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The cell-encoded p53 antigen seems to be tightly associated with various human malignancies. We have analyzed biochemical properties of p53 in two different cell lines derived from patients with ALL or ANLL. p53 was found in elevated levels in both leukemic cell lines compared to unstimulated or stimulated normal lymphocytes. High levels of p53 in these cell lines are due to an extended stability of p53 protein rather than to different rates of synthesis. p53 from both cell lines formed low- and high-molecular weight oligomers which revealed that p53 exists in a heterogenous population in these tumor cells. The presence of immunologically different subsets of p53 was demonstrated by sequential immunoprecipitation experiments with different p53 specific monoclonal antibodies. Our results showed structural and immunological variabilities of p53 in cell lines derived from human tumors and may thus provide an insight into the role p53 may play in human malignancies.  相似文献   

p53 Mutations in human immortalized epithelial cell lines   总被引:22,自引:2,他引:22  
Although rodent cells have been immortalized following transfectionwith a mutant p53 gene, the role of p53 in the immortalizationof human cells is unknown. Therefore, human epithelial celllines were examined for p53 mutations in exons 4–9 whichinclude the evolutionarily conserved regions. A spontaneouslyimmortalized skin keratinocyte cell line, HaCat, and three ras-transfectedclones, have a p53 mutational spectrum that is typical of ultravioletlight induced mutations. A normal finite lifespan cell strain(184) and two benzo[a]pyrene immortalized mammary epithelialcell lines derived from 184 (184A1 and 184B5) contain wild typep53 sequences in exons 4–9, although elevated levels ofnuclear p53 indicate an alteration in the stability of the normallytransient protein. Wild type p53 was found in human bronchial,esophageal and hepatic epithelial cells immortalized by SV40T antigen gene and human renal epithelial cells immortalizedby adenovirus 5. BEAS-2B, an SV40 T antigen immortalized bronchialepithelial cell line and two subclones, have a germline polymorphismat codon 47. Inactivation of p53 by mechanisms such as mutationor complexing with proteins of DNA tumor viruses appears tobe important in the immortalization of human epithelial cells.  相似文献   

We explored the state of the p53 gene in gastric cancer. Using one or more methods, we examined 15 specimens from primary carcinomas (14 tumors, one cell line), five cell lines derived from metastases, and seven paired samples of nonmalignant gastric mucosa. Sequence analyses of complementary DNA containing the entire p53 gene open reading frame demonstrated abnormalities in one of five samples from primary tumors and in all five samples from metastases. The single cell line derived from a primary carcinoma had no abnormality of the gene. The six abnormalities included four point mutations, one base-pair deletion resulting in a frame shift, and a 24 base-pair deletion caused by an intronic point mutation (as determined by sequence analysis of genomic DNA). Four of the six mutations mapped to regions highly conserved among species or involved in simian virus 40 T-antigen binding. Restriction fragment length polymorphism studies confirmed that chromosome 17p allelic deletions occur only in a minority of primary tumors, but that they may occur more frequently in metastases. Northern blotting and ribonuclease protection assays detected only a fraction of the p53 gene abnormalities detected by sequencing. Our findings indicate that mutations of the p53 gene are relatively rare in primary gastric tumors but appear to be relatively frequent in cell lines derived from metastatic lesions. Our results may help in understanding the molecular events associated with progression and metastasis in gastric carcinoma.  相似文献   

Sodium butyrate (SB) is a potent biological modifier that can induce diverse effects including growth inhibition, differentiation, or apoptosis of many cell types including retinoblastoma (Rb), and modulation of genes such as c-fos and p53. In this study we assessed the effects of SB on cell growth and expression of p53, critical for cell cycle control, and Bcl-2, an inhibitor of apoptosis, in two human Rb cell lines (Y79 and WERI-Rb1). Attachment cultures were treated with 1 mM SB for up to 5 days and immunocytochemistry was used to examine for the expression of neural cell adhesion molecule (NCAM), p53, and Bcl-2. Suspension cultures of both cell lines were also treated with 1 and 4 mM SB, and at selected times cell extracts were prepared and the expression of p53 and Bcl-2 proteins determined by Western blot analysis. Treatment with 1 mM SB of both cell lines for 5 days inhibited growth and induced morphological changes including extension of neurite-like processes. Up to 12 h after 1 mM SB treatment, p53 and Bcl-2 expressions were similar to control levels, then gradually decreased to very low levels at 5 days. SB (4 mM) also inhibited growth associated with cell death, which was apparent at 24 h posttreatment. Expressions of p53 and Bcl-2 were decreased below control levels at 4 h, and by 24 h only very low levels of protein were detected. SB-induced modulation of p53 and Bcl-2 expression may have implications for controlling Rb growth, particularly in combination with chemotherapy drugs, which are increasingly used in the treatment of Rb.  相似文献   

