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The extracellular matrix component, s-laminin, is a homologue of the B1 subunit of laminin. S-laminin is concentrated in the synaptic cleft at the neuromuscular junction and contains a site that is adhesive for motor neurons, suggesting that it may influence neuromuscular development. To ascertain whether s-laminin may also play roles in the genesis of the central nervous system, we have examined its expression in the brain and spinal cord of embryonic and postnatal rats. S-laminin was not detectable in synapse-rich areas of adults. However, s-laminin was present in discrete subsets of three laminin-containing structures: (1) In the developing cerebral cortex, laminin and s-laminin were expressed in the subplate, a transient layer through which neuroblasts migrate and cortical afferents grow. Both laminin and s-laminin disappeared as embryogenesis proceeded; however, laminin was more widely distributed and present longer than s-laminin. (2) In the developing spinal cord, laminin was present throughout the pia. In contrast, s-laminin was concentrated in the pia that overlies the floor plate, a region in which extracellular cues have been postulated to guide growing axons. (3) In central capillaries, s-laminin appeared perinatally, an interval during which the blood-brain barrier matures. In contrast, laminin was present in capillary walls of both embryos and adults. To extend our immunohistochemical results, we used biochemical methods to characterize s-laminin in brain. We found that authentic s-laminin mRNA is present in the embryonic brain, but that brain-derived s-laminin differs (perhaps by a posttranslational modification) from that derived from nonneural tissues. We also used tissue culture methods to show that glia are capable of synthesizing "brain-like" s-laminin, and of assembling it into an extracellular matrix. Thus, glia may be one cellular source of s-laminin in brain. Together, these results demonstrate that s-laminin is present in the developing central nervous system, and raise the possibility that this molecule may influence developmental processes.  相似文献   

Axon regeneration in the CNS is largely unsuccessful due to excess inhibitory extrinsic factors within lesion sites together with an intrinsic inability of neurons to regrow following injury. Recent work demonstrates that forced expression of certain neuronal transmembrane receptors can recapitulate neuronal growth resulting in successful growth within and through inhibitory lesion environments. More specifically, neuronal expression of integrin receptors such as alpha9beta1 integrin which binds the extracellular matrix glycoprotein tenascin-C, trk receptors such as trk B which binds the neurotrophic factor BDNF, and receptor PTPσ which binds chondroitin sulphate proteoglycans, have all been show to significantly enhance regeneration of injured axons. We discuss how reintroduction of these receptors in damaged neurons facilitates signalling from the internal environment of the cell with the external environment of the lesion milieu, effectively resulting in growth and repair following injury. In summary, we suggest an appropriate balance of intrinsic and extrinsic factors are required to obtain substantial axon regeneration.  相似文献   

