographically specific binocular matching. The phenomena of naturally occurring cell loss and of retinotopically specific interocular interactions may therefore be independent during normal development.  相似文献   

When the axons of goldfish retinal ganglion cells are severed the cell bodies undergo a series of changes as the axons regenerate. These changes begin to reverse when the axons start to innervate the tectum and by 3 months after the lesion the cell bodies have nearly returned to normal. When the axons projecting to the caudal tectum were severed by a mediolateral transection of the tectum, only retinal ganglion cells in the nasal portion of the contralateral retina underwent the changes normally associated with regeneration, followed by a speedy return to normal. Because the injured fibers probably did not fully retract from the tectum, these results indicated that: (1) the complete removal of the axons from the tectal milieu was not essential for initiating the cell body changes, and (2) close proximity to the target sites would speed the recovery of the cells. When the caudal portion of the tectum was ablated the retinal ganglion cells of the nasal retina remained enlarged significantly longer than after tectal transection. During the time the cells remained enlarged the electrophysiological projection onto the remaining rostral part of the tectum revealed no significant 'compression' of the visual field. Compression of the visual field onto the rostral portion of the tectum can be accelerated if the caudal tectal ablation is accompanied by an optic nerve crush. However, under this condition the recovery of ganglion cells in the nasal retina was significantly slower than the recovery of cells in the temporal retina. This may reflect an element of topographical specificity in the regulation of the recovery of the cell body from axonal injury.  相似文献   

The optic tectum of the goldfishCarassius auratus is a rich source of α-bungarotoxin (α-Btx) binding protein. In order to determine whether some fraction of these receptors is present at retinotectal synapses, we have compared the histological distribution of receptors revealed by the use of [125Iα-Btx radioautography to the distribution of optic nerve terminals revealed by the use of cobalt and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) techniques. The majority of α-Btx binding is concentrated in those tectal layers containing primary retinotectal synapses. The same layers contain high concentrations of acetylcholinesterase (AChE), revealed histochemically. Following enucleation of one eye, there is a loss of α-Btx binding in the contralateral tectum, observed both by radioautography and by a quantitative binding assay of α-Btx binding. Approximately 40% of the α-Btx binding sites are lost within two weeks following enucleation. By contrast, no significant change in AChE activity could be demonstrated up to 6 months enucleation. These results are discussed in light of recent studies which show that the α-Btx binding protein and the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor are probably identical in goldfish tectum. We conclude that the 3 main classes of retinal ganglion cells projecting to the goldfish tectum are nicotinic cholinergic and that little or no postdenervation hypersensitivity due to receptor proliferation occurs in tectal neurons following denervation of the retinal input.  相似文献   

The retinotectal projection in anura is mainly crossed, although a small proportion of optic axons projects to the ipsilateral tectum. Using the fluorescent carbocyanide dye, DiI, we mapped the retinal topography of ganglion cells which project to the ipsilateral tectum in adult Bufo marinus. DiI was injected into particular locations in the right tectum. After 10 days survival both the right and the left retinas were wholemounted and the number and retinal position of retrogradely filled ganglion cells were determined. The contralateral and ipsilateral cells were visuotopically distributed in the retina in the majority of experiments. However, in two cases cells were located in visuotopically disparate parts of the retina. The ipsilateral cells represented 3.7% of contralaterally projecting cells in the temporal retina. 0.1% in the nasal and dorsal retina and 0.6% of the ventral retina. The density of ipsilaterally projecting ganglion cells varied from a top of 25 cells/mm2 in the temporal retina, 9 cells/mm2 in the nasal, 3 cells/mm2 in the dorsal to 11 cells/mm2 in the ventral retina. The diversity of size and shape of retrogradely filled ganglion cells indicated that the ipsilateral population corresponded to a heterogeneous class of ganglion cell types. The functional significance of the direct ipsilateral retinotectal projection of the anuran visual system has yet to be elucidated. However, in light of the involvement of the indirect ipsilateral retinotectal projection in binocular vision, the direct pathway is likely to be associated with a retino-tecto-spinal circuit subserving postural adjustment to visually derived stimulation.  相似文献   

Administration of a single subcutaneous dose of 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-DHT) to newborn hamsters results in a significant increase in the density of serotoninergic (5-HT) fibers in the superficial layers of the superior colliculus (SC) and marked abnormalities in both the crossed and uncrossed retinotectal projections when these animals reach adulthood (R. Rhoades, C. Bennett-Clarke, R. Lane, M. Leslie, and R. Mooney, 1993, J. Comp. Neurol. 334:397–409). The present study was undertaken to determine whether changes in the retinotectal projection of 5,7-DHT-treated animals were associated with alterations in the number or distribution of retinal ganglion cells in these animals. Nissl staining of retinae from normal adult and 5,7-DHT-treated hamsters revealed no differences between them in the number or average diameter of cells in the retinal ganglion cell layer. Retrograde labeling with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) demonstrated no effect of 5,7-DHT treatment on the number or distribution of ipsilaterally or contralaterally projecting ganglion cells. Neonatal 5,7-DHT administration also had no effect on the distribution of soma diameters for HRP-labeled retinal ganglion cells. Electron microscopic analysis demonstrated no significant difference between the number of optic nerve fibers in the normal and 5,7-DHT-treated hamsters. The results are consistent with the conclusion that the effect of 5,7-DHT on the retinotectal projection may primarily be a function of this toxin, or the increase in 5-HT it induces, on the terminal arbors of retinotectal axons rather than on their parent cells. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