Metastatic melanoma, compared with other cancers, appears to be unusual because of its low frequency of p53 mutations and prevalence of wild-type p53 protein in advanced malignancy. Here, we examined the effects of wild-type and mutated p53 (143 Val-Ala) on tumorigenic and metastatic potential of two human melanoma cell lines. The cell line UISO-MEL-4 contains wild-type p53 and is tumorigenic, whereas UISO-MEL-6 lacks p53 and produces lung and liver metastasis upon s.c. injection into athymic mice. Our study showed that UISO-MEL-4 stably transfected with wild-type p53 cDNA driven by cytomegalovirus promoter-enhancer sequences expressed high levels of p53 and p21 and formed s.c. tumours in vivo. Mutated p53 (143 Val-Ala) expression, on the other hand, inhibited tumour growth in 50% of cases and produced significantly slower growing non-metastatic tumours. Reduced tumour growth involved necrotic as well as apoptotic cell death. Inhibition of tumour growth was abrogated by the addition of Matrigel (15 mg ml(-1)). With UISO-MEL-6 cells, stably transfected with mutant p53, tumour growth was delayed and metastasis was inhibited. In soft agar colony formation assay, both wild-type and mutant p53 transfectants reduced anchorage-independent colony formation in vitro. These data suggest that mutated (143 Val-Ala) p53, which retains DNA binding and some of the transactivation functions of the wild-type p53 protein, suppresses tumorigenic and metastatic potentials of human melanoma cell lines in vivo.  相似文献   


Twenty cell lines from 17 individuals with malignant mesothelioma have been examined for p53 alterations by direct sequencing of genomic DNA, by evaluation of mRNA expression levels, and by immunocytochemical analysis of p53 protein expression in comparison with normal human pleural mesothelial cells. The results of this study show p53 abnormalities in cell lines from 3 individuals. These include 2 point mutations and one null cell line. Interestingly, while both cell lines with point mutations exhibit high levels of p53 protein, normal mesothelial cells as well as 12 of the mesotheliomas evaluated express low but significant levels. In addition, sequencing of K-ras at codons 12, 13, and 61 reveals wild-type sequence in all 20 mesothelioma cell lines. The capacity to induce tumors in athymic nude mice did not correlate with the presence of a p53 mutation or elevated p53 protein levels. These data suggest that neither p53 alteration nor K-ras activation constitutes a critical step in the development of human mesothelioma.  相似文献   

Mutational analysis of p73 and p53 in human cancer cell lines.   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
p73 is a candidate tumor suppressor gene with substantial DNA and protein homology to the p53 tumor suppressor gene. We have investigated two hypotheses: (a) p73 is mutated in diverse types of human cancer, and (b) p73 is functionally redundant with p53 in carcinogenesis so that mutations would be exclusive in these two genes. The entire coding region and intronic splice junctions of p73 were examined in 54 cancer cell lines. Three lung cancer cell lines contained mutations that affected the amino acid sequence. One amino acid substitution was in a region with homology to the specific DNA binding region of p53 and two microdeletions were outside the region of homology. Two of the cell lines with p73 mutations also carried p53 mutations. Although our results are inconsistent with the two hypotheses tested, p73 mutations may contribute infrequently to the molecular pathogenesis of human lung cancer.  相似文献   