Kainic acid-induced limbic seizures enhance expression of tenascin-C (TN) in the hippocampus of adult rats. TN mRNA was detectable by in situ hybridization in many granule cells in the dentate gyrus 4.5 hr after kainic acid injection but not in saline-injected animals (controls) or in animals killed 2 or 24 hr after injection. Thirty days after kainic acid injection, TN mRNA was detectable only in pyramidal cells of CA3 and CA1. At the protein level, TN was detectable by immunocytochemistry in control animals in the strata oriens and lacunosum moleculare of CA1, in the molecular layer, and within a narrow area at the inner surface of the granule cell layer in the dentate gyrus. Twenty-four hours after kainic acid injection, TN immunoreactivity was enhanced in these areas and throughout the granule cell layer. Thirty days after kainic acid injection, TN immunoreactivity was downregulated in these areas, while it was prominent in the stratum oriens and in clusters of immunoreactivity in the stratum lucidum of CA3. Western blot analysis of the hippocampus showed a peak of TN expression 24 hr after kainic acid injection. These observations show that TN expression is upregulated in predominantly neuronal cells already by 4.5 hr after kainic acid injection, coincident with activation of granule cells and sprouting of axon terminals, whereas the remaining TN expression 30 days after injection relates to pyramidal cells in CA1 and CA3, coincident with an astroglial response, as marked by a strong expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Many chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs) have been shown to influence CNS axon growth in vitro and in vivo. These interactions can be mediated through the core protein or through the chondroitin sulfate (CS) glycosaminoglycan (GAG) side chains. We have shown previously that degrading CS GAG side chains using chondroitinase ABC enhances dopaminergic nigrostriatal axon regeneration in vivo. We test the hypothesis that interfering with complete CSPGs also limit axon growth in vivo. Neurocan, versican, aggrecan, and brevican CSPGs may be anchored within extracellular matrix through binding to hyaluronan glycosaminoglycan. We examine whether degradation of hyaluronan using hyaluronidase might release these inhibitory CSPGs from the extracellular matrix and thereby enhance regeneration of cut nigrostriatal axons. Anesthetized adult rats were given knife cut lesions of the right hemisphere nigrostriatal tract and cannulae were secured transcranially thereby allowing repeated perilesional infusion of saline or saline containing hyaluronidase once daily for 10 days post-axotomy. Eleven days post-transection brains from animals under terminal anesthesia were recovered for histological evaluation. Effective delivery of substance was inferred from the observed reduction in perilesional immunoreactivity for neurocan and versican after treatment with hyaluronidase (relative to saline). Immunolabeling using antibodies against tyrosine hydroxylase was used to examine the response of cut dopaminergic nigral neurons. After transection and treatment with saline, dopaminergic nigral neurons sprouted in a region lacking astrocytes, neurocan and versican. Axons did not regenerate into the lesion surround that contained astrocytes and abundant neurocan and versican. After transection and treatment with hyaluronidase, there was a significant increase in the number of cut dopaminergic nigral axons growing up to 800 microm anterior to the site of transection. However, cut dopaminergic nigral axons still did not regenerate into the lesion surround that contained reduced (albeit residual) neurocan and versican immunoreactivity. Thus, partial degradation of hyaluronan and chondroitin sulfate and depletion of hyaluronan-binding CSPGs enhances local sprouting of cut CNS axons, but long-distance regeneration fails in regions containing residual hyaluronan-binding CSPGs. Hyaluronan, chondroitin sulfate and hyaluronan-binding CSPGs therefore likely contribute toward the failure of spontaneous axon regeneration in the injured adult mammalian brain and spinal cord.  相似文献   

目的观察大鼠脑挫伤后Nogo-AmRNA在神经组织表达量的变化。方法取35只SD大鼠,随机分为7组,每组各5只。1组设为正常对照组,其余6组分别在脑挫伤(自由落体打击脑损伤)后12、24h及3、9、15、21d处死,取脑组织提取RNA,采用半定量RT-PCR法,检测正常及各损伤组Nogo-AmRNA的相对水平。结果脑组织中Nogo-AmRNA表达量在损伤后12h开始出现明显升高(0.1373±0.0009),24h表达稍有下降(0.1067±0.0008),3d后再次上升(0.1220±0.0010),至第9天达到高峰(0.1762±0.0007)并维持于较高水平,至伤后15d(0.1397±0.0005)缓慢下降,伤后21d(0.0129±0.0002)恢复至伤前水平。结论中枢神经损伤后,Nogo-A在抑制神经再生过程中可能发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

成年哺乳动物中枢神经系统损伤后修复十分困难,常导致严重的持续性神经功能障碍,因此中枢神经系统损伤修复的研究成为当今热点。最新研究证明,中枢神经系统神经元轴突冉生障碍不是因为其内在的再牛能力不足,而是与受伤神经元所处的状态及生长环境有关。调节损伤神经元轴突再生至少应该包括如下步骤:维持神经元存活并处于一种生长状态,防止胶质瘢痕形成,清除存在于髓鞘碎片间的神经再生阻滞因子及指引轴突再生方向。本文对近年来有关成年哺乳动物中枢神经系统神经元轴突再生及其调节的研究成果进行综述。  相似文献   