To define the extent to which impulse blockade interferes with the morphological changes of regenerating retinal axons during their growth through the tectum, axons were deprived of activity by repeated intraocular injections of TTX. At intervals between 24 and 189 days after optic nerve section (ONS), a defined group of TTX-silenced axons and of axons with normal activity (controls) were labeled by applications of HRP to the ventro- or dorsotemporal retina. The trajectories of these labeled axons were traced in DAB processed tectal wholemounts. As in controls, TTX-blocked axons went through a phase of exploratory growth at early regeneration stages (24 to 80 days after ONS). Coursing in abnormal routes, the axons initially distributed their growing endings widely over the tectum. Axons with and without activity extended side branches with growth cones and filopodia over all regions of the tectum. These ramifications were of similar dimensions for the TTX-blocked and control axons. Despite abnormal routes and branching over inappropriate territories, axons showed a preference for the rostral tectum. At late regeneration stages (120-189 days after ONS), axons had lost their side branches and their growth cones. Their preterminal segments exhibited striking bends, suggesting that they had undergone course corrections to achieve access to the retinotopic target. Axonal processes had disappeared from the caudal tectum, and the preferential accumulation of axons over the rostral tectum had increased. The majority of the TTX-blocked and control axons ended in terminal arbors at retinotopic regions. The labeled arbors of the TTX-group were no larger than those of the control group. The arbors of each group lay close together in a continuous cluster in the TTX-group as well as in two-thirds of the control group. In the other one-third of the control group, however, terminal arbors were aggregated into separate patches. The clusters of the TTX-blocked axons covered between 2.2 and 3.9% (mean 2.95%) of the tectal surface and the clusters and/or patches of active axons between 1.9 and 3.4% (mean 2.7%). Thus the terminal arbor clusters of the TTX-silenced axons were not significantly larger than those of the active axons. These data show that retinal ganglion cell impulse activity is required for neither the extension of side branches in the early exploratory phase of regeneration nor for the withdrawal of these branches nor for the establishment of target-directed routes and the deployment of normal-size terminal arbors at retinotopic loci.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Positional markers in the tectum, which are thought to guide growing axons to their target sites, have been proposed to be induced by axons, to be only transiently associated with the tectal cells, and then lost after long-term denervation periods (Schmidt: J. Comp. Neurol. 177:279-300, '78). To further investigate this concept, retinal axons were induced to regenerate into ipsilateral tecta which had been deprived of their retinal afferents for shorter (0-4 months) and longer periods (4-8 months). The paths of HRP-labeled regenerating axons of known retinal origin were traced and used as an operational test to decide whether the axons might navigate under the influence of positional markers. Two different kinds of experiments were performed: 1. The axons from a subpopulation of all ganglion cells in the retina were labeled by applying a small crystal of HRP at defined retinal regions. Independent of the denervation period of the tectum, the labeled regenerating axons traveled in abnormal but nonrandom routes. In early regeneration stages, axons exhibited signs of exploratory growth. They extended branches equipped with growth cones and filopodia into various regions of the tectum. In late regeneration stages, the axons lost these branches, exhibited U-turns and bends, and ended in terminal arbors in the retinotopic target region. These findings suggest that the axons travel under the influence of tectal positional markers and that these markers are not transient. 2. Axons from a surgically created temporal hemiretina were labeled by application of HRP to the optic nerve to test whether the temporal axons might expand into the caudal tectum in long-term-denervated tecta. The HRP-labeled axons coursed over rostral and midtectal regions. Instead of invading the caudal tectum they bent and terminated in the rostral tectal half. These results add further support for the conclusion that the path of regenerating retinal axons is governed by long-lasting positional markers.  相似文献   

Throughout a goldfish's life, new generations of ganglion cells are added on the retinal margin and their axons extend centrally to occupy predictable positions in the retinotectal pathway, adjacent to their predecessors and subjacent to the pia. The stacking of successive generations of axons defines the age-axis of the pathway. This study examined whether an ordered array of predecessor axons is a prerequisite for the patterned growth of new axons. One optic nerve was crushed intraorbitally and the fish was injected with 3H-thymidine to label the proliferating cells on the retinal margin. The ring of 3H-thymidine-labeled cells separated retina that was present at the time of nerve crush (inside the ring) from new retina added afterward (outside). After a period of 14-16 months postcrush, both tectal lobes received two punctate applications of horseradish peroxidase (HRP), one in the central and the other in peripheral tectum, to retrogradely label contralateral retinal ganglion cell bodies and their axons. The pattern of HRP labeling from the control tectum confirmed earlier work: axons on the central tectum had somata in the central retina, and axons on the peripheral tectum had somata in the peripheral retina. The labeled cells and axons were both in predictable patterns. The somata that were backfilled from applications to the center of the experimental tectum lay inside the radioactive ring and had therefore regenerated their axons. The patterns of their labeled axons in the optic pathway and of their somata in the retina were typical of the regenerated condition as described in earlier studies. The somata backfilled from the periphery of the experimental tectum were outside the radioactive ring and had been added after the optic nerve crush. The patterns of their labeled axons and somata were comparable to the normal pattern. These observations indicate that new axons do not depend on an ordered array of predecessors to reestablish normal order along the age-axis of the pathway.  相似文献   

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