Mutations in, and aberrant expression of, the p53 tumor suppressor gene were assessed in 17 cell lines derived from human malignant brain tumors (glioblastoma multiforme). Ex-ons 5 through 8 were screened by single strand conformational polymorphism analysis (SSCP), followed by direct DNA sequencing. Mutations were found in 6 of 17 glioma cell lines, i.e., at a frequency similar to that found in primary malignant gliomas. Loss of the wild type allele was observed in 4 of the mutated cell lines. Two cell lines had the same mutation (CGG → TGG; Arg → Trp) in codon 248. Five of 6 mutations were transitions, 4 of which occurred at CpG dinucleotides. In one cell line a 10-bp deletion at the intron 4/exon 5 junction was found. Five of 6 glioma cell lines contained a mutation identical to that in the respective primary tumor despite prolonged in vitro culture (140-221 passages). Thus, the acquisition of p53 mutations during culture appears to be infrequent. Two cell lines derived from heterozygous tumors maintained the wild type p53 allele during long term culture. p53 protein levels were assessed by immunofluorescence cytochemistry and immunoprecipitation followed by Western blot analysis and revealed elevated levels of the p53 protein, although to a variable extent, in all cell lines with p53 mutations. A marked p53 protein accumulation was also observed in two cell lines lacking p53 mutations in exons 5 through 8, indicating that a prolonged half life of the gene product is not solely dependent on an aberrant coding sequence. The remaining cell lines had either low levels or no detectable p53 protein; one of the latter contained a gross rearrangement of the p53 gene. Our results suggest that with respect to p53 gene status, glioma cell lines usually resemble the original tumors and may, therefore, be suitable for studying the biological changes associated with p53 mutations in glial tumors.  相似文献   

We have analyzed the ability of an adenoviral vector encoding the exon 1beta region of the p14(ARF) tumor suppressor (ARF) to suppress the growth and viability of an array of tumor cell lines of various origins and varying p53 and Rb status, in order to establish the clinical potential of ARF. An important activity of ARF is regulation of p53 stability and function through binding to the mdm2 protein. By sequestering mdm2, ARF may promote growth suppression through the Rb pathway as well because mdm2 can bind to Rb and attenuate its function. Whereas the high frequency of ARF gene deletion in human cancers, accounting for some 40% of cancers overall, suggests that ARF would be a strong candidate for therapeutic application, the possible dependence of ARF activity on p53 and Rb function presents a potential limitation to its application, as these functions are often impaired in cancer. We show here that a replication-defective adenovirus, Ad1beta, encoding the exon 1beta region of ARF is most effective in tumor cells expressing endogenous wild-type p53. Nevertheless, Ad1beta suppresses tumor cell growth and viability in vitro and in vivo, inducing G1 or G2 cell cycle arrest and cell death even in tumor cells lacking both functional Rb and p53 pathways, and independently of induction of the p53 downstream targets, p21, bax, and mdm2. These results point to an activity of ARF in human tumor cells that is independent of Rb or p53, and suggest that therapeutic applications based on ARF would have a broad clinical application in cancer.  相似文献   

In the present study, we analysed human choriocarcinoma cell lines for abnormalities in the tumour-suppressor gene p53 by Southern blotting, Northern blotting, non-radioisotopic single-stranded conformational polymorphism (SSCP) and complementary DNA sequencing. In all cell lines (Bewo, GCH-1, GCH-2, SCH, JAR, JEG-3, NUC-1 and HCCM-5), no p53 gene abnormality was detected by using Southern blotting. p53 mRNA of the expected size was detected in all cell lines tested by Northern blotting. SSCP analysis revealed abnormalities of p53 cDNA in the SCH cell line. Sequencing analysis of the entire coding region of the p53 gene revealed that both alleles were expressed in the JEG-3 cell line, and one of the alleles contained a point mutation (G to T) in codon 167 (Gln to His). In the NUC-1 cell line both alleles were point mutated. One allele had a point mutation (A to T) that resulted in a codon 17 change (Glu to Asp), and another had a point mutation (A to T) that caused a codon 24 change (Lys to Asn). In the SCH cell line, AGG was inserted between codon 249 and 250; this insertion resulted in an abnormal structure of the p53 protein. In three out of eight human choriocarcinoma cell lines, a p53 gene abnormality was detected. Therefore our data demonstrate that p53 gene abnormalities are associated with choriocarcinoma cell lines.  相似文献   

Mutations of the p53 gene in human myeloma cell lines.   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Mutations affecting the p53 gene have been found associated with many human malignancies, but little is as yet known about multiple myeloma. We investigated p53 gene alterations in 10 human myeloma cell lines (HMCL), half of these being dependent upon exogenous interleukin 6 (IL-6) for in vitro growth, similar to freshly explanted myeloma cells. Using a polymerase chain reaction-single-strand conformation polymorphism (PCR-SSCP) approach, eight of the 10 HMCL were found to bear a mutated p53 gene. All the mutations were single base substitutions with a predominance of G:C to A:T transitions. There was no apparent relation between the presence of a mutation and IL-6 requirement of the cell line. Interestingly, in two cell lines (XG-2 and XG-4) the SSCP pattern showed the presence of both the wild-type and the mutated allele and, upon reverse PCR on RNA, both alleles were found to be concomitantly expressed at the RNA level. Moreover, three freshly explanted tumor samples had the same p53 gene status (mutated versus wild type) as the HMCL that were derived from them. These results show that p53 mutations are frequent in HMCL. Although no apparent relation could be evidenced with the loss of exogenous IL-6 requirement, it may prove interesting to investigate further potential relations between the presence of a mutated p53 allele and gradual autonomy for cell growth.  相似文献   