Axons of a cut peripheral nerve will grow across a gap (less than or equal to 10 mm in adult rodents) formed when the proximal and distal stumps are placed at opposite ends of an impermeable, inert tube, but will not grow to the end of a blind-ended tube in the absence of the distal stump [Williams et al, 1984]. Work reported here demonstrates that cultured peripheral nervous system (PNS) cells suspended in a collagen matrix will provide an effective milieu that directs and supports axonal regeneration from a severed nerve into a blind-ended tube in the absence of a distal stump. Adult mouse sciatic nerves were cut and the proximal stumps were inserted into close-ended tubes that contained either a collagen matrix containing dissociated cells from embryonic mouse dorsal root ganglia (DRG), a collagen matrix saturated with medium conditioned by cultured DRG cells, or a collagen matrix saturated with fresh medium. In all three cases cellular cables formed that ran the full length of the tubes, but myelinated and unmyelinated axons regenerated the length of the tubes only when cultured cells had been added. The critical factor in influencing axonal regeneration through the length of the tubes was the presence of cultured cells, since collagen alone or collagen saturated with conditioned medium did not support axonal regrowth even though cells had migrated into the chambers from the proximal stumps in all cases. Ordered structure was not a requisite for axonal growth, since the cultures consisted of random arrays of dissociated cells.  相似文献   

Cell surface receptors for extracellular matrix components have recently been characterized as integral membrane complexes with common features in their structural and functional properties. We have investigated the expression of the mammalian fibronectin receptor in the mouse nervous system using immunocytological and immunochemical methods. The fibronectin receptor was detectable on immature oligodendrocytes and immature and mature astrocytes in culture, while central nervous system neurons did not reveal detectable levels of fibronectin receptor at the developmental stages studied. In the peripheral nervous system both glia and neurons were found to express the fibronectin receptor. The receptor complex in both peripheral and central nervous system has an apparent molecular weight of approximately 140 kD under reducing conditions and resolves into two or three distinct protein bands under nonreducing conditions. The fibronectin receptor expresses the L2/HNK-1 epitope that is characteristic of several adhesion molecules, including L1, N-CAM, the myelin-associated glycoprotein, and J1 and thus is another member of the L2/HNK-1 family of adhesion molecules. The L2/HNK-1 carbohydrate epitope is expressed differently and independently of the fibronectin receptor protein backbone in that it is detectable in neonatal brain but not in adult brain. Our observations attribute a functional role to the fibronectin receptor and its L2/HNK-1 carbohydrate epitope during development and maintenance of cell interactions in the central and peripheral nervous systems.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Nogo protein has been identified as an inhibitor of axonal growth, which was highly expressed in central nervous system; however, there are only a few studies on changes of Nogo-A expression following central nervous system injury. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the dynamic expression of Nogo-A mRNA after rat central nervous system injury. DESIGN: Randomized controlled animal study. MATERIALS: Thirty-five rats were randomly divided into two groups, normal animal group (n = 5) and model group (n = 30). The model group was then divided into six subgroups at six time points: 12, 24 hours and 3, 9, 15, and 21 days post-injury, with five rats in each subgroup. METHODS: The left parietal lobe of rats was contused by free-fall strike, and total RNA was extracted from the entire brain tissue. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR was used to detect Nogo-A mRNA expression, and the ratio between expression of the target gene and glyceraldehyde phosphate dehydrogenase was used to determine the relative expression level. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: To determine whether Nogo-A mRNA expression was higher than usual following brain injury. RESULTS: The level of Nogo-A mRNA started to increase 12 hours after injury (P 〈 0.05) and decreased slightly by 24 hours post-injury. Expression increased again on day 3 and reached a peak on day 9. Nogo-A mRNA expression started to decrease on day 15, and then decreased to normal levels at days 21 (P 〉 0.05). CONCLUSION: After injury of the central nervous system, Nogo-A may play a pivotal role in obstructing regeneration of the nerve.  相似文献   