New cell lines, designated 8305C and 8505C, were established from undifferentiated thyroid carcinomas of a 67 year-old-female patient and a 78-year-old-female patient, respectively. Pathologically both these primary undifferentiated carcinoma tissues contained residual well differentiated components, suggesting well differentiated to undifferentiated carcinoma progression. Cell kinetic analysis indicate that the cell population doubling time is 43 h for 8305C and 36 h for 8505C. The saturation density at confluency is 5.7 x 10(4) cells/cm2 for 8305C and 1.1 x 10(5) cells/cm2 for 8505C. To identify genetic changes that may have occurred in these two cell lines, tumor suppressor genes p53, Rb, APC and MCC were analyzed. Sequence analysis confirmed a C:G to T:A transition at the first base of p53 gene codon 273 in 8305C and a C:G to G:C transversion at the first base of p53 codon 248 in 8505C. Polymerase chain reaction-loss of heterozygosity assays confirmed allelic deletion of p53 gene from the 8505C cell line. Loss of heterozygosity of other tumor suppressor genes were not observed. Given that p53 mutations associate with undifferentiated carcinoma but not with well differentiated carcinoma during multistep carcinogenesis of the thyroid, these cell lines should prove useful for research into the role of p53 gene mutations in malignant transformation.  相似文献   

Nine human ovarian cancer cell lines that express wild-type (wt) or mutated (mut) p53 were used to evaluate the cytotoxicity induced by cisplatin (DDP). The concentrations inhibiting the growth by 50% (IC50) were calculated for each cell line, and no differences were found between cells expressing wt p53 and mut p53. Using, for each cell line, the DDP IC50, we found that these concentrations were able to induce an increase in p53 levels in all four wt-p53-expressing cell lines and in one out of five mut-p53-expressing cell lines. WAF1 and GADD45 mRNAs were also increased by DDP treatment, independently of the presence of a wt p53. Bax levels were only marginally affected by DDP, and this was observed in both wt-p53- and mut-p53-expressing cells. DDP-induced apoptosis was evident 72 h after treatment, and the percentage of cells undergoing apoptosis was slightly higher for wt-p53-expressing cells. However, at doses near the IC50, the percentage of apoptotic cells was less than 20% in all the cell lines investigated. We conclude that the presence of wt p53 is not a determinant for the cytotoxicity induced by DDP in human ovarian cancer cell lines.  相似文献   

In this study, we compared the kinetics of the postirradiation p53 protein expression for carbon ion beam (290 MeV/n, LET 75 keV/mu m) and proton beam (65 MeV) with that of (13)7Cs-gamma ray. We used two human lymphoblastoid cell lines derived from the same donor with different p53 status. Wild-type p53 protein increased after irradiation and it was dose-dependent. Meanwhile, the mutated p53 protein level did not show any increase with irradiation. With the three forms of radiation, there was no significant difference as regards the p53 protein kinetics.  相似文献   

We examined the relationship between p53 levels before and after irradiation, radiation-induced cell cycle delays, apoptotic cell death and radiosensitivity in a panel of eight human tumour cell lines. The cell lines differed widely in their clonogenic survival after radiation, (surviving fraction at 2 Gy: SF2=0.18-0.82). Constitutive p53 protein levels varied from 2.2 +/- 0.4 to 6.3 +/- 0.3 optical density units (OD) per 10(6) cells. p53 after irradiation (6 Gy) also varied between the cell lines, ranging from no induction to a 1.6-fold increase in p53 levels 4 h after treatment. p53 function was also assessed by G1 cell cycle arrest after irradiation. The cellular response to radiation, measured as G0/G1 arrest, and the induction of apoptosis were in good agreement. However, a trace amount of DNA ladder formation was found in two cell lines lacking G1 arrest. Overall cellular radiosensitivity correlated well with the level of radiation-induced G1 arrest (correlation coefficient r=0.856; P=0.0067), with p53 constitutive levels (r=0.874, P=0.0046), and with p53 protein fold induction (r=-0.882, P=0.0038). Our data suggest that (1) the constitutive p53 level, (2) G1 arrest after irradiation, or (3) the p53 protein response to radiation may be good predictive tests for radiosensitivity in some cell types.  相似文献   