Tenascin-R is expressed by Schwann cells in the peripheral nervous system   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The extracellular matrix glycoprotein tenascin-R (TN-R) has been implicated in a variety of cell-matrix interactions involved in the molecular control of axon guidance and neural cell migration during development and regeneration of the central nervous system (CNS). Whereas TN-R is amply expressed in the early postnatal and adult mammalian CNS, the protein has so far not been detected in different compartments of the peripheral nervous system (PNS). Here we provide first evidence that TN-R (predominantly TN-R 160 isoform) is transiently expressed in the sciatic nerve of late embryonic (E14-18) and neonatal mice, while at later developmental stages, both protein and mRNA are downregulated. In vitro, TN-R protein was found to be expressed by both undifferentiated and neuronally differentiated PC12 cells and by L1-positive Schwann cells (SC), but not by other neural and non-neural cell types in cell cultures derived from embryonic (E17/18) hindlimbs and neonatal sciatic nerves. In the developing PNS, TN-R expression correlated with axon growth and SC migration during the period of skeletal muscle innervation. Based on different in vitro approaches, we found that the substrate-bound glycoprotein selectively inhibits the fibronectin-dependent: (1) neurite outgrowth from dorsal root ganglion neurons (strongly expressing alpha5beta1 integrin and the disialoganglioside GD3) by a ganglioside-sensitive signaling mechanism; and (2) migration of primary myoblasts and other non-neuronal cells in a ganglioside-independent manner. Our findings suggest the functional role of TN-R in PNS pattern formation during distinct stages of axon pathfinding and skeletal muscle innervation.  相似文献   

We have examined the expression and distribution of the extracellular matrix molecule tenascin-C in and around lesions of the thoracic dorsal columns in adult rats 3 days to 8 weeks after injury, using in situ hybridization, immunofluorescence, electron microscopy and immunoelectron microscopy. Numerous tenascin-C mRNA+ cells were present in and around the lesion at 3 days; fewer were present at 14 days and almost none 30 days after injury. Most tenascin-C mRNA+ cells in the spinal cord around the lesion were GFAP+, but most of those within the lesion were not, suggesting that tenascin-C is produced in the injured spinal cord by a subpopulation of astrocytes and by other cells that invade the lesion; these cells may include meningeal cells, macrophages, and Schwann cells. From 3 to 30 days after injury, heavy tenascin-C immunoreactivity was present at the lesion site (especially transections), and there was lighter immunoreactivity around the lesion and in the degenerating dorsal column. The heaviest immunoreactivity was associated with collagen fibrils in areas of expanded extracellular space and with basal laminae (covering Schwann cells and some astrocytes) but tenascin-C was also found close to the surfaces of some OX-42+ macrophages/microglia, leptomeningeal cells, and capillaries. Neurofilament (NF)+ axons grew into the highly tenascin-C-immunoreactive lesion sites, indicating that tenascin-C does not prevent axonal growth into these areas. However, such axons were not coated with tenascin-C except where directly exposed to the extracellular space. J. Neurosci. Res. 49:433–450, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

成年哺乳动物中枢神经系统损伤后神经元轴突再生的调节   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
成年哺乳动物中枢神经系统损伤后修复十分困难,常导致严重的持续性神经功能障碍,因此中枢神经系统损伤修复的研究成为当今热点.最新研究证明,中枢神经系统神经元轴突再生障碍不是因为其内在的再生能力不足,而是与受伤神经元所处的状态及生长环境有关.调节损伤神经元轴突再生至少应该包括如下步骤:维持神经元存活并处于一种生长状态,防止胶质瘢痕形成,清除存在于髓鞘碎片间的神经再生阻滞因予及指引轴突再生方向.本文对近年来有关成年哺乳动物中枢神经系统神经元轴突再生及其调节的研究成果进行综述.  相似文献   