Two unique human signet ring cell gastric carcinoma cell lines (designated HSC-39 and HSC-40A) were established in vitro from the ascites of a 54-year-old male patient. Both cell lines were biologically quite similar, grew in vitro in suspension with a population doubling time of 28-30 h, and had cytological features of mucinous epithelial tumor cells. They formed colonies in soft agar, with a cloning efficiency of 0.8-1.0%. Ultrastructurally, numerous granules were observed in the cytoplasm, suggesting secretory activity. The frequent presence of desmosome and the tight junction at the cell boundary certifies the epithelial origin of the lines. Immunocytochemistry and radioimmunoassay showed production of tumor marker antigens (carcinoembryonic antigen, CA 19-9, and sialyl-Lex-i) and gastrin in both lines. These lines were transplantable in athymic BALB/c nude mice. The histopathology of each line growing in athymic BALB/c nude mice was similar to that of the original tumor. The karyotype of the cells was highly aberrant with structural and numerical changes. The presence of numerous double minute chromosomes and loss of the 13 chromosome and Y-chromosome characterize these lines. In addition, the amplified c-myc oncogene (16-32-fold) was found in both cell lines and original ascitic tumor cells. Overexpression of the c-myc mRNA was noted. These cell lines may be a useful tool, providing both in vivo and in vitro systems for further studies of the biology and therapy of human signet ring cell (or Borrmann's type IV carcinoma) gastric carcinoma.  相似文献   

The cytotoxic ligand TRAIL is a promising anti-cancer agent that is entering into clinical trials. We previously identified a major subgroup of TRAIL resistant cancer cell lines with absent, or reduced DR4 expression containing a K441R polymorphism or harboring elevated levels of the caspase activation inhibitor FLIP. In the present study, we explored the use of a gene therapeutic approach utilizing p53, delivered by an adenovirus-p53 (Ad-p53) vector, which directly controls expression of the TRAIL receptor KILLER/DR5 in a panel of 8 cell lines including normal and TRAIL sensitive or resistant cancers. The functional status of the delivered p53 was monitored by detection of induced p21WAF1 expression by immunocytochemistry. In normal cells, which are TRAIL resistant, TRAIL did not reduce cell viability over and above the effect of Ad-p53 alone. All cancer cell lines were sensitive to Ad-p53 and up-regulated expression of the TRAIL receptor KILLER/DR5. TRAIL-resistant cancer cells became more sensitive to TRAIL at low Ad-p53 multiplicities of infection but TRAIL resistance was not completely overcome in one TRAIL-resistant cell line probably because of a high level of expression of FLIP. The results reveal that Ad-p53 induces the TRAIL receptor KILLER/DR5 and, like radiation or chemotherapy may effectively reverse TRAIL resistance.  相似文献   

AIM: p53 is the most frequently altered gene in human cancer. It was expected to be the principle marker for chemo/radiosensitivity, resistance, tumor recurrence and ultimate survival, but is no longer considered a universal prognostic factor. Different alterations in the p53 gene have led to conflicting results depending on cell/tissue specificities and on radiation and drug specificities. METHODS: We evaluated the properties of isogenic and isophenotypic cell lines from the K1 papillary thyroid carcinoma in which p53 function was disrupted either by mutation (expression of dominant-negative p53, 143(ala)) or by inactivation (expression of human papilloma virus protein HPV16 E6). Their proliferation, their propensity to trigger apoptosis and their survival were analyzed after treatment with cisplatin (CDDP). RESULTS: Only K1 lines with wild-type p53 had significantly accumulated apoptotic bodies 72 h after treatment. Despite their incapacity to trigger apoptosis in response to CDDP treatment, the survival of K1 cell lines in which p53 expression was altered was not significantly different from the survival of K1 cell lines expressing wild-type p53. In addition, the order of magnitude of resistance of K1 cells in which p53 was mutated was similar to that in which p53 was totally inactivated, although the pathways involved may be different. CONCLUSIONS: These results show that the means by which p53 expression is disrupted and the consequence on downstream pathways regulated by p53 deserve to be considered in order to elucidate some apparently conflicting responses of this gene.  相似文献   

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