Tenascin-C is a developmentally regulated extracellular matrix component. There is evidence that it may be involved in axon growth and regeneration in peripheral nerves. We have used in situ hybridization and immunocytochemistry to investigate the association of tenascin-C with central nervous system axons regenerating through a peripheral nerve autograft inserted into the thalamus of adult rats. Between 3 days and 4 weeks after implantation, tenascin-C immunoreactivity was increased in the grafts, first at the graft/brain interface, then in the endoneurium of the graft, and finally within the Schwann cell columns of the graft. By electron microscopy, reaction product was present around collagen fibrils and basal laminae in the endoneurium, but the heaviest deposits were found at the surface of regenerating thalamic axons within Schwann cell columns. Schwann cell surfaces were not associated with tenascin-C reaction product except where they faced the tenascin-rich basal lamina or were immediately opposite axons surrounded by tenascin-C. By 8 weeks after graft implantation tenascin-C in the endoneurium and around axons of the graft was decreased. In the brain parenchyma aroundthe proximal part of the graft, axonal sprouts associated with tenascin-C could not be identified earlier than 2 weeks after grafting and were sparse at this stage. Larger numbers of such axons were present at 8–13 weeks after grafting and were located predominantly where the glia limitans between brain and graft appeared to be incomplete, suggesting that the tenascin-C may have penetrated the brain parenchyma from the graft. By in situ hybridization, cells expressing tenascin-C mRNA (probably Schwann cells) appeared first at the brain/graft interface 3 days after grafting and thereafter were mainly located within the grafts. Lightly labelled cells containing tenascin-C mRNA (probably glial cells) were scattered in the thalamic parenchyma both ipsilateral and contralateral to the graft and a few heavily labelled cells were located very close to the tip of the graft. These results show that regenerating adult thalamic axons, unlike regenerating peripheral axons, become intimately associated with peripheral nerve graft-derived tenascin-C, suggesting that they express a tenascin-C receptor, as many neurons do during development, and that tenascin-C derived from Schwann cells may play a role in the regenerative growth of such axons through the grafts. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We have used [3H]proline radioautography to trace regenerating optic fibers in the goldfish following: (1) the removal of the right tectal lobe and the right eye, and (2) the removal of both tectal lobes. Our results indicate that following the removal of the right tectal lobe and the right eye, both the denervated tectal efferent pathways, and the denervated visual pathways and terminal zones of the enucleated eye were penetrated by the regenerating optic fibers. In addition, following bilateral lobectomy, the denervated tectal efferent pathways were bilaterally penetrated by the regenerating fibers. Since, in both types of operations, these denervated pathways and terminal zones should undergo degeneration, our results support the suggestion that the presence of degenerating axonal debris and proliferating glia may play an important role in guiding regenerating optic fibers in the visual system of the goldfish.  相似文献   

The ectoderm gives rise not only to the skin but also to the entire CNS. This common embryonic lineage suggests that some molecular isoforms might serve analogous functions in both tissues. Indeed, not only are laminins important components of dermal adhesion mechanisms, but they also regulate some aspects of synaptic development in both the CNS and the PNS. In the skin, laminins are part of a hemidesmosome complex essential for basal keratinocyte adhesion that includes collagen XVII (BP180) and BPAG1 (dystonin/BP230). Here, we show that CNS neurons also express collagen XVII and BPAG1 and that these molecules are expressed in the adult and developing retina. In the retina, isoforms of collagen XVII and BPAG1 are colocalized with laminins at photoreceptor synapses and around photoreceptor outer segments; both molecules are expressed by rods, whereas cones express collagen XVII but not BPAG1. Moreover, biochemical data demonstrate that collagen XVII complexes with retinal laminins. We propose that collagen XVII and BPAG1 isoforms may help to anchor elements of the rod photoreceptor cytomatrix to the extracellular matrix.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies against human NGF receptor have been used for immunocytochemical localization of NGF receptors in the CNS of macaques and baboons at various stages of development. In the adult, neurons in most brain regions are devoid of detectable NGF receptors. However, abundant NGF receptor immunoreactivity is present on a population of neurons in basal forebrain, which, on the basis of appearance and pattern of distribution, probably correspond, at least in part, to magnocellular cholinergic neurons of this region. NGF receptors were also associated with the vasculature in most brain regions. NGF receptor immunoreactivity is present on Mueller glia of neural retina. In macaque fetuses, approximately 1 month prenatally, retinal Mueller glia possess lower levels of receptor, while higher levels of receptor are present in the retinal nerve fiber layer. In fetal cerebellum, abundant receptor immunoreactivity is present on Purkinje cells, granule cells of the premigratory zone of the external granule layer, and neurons of the deep nuclei. Immunoreactivity decreases with subsequent development and is absent in the adult. In cerebellum, levels of NGF receptor assayed by affinity crosslinking to radioiodinated NGF, and levels of NGF receptor mRNA assayed by Northern blot analysis decrease dramatically during the last month of fetal life.  相似文献   

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